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Such a state of feeling is not an exchange from labor to ease. Such a subjection of our desires and passions is as great a trial as the fire is to gold.

In humility then, let us be willing to become least of all and servants of all, and turn our hearts to the praises and love of Him who made us, and we shall lead an angelic life on earth, and have the fruition of the Lord our God.

Let us then so learn Christ and duty as these pilgrims on earth; for they were intimately acquainted with its Maker and Lord; and however despised on earth, they were particularly dear and precious in the sight of God.


"Be ye followers of Christ."

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THE life of the Christian should abound in good works, in doing good and in being ready and willing to communicate. It should be what it seems to be, yea and much more in his inward disposition of soul, because he serves a God of infinite purity, who sees the inmost soul. We, as the holy angels, are ever in his presence. We are never alone, and through eternity shall never be alone. How cheering to know and feel that there is a Being so near us, surrounding us, inhabiting us; and what can sustain this solemn truth for us, but to have joy in conversing with his brightness?

Let us, therefore, continually pray, that we may live well, that we may be quickened in zeal, and let us not faint and be weary, ascribing all our perseverance to the favor and assistance of God; as good men ever depend on Him for guidance in all their ways, for even the preparation of the heart is from the Lord.

In all our bodily exercises, as well as our religious observances, let the improvement of our souls and the glory of God be the standard and regulation of our consciences.

To the soul of a true believer and devout follower of Christ, death is so far from being a terror, that it is a scene of glorious triumph. Having lived as a stranger and a pilgrim on the earth, it costs but little to shake loose its bars and fetters, in view of the recompense and reward. Is it not to shine with the saints in glory? To join the innumerable company and general assembly and church of the first born in songs of praise? To be transformed to the likeness of the Saviour, and to see Him as He is, – in divine joy, love and peace?

How precious a contemplation is this! that in the vast and numberless regions of light, and bliss, and glory, the blessed inhabitants are all drawing from the same fountain; solace themselves in the fulness of joy, from rivers of pleasure which flow from the divine presence forevermore.


"Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.'

CHRIST then is the truth, and all who desire to imitate Him must.hear his voice and

follow his steps. Why weary ourselves

after abstract speculations and vain definitions? He, whom the divine word instructs, takes a much shorter road to truth, for the Gospel gives all saving knowledge, and he, who governs himself by its divine precepts, will establish his mind in perfect peace, and rest himself securely upon God. O thou whose essence is truth, unite us to thyself in perfect love!

All other studies and desires weary and distract the soul; to know thee alone is the object of our fervent longings. Should all the wisdom of the world be annihilated, still we may dispense with all, if thou vouchsafe to teach us thyself.

The more a man communes with his own soul, and retires into its recesses, and studies its ceaseless cravings after exaltations and

felicity, the less he will wander abroad and dwell on things without him. He will feel alarmed at his own powers, even at his immortality, unless the spirit within him is brought into union with the fountain from whence it emanated, and rests solely upon God, who breathed it into man.

This sublime perception rectifies the warring principles within; it is a ray darted from heaven into the soul. The honor of God is his aim, and he orders his steps by this sole rule and to this end, suffering no vicious inclination to divert him, but making every undertaking to submit to the dictates. of reason and religion. When those precious gifts of God to man, his intellectual faculties, are employed in extending the sphere of profitable wisdom, with the hope of rendering piety itself more illustrious, what can be more pleasing in the sight of God?

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