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"This History from New York foon went to England, and I have been informed, that a Publication, with a Continuance of that Work, would be acceptable. I have the more chearfully complied with this Notice, because of the War, threatened from France, believing that a publication of this Kind may be useful, whether the prefent Inquietudes between the two Nations end in a War or a Treaty. The French have encouraged feveral Publications of this fort at Paris, and certainly fuch may be more useful in a British Government, where the People have so great a fhare in it, than it can be in a French Government, intirely directed by the Will of their Prince.

"I now continue this History to the Peace of Refwick, and if I find this acceptable, and that a farther Continuation of it be defired, I fhall, if my Life and Health be preferved, carry it down farther; but as I have too much reason to doubt my own Ability to give that Pleasure and Satisfaction which the Publick may expect in things thus fubmitted to their View, I think its not justifiable to trouble them with too much at once."

While Mr. Collinfon had the matter in hand in 1743, Colden wrote: "If that book could in any measure draw the attention of the Ministry or of the Parliament to regard


the Interest of North America in refpect to the Fur Trade, and the Incroachments which the French are daily making on our Trade and Settlements, I fhould hope I have been of fome ufe to my Country. For this purpofe you may, perhaps, think it not amifs to add by way of Appendix what I formerly wrote of the natural advantages which the Province of New York have in carrying on the Fur Trade beyond what the French of Canada have, and which was fent to you by Mr. Alexander with fome other printed papers."

Mr. Collinfon does not feem at this time to have found a publisher. It was at first proposed to print it with Middleton's Voyage to Hudfon's Bay, but the project of iffuing that work fell through.

The war which broke out in 1744 seems for a time to have stopped all further movement in regard to it, but in 1747 Collinfon offered it to Thomas Ofborne, who undertook to get out an edition.

The following is the title and defcription of Ofborne's edition as it appeared in 1747: "The || History || of the || Five Indian Nations of Canada, || Which are dependent || On the Province of New-York in America, || And | Are the Barrier between the English and French in that Part of the World. ||


With Accounts of their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, and Forms of || Government; their feveral Battles and Treaties with the European Na- || tions; particular Relations of their feveral Wars with the other Indians; || and a true Account of the prefent State of our Trade with them. || In which are fhewn || The great Advantage of their Trade and Alliance to the British Nation, || and the Intrigues and Attempts of the French to engage them from us; || a Subject nearly concerning all our American Plantations, and highly meriting the Confideration of the British Nation at this Juncture. || By the Honourable Cadwallader Colden, Esq;|| One of his Majesty's Counfel, and Surveyor-General of New-York. || To which are added, || Accounts of the feveral other Nations of Indians in North-America, their || Numbers, Strength &c. and the Treaties which have been lately made with them. A Work highly entertaining to all, and particular || ly ufeful to the Perfons who have any Trade or Concern in that Part of the World. || London. | Printed for T. Ofborne, in Gray'sInn. MDCCXLVII. Verfo blank.

Dedication "To the Honourable || General || Oglethorpe" || pp. iii-ix. Verfo blank. The Preface || to the || First Part || xi-xiv.

A Vocabulary &c. xv, xvi.


The Contents, 4 pp., without folios. The Introduction, 1-19. Verfo blank. The History || of the || Five Indian Nations || depending || on the Province of NewYork.


Part I. 21-90.

Part II. Bastard title. Verfo blank.
The Preface to the Second Part, 2 pp. (11),

Part II. 91-204.

Papers | Relating to || An Act of the Affembly of the || Province of New York, || for the Encouragement of the Indian Trade &c. and || for prohibiting the felling of Indian Goods || to the French, viz. of Canada. || I . . . . . . VI...... Verfo blank. Pp. (1)


This is a reprint of the Bradford pamphlet of 1724, with an additional letter.

The Treaty || Held with the || Indians || of the || Six Nations || at || Philadelphia, || in July 1742. Verfo blank. Pp. (45)-86.

A || Treaty, || Held at the Town of || Lancafter, in Pennsylvania, || By the Honourable the | Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, || and the Honourable the || Commiffioners for the Provinces || of Virginia and Maryland, || with the Indians || of the || Six Nations || in June 1744. Verfo blank (87)-152.

A Treaty | Between || His Excellency || The Honourable George Clinton, || Captain. General

General and Governor in Chief of the || Province of New York, and the Territories || thereon depending in America, Vice- || Admiral of the fame, and Vice-Admiral of || the Red Squadron of His Majefty's Fleet. || And || The Six United Indian Nations, depending on the Province of New York. || Held at Albany, in the months of Auguft and || September 1746. Verfo blank (153)-196.

A Collection || of|| Charters || and other Public Acts || relating to the|| Province of Pennsylvania, || viz. || I. The Royal Charter to William || Penn, Efq. | II. The first Frame of Government, granted in || England in 1682. || III. Laws agreed upon in England. || IV. Certain Conditions or Conceffions. || V. The Act of Settlement made at Chefter, 1682. || VI. The fecond Frame of Government, granted 1683. || VII. The Charter of the City of Philadelphia, granted October 25, 1701.|| VIII. The new Charter of Privileges || to the Province, granted October 28, 1701. Verfo blank. Text (197)-283. Verfo advertisements. Sigs. (A)-O and B-T.

The third edition, London, 1755, has nearly the fame title:

The || Hiftory || of the || Five Indian Nations || of || Canada, || which are dependent || On the Province of New York, in America, || and || Are the Barrier between the English and


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