Hearings ... on Sundry Legislation Affecting the Naval and Military Establishments, Masalah 1-9U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962 |
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additional adequate Admiral BURKE Admiral JOHNSON Admiral SEMMES air defense Air Defense Command Air Force Base Air National Guard aircraft amendment ARENDS ARMORY Army National Guard assigned authorization BATES bill BRAY building Capehart housing CHAIRMAN COHELAN COLGLAZIER Colonel GETTINGS committee construction CURTIN DECKER Department of Defense enlisted equipment estimated cost existing facility fiscal year 1962 Fort Sam Houston funds GAVIN going HARDY HÉBERT inadequate installation item is approved KILDAY KOWALSKI LEMNITZER line item Marine Corps ment military million MINTON missile mission National Guard Navy nights per week NROTC nuclear officers percent personnel POLARIS Present facility question rental requested RIVERS runway Secretary STAHR SEEMAN SLATINSHEK space squadron square feet storage Strategic Air Command submarines tion TRAINING FACILITIES troops TRUDEAU U.S. Army U.S. ARMY RESERVE units utilities weapons World War II ZANDT
Bagian yang populer
Halaman 637 - We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.
Halaman 221 - ... the Secretary of Defense determines that deferral of such construction for inclusion in the next military construction authorization Act would be inconsistent with interests of national security, and in connection therewith to acquire, construct, convert, rehabilitate, or install permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment...
Halaman 109 - Act of 1946, as amended, and for other purposes, submit the following statement in explanation of the effect of the action agreed upon by the conferees and recommended in the accompanying conference report: The Senate struck out all of the House bill after the enacting clause and inserted a substitute amendment.
Halaman 221 - Army, or his designee, shall notify the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives, immediately upon reaching a final decision to implement, of the cost of construction of any public work undertaken under this section, Including those real estate actions pertaining thereto.
Halaman 612 - by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That...
Halaman 392 - The funds so made available may be expended to acquire, construct, convert, rehabilitate, or install permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment.
Halaman 615 - ... for technical or special property that he determines to require substantial initial investment or an extended period of preparation for manufacture, and for which he determines that formal advertising would be likely to result in additional cost to the Government by reason of duplication of necessary preparation which would unduly delay the procurement of the property...
Halaman 619 - ... (16) he determines that (A) it is in the interest of national defense to have a plant, mine, or other facility, or a producer, manufacturer, or other supplier, available for furnishing property or services in case of a national emergency; or (B) the interest of industrial mobilization in case of such an emergency, or the interest of national defense in maintaining active engineering, research, and development, would otherwise be subserved; or (17) negotiation of the purchase or contract is otherwise...
Halaman 613 - Procurements in which it can be clearly demonstrated from the existence of adequate competition or accurate prior cost experience with the product...
Halaman 222 - The naval base provides logistic support for the operating forces of the Navy and for dependent activities and other assigned commands.