affidavits required by section 200 of article 2 of the Act approved March 8, 1918, entitled "An Act to extend protection to the civil rights of members of the Military and Naval Establishments of the United States engaged in the present war" (Fortieth Statutes at Large, page 440), the plaintiff, after such notice as the court may prescribe, may file an affidavit stating that the defendant, or defendants, in default in such judgments, are not at the time of such filing, and were not at the time of the entry of such judgment, in the naval or military service of the United States, and upon the filing of such affidavit the court may enter an order that such judgment, if otherwise legal, shall stand and be effective as of the date of the entry of such judgment as if such affidavit had been duly filed. Any person who shall make or use such an affidavit as aforesaid, knowing it to be false, shall be punishable by imprisonment not to exceed two years or by fine not to exceed $5,000, or both, in the discretion of the court. [41 Stat. L. 282.] For Act of March 8, 1918, sec. 200, mentioned in the text, see 1918 Supp. Fed. Stat. Ann. 814. SOLDIERS' HOME See HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS STATE DEPARTMENT Act of March 1, 1919, ch. 86, 347. Sec. 1. Under Secretary of State Creation of Office Salary, 347. [SEC. 1.] [Under Secretary of State creation of office- salary.] Under Secretary of State, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, $7,500. [40 Stat. L. 1224.] This is from the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation Act of March 1, 1919, ch. 86. [SEC. 1.] [Additional officers and employees rate of compensation.] For additional officers and employees in the Department of State dur ing the fiscal year 1920, $200,000: Provided, That no person shall be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $4,500 per annum. [41 Stat. L. 329.] This is from the "First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1920," of Nov. 4, 1919, ch. 93. STEAM VESSELS Act of Oct. 25, 1919, ch. 82, 348. Vessels Owned or Operated by Shipping Board - Statutes Applicable, 348. CROSS-REFERENCE See also SHIPPING AND NAVIGATION. An Act Extending the provisions for the regulation of steam vessels to vessels owned or operated by the United States Shipping Board, and for other purposes. [Act of Oct. 25, 1919, ch. 82, 41 Stat. L. 305.] [Vessels owned or operated by Shipping Board - statutes applicable.] That all steam vessels owned or operated by the United States Shipping Board, or any corporation organized or controlled by it, shall be subject to all the provisions of title 52 of the Revised Statutes of the United States for the regulation of steam vessels and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. [41 Stat. L. 305.] This Act became a law without the approval of the President. Title 52 includes R. S. secs. 4399-4500, and will be found in 9 Fed. Stat. Ann. (2d ed.) 414 et seq.; 7 Fed. Stat. Ann. (1st ed.) 161. SUFFRAGE Proposed constitutional amendment granting suffrage to women, see Index. TAXATION See INTERNAL REVENUE; Public Debt TELEGRAPHS, TELEPHONES AND CABLES Act of Oct. 29, 1918, ch. 197, 348. Sec. 1. Government Operation and Control of Wires Protection of Users, 348. 2. Property of Government Telegraph and Telephone System - Larceny, etc., 349. 3. Receiving, etc., Stolen Property, 349. 4. Burglarizing, etc., Property, 349. 5. Assault on Employees of System - Robbery, etc., 349. Act of July 11, 1919, ch. 10, 350. Sec. 1. Government Control of Wires and Radio Systems Affecting Telephone Rates, 350. 2. Time of Returning Systems to Owners, 350. 3. Compensation - Adjustment, 350. 4. Report by President to Congress, 351. Repeal of Resolution An Act Providing for the protection of the users of the telephone and telegraph service and the properties and funds belonging thereto during Government operation and control. [Act of Oct. 29, 1918, ch. 197, 40 Stat. L. 1017.] [SEC. 1.] [Government operation and control of wires-protection of users.] That whoever during the period of governmental operation of the tele phone and telegraph systems of the United States by the Postmaster General, under the Act of Congress approved July sixteenth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and the proclamation of the President dated July twenty-second, nineteen hundred and eighteen, shall, without authority and without the knowledge and consent of the other users thereof, except as may be necessary for operation of the service, tap any telegraph or telephone line, or willfully interfere with the operation of such telephone and telegraph systems or with the transmission of any telephone or telegraph message, or with the delivery of any such message, or whoever being employed in any such telephone or telegraph service shall divulge the contents of any such telephone or telegraph message to any person not duly authorized or entitled to receive the same, shall be fined not exceeding $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. [40 Stat. L. 1017.] For Act of July 16, 1918, see 1918 Supp. Fed. Stat. Ann. 834. SEC. 2. [Property of government telegraph or telephone system - larceny, etc.] That whoever shall steal, purloin, embezzle, or without authority destroy any money, property, record, voucher, or valuable thing whatever of the moneys, goods, chattels, records, or property of any telephone or telegraph system operated by the Postmaster General under the Act of Congress approved July sixteenth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and the proclamation of the President dated July twenty-second, nineteen hundred and eighteen, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. [40 Stat. L. 1018.] SEC. 3. [Receiving, etc., stolen property.] That whoever shall receive, conceal, or aid in concealing, or shall have or retain in his possession with intent to convert to his own use or gain any money, property, record, voucher, or valuable thing whatever of the moneys, goods, chattels, records, or property of any telephone or telegraph system operated by the Postmaster General under the Act of Congress approved July sixteenth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and the proclamation of the President dated July twenty-second, nineteen hundred and eighteen, which has been embezzled, stolen, or purloined by any other person, knowing the same to be embezzled, stolen, or purloined, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both, and such person may be tried either before or after the conviction of the principal defendant. [40 Stat. L. 1018.] SEC. 4. [Burglarizing, etc., property.] That whoever shall forcibly break into, or attempt to break into, any telephone or telegraph office, or any building