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having given notice of the time and place of such sale at least three weeks in succession, by advértising in the newspaper of the public printer of this state, and by advertisement on the door of the court-house in Harrodsburg, for at least two Advertiseweeks previous to the day of such sale; and such ment, how to be made. collector shall convey by deed to the purchaser or purchasers who may purchase at any sale authorised by this section of this act, the lots or parts of lots purchased; and such conveyance shall vest in the purchaser or purchasers a good and valid law and equity.


An ACT for the benefit of the citizens of Lebanon, in Washington County.

APPROVED February 3, 1818.

WHEREAS the law approved December 21, Recital. 1815, entitled "an act to authorise the citizens of the town of Lebanon, in Washington county, to appoint trustees in said town, and for other purposes," does not comport with the wishes of the citizens: Therefore,

§1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the

Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the trustees of Trustees emsaid town shall hereafter have the power and au- powered to thority to assess and lay any fine for the breach lay fines. of their by-laws, not exceeding four dollars; which fines shall be recoverable before any jus- How collecttice of the peace for said county, and be collect. ed, and to be applied. ed as in other cases; and when collected, shall be applied towards improving the streets thereof. § 2. Be it further enacted, That all restrictions exist by any law in force in this com- Time given monwealth, that goes to compel the citizens of to improve said town to improve their lots by any given time, their lots. is hereby repealed; and citizens thereafter may build at discretion without forfeiture, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

passes made


An ACT concerning certain Trespasses on Lands.
APPROVED February 3, 1818.

1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That if any perCertain tres- son shall cut down any tree or trees, or quarry subject to an stone on the land of any other person without leindictment & gal authority so to do, such person so trespassing shall be subject to indictment therefor, and to be fined by a jury; which fine shall be applied to the Fine how ap-reduction of the county levy of the county where the trespass is committed.




2. Be it further enacted, That any trespasser A justice may as aforesaid, on warrant legally issued by a jusrecognize tice of the peace, on proper oath or affirmation, such trespasser to appear and executed by a sheriff or constable, shall by in circuit such justice be recognized with sufficient securi ty, to appear at the next circuit court to be held for the county where the trespass is committed, to answer for the same; and where such trespasser fails or refuses to enter into such recognizance, he shall be dealt with as in other cases where recognizances are required by law and not executed.



An ACT to incorporate the Gallatin Steam Mill

APPROVED February 3, 1818. WHEREAS it is represented to the present general assembly that sundry citizens of the county of Gallatin are desirous to erect a steam mill in the town of Port-William, and that such a mill will conduce greatly to the benefit and convenience of said town and county, but will be attended with too much expence to be effected by individual enterprize: Wherefore,

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That Henry DavIncorpora- idge, Iugh S. Gatewood, Samuel Sanders, Garland Bullock, William Oneal, Reuben Adams


and Thomas L. Butler, together with all such persons as shall hereafter become shareholders, be, and are hereby constituted a corporation and body politic by the name and style of "The President and Directors of the Port-William Steam Mill Company."



2. Be it further enacted, That the shareholders shall meet at the court-house in the town of Annual meetPort-William, on the third Monday in May next, and on the same day in every year thereafter, for the purpose of choosing a president and directors.

3. Be it further enacted, That the Port-Wil- Rules, powliam Steam Mill Company shall be governed by ers and privithe same rules and regulations, and possess the leges. same power and privileges that were given to

the Gallatin Steam Boat Company by an act approved February the 1st, 1816.

4. Be it further enacted, That the corporation

constituted by virtue of this act shall continue as Continuance. such until the year 1850, when all the powers and privileges herein given shall cease.


An ACT declaring part of Green River navigable.
APPROVED February 3, 1818.

BE it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That all that part of Green river from the Adair county line up to the town of Liberty, in Casey county, shall be, and the same is hereby declared navigable to all intents and purposes, as well as any other part of said river, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.


in ACT further to indulge the settlers on the Lands acquired by the treaty of Tellico to pay the state. price on their claims.

APPROVED February 3, 1818. BE it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the act entitled an act to amend the law authorising the appropriation of the lands acquired by the treaty of Tellico," approved January 13th, 1817, be, and the same is continued in force until the 6th day of January 1819.


An ACT further to regulate the Transylvania Uni


APPROVED February 3, 1818.

§ 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly of Powers of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the power present trus- and authority of the present trustees of the Trantees annulled. sylvania University, over and concerning the said institution, the funds, estate, property,rights and demands thereof, shall forever cease and determine.

Trustees pointed.


2. Be it further enacted, That thirteen shall be the number of the trustees that shall hereafter manage the said institution and the concerns thereof; and that Henry Clay, Edmund Bullock, Robert Trimble, John T. Mason, junior, Robert Wickliffe, James Prentiss, Hubbard Taylor, John Pope, Lewis Sanders, Samuel H. Woodson, John Brown, Charles Humphreys and Thomas Bodley, shall be, and they are hereby appointed trustees of the said Transylvania UniContinuance. versity, and to continue in office for and during the term of two years; during which period, they, or a majority of the trustees for the time being, shall have power to fill any vacancy or vacancies which may happen in said office of trustees, by death, resignation or otherwise.

in future. to

§ 3. Be it further enacted, That the legislature. Legislature of this commonwealth shall, by a joint vote of elect trusboth houses, elect, every two years, thirteen trus- tees. tees to preside over said University and its concerns; and should it at any time hereafter happen that no election of trustees is made as contemplated by this section, the trustees then in office shall so continue in office, and possess the same powers to fill vacancies as is given by the second section of this act, until such election shall be made by the legislature.


§ 4. Be it further enacted, That all the funds, Present estate, property, rights, demands, privileges and tate, privile immunities, of what kind or nature soever, be- ges,&c. transferred to 0longing or in anywise appertaining to said Uni- ther trustees. versity, shall be, and the same are hereby invested in the trustees of said institution appointed by this act, and their successors in office, for the uses and purposes only of the said institution and the said trustees and their successors in office shall have, hold, possess and exercise all the power and authority over the said institution, and. the estate and concerns thereof, as the present trustees by law are entitled to.


Rules and

First meet:

5. Be it further enacted, That the trustees appointed by this act shall be regulated by the laws to be goexisting laws and regulations of the said Univer- verned by. sity, until altered, changed or amended; and that it shall be the duty of the said trustees to meet at the said University on the first Thursday in March next; if they cannot make it convenient to ing. do so at an earlier day, or so soon thereafter as they can, and to take into consideration the affairs of said University, and to adopt such measures relative to said institution as may be necessary; and the said trustees shall hold at least Annual meet one stated annual meeting, at which stated annu- ing. al meeting all professors and teachers shall be elected; and such professors or teachers to hold such office one year or more; which stated meeting shall be held on the first Monday in May in each year, until changed or altered by said trustees.

§6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall commence and be in force from and after the last

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