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The term "alcohol" means that substance known as ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl, or spirit of wine, from whatever source or whatever processes produced.

The term "container" includes any receptacle, vessel, or form of package, tank, or conduit used or capable of use for holding, storing, transferring, or shipment of alcohol. [41 Stat. L. 319.]


SEC. 2. [Alcohol plants-bonding.] Any person now producing alcohol shall, within thirty days after the passage of this Act, make application to the commissioner for registration of his industrial alcohol plant, and as soon thereafter as practicable the premises shall be bonded and permit may issue for the operation of such plant, and any person hereafter establishing a plant for the production of alcohol shall likewise before operation make application, file bond, and receive permit. [41 Stat. L. 319.]

SEC. 3. [Warehouses - bonding- entry, storage and withdrawal of alcohol -regulations.] Warehouses for the storage and distribution of alcohol to be used exclusively for other than beverage purposes may be established upon filing of application and bond, and issuance of permit at such places, either in connection with the manufacturing plant or elsewhere, as the commissioner may determine; and the entry and storage of alcohol therein, and the withdrawals of alcohol therefrom shall be made in such containers and by such means as the commissioner by regulation may prescribe. [41 Siat. L. 319.]

SEC. 4. [Transfer of alcohol from one plant or warehouse to another.] Alcohol produced at any registered industrial alcohol plant or stored in any bonded warehouse may be transferred under regulations to any other registered industrial alcohol plant or bonded warehouse for any lawful purpose. [41 Stat. L. 320.]

SEC. 5. [Taxes on alcohol- lien.] Any tax imposed by law upon alcohol shall attach to such alcohol as soon as it is in existence as such, and all proprietors of industrial alcohol plants and bonded warehouses shall be jointly and severally liable for any and all taxes on any and all alcohol produced thereat or stored therein. Such taxes shall be a first lien on such alcohol and the premises and plant in which such alcohol is produced or stored, together with all improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. [41 Stat. L. 320.]

SEC. 6. [Effect of constitutional amendment on distilled spirits in bonded warehouses disposition.] Any distilled spirits produced and fit for beverage purposes remaining in any bonded warehouse on or before the date when the eighteenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States goes into effect. may, under regulations, be withdrawn therefrom either for denaturation at any bonded denaturing plant or for deposit in a bonded warehouse established


under this Act; and when so withdrawn, if not suitable as to proof, purity, or quality for other than beverage purposes, such distilled spirits shall be redistilled, purified, and changed in proof so as to render such spirits suitable for other purposes, and having been so treated may thereafter be denatured or sold in accordance with the provisions of this Act. [41 Stat. L. 320.]

SEC. 7. [Distilleries or bonded warehouses heretofore legally established disposition.] Any distillery or bonded warehouse heretofore legally established may, upon filing application and bond and the granting of permit, be operated as an industrial alcohol plant or bonded warehouse under the provisions of this title and regulations made thereunder. [41 Stat. L. 320.]

SEC. 8. [Alcohol how made-use and disposition.] Alcohol may be produced at any industrial alcohol plant established under the provisions of this title, from any raw materials or by any processes suitable for the production of alcohol, and, under regulations, may be used at any industrial alcohol plant or bonded warehouse or sold or disposed of for any lawful purpose, as in this Act provided. [41 Stat. L. 320.]

SEC. 9. [Exemption of plants and warehouses from certain statutory provisions.] Industrial alcohol plants and bonded warehouses established under the provisions of this title shall be exempt from the provisions of sections 3154, 3244, 3258, 3259, 3260, 3263, 3264, 3266, 3267, 3268, 3269, 3271, 3273, 3274, 3275, 3279, 3280, 3283, 3284, 3285, 3286, 3287, 3288, 3289, 3290, 3291, 3292, 3293, 3294, 3295, 3302, 3303, 3307, 3308, 3309, 3310, 3311, 3312, 3313, 3314, and 3327 of the Revised Statutes; sections 48 to 60, inclusive, and sections 62 and 67 of the Act of August 27, 1894 (Twenty-eighth Statutes, pages 563 to 568), and from such other provisions of existing laws relating to distilleries and bonded warehouses as may, by regulations, be declared inapplicable to industrial alcohol plants and bonded warehouses established under this Act.