used in whole or in part as such telephone or telegraph office, of any telephone or telegraph system operated by the Postmaster General under the Act of Congress approved July sixteenth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and the proclamation of the President dated July twenty-second, nineteen hundred and eighteen, with intent to commit in such telephone or telegraph office or building, or part thereof so used, any larceny or other depredation, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. [40 Stat. L. 1018.] SEC. 5. [Assault on employees of system-robbery, etc.] That whoever shall assault any person having lawful charge, control, or custody of any money or property of any telephone or telegraph system operated by the Postmaster 'General under the Act of Congress dated July sixteenth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and the proclamation of the President dated July twenty-second, nineteen hundred and eighteen, with intent to rob, steal, or purloin such money or property, or any part thereof, or shall rob any such person of such money or property, or any part thereof, shall be imprisoned not more than five years; and if in the effecting or attempting to effect such robbery, he shall wound such person having custody of the money or property, or put his life in danger by the use of a dangerous weapon, shall be imprisoned not more than ten years. [40 Stat. L. 1018.] An Act To repeal the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution to authorize the President in time of war to supervise or take possession and assume control of any telegraph, telephone, marine cable, or radio system or systems or any part thereof, and to operate the same in such manner as may be needful or desirable for the duration of the war and to provide just compensation therefor," approved July 16, 1918, and for other purposes.1 66 [Act of July 11, 1919, ch. 10, 41 Stat. L. 157.] [SEC. 1.] [Government control of wires and radio systems — repeal of resolution affecting - telephone rates.] That chapter 154 of the Acts of the second session of the Sixty-fifth Congress, being the joint resolution entitled Joint resolution to authorize the President in time of war to supervise or take possession and assume control of any telegraph, telephone, marine cable, or radio system or systems, or any part thereof and to operate the same in such manner as may be needful or desirable for the duration of the war and to provide just compensation therefor," approved on the 16th day of July, 1918, be, and the same is hereby, repealed to take effect at midnight on the last day of the calendar month in which this Act is approved: Provided, however, That the existing toll and exchange telephone rates as established or approved by the Postmaster General on or prior to June 6, 1919, shall continue in force for a period not to exceed four months after this Act takes effect, unless sooner modified or changed by the public authorities-State, municipal, or otherwise having control or jurisdiction of tolls, charges, and rates or by contract or by voluntary reduction. [41 Stat. L. 157.] For Res. of June 6, 1919, mentioned in the text, see 1918 Supp. Fed. Stat. Ann. 834. SEC. 2. [Time of returning systems to owners.] That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, at midnight on the last day of the calendar month in which this Act is approved, to return and deliver to the respective owners thereof all of the systems, lines, and property taken possession of or received, operated, supervised, or controlled by him under authority of said joint resolution. [41 Stat. L. 157.] SEC. 3. [Compensation — adjustment.] That the first proviso of said joint resolution prescribing the just compensation to be paid for and on account of said supervision, possession, control, or operation therein specified shall continue in full force and effect until such just compensation shall be fully adjusted and paid in the manner and according to the terms and conditions therein set forth. [41 Stat. L. 158.] 1 For Res. of July 16, 1918, here repealed, see 1918 Supp. Fed. Stat. Ann. 834. SEC. 4. [Report by President to Congress.] That within ninety days after this Act shall take effcet the President shall cause to be made to the Congress a detailed account and report of all his acts and proceedings in connection with the supervision, possession, control, and operation of the telephone, telegraph, and marine cable systems of the United States, and of all moneys received and expended, and all property and assets acquired or held, and all liabilities or obligations incurred, including contracts relative to compensation awards, such report to show in detail the financial results of the operation of each separate wire system from August 1, 1918, up to the date when the said systems shall have been returned. [41 Stat. L. 158.] TIMBER LANDS AND FOREST RESERVES Act of Oct. 1, 1918, ch. 178, 351. Timber Needed in Prosecution of War Authority to Take, 351. Act of Oct. 21, 1918, ch. 192, 351. Oregon National Forest Act of Feb. 28, 1919, ch. 69, 352. Lands Set Aside, 351. Sec. 8. National Forests - Roads and Trails, 352. Act of March 3, 1919, ch. 111, 352. Right to Cut Timber for Certain Purposes Act of March 3, 1919, ch. 115, 353. Oregon, 352. Right to Cut Timber for Certain Purposes - California, 353. Act of July 24, 1919, ch. 26, 353. Timber and Forest Products - Exportation, 353. [Timber needed in prosecution of war - authority to take.] That hereafter during the existing state of war, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized, under regulations to be prescribed by him, to permit the War Department, or any other Department, Board, or Commission, of the Government, to take from the national forests such timber as may be needed in the prosecution of the war, and the Secretaries of the Departments, Boards, or the Commissions which may obtain such timber, are severally authorized to sell, or otherwise dispose of, any timber necessarily cut in carrying out the provisions of this paragraph and any materials manufactured therefrom which are not necessary for war purposes. [40 Stat. L. 990.] This is from the Agricultural Appropriation Act of Oct. 1, 1918, ch. 178. An Act To reserve as a part of the Oregon National Forest certain lands that were revested in the United States pursuant to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of the Oregon and California Railroad Company against the United States. [Act of Oct. 21, 1918, ch. 192, 40 Stat. L. 1015.] [Oregon National Forest lands set aside.] That all of the land contained within the grant by the United States to the Oregon and California Railroad Company that was revested in the United States pursuant to the decision of the |