The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 43Samuel Johnson C. Bathurst, 1779 |
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Halaman 21
... loft By wintery forms , and hoary frost ! And yet how well did the fuftain , And greatly triumph o'er her pain ! So flowers , when blafting winds invade , Breathe fweet , and beautifully fade . Now in her cheeks , and radiant eyes , New ...
... loft By wintery forms , and hoary frost ! And yet how well did the fuftain , And greatly triumph o'er her pain ! So flowers , when blafting winds invade , Breathe fweet , and beautifully fade . Now in her cheeks , and radiant eyes , New ...
Halaman 48
... loft his blood ! Ev'n with the grave , the haughty spoilers war , And death's dark manfions wide difclofe to air : O'er kings and faints insulting stalk , nor dread To fpurn the ashes of the glorious dead . See the Britannic lions wave ...
... loft his blood ! Ev'n with the grave , the haughty spoilers war , And death's dark manfions wide difclofe to air : O'er kings and faints insulting stalk , nor dread To fpurn the ashes of the glorious dead . See the Britannic lions wave ...
Halaman 57
... loft ; But you with speed forbid distress to grieve : He gives by halves * , who hefitates to give . Thus when an angel views mankind distrest , He feels compaffion pleading in his breast ; Inftant the heavenly guardian cleaves the ...
... loft ; But you with speed forbid distress to grieve : He gives by halves * , who hefitates to give . Thus when an angel views mankind distrest , He feels compaffion pleading in his breast ; Inftant the heavenly guardian cleaves the ...
Halaman 67
... loft ; O'er his smooth skin a bark of wrinkles spread , Old age difgrac'd the honours of his head ; Nor longer in his heavy eye - ball shin'd The glance divine forth - beaming from the mind ; But you , like Pallas , every limb infold ...
... loft ; O'er his smooth skin a bark of wrinkles spread , Old age difgrac'd the honours of his head ; Nor longer in his heavy eye - ball shin'd The glance divine forth - beaming from the mind ; But you , like Pallas , every limb infold ...
Halaman 90
... fuch was Cleopatra's air , Lovely , but formidably fair , When the griev'd world impoverish'd loft By the dire afp , its noblest boast . Aw'd Aw'd by your guardian's dangerous power , At distance trembling 90 BROOME'S POEM S.
... fuch was Cleopatra's air , Lovely , but formidably fair , When the griev'd world impoverish'd loft By the dire afp , its noblest boast . Aw'd Aw'd by your guardian's dangerous power , At distance trembling 90 BROOME'S POEM S.
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Istilah dan frasa umum
Æneid arms Atrides Bard beauties beneath bleft blooming bofom breaſt breathe bright charms death diftant diſplay dreadful earth ELIJAH FENTON Ev'n eyes facred fair fame fate fcenes fhades fhall fhining fhores fhould fierce fighs fight filence fing fire fkies flain flames fleep flies floods FLORUS flowers foft fome fong fons foul fpring ftill ftorms ftreams fuch fweet fwell glorious Gods grace Greece heaven hero hofts honours Iliad immortal inſpire Jove juft king labours Latian Latium lefs loft Lord Lord CORNWALLIS LYCIDA lyre mighty Mufe Muſe muſt numbers nymph o'er plain pleas'd pleaſe pleaſure Poet praiſe proud purſue rage Rainham rais'd raiſe rife riſe roar ſcene ſhade ſhall ſhines ſhores ſkies ſky ſpread ſtand ſtate ſtill ſtrains tears thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou thouſand thunder toils trembling Troy vaft verfe verſe whofe youth