Sermons Bearing on Subjects of the DayLongmans, Green, 1918 - 424 halaman |
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Halaman xvi
... worship and renown . " - PSALM xlv . 3 , 4 SERMON VI . Faith and Experience . " The Lord seeth not as man seeth ; for man looketh on the out- ward appearance , but the Lord looketh on the heart . " - I SAM- UEL xvi . 7 • PAGE 41 • 52 ...
... worship and renown . " - PSALM xlv . 3 , 4 SERMON VI . Faith and Experience . " The Lord seeth not as man seeth ; for man looketh on the out- ward appearance , but the Lord looketh on the heart . " - I SAM- UEL xvi . 7 • PAGE 41 • 52 ...
Halaman 3
... worship in the temple , Septuagesima of good works , and Lent of self , denial and self - discipline . Now the lesson set before us to - day needs insisting on , because in these latter times men have arisen , speaking. 11 Cor . ix . 7 ...
... worship in the temple , Septuagesima of good works , and Lent of self , denial and self - discipline . Now the lesson set before us to - day needs insisting on , because in these latter times men have arisen , speaking. 11 Cor . ix . 7 ...
Halaman 52
... worship and renown . " Ps . xlv . 3 , 4 . 0 UR Lord is here spoken of in two distinct characters . As a teacher , - " Full of grace are Thy lips ; " and as a conqueror , - " Gird Thee with Thy sword upon Thy thigh ; " or , in other ...
... worship and renown . " Ps . xlv . 3 , 4 . 0 UR Lord is here spoken of in two distinct characters . As a teacher , - " Full of grace are Thy lips ; " and as a conqueror , - " Gird Thee with Thy sword upon Thy thigh ; " or , in other ...
Halaman 56
... they receive honours approaching to worship ; they will a thing , and it is done ; they are on high , and 1 Rev. i . 6. 1 John ii . 20 , never below . How different the sovereignty of Christ ! 56 The Three Offices of Christ .
... they receive honours approaching to worship ; they will a thing , and it is done ; they are on high , and 1 Rev. i . 6. 1 John ii . 20 , never below . How different the sovereignty of Christ ! 56 The Three Offices of Christ .
Halaman 82
... worship Him under that symbol , so men generally , when they pursue this world as their supreme good , and as their god , deny that they are disowning their Lord and Maker , but maintain that He wishes them to worship Him by means of ...
... worship Him under that symbol , so men generally , when they pursue this world as their supreme good , and as their god , deny that they are disowning their Lord and Maker , but maintain that He wishes them to worship Him by means of ...
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SERMONS BEARING ON SUBJECTS OF John Henry 1801-1890 Newman,William John 1804-1885 Copeland Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2016 |
Istilah dan frasa umum
Apostles Balaam Baptism Behold blessed body brethren called children of Israel Christ Christian Church communion consider David December 25 Divine doctrine duty earth earthly Elijah Elisha enemies evil faith Father fear feast February 24 feel fulfilled Gehazi gift give glory God's Gospel grace hand hath heart heathen heaven Holy honour instance Israel January 23 Jerusalem Jewish Jews John John ii Joshua Judaism judge judgment king kingdom kingdom of heaven labour live Lord Lord's March 25 Matt mercy mind Moses nature November 20 observe ordinances Orpah ourselves Paul persons pray prayer present priest profession promise prophecy Prophet Psalms reason rejoice religion religious repentance righteousness saints saith Saviour Scripture SERMON servants sins soul speak Spirit suffer surely thee thine things Thou hast tokens true truth unto words worship