Gambar halaman

Retirement, rural quiet, 327.

short, 201.

Retort courteous, 50.
Retreat, loopholes of, 393.
Retrograde, all that is human
must, 389.

Return, bade me, 351.

never must, 211.

no more to his house, 612.
to our wethers, 6.

urges sweet, 201.

Revelry and shout, 206.

sound of, by night, 515.

Revels, midnight, 185.

now are ended, 23.

Revenge at first though sweet, 201.

couched with, 193.

feed my, 41.

if not victory, 186.

is profitable, 388.
is virtue, 284.
study of, 182.

sweet is. 531.

will most horribly, 71.
Revenges, brings in his, 55.
Revenons à nos moutons, 6.
Revenue, streams of, 508.
Reverberate hills, 52.
Revered abroad, 424.

Reverence, so poor to do him, 92.

to God, 145.

Reveries so airy, 392.
Revolts from true birth, 85.
Reward, sure, though late, 271.

virtue its own, 680.
Rewards, buffets and, 119.

its veterans, 294.
Re-word, matter will, 121.
Rhetoric, dazzling fence of, 210.
ope his mouth for, 224.
gay, 210.

wit and

Rhetorician's rules, 224.
Rheum, foolish, 57.

Rhine, castled, 574.
the river, 475.
winding, 516.

Rhinoceros, armed, 102.
Rhone, arrowy, 517.
Rhyme, beautiful old, 140.
build the lofty, 211.
dock the tail of, 590.
epic's stately, 570.
hitches in a, 304.
nor reason, 15, 48, 676.
one for, 227.

reason for my, 12.

the rudder is, of verses, 226.

those that write in, 227.

Rhyming planet, 33.
Rialto, in the, 40.

Rialto, under the, 529.

what news on the, 40.
Riband bound, what this, 179.
in the cap of youth, 122.
Ribbed sea-sand, 461.
Ribs, knock at my, 96.

of death, under the, 209.
over-weathered, 41.

Rich and rare, 497.

and strange, 22.

beyond the dreams of avarice,


from want of wealth, 361.
gifts wax poor, 117.

haste to be, 624.

in good works, 643.

in having such a jewel, 24.

man to enter the kingdom, 635.
men rule the law, 370.
neither, nor rare, 302.

not gaudy, 110.

poor and content is, 133.
soils to be weeded, 143.
the treasure, 233.
windows, 361.

with forty pounds, 372.

with the spoils of nature, 181.
with the spoils of time, 358.
Richard, awe the soul of, 264.
is himself again, 264.
Richer for poorer, 646.
than all his tribe, 136.
Riches, best, 371.

heapeth up, 615.
in a little room, 21.
make wings, 622.
neither poverty nor, 624.
of heaven's pavement, 185.
that grow in hell, 185.
Richmonds, there be six, 77.
Riddle of the world, 288.
Ride abroad, next doth, 398.
Rider, steed that knows its, 515.
Rides in the whirlwind, 267.

upon the storm, 399.
Ridicule, sacred to, 304.

the test of truth, 661.

Ridiculous, sublime to the, 407.
Rigdom Funnidos, 259.
Rigged with curses dark, 212.
Right by chance, 397.

divine of kings, 308.

hand forget her cunning, 618.
hands of fellowship, 642.
his life was in the, 177.

I see the, 603.

man in the right place, 595.
names, call things by, 431.
onward steer, 218.

or wrong, our country, 506.

Right there is none to dispute, 399.
to dissemble your love, 417.
whatever is is, 287.

whose life is in the, 289.
words, how forcible are, 612.
Righteous are bold as a lion, 624.
forsaken, not seen the, 615.
man regardeth the life of his
beast, 620.

overmuch, be not, 625.
perils of the, 13.
Righteousness and peace, 617.
exalteth a nation, 620.
Rights dare maintain, 411.

of man, called the, 382.
Rigour of the game, 468.
Rill, beside the, 360.

broken in the, 495.
Rills, thousand, 354-
Ring in the Christ, 586.

in the valiant man, 586.
on her wand, 497.

out mournful rhymes, 586.
out old shapes, 586.
out the darkness, 586.
out wild bells, 586.
posy of a, 119.

the fuller minstrel in, 586.
with this, I thee wed, 646.
Ringeth to even song, 603.
Ringlets, blowing the, 582.
Rings, all Europe, 218.
Ripe and ripe, 46.

scholar, and good one, 80.
Ripened in our northern sky, 409.

into faith, 460.

