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Population Association of America, 1960 Census Committee.--In July 1956, the Population Association of America established a committee of six members to consider the technical aspects of the 1960 population census program. The Committee provided advice and recommendations both formally through a number of task forces it established to consider certain subjects--e.g., migration, fertility and nuptiality, journey to work--and informally by making available subject-matter experts for consultation with Bureau staff members. The efforts of this Committee, which continued over virtually the entire census period, until May 1962, emphasized the definition of concepts and the development of detailed tabulation and publication plans. The work of the Committee was financed by a grant from the Population Council, Inc.

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Population Association of America, Committee on Population Statistics.--This committee was constituted in 1962 as a successor to the 1960 Census Committee, to have a broader scope. A Subcommittee on the Evaluation of the 1960 Census held its first meeting January 4, 1963, in Washington.

Ronald Freedman, Chairman

Donald J. Bogue

Robert G. Burnight

Ansley J. Coale

List of Members

Jack P. Gibbs

Everett S. Lee
George Stolnitz

Panel of Statistical Consultants.--The Panel of Statistical Consultants, a small group consisting of recognized mathematical statisticians, was constituted in January 1955 to advise the Bureau on statistical problems. It gave most of its attention to sampling and estimation aspects of the census procedures. It met 2 days at a time as necessary, from one to three times a year.

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A great many ad hoc groups and special meetings were convened to consider special phases of the censuses. They ranged from formal conferences to informal meetings of Bureau staff with representatives of another agency or agencies. Among the larger meetings was the National Conference on Housing Census, February 1956, which was jointly sponsored by the American Municipal Association, the American Society of Planning Officials, and the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, and which was attended by representatives of 18 private organizations and 12 Federal agencies. In November 1955 and November 1957, members of the staff of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics of Canada and the Bureau of the Census met as a Committee for Joint Study of Selected Census Problems Common to the United States and Canada. In 1957, several meetings were held of a joint committee of the Housing and Home Finance Agency and the Bureau of the Census to consider plans for the 1960 Census of Housing. In February 1959, there was a Conference on Evaluation of the 1960 Censuses which was an augmentation of the Panel of Statistical Consultants. In November 1959, there was a meeting of a Special Advisory Committee on Congressional District Data which devoted considerable attention to plans for the Eighteenth Decennial Census.


The Eighteenth Decennial Census involved the work of more than 170,000 persons engaged in thousands of different activities. The work was planned, developed, integrated, and supervised by a relatively small number who had the major responsibility for the various operations.

This list is a directory of the key personnel of the Bureau who carried major responsibility during the census period and who can furnish information on their respective spheres of activities. Taken together, the persons listed here should be able to reconstruct all phases of the work on the 1960 Census of Population and Housing.

The names of the members of the advisory committees whose knowledge and advice on taking the Eighteenth Decennial Census were made available to the Bureau are given in appendix C, "Principal Conferences and Meetings on the 1960 Census Program."

The presentation in the list below is by organizational unit. Where personnel changed during the operation, the dates of their service (during the census period) are included. Some persons who transferred from one part of the organization to another are listed more than once. A description of the organization of the Bureau and the functions of the various divisions and offices of the Bureau which were concerned with the 1960 census program is given in chapter 1.

It is usually possible to obtain a very general idea of a particular person's principal functions in the work on the 1960 censuses from the information given in the list, i.e., the organizational unit in which he worked, his job title, and, if he was not in the position during the entire census period, the date he entered or left the position. However, in a great many cases, groups of persons from different offices or divisions worked together as a team on a particular phase of the work, and in a great many other cases the division of labor for a particular project was made on the basis of the availability of personnel, time, and specialized knowledge rather than on the basis of the formal organization of the Bureau. Most of the people listed below were involved in many other census activities besides those indicated by their positions in the organization and their titles.


Richard M. Scammon, Director from May 1961

Robert W. Burgess, Director to Mar. 1961

Paul R. Squires, Special Assistant, Jan. 1959-Aug. 1960
Patrick R. Eckman, Consultant, Nov. 1959-Apr. 1960

A Ross Eckler, Deputy Director

Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director for Demographic Fields
Herman P. Miller, Special Assistant from Jan. 1960
Glen S. Taylor, Special Assistant, Aug. 1961-Feb. 1962
Lowell T. Galt, Special Assistant, Oct. 1960-Aug. 1961
Robert F. Drury, Special Assistant, Nov. 1957-July 1958
Jack B. Robertson, Special Assistant, deceased Nov. 1957

Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Research and Development
Joseph F. Daly, Chief Mathematical Statistician

