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are come to affure you that the Sennekas, "Cayugas, Onnondagas, Oneydoes and Mohawks

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are all alive. I thank you, in their Name, "for bringing back into their Country the "Calumet which your Predeceffor received "from their hands. It was happy for you "that you left under ground that Murdering "Hatchet which has been fo often dyed in "the Blood of the French. Hear Yonnondio, "I do not Sleep, I have my eyes Open, and "the Sun which enlightens me difcovers to me a great Captain at the head of a Company of Soldiers, who fpeaks as if he were Dreaming. He fays that he only came to "the Lake to fmoke on the great Calumet "with the Onnondagas. But Garangula fays, "that he fees the Contrary, that it was to "knock them on the head, if Sickness had "not weakned the Arms of the French.

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"I fee Yonnondio Raving in a Camp of "fick men, who's Lives the great Spirit has

saved, by Inflicting this Sickness on them. "Hear Yonnondio, Our Women had taken "their Clubs, our Children and Old Men "had carried their Bows and Arrows into "the heart of your Camp, if our Warriors "had not difarmed them, and retained them "when your Meffenger, Obqueffe appeared "in our Castle. It is done, and I have said it.


"Hear Yonnondio, we plundered none of "the French, but thofe that carried Guns, "Powder and Ball to the Twibties and Chic"taghicks, because those Arms might have "coft us our Lives. Herein we follow the "example of the Jefuits, who ftave all the "Barrels of Rum brought to our Castle, " left the Drunken Indians fhould knock them

on the Head. Our Warriors have not "Bevers enough to pay for all these Arms "that they have taken, and our Old Men are "not afraid of the War. This Belt pre"Serves my Words.

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"We carried the English into our Lakes, to "traffick there with the Utawawas and Qutogbies, as the Adirondacks brought the "French to our Caftles, to carry on a Trade "which the English fay is theirs. We are "born free, We neither depend upon Yonnondio cc nor Corlaer.

"We may go where we please, and carry "with us whom we please, and buy and "fell what we pleafe. If your Allies be your "Slaves, use them as fuch, Command them "to receive no other but your People. This "Belt Preferves my Words.

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"We knockt the Twibtwies and Chictaghiks

on the head, because they had cut down the "Trees of Peace, which were the Limits of our Country. They have hunted Bevers


on our Lands: They have acted contrary "to the Custom of all Indians; for they left

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none of the Bevers alive, they kill'd both "Male and Female. They brought the Sa"tanas (d) into their Country, to take part "with them, and Arm'd them, after they had "concerted ill Designs against us. We have

"done lefs than either the English or French, "that have ufurp'd the Lands of fo many "Indian Nations, and chased them from their "own Country. This Belt Preferves my "Words.

"Hear Yonordio, What I fay is the Voice "of all the Five Nations. Hear what they "Answer, Open your Ears to what they

Speak. The Sennekas, Cayugas, Onnondagas, Oneydoes and Mohawks say, That when they "buried the Hatchet at Cadarackui (in the "prefence of your Predeceffor) in the middle "of the Fort, they planted the Tree of "Peace, in the fame place, to be there care

fully preferved, that, in place of a Retreat "for Soldiers, that Fort might be a Rende"vouze of Merchants; that in place of Arms "and Munitions of War, Bevers and Mer"chandize should only enter there.

"Hear, Tonondio, Take care for the future, "that fo great a Number of Soldiers as apcc pear

(d) Called Sawonons by the French.

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pear here do not choak the Tree of Peace planted in so small a Fort. It will be a great "Lofs, if after it had fo eafily taken root,

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you should stop its growth, and prevent its "covering your Country and ours with its "Branches. I affure you, in the Name of "the Five Nations, That our Warriors shall "dance to the Calumet of Peace under its leaves, "and fhall remain quiet on their Mats, and "fhall never dig up the Hatchet till their "Brethren, Yonnondio or Corlaer fhall either joyntly or feperately endeavour to attack "the Country which the great Spirit has given to our Ancestors. This Belt preferves my "Words, and this other, the Authority which the "Five Nations have given me.

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Then Garangula addreffing himself to Mr. Le Main, faid,

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"Take Courage, Obqueffe, you have Spirit, Speak, Explain my Words, Forget nothing, Tell all that your Brethren and "Friends fay to Yonnondio, your Governor, by the Mouth of Garangula, who honours

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you, and defires you to accept of this Pre"fent of Bever, and take part with me in my "Feaft, to which I invite you. This Present "of Bevers is fent to Yonnondio on the part of "the Five Nations."1

When Garangula's Harrangue was explain'd



to Mr. De la Barre, he return'd to his Tent, enraged at what he had heard.

Garangula feafted the French Officers, and then Return'd. And Monf. De la Barre fet out in in his way towards Monreal. As foon as the General was embarqued with the few Soldiers that remain'd in Health, the Militia made the best of their way to their own Habitations, without any Order or Difcipline.

Thus a very Chargeable and Fatiguing Expedition (which was to strike the Terror of the French Name into the Stubborn Hearts of the Five Nations) ended by a Difpute between the French General and an Old Indian.


When the Indians came to Albany, after they had met with Mr. De la Barre, (and were upbraided for it by Coll. Dongan) Carachkondie, an Onnondaga, flyly answer'd, We are forry, and afhamed; for now we understand that the Governor of Canada is not fo great a Man as the English King that lives on the other fide the great Water; and we are vexed for having given the Governor of Canada so many fine Wampum Belts.


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