Reemployment Provisions of Universal Military Training and Service Act and Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan: Hearing, Ninetieth Congress, Second Session on H.R. 1093 ... [and] H.R. 12323 ... July 25, 1968U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968 - 20 halaman |
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73 of title active duty adverse selection amended to read Armed Forces ARMED SERVICES BERG bill BRARY centum Civil Service retiree CONG CONGRESS TH CONGRESS THE LIBRARY cost date of enactment elect Option elect participation elected to participate entitled ESS TH Family Protection Plan Fleet Reserve Association GRESS individuals LIBRARY OF CONGRES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIBRARY ONGRESS LIBRARY RESS living beneficiaries military retiree ONGA ONGR PAT JENNINGS pay is granted pay the annuity pay under chapter payments period potentially eligible beneficiaries proposed amendments RARY read as follows reemployment rights Reserve component retainer pay retired member retired or retainer retired personnel Retired Serviceman's Family RSFPP Senator CANNON Senator THURMOND Service Act Serviceman's Family Protection Services Contingency Option spouse study or training surviving children surviving eligible survivor annuity survivor benefits TRAINING AND SERVICE U.S. SENATE United States Code UNIVERSAL MILITARY TRAINING WILLIAM W
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Halaman 4 - ... a disability of 100 per centum under the standard schedule of rating disabilities in use by the Veterans
Halaman 2 - Guard, or the Public Health Service in response to an order or call to active duty shall, upon his relief from active duty under honorable conditions, be entitled to all of the reemployment rights and benefits provided by this section in the case of...
Halaman 2 - Mr. Chairman and members of the committee: it has been my privilege to appear before this committee as you well know, on several other occasions to present the need for Federal funds for the improvement of the Cleveland Harbor. At no time have I come when the matter was so urgent as now. The administration is asking that the country gear itself to a readiness to meet whatever contingency...
Halaman 1 - In paragraph (A) or (B) of subsection (b) shall not be denied retention in employment or any promotion or other incident or advantage of employment because of any obligation as a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Halaman 16 - I would like to thank you and the members of this committee for the opportunity to testify on the measures presently under consideration.
Halaman 1 - Any person who, after entering the employment to which he claims restoration, enters upon active duty (other than for the purpose of determining his physical fitness and other than for training), whether or not voluntarily, in the Armed Forces of the United States or the Public Health Service in response to an order or call to active duty shall, upon his relief from active duty...
Halaman 4 - If, because of military operations, a member is assigned to an isolated station or is missing, interned in a neutral country, captured by a hostile force, or beleaguered or besieged, and for that reason Is unable to make an election before completing...
Halaman 7 - ... to elect to receive a reduced retired pay in order to provide an annuity for his unmarried widow and dependent children.
Halaman 2 - ... whether or not voluntarily, in the Armed Forces of the United States or the Public Health Service in response to an order or call to active duty shall, upon his relief from active duty under honorable conditions, be entitled to all of the reemployment rights and benefits provided by this section in...
Halaman 4 - ... change, or revocation and the date of eligibility to receive retired pay. (d) A revocation will not prohibit the filing of a new election at a later date which will become valid under applicable validation provisions. (e) A member may, on or after November 1, 1968, at any time prior to his retirement, change or revoke his election (provided the change does not increase the amount of the annuity elected) to reflect a change in the marital or dependency status...