The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 43Samuel Johnson C. Bathurst, 1779 |
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Halaman 5
... pleasure and happiness to fee you act in all thofe relations : I could with delight enlarge upon this amiable part of your character ; but am fenfible that no B 3 portion portion of your time is fo ill spent as in DEDICATION .
... pleasure and happiness to fee you act in all thofe relations : I could with delight enlarge upon this amiable part of your character ; but am fenfible that no B 3 portion portion of your time is fo ill spent as in DEDICATION .
Halaman 13
... pleasure they resemble the fecond - fighted people in Scotland , who are fabled to see more than other perfons ; but all the benefit they reap from this privilege , is to discover objects of horror , ghosts , and apparitions . But it is ...
... pleasure they resemble the fecond - fighted people in Scotland , who are fabled to see more than other perfons ; but all the benefit they reap from this privilege , is to discover objects of horror , ghosts , and apparitions . But it is ...
Halaman 19
... pleasure to complain : Forbids my faultering tongue to tell What pangs for thee I feel , Lovely , unhappy Ifrael ! Yet though the fig - tree should no burthen bear , Though vines delude the promife of the year , Yet though the olive ...
... pleasure to complain : Forbids my faultering tongue to tell What pangs for thee I feel , Lovely , unhappy Ifrael ! Yet though the fig - tree should no burthen bear , Though vines delude the promife of the year , Yet though the olive ...
Halaman 122
... pleasure scarce can pleafe , Thy woes but haften'd thee to heaven and peace : As angry winds , when loud the tempeft roars , More fwiftly speed the veffel to the fhores . O ! may these lays a lasting lustre shed O'er thy dark urn , like ...
... pleasure scarce can pleafe , Thy woes but haften'd thee to heaven and peace : As angry winds , when loud the tempeft roars , More fwiftly speed the veffel to the fhores . O ! may these lays a lasting lustre shed O'er thy dark urn , like ...
Halaman 123
... scenes unfold A thousand wonders glorious to behold ; And here , or there , as the machine extends , A hero rifes , or a God descends : But But foon the momentary pleasure flies , Swift vanishes the On the DEATH of Mr. FENTON . 1123.
... scenes unfold A thousand wonders glorious to behold ; And here , or there , as the machine extends , A hero rifes , or a God descends : But But foon the momentary pleasure flies , Swift vanishes the On the DEATH of Mr. FENTON . 1123.
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Æneid arms Atrides Bard beauties beneath bleft blooming bofom breaſt breathe bright charms death diftant diſplay dreadful earth ELIJAH FENTON Ev'n eyes facred fair fame fate fcenes fhades fhall fhining fhores fhould fierce fighs fight filence fing fire fkies flain flames fleep flies floods FLORUS flowers foft fome fong fons foul fpring ftill ftorms ftreams fuch fweet fwell glorious Gods grace Greece heaven hero hofts honours Iliad immortal inſpire Jove juft king labours Latian Latium lefs loft Lord Lord CORNWALLIS LYCIDA lyre mighty Mufe Muſe muſt numbers nymph o'er plain pleas'd pleaſe pleaſure Poet praiſe proud purſue rage Rainham rais'd raiſe rife riſe roar ſcene ſhade ſhall ſhines ſhores ſkies ſky ſpread ſtand ſtate ſtill ſtrains tears thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou thouſand thunder toils trembling Troy vaft verfe verſe whofe youth