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therefore, could not have taken place before the distresses of the country commenced, and consequently could not have prevented them.

The last branch of the expense of cultivation which we shall notice, the public burdens on the cultivator, could not at that time have been diminished to any considerable extent. Though our war expenditure had ceased, yet there remained the enormous interest of the national debt, and the expences of our peace establishment, which could not at that time have been reduced so low as to admit of any considerable remission of taxes. Those who are eager at all times to censure the measures of government, of course availed themselves of the opportunity of cavilling at the extent of the establish ment that was still kept up, and at tempted to persuade the people, that our expenses ought to be as low as if we had been in a state of profound tranquillity of ten years. But the people were, happily, not misled by such representations, but continued to pay the taxes, which they saw were still necessary, with the same admirable equanimity with which they had all along borne them. The nation, how ever, now has the satisfaction to see that the government is taking every measure to reduce their burdens; and we may hope, that the restoration of permanent tranquillity will render it practicable to diminish very greatly the national expenditure.

As it was impossible, therefore, to reduce the expense of cultivation to such an extent as to enable our agriculturists to raise corn at the reduced prices, it became the alternative, either that they must be enabled by some measure of government to obtain such a price as would remunerate them, or that the agriculture of the country

must be ruined, and the nation left to depend for subsistence on foreign supplies. With this view, the corn bill of 1814 was proposed, but not carried; and in 1815, the corn bill which forms the subject of this discussion, was passed.

We shall not repeat any of the arguments which were advanced in the debates of which we have given an outline. The supporters of the bill painted in such powerful colours the general misery that must infallibly take place, not merely among the agricultural, but the manufacturing classes, from a great part of our land being thrown out of cultivation, that it is impossible not to deprecate this as the greatest evil that can befall us. Their views of the advantages of preserving this country independent of foreign nations for the means of subsistence, and of the consequences of an opposite line of policy, appear to be correct and conclusive. Some of the advocates of the bill, however, seem to have fallen into an error in supposing that its effects ever could be to make corn cheap; and this attempt, joined to the obvious intention of the measure, to prevent the ruin of the agricultural interest, by keeping up the price of corn, gave an air of inconsistency to their arguments, of which their opponents did not fail to take advantage. Mr Mal. thus has demonstrated that prices can never be low so long as we continue rich and prosperous; and that "a nation which very greatly gets the start of its neighbours in riches, without any peculiar natural facilities for growing corn, must necessarily submit to one of these alternatives either a very high comparative price of grain, or a very great dependence upon other countries for it." *

It is objected to the corn bill, that

*Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn,

p. 46.

it has been found, by the experience
of two years, to have failed in its ob-
ject, for it has not relieved the distress-
es of the farmers; but the salutary ef-
fects which it ought to have had have
been counteracted by several circum-
stances. It was, in the first place, too
late in being passed. We do not blame
the legislature for the caution which
they shewed in 1814, when they would
not take this measure without further
enquiry into its necessity; but we are
persuaded, that, had it been adopted
at that time, it would have prevented
much of the distress that has taken
place. When it was proposed in 1814,
immense importations of corn were
taking place, though the price was so
low as 67s.; and upon its rejection,
the importation went on even more
rapidly than before. The consequence
was, that an enormous accumulation
of foreign corn took place, which
would not have happened had the
ports been shut by the operation of a
law prohibiting importation at prices
under 80s. Though, therefore, the
ports were shut in March 1815, when
the corn-bill was passed, this measure
was rendered ineffectual; for the mar-
kets were so glutted with foreign corn,
that prices still continued to fall. In
December 1815, the price of wheat
was only 55s. 9d. per quarter. In
January 1816, it was still lower, being
only 52s. 6d. In April following, it
began to rise, but this was occasioned
by the extremely bad appearance of
the season, and the prospect of a
deficient crop. Prices continued to
rise, and the harvest being very bad,
the average, in November, was above
80s. and the ports were opened.
Since that time to the present, though
the price of the best corn has been
very high, yet the only gainers by
it have been the importers of foreign
corn. The distress of our own far-

