The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Volume 43Samuel Johnson C. Bathurst, 1779 |
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Halaman 4
... heaven , and heaven reflects " From its broad - glittering mirrour ; now with waves * See Mr. Thomfon's excellent poems . " Curl'd " Curl'd gently by the breeze , falutes the flowers DEDICATION .
... heaven , and heaven reflects " From its broad - glittering mirrour ; now with waves * See Mr. Thomfon's excellent poems . " Curl'd " Curl'd gently by the breeze , falutes the flowers DEDICATION .
Halaman 15
... heaven in anger fends to fcourge a guilty land . With terror cloath'd , he downward flew , And wither'd half the nations with a view ; Through half the nations of th ' astonish'd earth He scatter'd war , and plagues , and dearth ! And ...
... heaven in anger fends to fcourge a guilty land . With terror cloath'd , he downward flew , And wither'd half the nations with a view ; Through half the nations of th ' astonish'd earth He scatter'd war , and plagues , and dearth ! And ...
Halaman 19
... heaven ! I faint . I die ! The yielding powers of Ifrael fly ! Now bánner'd hofts furround the walls Of Sion ! now the finks , the falls ! - Ah ! Sion , how for thee I mourn ! What pangs for thee I feel ! ` · Ah ! how art thou become ...
... heaven ! I faint . I die ! The yielding powers of Ifrael fly ! Now bánner'd hofts furround the walls Of Sion ! now the finks , the falls ! - Ah ! Sion , how for thee I mourn ! What pangs for thee I feel ! ` · Ah ! how art thou become ...
Halaman 26
... Upturn whole oceans , and tofs cloud on cloud , While waves encountering waves in mountains driven , Swell to the starry vault , and dash the heaven . 3 Know'ft Know'ft thou , why comets threaten in the air , 26 BROOME'S POEMS .
... Upturn whole oceans , and tofs cloud on cloud , While waves encountering waves in mountains driven , Swell to the starry vault , and dash the heaven . 3 Know'ft Know'ft thou , why comets threaten in the air , 26 BROOME'S POEMS .
Halaman 27
... heavens are charg'd with gloomy clouds , And half the skies precipitate in floods , Chace the dark horror of the storm ... heaven with stars , Whofe Whofe thousand times ten thousand lamps display A friendly radiance A PARAPHRASE . 27.
... heavens are charg'd with gloomy clouds , And half the skies precipitate in floods , Chace the dark horror of the storm ... heaven with stars , Whofe Whofe thousand times ten thousand lamps display A friendly radiance A PARAPHRASE . 27.
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Istilah dan frasa umum
Æneid arms Atrides Bard beauties beneath bleft blooming bofom breaſt breathe bright charms death diftant diſplay dreadful earth ELIJAH FENTON Ev'n eyes facred fair fame fate fcenes fhades fhall fhining fhores fhould fierce fighs fight filence fing fire fkies flain flames fleep flies floods FLORUS flowers foft fome fong fons foul fpring ftill ftorms ftreams fuch fweet fwell glorious Gods grace Greece heaven hero hofts honours Iliad immortal inſpire Jove juft king labours Latian Latium lefs loft Lord Lord CORNWALLIS LYCIDA lyre mighty Mufe Muſe muſt numbers nymph o'er plain pleas'd pleaſe pleaſure Poet praiſe proud purſue rage Rainham rais'd raiſe rife riſe roar ſcene ſhade ſhall ſhines ſhores ſkies ſky ſpread ſtand ſtate ſtill ſtrains tears thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou thouſand thunder toils trembling Troy vaft verfe verſe whofe youth