HEALTH AND QUARANTINE Res. of Oct. 1, 1918, No. 42, ch. 179, 64. Sec. 1. "Spanish Influenza"- Aid in Combating, 64. Res. of Oct. 27, 1918, No. 45, ch. 196, 64. Allowance of Officers, 64. Creation of Reserve Qualifications, Rank and Act of July 19, 1919, ch. 24, 65. Sec. 1. Officers of Public Health Service - Allotments From Pay, 65. CROSS-REFERENCES See also ANIMALS; FOOD AND DRUGS; HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. Joint Resolution To aid in combating "Spanish influenza" and other communicable diseases. [Res. of Oct. 1, 1918, No. 42, ch. 179, 40 Stat. L. 1008.] [SEC. 1.] [ Spanish influenza"-aid in combating.] That to enable the Public Health Service to combat and suppress "Spanish influenza" and other communicable diseases by aiding State and local boards of health, or otherwise, including pay and allowances of medical and sanitary personnel, medical and hospital supplies, printing, clerical services, and rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, transportation, freight, and such other expenses as may be necessary, there is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $1,000,000, to be available until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen. [40 Stat. L. 1008.] SEC. 2. [Facilities available for combating.] That the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Treasury are authorized and directed, respectively, to utilize jointly the personnel and facilities of the Medical Department of the Army, the Medical Department of the Navy, and the Public Health Service, so far as possible, in aiding to combat and suppress the said diseases. [40 Stat. L. 1008.] Joint Resolution To establish a reserve of the Public Health Service. [Res. of Oct. 27, 1918, No. 45, ch. 196, 40 Stat. L. 1017.] [Public Health Service-creation of reserve — qualifications, rank and allowance of officers.] That for the purpose of securing a reserve for duty in the Public Health Service in time of national emergency there shall be organized, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, under such rules and regulations as the President shall prescribe, a reserve of the Public Health Service. The President alone shall be authorized to appoint and commission as officers in the said reserve such citizens as, upon examination prescribed by the President, shall be found physically, mentally, and morally qualified to hold such commissions, and said commissions shall be in force for a period of five years. unless sooner terminated in the discretion of the President, but commission in said reserve shall not exempt the holder from military or naval service: Provided, That the officers commissioned under this Act, none of whom shall have rank above that of assistant surgeon general, shall be distributed in the several grades in the same proportion as now obtains among the commissioned medical officers of the United States Public Health Service and shall at all times be subject to call to active duty by the Surgeon General and when on such active duty shall receive the same pay and allowances as are now provided by law and regulation for the commissioned medical officers in the said regular commissioned medical corps. [40 Stat. L. 1017.] [SEC. 1.] [Officers of Public Health Service allotments from pay.] The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to permit officers of the Public Health Service to make allotments from their pay under such regulations as he may prescribe. [41 Stat. L. 174.] This is from the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act of July 19, 1919, ch. 24. It also appeared in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act of July 1, 1918. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS Act of Nov. 4, 1918, ch. 201, 66. Sec. 1. Hospital Facilities for Soldiers and Sailors-Authority of Presiden to Acquire, 66. Act of Nov. 7, 1918, ch. 208, 67. Sec. 1. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers - Southern Branch - 2. Period of Control, 67. 3. Appropriations for What Purposes Available, 67. Act of March 3, 1919, ch. 98, 67. Sec. 1. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Nurses, etc. Additional Hospital and 2. Properties and Equipment Transferred for Hospital or Sanatoria or 3. Other Properties and Equipment Transferred for Use of Public Health Service, 68. 4. Battle Mountain Sanatorium Soldiers, 68. National Home for Disabled Volunteer 5. Contracts with Existing Hospitals or Sanatoriums - Immediate Use, 68. 6. Hospital Facilities at Corpus Christi, Texas - Emergency Fund Created for Hospital Purposes, 69. 7. Appropriations for Specific Hospital Projects, 69. 8. Construction Work Authority of Secretary of Treasury as to Contracts, 70. 9. Appropriations for Carrying Out Purposes of Act, 70. penses Act of July 19, 1919, ch. 24, 71. Sec. 1. Marine Hospitals - Admission of Persons for Study, 71. [SEC. 1.] [Hospital facilities for soldiers and sailors-authority of President to acquire.] The President is authorized, through the Secretary of War, during the existing emergency, from time to time, to requisition or otherwise take over for the United States any lands, including the buildings thereon and their equipment, or any temporary use thereof, required for hospital facilities. He shall ascertain and pay, from the proper appropriation, a just compensation therefor. If the compensation so ascertained be not satisfactory to the person entitled to receive the same, such person shall be paid seventy-five per centum of the amount so determined, and shall be entitled to sue the United States in the United States district court for the judicial district where the property is situated to recover such further sum as, added to the seventy-five per centum, will make up such amount as will be just compensation: Provided, That hospital facilities shall be so situated as to provide for the care of patients as near the place from which they entered the Army or Navy as practicable. and that the facilities shall be in every case in keeping with the number of men in the service from the different States: Provided further, That property shall not be taken over under the foregoing power at an aggregate cost in excess of $15,000,000. [40 Stat. L. 1029.] This is from the "First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1919," of Nov. 4, 1918, ch. 201. An Act Transferring jurisdiction and control for the period of the war over the Southern Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers from the board of managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers