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[CH. 12.]

A.D. 1882.

Charles Wilson may be

Solicitor and Barrister in

tain conditions.

[blocks in formation]

1. It shall be lawful for any Judge of the Supreme Court, or of admitted to practise as a any Superior Court of British Columbia, upon being satisfied that British Columbia on cer- the said Charles Wilson is a British subject and of good character, and upon his passing before any Judge thereof, or before some person or persons to be appointed by such Judge, a satisfactory examination as to the fitness and capacity of the said Charles Wilson to practise as a Solicitor and Barrister to admit him as a Solicitor of the said Court and to call him as a Barrister to the Bar thereof. And thereupon the said Charles Wilson shall have all the rights. and liabilities and status and be subject to the duties of a Solicitor and Barrister of the said Court, and be entitled to practise as a Barrister-at-Law and Solicitor in all Her Majesty's Courts in this Province.


A.D. 1882.

CHAP. 13.

An Act for the relief of Andrew Leamy, of Yale, British


[21st April, 1882.]

a Petition has been presented to the Legislative Preamble Assembly praying that a Bill should be passed for the purpose of admitting him, the said Andrew Leamy, to practise as a Solicitor and Barrister in the Supreme Court of the Province of British Columbia or in any of Her Majesty's Courts:

And, whereas, the said Petition states that the said Andrew Leamy was duly admitted to practise as an Advocate in the Superior Courts of the Province of Quebec, and that he is desirous of residing in and being admitted to the practice of his profession as a Solicitor and Barrister in the Supreme Court of the said Province of British Columbia and in all of Her Majesty's Courts therein:

And, whereas, for the reasons aforesaid, the said Andrew Leamy has prayed that an Act may be passed to enable him to be admitted to the practice of his profession in the said Province of British Columbia:

And it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said Petition:

Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

mitted to practise as a British Columbia.

Solicitor and Barrister in

1. It shall be lawful, notwithstanding any law or regulation to the A. Leamy may be adcontrary now in force in British Columbia, that the said Andrew Leamy shall be admitted to practise in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, or in any of Her Majesty's Superior or other Courts of the Province, as a Solicitor and Barrister and have and enjoy all the privileges of a Solicitor and Barrister in the said Province.


A.D. 1882.

CHAP. 14.

An Act to Incorporate "The New Westminster and Port
Moody Railway Company."


[21st April, 1882.]

THEREAS a Petition has been presented praying for the Incor- Preamble. poration of a Company for the purpose of constructing and working a Railway, a Telephone Line, and an Electric Telegraph Line, from a point in the City of New Westminster to a point at or near Port Moody:

And whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said Petition:

Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

1. Ebenezer Brown, Merchant; James Cunningham, Merchant; Incorporation, Robert Dickinson, Trader; John Hendry, Mill-owner; William Norman Bole, Barrister; Loftus R. McInnes, Physician; and John Irving, Steamboat Owner, all of the City of New Westminster, and such other persons and corporations as shall, in pursuance of this Act, become shareholders, are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of "The New Westminster and Port Moody Railway Company" (hereinafter called the Company).

2. The capital stock of the Company shall be two hundred thou- Capital stock $200,000. sand dollars, divided into two thousand shares of one hundred

dollars each, which shall be applied first to the payment of all costs

and expenses incurred in obtaining the passing of this Act, and the

remainder for the purpose of the Company's undertaking.

3. The persons named in the first section of this Act shall be and Provisional Directors. are hereby constituted Provisional Directors of the Company, of whom five shall form a quorum for the transaction of business; and they shall hold office until the first election of Directors under this Act, and shall have power to open stock books and procure subscriptions of stock for the undertaking.

A.D. 1882.

Head Office.

First general meeting of shareholders.

Annual meetings.

Power to borrow money.

Tolls, how fixed and regulated.

Grants the privilege of
constructing and working

New Westminster to
Burrard Inlet.


4. The Office of the Company shall be at the City of New Westminster.

5. The first general meeting of Shareholders shall be held upon two weeks' notice being given at such time as the Directors shall specify therein.

6. The subsequent annual general meetings of Shareholders shall be held as may be determined by the By-Laws of the Company. 7. The Company shall be entitled to borrow money on mortgage and bond.

8. Tolls shall be from time to time fixed and regulated by the By-Laws of the Company, or by the Directors, if thereunto authorized by the By-Laws, or by the Shareholders at any general meeting, and may be demanded and received for all passengers and goods transported upon the Railway, and shall be paid to such persons and at such places near to the Railway, in such manner and under such regulations as the By-Laws direct.

9. The Company may lay out, construct, acquire, equip, maintain a line of railway from and work a continuous line of Railway, with double or single track of iron or steel, and uniform gauge of four feet eight and one-half inches, from a point in the City of New Westminster to a point at or near Port Moody, or elsewhere on Burrard Inlet, or to a point between Port Moody and Pitt River.

Time limit for commencement of construction and completion.

10. The construction of the said Railway shall be commenced within one year from the passing of this Act and shall be completed Proviso in case of default. within four years from the passing of this Act: Provided always, that if the Company fail to comply with the last mentioned stipulations the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may by proclamation repeal this Act.

Grants the privilege of erecting Telegraph and Telephone lines.

Power to receive grants of land or money.

May accept, purchase, &c., lands for railway purposes.

11. The Company may construct, equip, maintain and work a Telephone Line and an Electric Telegraph Line in connection with the said Railway.

12. The Company may receive from any persons or bodies corporate, municipal or politic, who may have power to make or grant the same in aid of the construction, equipment and maintenance of the said Railway, free grants of land, premises, loans, or gifts of money or securities for money.

13. The Company may accept, purchase, hold and occupy such lands as may be deemed necessary or convenient for the construction or maintenance of the Railway, and for the establishment of all proper sheds and warehouses, sidings, embankments, bridges,

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