Ripest fruit first falls, 59.
Rise honest muse, 295.

with the lark, 426.
Risen on mid-noon, 197, 461.
Rising all at once, their, 188.
in clouded majesty, 194.
Rival all but Shakespeare, 481.
River at my garden's end, 260.
Dee, lived on the, 387.
fair and crystal, 172.
foam on the, 491.

glideth at his own sweet will,

of his thoughts, 527.
snow fall in the, 419.

Rivers, by shallow, 20.
cannot quench, 74.

run to seas, 241.

Rivets, hammers closing, 70, 263.
Rivulet of text, 415.
Rivulets dance, 440.

myriads of, 583.

Road, along a rough a weary, 422.
lonesome, 470.

| Road, taxed, 466.
Roam, they are fools who, 334.
where'er I, 369.

Roar, a lion in the lobby, 332.
gently as any sucking dove, 37.
set the table on a, 123.
welcome to the, 515.

you an 'twere any nightin-
gale, 37.

Roaring lion, as a, 644.

Roast beef of old England, 334.
Rob me the exchequer, 64.

was lord below, 447.
Robbed, he that is, 134.

the, that smiles, 130.

Robe, azure, of night, 541.
dew on his thin, 484.
of clouds, 529.

Robes and furred gowns, 127.
garland and singing, 218.
loosely flowing, 151.

riche or fidel, 2.

Robin Hood a famous man, 447.
Robin-redbreast, call for the, 172.
Robinson Crusoe, poor, 367.
Robs the vast sea, 88.
Robustious periwig-pated, 118.
Rock aerial, brotherhood upon,459.
fly from its firm base, 492.
of the national resources, 508.
pendant, 137.

piecemeal on the, 522.
reclined, 318.

the cradle of reposing age,303.
weed flung from the, 515.
Rock-bound coast, 542.
Rocket, rose like a, 407.
Rocks and hills, 129.

caves lakes, 189.
pure gold, 24.
throne of, 529.
to soften, 271.

whereon greatest men have
wrecked, 203.

Rod and thy staff, thy, 614.
chief is a, 290.

he that spareth his, 620.
of empire, 358.

of iron, rule with a, 645.
reversed, 210.

spare the, 228, 677.

to check the erring, 455.
Roderick, a friend to, 492.

where was, 492.
Rogue, that is not fool is, 236.
Rogues in buckram, 63.
Roll darkling down, 337.

of common men, 63.
on dark blue ocean, 521.
Rolled two into one, 426.

Rolling stone, 7, 676.

year is full of thee, 329.
Rolls of Noah's ark, 235.
Roman fame, above all, 305.
fashion, after the high, 137.
holiday, to make a, 520.
name, 240.
noblest, of them all, 94.
senate long debate, 265.
than such a, 93.
Romance, shores of old, 438.
Romans call it stoicism, 265.
countrymen, 92.

last of all the, 94.

Romantic, folly grow, 293.

Rome, at, do as the Romans, 652.
big with the fate of, 265.
hook-nosed fellow of, 68.
loved, more, 92.

more than the Pope of, 226.
move the stones of, 93.
palmy state of, 107.

time will doubt of, 534.
when, falls, 520.

Romeo, wherefore art thou, 84.
Ronne, to waite to ride to, 15.
Roof, arched, 216.

fretted with golden fire, 114.
to shrowd his head, 174.
under the shady, 212.

Room and verge enough, 356.
blazed with lights, 88.

civet in the, 397.

for wit, heads so little no, 221.

infinite riches in a little, 21.
inn's worst, 295.

of my absent child, 57.
who sweeps a, 163.

Roosts, perched, 206.

Root, axe is laid unto the, 637.

[blocks in formation]

Rose that all are praising, 553.
that lives its little hour, 557-
without the thorn, 193.
Rosebud set with thorns, 582.
Rosebuds, crown us with, 632.
filled with snow, 146.
gather ye, 167.
Rosemary for remembrance, 122.
Roses and white lilies, 146.
from your cheek, 349.
four red, on a stalk, 76.
in December, 511.
make thee beds of, 20.
scent of the, 498.

she wore a wreath of, 552.
Ross, Man of, 295.
Rost, rule the, 174, 676.
Rosy red, celestial, 200.
Rot and rot, 46.