mers continues, because their grain, besides being excessively deficient in quantity, is in general of such bad quality, that it will hardly sell at any price. It cannot reasonably be doubted, that, had the importation been stopped in 1814, before it had time to glut our markets, prices would not have fallen nearly so low as they did; that an immense amount of agricultural capital would have been saved, which is now irrecoverably lost, and that much of the distress of the country would have been averted. Nor can it be reasonably doubted, that, had the crop of 1816 been tolerably good and abundant, our farmers would have been much benefitted by the sale of this crop, without any competition from foreign growers; and there is good ground to hope, that we shall soon be aware of the salutary effects of this protection from foreign competition.

Those who make it a system to disturb, as far as they can, the peace of the country, by inflaming the people against the government, have found our national distresses a fruitful theme. They have endeavoured, and do so still, to persuade the nation, that these distresses, which are plainly the result of causes which no human wisdom could have foreseen, nor human power prevented, have been brought upon the country by the folly and wickedness of our ministers. They attribute them, in the first place, to an unnecessary war, carried on for the hopeless purpose of delivering Europe from the sway of Buonaparte; and when they were compelled, by the accomplishment of this object, to admit that it was no longer hopeless, they were obliged to hazard the wild assertion, that it was sertion, that it was not beneficial. They attribute them, in the next place, to the depreciation of our

* The period at which we write-March, 1817.

currency, occasioned by over-issues, though they have not been able to show that our currency was in a state either of discredit or excess. They attribute them to excessive taxation, though it is not to be doubted that it was by this taxation that we were enabled to accomplish the deliverance of Europe. They attribute them to the injury sustained by our commerce, occasioned by our own bad policy, though this injury proceeded, first from the unprecedented measures of our enemy, and next from the rash and precipitate speculations of our own merchants, when the power of that enemy was at an end,-causes over which our government had certainly no controul. And they describe the measure devised for the relief of these distresses as at best a piece of blind and short-sighted policy, ealculated only to aggravate the distresses of the poor, by raising the price of bread, though it cannot for a moment be doubted that it was adopt.

ed from the most earnest desire to relieve the hardships of every class of the community. But it is a necessary result of rash and heedless censure, and of party censure, which is often the most rash and heedless of all others, that it draws upon time for its own certain refutation. There is scarcely one of these objections which did not grow weaker under the inves tigation they excited; and during the period which has elapsed since the time when they were agitated, until that at which these annals have been compiled, the conviction of the utility of the measure in question has been gradually strengthening. Various causes, most of which we have already referred to, have no doubt interrupted and thwarted its beneficial results; but these causes, we think, we have also shewn to be merely of a temporary nature, and likely, ere long, to give way to the powerful operation of those general principles upon which the measure is founded.


Domestic Affairs.-Imposture of Joanna Southcote.-Fanaticism of her Disciples.-Her Death and Interment.-Extension of the Order of the Bath.Classes into which it is divided.-Remarks on the Measure, and its Tendency-Trial of Sir John Murray.-Riots on Account of the Corn Bill.-Members of the House of Commons Attacked and Insulted.-Houses attacked and Property destroyed.-Continuation of the Riots on the 7th.-Persons Shot in Burlington-street.-Petition of the Electors of Westminster against the Corn Bill.-Conduct of Sir Francis Burdett in moving it, and Debate which ensued, in the House of Commons.-Acquittal of the Soldiers indicted for Mur der in defence of Mr Robinson's House-Liberal Feelings of the Populace towards them.-Anecdote of a Private Soldier of the Guards.

THE first domestic event which occupied the attention of the public, in the year 1815, is almost too ridiculous for recital, were it not the duty of the annalist to record all that can preserve the form and pressure of the times, from which he forms his record. It was the close of an impious and extravagant imposture, which had long insulted religion, scandalized morality, and entertained the idle and thoughtless.

