Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, First Session on S. 1261; Conveyance of Lands, Caven Point Terminal and Ammunition Loading Pier, New Jersey, to New Jersery Turnpike Authority; H.R. 2109, to Authorize Permanent Appointments in the Navy and Marine Corps; H.R. 2150, Providing for Certain Adjustments in Dates of Rank of Nurses and Women Medical Specialists of the Regular Army and Air Force in the Permanent Grade of Captain; H.R. 4106, Authorizing Crediting of Prior Active Federal Commissioned Service Performed by a Person Appointed as a Commissioned Officer Under the Army-Navy Nurses Act of 1947, as Amended; H.R. 4218, Loan of Certain Army, Navy, and Air Force Equipment to the Girl Scouts of America; H.R. 4817, Release of the Express Condition and Limitation on Certain Land Heretofore Conveyed to the Trustees of the Village of Sag Harbor, N. Y.; H. R. 4886, Providing that Active Service in the Army and Air Force Shall be Included in Determining Eligibility for Retirement of Certain Officers of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard; H. R. 5623, Nomination of Certain Memebrs of the Civil Air Patrol as Cadets at the U. S. Air Force Academy; H. R. 6277, Transportation and Storage of Household Goods of Military Personnel on Permanet Change of Station; H.R. 7194, to Authorize Subsistence Allowances to Enlisted Personnel; H.J. Res. 251, to Authorize Posthumous Commission as Second Lieutenant to Seymour Richard Belinky, U. S. Army. July 21, 1955

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1955 - 35 halaman

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Halaman 21 - I have appreciated this opportunity of appearing before the committee and shall be happy to answer any questions you may have on this bill.
Halaman 15 - Force) is entitled to the pay and allowances provided by law or regulation for a member of the Regular Army or the Regular Air Force, as the case may be, of corresponding grade and length of service...
Halaman 6 - When any officer of the Regular Navy or the Regular Marine Corps or the Reserve components thereof has completed more than 20 years of active service in the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, or the Reserve components thereof, including active duty for training, at least 10 years of which shall have been active commissioned service, he may at any time thereafter, upon his own application, in the discretion of the President, be placed upon the retired list on the 1st day of such month as the President...
Halaman 12 - Mr. STEWARD. If the committee so decides postal employees can be added to the bill under consideration in the same manner as they are handled in Public Law 821. Mr. RANDOLPH. Are there any other questions? Are there any questions by any member of the committee? If not, you have a statement you desire to place in the record on behalf of another gentleman? Mr. STEWARD.
Halaman 8 - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Army is hereby authorized and directed to convey by quitclaim deed to the...
Halaman 8 - Jersey, situated in the city of Jersey City, county of Hudson, and State of New Jersey, and more particularly described as follows: Parcel...
Halaman 17 - The amendment provides that nontemporary storage of baggage and household effects may be authorized in Government facilities, or in commercial facilities whenever such storage is considered to be more economical to the Government; provided, however, that in no instance shall the weight stored plus the weight transported in connection with a change of station exceed the maximum weight limitation fixed by regulations promulgated by the respective Secretaries where not otherwise fixed by law ; and provided...
Halaman 7 - Boy Scouts of America. No expense shall be incurred by the United States Government for the delivery, return, rehabilitation, or...
Halaman 13 - If two or more officers have the same date of rank, rank shall be determined — "(1) by length of continuous active commissioned service in the regular components of the Armed Forces; "(2) if the length of continuous active commissioned service in the regular components of the Armed Forces is the same, by rank established at the time of original appointment in the regular component of an armed force; and "(3) in other cases, by the Secretary of the Array. "(c) Notwithstanding any other law, the...
Halaman 7 - Scouts and officials, to the extent that such transportation will not interfere with the requirements of military operations. (b) Before furnishing any transportation under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall take from the Girl Scouts of the United States of America a good and sufficient bond for the reimbursement to the United States by the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, of the actual costs of transportation furnished under subsection (a).

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