Rote, conned by, 94.
Rots itself in ease, 112.

Rotten apples, choice in, 50.

at the heart, 40.

in Denmark, 111.

Rough as nutmeg-graters, 276.

quarries rocks and hills, 129.
Rough-hew them how we will, 125.
Round, attains the upmost, ço.
life's dull, 351.

the slight waist, 522.
unvarnished tale, 129.
Roundabout, this great, 401.
Rounded with a sleep, 23.
Roundelay, merry, 147.
Rouse a lion, 62.
Rout, motley, 401.

on rout, 191.

public, 171.

Routed all his foes, 233.
Roving, go no more a, 528.
Rowland for an Oliver, 655.

Ruat cœlum fiat voluntas tua, 181.
Rub, there's the, 116.
Rubicon, passed the, 507.
Rubies, where the, grew, 167.

wisdom is above, 612.

wisdom is better than, 619.
Rudder is of verses, 226.
Rudely stamped, 75.
Rude am I in my speech, 129.
forefathers of the hamlet, 357-
hand deface it, 447-
militia swarms, 237.
multitude, 36.

Rudely, speke he never so, 3.
Rue and euphrasy, 202.

with a difference, 122.

Rueful conflict, 446.

Ruffles, sending them, 377, 668.

Rug, bug in a, 336.

Rugged Russian bear, 102.
Ruin, beauteous, lay, 279.

final, fiercely drives, 282.
majestic though in, 187.
one prodigious, 314.
or to rule the state, 235.
prostrate the beauteous, 416.
seize thee, 355.
upon ruin, 191.

Ruined, men that are, 384.
Ruin's ploughshare, 420.
Ruins of St. Paul's, 561.

of the noblest man, 91.
Rule, absolute, 193.
Britannia, 331.
long-levelled, 208.

of men, beneath the, 565.

the golden, 634.
the good old, 447.
the rost, 174, 676.

the state, to ruin or to, 235.
the varied year, 328.

them with a rod of iron, 645.
Ruler of the inverted year, 393.
Rules, few plain, 449.

never shows she, 294.
Ruling passion, 293, 294.
Rum and true religion, 532.
Ruminate, as thou dost, 132.
Rumination, my often, 49.
Rumour of oppression, 390.
Rumours of wars, 636.
Run amuck, 304.

away and fly, 227.
before the wind, 379.
I can, or I can fly, 210.
that readeth it, 631.

Runneth not to the contrary, 379.
Runs, fights and, 378.

may read, 395.
the great circuit, 393.
Rupert of debate, 565.
Rural quiet, 327.

sights alone, 390.

Rush into the skies, 286.

to glory or the grave, 484.
Rushing of the arrowy Rhone, 517.
Russet mantle clad, 107.
Russia, a night in, 27.

Russian bear, 102.
Rustic moralist, 359.
Rustics gazed, 373.
Rustling in the dark, 576.

in unpaid-for silk, 138.

Ruthless King, 355.

Sabaoth and port, 145.
Sabbath appeared, when a, 400.
was made for man, 636.
who ordained the, 590.

Sabbathless Satan, 468.
Sabean odours, 193.
Sable cloud, 207.

silvered, 109.

Sabler tints of woe, 360.
Sables, suit of, 119.
Sabrina fair listen, 210.
Sack, intolerable deal of, 63.
purge and leave, 66.

Sacred and inspired divinity, 145.
burden is this life, 570.
pity, drops of, 47.
to ridicule, 304.

Sacrifice, no vain, 269.

to the graces, 324
turn delight into a, 164.
Sacrilegious murder, 100.
Sad as angels are, 482.

because it makes us smile, 535-
by fits, 'twas, 366.

fancies do we affect, 456.
music of humanity, 442.
so, so tender, 351.

stories of the death of kings, 59.
vicissitude of things, 351.
vicissitudes of things, 368.
words of tongue, 570.
Saddens at the long delay, 328.
Sadder and a wiser man, 470.
Saddest of all tales, 535-
Saddled and bridled, 248.
Sadness, feeling of, 575.

most humorous, 49.
Safe bind safe find, 8.
Safety, mother of, 384.

pluck this flower, 62.
temporary, 335.
to teach thee, 56.
Sagacious blue-stocking, 562.
of his quarry, 202.

