Report on the Census of Cuba, 1899 ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1900 - 786 halaman |
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Halaman 40
... number of deputy mayors , and aldermen taken from the members of the council.1 The census of the population ... total number of councilors . If they occur after this period they are filled by the governor of the province from among ...
... number of deputy mayors , and aldermen taken from the members of the council.1 The census of the population ... total number of councilors . If they occur after this period they are filled by the governor of the province from among ...
Halaman 48
... number assigned to the given occupation in the corresponding classification of ocсира- tion , NG being punched for ... total number of cards tabulated , and , of course , should be equal to the population of the enumeration ...
... number assigned to the given occupation in the corresponding classification of ocсира- tion , NG being punched for ... total number of cards tabulated , and , of course , should be equal to the population of the enumeration ...
Halaman 56
... number of slaves imported between 1521 and 1763 is estimated by Humboldt at 60,000 , and by 1790 at 90,875 . From ... total importation from 1521 to 1820 , 372,449 . Between this date and 1853 it is estimated that there were 271,659 ...
... number of slaves imported between 1521 and 1763 is estimated by Humboldt at 60,000 , and by 1790 at 90,875 . From ... total importation from 1521 to 1820 , 372,449 . Between this date and 1853 it is estimated that there were 271,659 ...
Halaman 65
... number of fugitives , the willingness of free negroes to work , the ... number of Chinese is stated to be 34,834 , of whom 57 were women . On December 31 , 1877 there were 43,811 . Whether ... TOTAL POPULATION . ATION CHINESE . 71.
... number of fugitives , the willingness of free negroes to work , the ... number of Chinese is stated to be 34,834 , of whom 57 were women . On December 31 , 1877 there were 43,811 . Whether ... TOTAL POPULATION . ATION CHINESE . 71.
Halaman 66
... number of inhabitants was certainly not overstated . Comparing the total population of these two censuses , it is seen that the loss in the twelve years intervening amounted to 58,895 , or 3.6 per cent of the population in 1887. This ...
... number of inhabitants was certainly not overstated . Comparing the total population of these two censuses , it is seen that the loss in the twelve years intervening amounted to 58,895 , or 3.6 per cent of the population in 1887. This ...
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Istilah dan frasa umum
Age period Camajuani Campechuela Cardenas census cent Cienfuegos citizenship City of Habana classes Colored females Colored males countries Cuban citizens families Figures in italic following table Foreign white females Foreign white males gainful occupations Guamacaro Guanabacoa Guanajay Habana city Habana Matanzas Hucksters island italic are included Jiguani known Total living Manzanillo Marianao Melena del Sur municipal districts mutual consent Native white females Native white males nativity-Continued Niquero Nuevitas number of persons Palma Soriano pense Pinar del Rio Porto Rico Principe Santa Clara proportion of married PROVINCE OF PINAR PROVINCE OF PUERTO PROVINCE OF SANTA province or district Puerto Principe Puerto Principe Santa race Ranchuelo read and write read nor write Sagua Sagua la Grande San Antonio San Juan Sancti Spiritus Santiago de Cuba Spain Spanish superior education tion Total foreign white Total native white total number total population Trinidad United Unknown voting age Whites born widows
Bagian yang populer
Halaman 593 - Education, or elected or appointed to any other office under this title, shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States and theA constitution of the State of Ohio, and that he will perform faithfully the duties of his office, which oath or affirmation may be administered by the clerk or any member of the board.
Halaman 34 - ... we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as a manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States.
Halaman 622 - January first of the year in which the enumeration shall be made; and in case no person shall be found at the usual place of abode of such family, or individual living out of a family...
Halaman 593 - The Board of each district shall make such rules and regulations not in conflict with the orders of higher authority as it may deem expedient and necessary for its government, and the government of its appointees and the pupils...
Halaman 591 - Cul a, conditioned that he shall perform faithfully all the official duties required of him; which bond shall be deposited with the President of the Board, and a copy thereof, certified by the President of the Board, shall be filed with the Provincial Superintendent and Commissioner of Public Schools.
Halaman 595 - ... no pupil shall be expelled except by a vote of two-thirds of such board, and not until the parent or guardian of the offending pupil has been notified of the proposed expulsion and permitted to be heard against the same; and no pupil shall be suspended or expelled from any school beyond the current term thereof.
Halaman 40 - I deem it proper to say that the object of the present government is to give protection to the people, security to person and property, to restore confidence, to encourage the people to resume the pursuits of peace, to build up waste plantations, to resume commercial traine, and to afford full protection in the exercise of all civil and religious rights.
Halaman 40 - The civil and criminal code which prevailed prior to the relinquishment of Spanish sovereignty will remain in force, with such modifications and changes as may from time to time be found necessary in the interest of good government. The people of Cuba, without regard to previous affiliations...
Halaman 596 - ... for instruction, or in following other courses of instruction approved by the board of superintendents, provided that such school meetings or courses of study are previously prescribed by said board, otherwise the salary will be regularly due the teachers without vacation work. 79.
Halaman 596 - Teachers may sue board for pay. — If the board of education of any district dismiss any teacher for any frivolous or insufficient reason, such teacher may bring suit against such board of education, and if 'on the trial of the case a judgment be obtained against the board of education the board shall direct the clerk to issue an order upon the proper disbursing officer for the sum so found due to the person entitled thereto, and in such suits process may be served on the clerk of the board of the...