Regulations may be made embodying any provision of the sections above enumerated. [41 Stat. L. 320.]

See the title INTERNAL REVENUE in 3 Fed. Stat. Ann. (2d ed.) 954, 3 Fed. Stat. Ann. (1st ed.) 540, for the statutes mentioned in the text.


SEC. 10. [Denaturing plants-establishment-sale of denatured alcohol tax-free-distilled vinegar.] Upon the filing of application and bond and issuance of permit denaturing plants may be established upon the premises of any industrial alcohol plant, or elsewhere, and shall be used exclusively for the denaturation of alcohol by the admixture of such denaturing materials as shall render the alcohol, or any compound in which it is authorized to be used, unfit for use as an intoxicating beverage.

Alcohol lawfully denatured may, under regulations, be sold free of tax either for domestic use or for export.

Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require manufacturers of distilled vinegar to raise the proof of any alcohol used in such manufacture or to denature the same. [41 Stat, L. 320.]

SEC. 11. [Withdrawals of alcohol tax free.] Alcohol produced at any industrial alcohol plant or stored in any bonded warehouse may, under regulations, be withdrawn tax free as provided by existing law from such plant or warehouse for transfer to any denaturing plant for denaturation, or may, under regulations, before or after denaturation, be removed from any such plant or warehouse for any lawful tax-free purpose.

Spirits of less proof than one hundred and sixty degrees may, under regulations, be deemed to be alcohol for the purpose of denaturation, under the provisions of this title.

Alcohol may be withdrawn, under regulations, from any industrial plant or bonded warehouse tax free by the United States or any governmental agency thereof, or by the several States and Territories or any municipal subdivision thereof or by the District of Columbia, or for the use of any scientific university or college of learning, any laboratory for use exclusively in scientific research, or for use in any hospital or sanatorium.

But any person permitted to obtain alcohol tax free, except the United States and the several States and Territories and subdivisions thereof, and the District of Columbia, shall first apply for and secure a permit to purchase the same and give the bonds prescribed under title II of this Act, but alcohol withdrawn for nonbeverage purposes for the use of the United States and the several States, Territories and subdivisions thereof, and the District of Columbia may be purchased and withdrawn subject only to such regulations as may be prescribed. [41 Stat. L. 321.]


SEC. 12. [Additional penalties.] The penalties provided in this title shall be in addition to any penalties provided in title 2 of this Act, unless expressly otherwise therein provided. [41 Stat. L. 321.]

SEC. 13. [Regulations by Commissioner of Internal Revenue.] The commissioner shall from time to time issue regulations respecting the establishment, bonding, and operation of industrial alcohol plants, denaturing plants, and bonded warehouses authorized herein, and the distribution, sale, export, and use of alcohol which may be necessary, advisable, or proper, to secure the revenue, to prevent diversion of the alcohol to illegal uses, and to place the nonbeverage alcohol industry and other industries using such alcohol as a chemical raw material or for other lawful purpose upon the highest possible plane of scientific and commercial efficiency consistent with the interests of the Government, and which shall insure an ample supply of such alcohol and promote its use in scientific research and the development of fuels, dyes, and other lawful products. [41 Stat. L. 321.]

SEC. 14. [Loss of alcohol by evaporation, etc — refund of tax.] Whenever any alcohol is lost by evaporation or other shrinkage, leakage, casualty, or unavoidable cause during distillation, redistillation, denaturation, withdrawal, piping, shipment, warehousing, storage, packing, transfer, or recovery, of any such alcohol the commissioner may remit or refund any tax incurred under existing law upon such alcohol, provided he is satisfied that the alcohol has not been diverted to any illegal use: Provided, also, That such allowance shall not be granted if the person claiming same is indemnified against such loss by a valid claim of insurance. [41 Stat. L. 321.]