to the Secretary of War for use for Army hospital purposes. [Act of Nov. 7, 1918, ch. 208, 40 Stat. L. 1042.] [SEC. 1.] [National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers - Southern Branch - temporary transfer to government.] That jurisdiction and control over the Southern Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, located at Hampton, Virginia, be, and the same hereby is, transferred for the period of the war from the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers to the Secretary of War for use by the Medical Department of the Army for hospital purposes. [40 Stat. L. 1042.] SEC. 2. [Period of control.] That upon the close of the war or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, the Secretary of War shall cause said home to be vacated by the Medical Department of the Army, and thereupon jurisdiction and control over said home shall revert to said Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. [40 Stat. L. 1043.] SEC. 3. [Appropriations for what purposes available.] That the various items of appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for the support, maintenance, and other necessary expenses of said Southern Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, be, and they hereby are, made available for payment of the cost of the transfer of the members of said home to other branches of the national home, and for the transfer of any property found to be necessary to transfer therefrom to other branches of the national home and for the support of the branches to which said members are transferred to the extent of the allotments thereof made by the said board of managers in consideration of and in the amount of an extra expense incurred by reason of said transfers and for the retransfer from said branches to said Southern Branch of the persons and property transferred as aforesaid at such time as jurisdiction and control over said Southern Branch shall be reinvested in said board of managers in accordance with the provision of section two of this Act. [40 Stat. L. 1043.] An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to provide hospital and sanatorium facilities for discharged sick and disabled soldiers, sailors, and marines. [Act of March 3, 1919, ch. 98, 40 Stat. L. 1302.] [SEC. 1.] [Soldiers, sailors, marines, nurses, etc.— additional hospital and sanatorium facilities.] That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to provide immediate additional hospital and sanatorium. facilities for the care and treatment of discharged sick and disabled soldiers, sailors, and marines, Army and Navy nurses (male and female), patients of the War Risk Insurance Bureau, and the following persons only: Merchant marine seamen, seamen on boats of the Mississippi River Commission, officers and enlisted men of the United States Coast Guard, officers and employees of the Public Health Service, certain keepers and assistant keepers of the United States Lighthouse Service, seamen of the Engineer Corps of the United States Army, officers and enlisted men of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, civilian employees entitled to treatment under the United States Employees' Compensation Act, and employees on Army transports not officers or enlisted men of the Army, now entitled by law to treatment by the Public Health Service. [40 Stat. L. 1302.] SEC. 2. [Properties and equipment transferred for hospital or sanatoria or other uses.] There are hereby permanently transferred to the Treasury Department for the use of the Public Health Service for hospital or sanatoria or other uses the following properties, with their present equipment, including sites and leases, or so much thereof as may be required by the Public Health Service, including mechanical equipment in connection therewith, and approaches thereto, with authority to lease or purchase sites not owned by the Government, as follows: Hospitals, with such other buildings and land as may be required, at Camp Cody (New Mexico), Camp Hancock (Georgia), Camp Joseph E. Johnston (Florida), Camp Beauregard (Louisiana), Camp Logan (Texas), Camp Fremont (California), and nitrate plant, Perryville (Maryland), and such hospitals, with other necessary buildings, hereafter vacated by the War Department, as may be required and found suitable for the needs of the Public Health Service for hospital or sanatoria purposes. And for the purpose of such remodeling of or additions to the above-named plants as may be required to adapt them to the needs and uses of the Public Health Service, the sum of $750,000 is hereby authorized. [40 Stat. L. 1302.] SEC. 3. [Other properties and equipment transferred for use of Public Health Service.] The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to transfer without charge to the Secretary of the Treasury for the use of the Public Health Service such hospital furniture and equipment, including hospital and medical supplies, motor trucks, and other motor-driven vehicles, in good condition, not required by the War Department, as may be required by the Public Health Service for its hospitals, and the President is authorized to direct the transfer to the Treasury Department of the use of such lands or parts of lands, buildings, fixtures, appliances, furnishings, or furniture under the control of any other department of the Government not required for the purposes of such department and suitable for the uses of the Public Health Service. [40 Stat. L. 1303.] SEC. 4. [Battle Mountain Sanatorium - National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.] So much of the Battle Mountain Sanatorium at Hot Springs, South Dakota, the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, with its present equipment, as is not required for the purposes for which these facilities were provided, is hereby made available for the use of the Public Health Service for a period of five years from the approval of this Act, unless sooner released by the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service. [40 Stat. L. 1303.] SEC. 5. [Contracts with existing hospitals or sanatoriums - immediate use.] The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to contract with any existing hospital or sanatorium, by lease or otherwise, for immediate use, in whole or in part, of their present facilities, so as to provide bed capacity and facilities for not exceeding one thousand patients, and for such purposes the sum of $300,000 is hereby authorized. [40 Stat. L. 1303.] |