Sage advices, lengthened, 419.
experience made him, 319.
he stood, 187.

he thought as a, 402.
just less than, 496.

Sages have seen in thy face, 400.

in all times assert, 147.

Said, much, on both sides, 268.
Sail, bark attendant, 292.
diversely we, 288.

is as a noiseless wing, 517.
like my pinnace, 25.
on O Union, 576.

set every threadbare, 589.
Sailed for sunny isles, 559-
Sailing like a stately ship, 205.
on obscene wings, 472.
Sailor, lives like a drunken, 76.
Sailors are but men, 40.
Sails filled, 205.

St. George and the dragon, 56.
St. Paul, now by, 263.
Saint in crape and lawn, 292.
it would provoke a, 293.

seem a, 75:
sustained it, 313.

upon his knees, 399.
Sainted, enskied and, 27.
Saintly chastity, 209.

shew, falsehood under, 193.
Saints above, men below and, 487.
death of his, 618.

his soul is with the, 473.
who taught, 317.


will aid if men will call, 471.
Saint-seducing gold, 83.
Saintship of an anchorite,
Salad days, my, 136.
Sally, there's none like pretty,259.
Salmons in both, there is, 71.
Salt have lost his savour, 633.

of the earth, 633.
seasoned with, 642.
Saltness of time, 67.
Saltpetre, villanous, 61.

Salutary influence of example, 341.
Salutation to the morn, 77.
Salvation, no relish of, 120.

should see, 43.
working out, 230.

Samphire, one that gathers, 127.
Sancho Panza, am I, 11.
Sanction of the god, 314.
Sanctity of reason, 199.
Sand and the wild uproar, 571.
were pearl, 24.

Sands, come unto these yellow, 22.
of time, footprints on the, 573.
small, the mountain, 283.
Sang, it may turn out a, 421.
Sange, ful wel she, 1.

Sans taste sans everything, 48.
teeth sans eyes, 48.
Sapphire blaze, 355.
Sapphires, living, 194.
Sappho loved and sung, 533.
Sapping a solemn creed, 518.
Sat like a cormorant, 193.
Satan came also, 611.

exalted sat, 186.

finds some mischief, 270.
get thee behind me, 635.
so call him now, 197.
stood unterrified, 189.
trembles when he sees, 399.
Satanic school, 463.

Satchel, school-boy with his, 47.
Satire be my song, let, 511.

is my weapon, 304.

like a polished razor, 321.

Satire or sense, 303.

pointed, 249.
Satisfied that is well paid, 43.
Saturday and Monday, 259
Satyr, Hyperion to a, 108.
Saucy doubts and fears, 101.
Saul among the prophets, 610.
Sauntered Europe round, 308.
Savage, noble, ran, 242.

woman, take some, 581.
Save in his own country, 635.
means to live, 23.

Saviour's birth is celebrated, 107.
Savour, stinking, 626.

Saw and loved, 476.

the air too much, do not, 117.
Saws, full of wise, 48.
Say not good-night, 409.
Sayings of philosophers, 227.
such odd, 41.

Says, never, a foolish thing, 249.
Scab of churches, 149.
Scabbard, glued to my, 153.
Scabbards, leaped from their, 382.
Scaffold high, on the, 596.

truth forever on the, 593.
Scale, geometric, 224.

weighing in equal, 107.
Scan your brother man, 420.
Scandal about Queen Elizabeth,


in disguise, 306.

waits on greatest state, 139.
Scandalous and poor, 249.
Scandals, immortal, 232.
Scanter of maiden presence, 110.
Scarecrows, no eye seen such, 65.
Scarfs garters gold, 289.
Scars, he jests at, 84.

honourable, 478.
Scatter plenty, 359.
Scene, last, of all, 48.

of man, all this, 285.
Scenes, gay gilded, 267.
like this, die in, 499.
Scent of odorous perfume, 205.
of the roses, 498.

the fair annoys, 397.
the morning air, 112.

Scented the grim Feature, 202.
Sceptic could inquire for, 225.
Sceptre, a barren, in my gripe, 100.
leaden, 277..

Sceptred sovereigns, 529.

[blocks in formation]
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