A wretched old woman, called Joanna Southcote, originally a Methodist, had, for no less than twenty-five years, assumed the character of a prophetess and an inspired writer. It is impossible to discover, from the foolish and blasphemous trash which she occasionally published, whether she was altogether an impostor, or held that dubious rank between madness and knavery, which may be justly assigned to most founders of false religions. THE WOMAN, as she called herself, pretended to have immediate intercourse with the Deity; held controversies with Satan, whom she banished from her presence in confusion, after sustaining a debate of seve

ral days; and derived no ungainful trade, by selling a sort of sealed passport, which, like the Pope's of yore, was supposed to procure the bearer instant admittance into the heavenly regions. Many condemned criminals, and others, who had not inclination or leisure to repent of their sins, and petition for repentance, embraced this compendious mode of assuring their part of paradise. A seal with the letters J. S., which she found in sweeping out her master's shop, was the only visible proof to which she appealed in support of her celestial mission. She had a formal disputation with her former pastors, some of whom are said to have acknowledged her divine authority. To the disgrace of an enlightened age, pretensions so blasphemous and extravagant, instead of conveying Mrs Southcote to Bridewell or Bedlam, as her case required, procured her an extended circle of disciples, among whom were enrolled several of those who had been formerly believers in the maniac Brothers. In the month of May, 1814, deceived by some inward complaint, or desirous to ascertain how far the credulity

of her miserable followers would carry them, she announced, that she was impregnated with a mysterious birth, a new incarnation of the Deity-a second advent. Being unmarried, a virgin, as she said, and certainly in her sixty-fifth year, she was nevertheless, she averred, to become the mother of the promised Shiloh of the Jewish prophesies. Wonderful to say, this annunciation rather extended than abridged the number of her disciples. She could now reckon among them, the Reverend Mr P. Foly, whose name well merited an additional letter; and the no less Reverend Mr Towzer, whose chapel she honoured with her attendance; a third reverend, who afterwards saw visions on his own account; an eminent artist; a half-pay colonel; and some old women of both sexes. That posterity may judge with what gross, thick, and palpable vulgarity and nonsense, an impostor of the nineteenth century might bait her hook, and yet not fail to catch gudgeons, we will record six lines of the inspired strains of the Prophetess, or rather of the Spirit, by whom, she affirmed, they were dictated:

[blocks in formation]


ced that the faithful possessed wealth in a degree very disproportioned to their allowance of common sense. Nor was it only by such expensive gifts that the disciples of this miserable enthusiast shewed their confidence in the truth of her mission. Wagers, according to Voltaire, are the English test of sincerity; and that it might not be wanting on this occasion, a citizen of Gravesend laid a bet of two hundred to one hundred pounds, Joanna Southcote would be delivered of a child before the first day of November. The Chief Justice Gibbs afterwards refused to sustain an action on this wager, as contrary to good morals, so that the defendant escaped for the disgrace of public exposure. Nine medical men (it was pretended) visited her, six of whom, to the credit of that learned faculty, are said to have pronounced her preg. nant, while the other three more cautiously suspended their judgment. Her followers applied to the Archbishop of Canterbury to provide her with suitable apartments and assistance worthy of the expected birth; and it was by others gravely suggested, that the Lord Chancellor should take Mrs Southcote under his protection, in order, doubtless, that Shiloh, on his expected arrival, might become a ward of Chancery. But however deeply both church and state were interested in the event, neither the right reverend archbishop, nor the learned lord on the woolsack, could be moved to give such a farce the sanction of their countenance.

Mrs Southcote adjourned her mysterious delivery from time to time, until at length she appears to have been partly undeceived by the pain of an internal disease. A female companion addressed a medical gentleman by her desire. "Her case," said her amanuensis, after detailing the symp toms, "is singular in other points, this event being the criterion by

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