SEC. 15. [Operators of industrial alcohol or denaturing plants - violation of laws and regulations - penalty.] Whoever operates an industrial alcohol plant or a denaturing plant without complying with the provisions of this title and lawful regulations made thereunder, or whoever withdraws or attempts to withdraw or secure tax free any alcohol subject to tax, or whoever otherwise violates any of the provisions of this title or of regulations lawfully made thereunder shall be liable, for the first offense, to a penalty of not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both, and for a second or cognate offense to a penalty of not less than $100 nor more than $10,000, and to imprisonment of not less than thirty days nor more than one year. It shall be lawful for the commissioner in all cases of second or cognate offense to refuse to issue for a period of one year a permit for the manufacture or use of alcohol upon the premises of any person responsible in any degree for the violation. [41 Stat. L. 321.]

SEC. 16. [Collection of taxes-assessment or stamp.] Any tax payable upon alcohol under existing law may be collected either by assessment or by stamp as regulations shall provide; and if by stamp, regulations shall issue prescribing the kind of stamp to be used and the manner of affixing and canceling the same. [41 Stat. L. 322.]

SEC. 17. [Release of seized property.] When any property is seized for violation of this title it may be released to the claimant or to any intervening party, in the discretion of the commissioner, on a bond given and approved. [41 Stat. L 322.]

SEC. 18. [Application of administrative laws to this title.] All administrative provisions of internal-revenue law, including those relating to assessment, collection, abatement, and refund of taxes and penalties, and the seizure and forfeiture of property, are made applicable to this title in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions thereof. [41 Stat. L. 322.]

SEC. 19. [Prior statutes relating to alcohol-repeal.] All prior statutes relating to alcohol as defined in this title are hereby repealed in so far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this title. [41 Stat. L. 322.]

SEC. 20. [Canal Zone - prohibition extended to offenses.] That it shall be unlawful to import or introduce into the Canal Zone, or to manufacture, sell, give away, dispose of, transport, or have in one's possession or under one's control within the Canal Zone, any alcoholic, fermented, brewed, distilled, vinous, malt, or spirituous liquors, except for sacramental, scientific, pharmaceutical, industrial, or medicinal purposes, under regulations to be made by the President, and any such liquors within the Canal Zone in violation hereof shall be forfeited to the United States and seized: Provided, That this section. shall not apply to liquor in transit through the Panama Canal or on the Panama Railroad.

That each and every violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding six months for a first offense, and by a fine not less than $200 nor more than $2,000 and imprisonment not less than one month nor more than five years for a second or subsequent offense.

That all offenses heretofore committed within the Canal Zone may be prosecuted and all penalties therefor enforced in the same manner and to the same extent as if this Act had not been passed. [41 Siat. L. 322.]

SEC. 21. [Act when in effect.] Titles I and III and sections 1, 27, 37, and 38 of title II of this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after the passage and approval of the Act. The other sections of title II shall take effect and be in force from and after the date when the eighteenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States goes into effect. [41 Stat. L. 322.]


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Vice President of the United States and

President of the Senate.


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The President of the United States having returned to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, the bill (H. R. 6810) entitled "An Act to prohibit intoxicating beverages, and to regulate the manufacture, production, use, and sale of high-proof spirits for other than beverage purposes. and to insure an ample supply of alcohol and promote its use in scientific research and in the development of fuel, dye, and other lawful industries," with his objections thereto, the House procecded in pursuance of the Constitution to reconsider the same; and

Resolved, That the said bill pass, two thirds of the House of Representatives agreeing to pass the same.





Legislative Day, October 22, 1919, Calendar Day October 28, 1919. The Senate having proceeded to reconsider the bill (H. R. 6810) "An Act to prohibit intoxicating beverages, and to regulate the manufacture, production, use, and sale of high-proof spirits for other than beverage purposes, and to insure an ample supply of alcohol and promote its use in scientific research and in the development of fucl, dye, and other lawful industries," returned by the President of the United States to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, with his objections, and passed by the House on a reconsideration of the same, it was

RESOLVED, That the said bill pass, two-thirds of the Senators present having voted in the affirmative.

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