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these sectional issues, in the hands of these parties, carry our Government to certain destruction. In other words, we think the Union will be dissolved. We are sorry to say it, and sorry that we have been brought to believe it; but we are unable to resist the evidence driving us to this melancholy conclusion!

Knoxville Whig, July, 1861.

The North and the South.

With all our progressive developments in the South, -and we hail them all with pleasure,-still we are, ex necessitate rei, largely dependent upon the mind and labor of the North. If this dependence be a sin, as Southern fire-eaters contend it is, how deeply we are ali involved in transgression! The very knives and combs in our pockets, the hats upon our heads, the shoes upon our feet, the clothes upon our backs, the razors with which we shave, the cologne with which we perfume our hair, to say nothing of the furniture of our parlors, the ware upon our tables, the implements of husbandry in our fields, the coffins in which we are buried, the spades with which our graves are dug,—all come from the North, and will rise up and condemn us. When we have erected manufacturing establishments, and applauded them as Southern enterprises, the truth still stares us all in the face that they have nevertheless been inaugurated by Northern genius, supplied by Northern machinery, and worked by Northern men.

The very

types on which the South is dependent for the issue of her scores of newspapers and periodicals, as well as our printing-presses and ink, to black these types, come from the North! While, therefore, we consent to share the shame of this our humiliating dependency, let us be a little more slow to censure harshly the noble enterprise of our neighbors beyond the Potomac, and equally so to anathematize our Southern neighbors who deal with them, until we provide at home the necessaries of both life and death.

When South Carolina goes out of the Union, and a few other "Cotton States" follow her iniquitous example, where will they get shoes and coarse clothes for their negroes? Where will they get types and presses to print their fire-eating journals and doctrines? The truth is, we are acting the fool at the South, and the Abolitionists are playing the same game at the North. We can't do without their productions, and they can't do without our rice, sugar, and cotton. Had we not, then, better "live and let live"?

Knoxville Whig, Nov. 10, 1861.

Multum in Parvo.

"CAMDEN, ARK., June 30, 1860. "W. G. BROWNLOW :-I have learned with pleasure, upon what I consider reliable authority, that you have made up your mind to join the Democratic party, and in future to act with us for the benefit of the country.

When will you come out and announce it? It will have a good effect in the present election, if you will make it known over your own signature. Hoping to hear from you, I am, very truly,


KNOXVILLE, August 6, 1860.

MR. JORDAN CLARK:-I have your letter of the 30th ult., and hasten to let you know the precise time when I expect to come out and formally announce that I have joined the Democratic party. When the sun shines at midnight and the moon at mid-day; when man forgets to be selfish, or Democrats lose their inclination to steal; when nature stops her onward march to rest, or all the water-courses in America flow up stream; when flowers lose their odor, nd trees shed no leaves; when birds talk, and beasts of burden laugh; when damned spirits swap hell for heaven with the angels of light, and pay them the boot in mean whiskey; when impossibilities are in fashion, and no proposition is too absurd to be believed,—you may credit the report that I have joined the Democrats!

I join the Democrats! Never, so long as there are sects in churches, weeds in gardens, fleas in hog-pens, dirt in victuals, disputes in families, wars with nations, water in the ocean, bad men in America, or base women in France! No, Jordan Clark, you may hope, you may congratulate, you may reason, you may sneer, but that cannot be. The thrones of the Old World, the courts

of the universe, the governments of the world, may all fall and crumble into ruin,—the New World may commit the national suicide of dissolving this Union,-but all this, and more, must occur before I join the Democracy!

I join the Democracy! Jordan Clark, you know not what you say. When I join Democracy, the Pope of Rome will join the Methodist Church. When Jordan Clark, of Arkansas, is President of the Republic of Great Britain by the universal suffrage of a contented people; when Queen Victoria consents to be divorced from Prince Albert by a county court in Kansas; when Congress obliges, by law, James Buchanan to marry a European princess; when the Pope leases the Capitol at Washington for his city residence; when Alexander of Russia and Napoleon of France are elected Senators in Congress from New Mexico; when good men cease to go to heaven, or bad men to hell; when this world is turned upside down; when proof is afforded, both clear and unquestionable, that there is no God; when men turn to ants, and ants to elephants,-I will change my political faith and come out on the side of Democracy!

Supposing that this full and frank letter will enable you to fix upon the period when I will come out a fullgrown Democrat, and to communicate the same to all whom it may concern in Arkansas,

I have the honor to be, &c.,




A South Carolina Correspondent.

WE have received the following epistle from a dignitary in South Carolina, which we think is worth laying before the public, and with it we give our reply:


"UNIONVILLE, S.C., Oct. 4, 1860.

"SIR-I have been taking your paper some time, believing you to be honest in your views. But your remarks to Yancey convince me fully you are a traitor to the South and to your country. As to what you say of the Secessionists, that is true. I expect to find you and your followers in the ranks of the Abolitionists, and if so, so help me God, I will kill you the first man. If it should be that we ever meet on the soil of South Carolina, I expect to be one of the number that will give you thirty-nine lashes on your bare back, and

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