Harold T. Goldstein, Industrial Classification Coordinator

James L. McPherson, Machine Development Officer

Harold Nisselson, Mathematical Statistician for Special Research Studies, to Mar. 1963
Loring Wood, Special Adviser on Response Research, deceased Sept. 1961

Charles B. Lawrence, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations from Dec. 1960

C. F. Van Aken, Special Assistant from Sept. 1961

Lowell T. Galt, Assistant Director for Operations to Aug. 1960

Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration

J. R. Sungenis, Special Assistant from Nov. 1961

Thomas F. Corcoran, Special Assistant for Administration and Emergency Planning Officer
M. Douglas Fahey, Special Assistant, Aug. 1960- Dec. 1961

Calvert L. Dedrick, Chief, International Statistical Programs Office

John Baker, Public Information Officer from Feb. 1963

A. W. von Struve, Public Information Officer, deceased Nov. 1962


Everett H. Burke, Chief

Robert Makoff, Special Assistant from Nov. 1961

Administrative Office

Donald E. Kahler, Administrative Officer

Graphics Branch

Robert H. Brooks, Chief

John F. Lanham, Assistant Chief

Planning and Control Section

Charles E. Slaugh, Chief

Viola Lee Rydberg, Printing and Publications Specialist

Copy Preparation Section

Gladys T. Ulrich, Chief

Microfilm Laboratory Section

Lorena M. Grim, Chief

Library Branch

Louise H. Clickner, Chief

Dorothy W. Kaufman, Assistant Chief

Office Services Branch

Donald J. Seidenspinner, Chief

Francis T. Coradetti, Assistant Chief

Property Records Section

Daniel J. Cunningham, Chief from July 1960

Communications Section

Clifton E. Addicks, Chief from Feb. 1962

George W. Dickens, Chief to Jan. 1962

Travel and Miscellaneous Services Section

Ethel B. Trunnell, Chief

Personal Property Management Branch

Robert C. Long, Chief

Robert J. Shea, Assistant Chief from June 1959

Sidney Landsman, General Supply Officer from June 1960

Equipment and Supply Section

Russell H. Coder, Chief

Real Property Management Branch

Warren L. Schriver, Chief

Robert E. Wright, Assistant Chief

Records Management Branch

Raymond J. Koski, Chief from July 1962
Morris M. Ramsburg, Chief to Mar. 1962

Records Systems and Disposition Management Section

Merrill A. Haskell, Chief from Sept. 1962; Management Analyst to Sept. 1962
Margery C. Flood, Chief to Mar. 1962

Charles E. Brinkley, Management Analyst

Forms Management and Development Section

Gladys S. Potts, Chief


Charles H. Alexander, Chief

Brinley J. Lewis, Assistant Chief, May-Oct. 1961
William I. Merkin, Assistant Chief to Oct. 1960

Robert A. Kennedy, Special Assistant for Progress Reporting

Alfred E. Morris, Management Analyst for Progress Reporting to Oct. 1961
Crien H. Schemering, Administrative Assistant for Progress Reporting

Budget Branch

William E. Stiver, Chief from Mar. 1960; Assistant Chief to Mar. 1960
Brinley J. Lewis, Chief to Mar. 1960

George W. Wiger, Analyst (18th Decennial Census Budget) from Oct. 1962
E. M. Tubbs, Analyst (18th Decennial Census Budget) to Oct. 1962

Finance Branch

James G. Eakin, Chief

Walter R. Everett, Assistant Chief to Nov. 1961

Dorothy Dews, Systems Accountant to July 1961

Hazel Loeffler, Payroll Systems Analyst

William Prentice, Systems Accountant from July 1961; Chief, Cost Section, to July 1961
Thelma Staats, Chief, Control Accounts Section

Internal Audit Branch

James R. Cole, Chief

Walter R. Everett, Assistant Chief from Nov. 1961

Robert E. McNellis, Auditor

Management Branch

J. R. Sungenis, Chief to Nov. 1961

Production Methods and Standards Section

Francis J. Boucher, Chief

Wayne B. Davis, Production Standards Analyst
David Primack, Production Standards Analyst
Ivadell A. Holland, Management Analyst

Robert Gibbons, Management Analyst

Jerome Poschel, Management Analyst

David C. Koch, Management Analyst

Raphael B. Goodman, Management Analyst

F. Dale Ferrar, Management Analyst

DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION (Established Sept. 1961 by combining the former Electronic Systems Division and Machine Tabulation Division)

Robert F. Drury, Chief

M. Douglas Fahey, Assistant Chief for Administration from Dec. 1961

Rudolph M. Micoly, Assistant Chief for Operations from Dec. 1961

Dorothy P. Armstrong, Assistant Chief for Systems and Programing from Dec. 1961

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