SPECIMEN of a Tranflation of the ODYSSEY. 'HE nurfe all wild with tranfport feem'd to swim, THE Joy wing'd her feet and lighten'd ev'ry limb; rage Thy foul's defire and lord of all thy vows: The gods refume that reafon which they gave; No artful tales, no ftudied lies, I frame, If my dear lord, Ulyffes, ftill furvives, CON CONTENTS O F PITT'S POEMS. REFACE PREF Epistle to Dr. Young, at Eaftbury in Dorset- Page 184 189 193 195 199 On the approaching Delivery of her Royal Highness, - The First Hymn of Callimachus, to Jupiter. 205 Part of the Second Book of Statius. On the Death of a Young Gentleman. Chrift's Paffion, from a Greek Ode of Mr. Mafters, formerly of New College. An Ode. 21F 218 219 On the King's Return, in the Year 1720. 221 On the Masquerades. 223 On a Shadow. An Ode. 225 To Cælia playing on a Lute. An Ode. 227 To the Unknown Author of the Battle of the Sexes 228 The The Twelfth Ode of the Firft Book of Horace, Tranflated. 229 The XXIId Ode of the Firft Book of Horace. 231 in the Year 1721. The Song of Moses, in the XVth Chapter of Exodus, The Third Ode of the Second Book of Horace The Third Ode of the Fourth Book of Horacé, On the approaching Congress of Cambray. Written The Fable of the Young Man and his Cat. To Mr. Pope, on his Tranflation of Homer's Iliad. Part of the Firft neid of Virgil Tranflated. On his Majefty's playing with a Tiger in Kenfington Gardens. 281 A Dialogue between a Poet and his Servant. Ode to John Pitt, Efq; advifing him to build a Banqueting-house on a Hill that over-looks the Sea. 285 3 Ode 257 263 265 267 270 272 Ode to John Pitt, Efq; on the fame Subject. 288 On Mrs. Walker's Poems, particularly that on the Author. 290 Verses on a Flowered Carpet, worked by the Young Ladies at Kingston. 291 Verfes on a Flowered Carpet. 292 On the Art of Preaching. A Fragment. An Epitaph, inscribed on a Stone that covers his A Poem on the Death of Earl Stanhope. 293 296 297 301 305 Horace, Book II. Ep. xix. Imitated; in an Epiftle to Mr. Robert Lowth. 387 Odyifey. Poem to Mr. Spence, prefixed to the Effay on Pope's Imitation of Spenfer. Epiftle to J. Pitt, Efq; in Imitation of Horace. Epiftle to Mr. Spence, in Imitation of Horace. 389 390 392 394 397 Epiftle to Mr. Spence, when Tutor to Lord Middle fex; in Imitation of Horace. 399 Specimen of a Translation of the Odyssey. 403 THE END OF PITT'S POEMS. |