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Philemon Blake
Abraham Moulton
James Sanbun
David Sambun
Shurbun Tilton
John Tilton
Stephn Hobbs
Tristram Sanborn
Nathanel French
Joseph Eastman
William Taylor
Jeremiah Quinbe
John Webster
Andrew Webster
Tho. Griffin
Moses Sleper

Eben Easman

Samuel French

Theofeolos Grifen
Thomas Easman
Dan" Rowell
Moses Rouell
Ralfe Blasell
Thom George
Dan Blasdell
Jona. Blasdell
Theo Griffen Jr.
John Carter
Peter Sanborn
Benma Magon
Nath1 Smyeth
Ele Beede
Philip Modey
Joseph Louern
Sam Been, Jr
John Sleepr

Petition of persons formerly of Massachusetts to be annexed to Hampton Falls.

To his Excelency Bening Wintworth Esq. Governor and Commander in cheif In and over his Majesties Province of New Hampshire and the Honorable the Counsel now setting in said Province.

The Humble address and Petition of His Majesties Legal and deutifull Subjects whose names are hereunto Subscribed which did belong to the Esterly part of Salisbery but now by the Settlement of the Province Lines Fall into New Hampshire most Humbly sheweth that your petitioners are Informed that those which did belong to the westerly Part of Salisbury and some of Almsbery which by said Line falls into New Hampshire Intends to Petition that all those Persons that did belong to Salisbery and Almsbery & are now taken Into New Hampshire might be made in to a twown ship or Parish by themselves & not annexed to any other, and have Presumed so far as to set up a frame for A Meeting House in the Westerly Part which if it should be granted would be very Pregeditial to your Petitioners who live most of us above six miles from. said meeting house so y' those of us that frequent y' way of Worship Could not attend the worship of God with our wifes and families as we out to doo and for all other affairs belonging to a town or Parish of all things that are notified at said meeting house we shall have no knowledge of them which may be greatly to our Damage and a great Dificulty & Troble to select men and Constables and all such affocirs.

We Therefore Humbly Pray that we may not be joyned to them but may be Annexed to Hampton Falls or some other

way as in
wisdom you may
think meet and your
ers as in duty bound shall ever Pray.


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Petition of inhabitants of N. E. part of Hampton to be exempted from minister's tax.

To His Excellency Bennin Wentworth Esq. Governor and Commander in Chief In and over his Majesties Provence of New Hampshire in New England and to the Hounorable the Councel and house of Representatives of said Province In General Assembly Convened-November y 16th 1742 The Humble petition of us the Subscribers Most Humbly sheweth-that the houses and habitations of your petitioners are in the north eastly part of the town of Hampton at or near Littel Bores Head near Lettel River or near the Sea and that we live most as near upon a Line to the meeting house at the town as to that at North hill and that it is much easier for us to go to meeting at the town than to North Hill by reason of the Goodness of the way to the town and there not being any way for us to go to meeting at north hill nor ever like to be unless we travil much farther than to go to the meeting house at the town:

Your petitioners Humbly pray that your Excellency and Honours would be pleased to take this petition into consideration and in your grate Goodness exempt us from paying to the support of the ministry at North hill and that we may still remain and be taxed to the support of the ministry and the other Publick charges of the town as we used to be and your pititioners as in duty bound shall ever pray

John Batchelder
Thomas Hains

Jeremiah Page

Mosies Lampre
Obadiah Marston
Stephen Brown.

In the House of Representatives 9br, 25th 1742

The within Petition Read and considered & voted to be Dismissed James Jeffry Clr. Assm

Petition of sundry persons to be annexed to Hampton Falls or other towns.

To his Excellency the Governer of New Hampshire &c

May it plese your Excellency: we namly John Paige, Benjaimin Baker, John True & Jacob French are in that Petiton Prefer'd by those in the Easte Parte of that slip &c, and we Desire we may be anext to Hampton Falls We our hairs and estats; and we

Benjamin Brown
Caleb Clough
Amos Paige

Nathaniel Maxfield
Abraham Brown

Epharaim Brown, Jr
Benjamin Brown, Jr.
Samuel French

Jonathan Brown

Samuel Brown jr

desire to be annexed to Kingsinto"-we our Hairs and Es

[blocks in formation]

Petition of persons in Haverhill district not to be joined with Kingstown.

Province of To his Excelency Benning Wintworth Esq. New Hampshire Governor and Commander in Cheif În

and over his Majisties Province of New Hampshire In New England and To the honorable his Majesties Councils of said province

The petition of Jeremiah Eaton, John Kezar and othersThe Subscribers who live In Haverhill Destrict and on the Norwest side of the Washpond brook.

Humbly sheweth:

That sometime agoe your petitioners together with others to agreat number of Haverhill destrict and some of Amsbery Humbly requested your Excellency and honors to Incorporate them into a town ship according to the meets and bounds defined in the petition

And your Exelency and honours so far Incouraged us as to send a committee to view our situation and circumstances who accordingly haveing attended that Service made their report, But it so hapned that when our committee waited upon your Excelency and honours Expecting to receive a charter of Incorporation acording to the return of said Committee the sudden news of a french fleet on the coasts so alarmed the Government that your Excelency and honers were obliged to imply all your thoughts and powers for the defence of the province and Lay aside that afair with all other Business to a further day-That as we are informed the town of Kingstown who have been of late indeavering to Extirpate us from the Earth did on the 26 of September last set us of together with some few others who call themselves Kingstown men into a parish,

Thereby further indeavouring to vex grieve hurt and Iniure us who had many of us much rather be lead into Captivity By some Christian nation than be Joynd with them who are our Greatest adversaries under a pretence that wee are part of Kingston when in fact wee and our anchestors have possesd our lands as part of Haverhill for more than one hundred years past, and since the settlement of the line have allways been accounted Haverhill destrict men and paid rates accordingly.

Wee therefore humbly and earnestly request your Exelency and Honers to compasenate our Surcumstances and not suffer us to be rent and torn to peices by our inveterate Kingston adversaries but will aford us releif by Joyning us with our Dear Christian friends relations and neibeurs of haverhill Destrict according to our petition with them & as soon as may be Incorporated Into a township-That so wee may have the

Gospel setled amongst us and for your Exelency and honours your humble petitioners as In duty bound shall ever pray &c. Haverhill Destrict October 13th 1746.

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Joseph Stevens
Michael Johnson
Tho. Stevens
William Easman

Daniel Robands

John Mills

Daniel Johnson
John Atwood
Zachariah Johnson
Joseph Little
John Chute
Daniel Little

Thomas Mills

Phillip McCarrygon
Beniamin Philbrick

James Mills.

Notification of a Parish meeting to set off those who call

Province of New Hamps

themselves Presbyterians.

These are to notify the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Parish of Hampton falls in said Province who are by Law Qualified for to Vote to meet at this meeting house on the 24 day of Sep' next at one of the clock in the afternoon for the following Purpose viz-Whereas a Number of Persons in said Parish have Lately Professed themselves of the Presbyterian Perswasion, and have apply'd to some ministers at Londonderry whom they call the Boston Presbytery Desiring to be under their care Representing that they apprehend themselves able and are freely willing to maintain a minister of the orthodox faith and that is united with said ministers in the Presbyterian Government and have made some objections to paying towards the support of the settled minister in said Parish-And altho there is no Just Reason that the above mentioned Persons should in any Respect be excused except that it may Probably be most for the peace of said parish that the abovementioned Persons and their estates should be set off to act in all Respects as a Distinct Society or Parish by themselves, except paying their Proportion of the Province tax untill a new Proportion thereof-Therefore to see if the Parish will vote to set off the abovementioned Persons and their estates to be Incorporated if they think Proper to apply for it to act in all respects by themselves as a Distinct Society or Parish Except Paying their Proportion of the Province tax untill a new Proportion thereof, and to pay all other charges as usual untill they shall be set off as above mentioned-The Line of said New Parish to be fixed by a committee of the General Court with Liberty for such of the above mentioned Persons as shall not fall within said New Parish to Poll off with their estates and belong thereto, And for any who shall fall within said New Parish who are not of the Presbyterian Perswasion to Poll off with their Estates and belong to the old Parish and for any who are not of the Presbyterian Perswasion who have or shall have Lands within said New Parish to Poll off said Lands to belong to the old Parish.

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