Gambar halaman

Morn, salutation to the, 77.
to noon he fell, 185.
tresses like the, 210.
with rosy hand, 198.
Morning, at odds with, 102.
dew, faded like the, 482.
dew, womb of the, 14.
fair came forth, 204.
I awoke one, 536.

like the spirit of a youth, 137.
lowers, 265.

more matter for a May, 54.
never wore to evening, 584.
of the times, 582.
pleasant in thy, 422.
shining face, 47.
shows the day, 204.
sow thy seed in the, 626.
star, stay the, 473.
stars of, 198.

stars sang together, 613.
wings of the, 618.
Morning-drum bat, 509.
Morning star of memory, 523.
Morrow, good-night till it be, 85.
rainy, 140.

take no thought for the, 633.
Morsel under his tongue, 247.
Mortal coil, shuffled off this, 116.
crisis doth portend, 226.
frame, quit this, 311.
frame, stirs this, 472..

he raised a, to the skies, 234-
hopes defeated, 444.

instruments, 90.
men think all men, 278.
mixture, 207.

resting-place, 519..

through crown's disguise, 362.

Mortality, thoughts of, 221.
Mortality's strong hand, 57.
too weak to bear, 253.

my sentence, 202.
watch o'er man's, 458.
Mortals call the moon, 539.
given, some feelings to, 491.
human. 37.

to command success, 265.
Mortar, bray a fool in a, 623.
Moss, rolling stone gathers no, 7.
Moss-beds, purpled the, 542.
Moss-covered bucket, 503.
Mossy marbles rest. 589.
Most ignorant of what, 28.
musical, 215.

unkindest cut, 92.

Motes that people, 214.
Moth, desire of the, 510.

Mother Earth, growth of, 444.

happy with such a, 583.

[blocks in formation]


Mourns the dead, he, 278.
Mouse of any soul, 313.

with one poor hole, 313.
Mousing owl hawked at, 100.
Mouth and the meat, 7.

and thou'lt, I'll rant, 124.
gaping, and stupid eyes, 237.
gift horse in the, 672.
ginger hot in the, 53.
out of thine own, 638.
with open, 57.

which hath the deeper, 72.
Mouth-filling oath, 64.

Mouth-honour, deep, breath, 104.
Mouths a sentence, 386.

enemy in their, 132.
familiar in their, 71.

of babes and sucklings, 614.
of wisest censure, 131.
without hands, 237-
Move easiest, those, 298.
Moving accidents, 129.
push on keep, 425.

Much goods laid up, 637.
I owe, 6.

said on both sides, 268, 333.
something too, of this, 119.
too much, 64.

too, of a good thing, 11, 49.
Mud, sun reflecting upon the, 145.
Muddy, ill-seeming, 51.
Muffled drums are beating, 573.
Multiplied visions, 631.
Multiplieth words, 613.

Multitude call the afternoon, 36.
is always in the wrong, 246.
many-headed, 19.

of counsellors, 620.

of sins, 644.

swinish, 383.

Muse on nature, 482.

worst-natured, 249.
Music, angel's, 164.

architecture is frozen, 658.
be the food of love, 52.
breathing from her face, 524-
ceasing of exquisite, 576.
discourse most eloquent, 120.
dwells lingering, 452.
fading in, 42.
hath charms, 271.
heavenly maid, 366.
his very foot has, 404.
in my heart, 447-
in the beauty, 181.
in the nightingale, 24.
instinct with, 438.
man that hath no, 44.
merry when I hear sweet, 44.
night shall be filled with, 575.
of her face, 170.
of humanity, 442.
of the sea, 477-
of the spheres, 674.
of the union, 558.

of those village bells, 395.
slumbers in the shell, 434-
some to church repair for, 297.
soul of, shed, 496.
sounds of, 44.

sphere-descended maid, 366.
sweeter than their own, 454-
that would charm forever,446.
the sea-maid's, 37.

to attending ears, softest, 85.
vocal spark, 438.
waste their, on the savage,358.
when soft voices die, 540.
with its voluptuous swell, 516.
with the enamel'd stones, 24.

Multitudes in the valley of deci- Music's golden tongue, 547.

sion, 631.

Multitudinous seas, 100.

Murder, a specious name, 283.
hath broke ope, 100.
one, made a villain, 385.
one to destroy is, 283.
sacrilegious, 100.

though it have no tongue, 115.
Murders, twenty mortal, 102.
Murky air, into the, 202.
Murmuring fled, 197.

of innumerable bees, 583.
Murmurs, hollow, died away, 366.
near the running brooks, 454.
Muscle, motion of a, 436.
Muse, chaste, 347.

every conqueror creates a, 179.
meditate the thankless, 211.
of fire, 69.

Musical as is Apollo's lute, 36, 209.

most melancholy, 215.

Musing in his sullein mind, 13.
on companions, 489.

while the fire burned, 615.
Musk-rose, 212.

Musk-roses, sweet with, 38.
Muskets aimed at duck, 418.
Must I thus leave the, 202.
Mute inglorious Milton, 358.

nature mourns, 488.
Mutter, wizards that, 628.
Mutton, joint of, 69.
Muttons, to return to our, 6.
My better half, 19.

country 'tis to thee, 568.
ever new delight, 196
Father made them all, 394-
father's brother, 108.

My great example, 175.
only books, 499.

sentence is for open war, 186.
soul is in arms, 264.
Myriad, codeless, 587.
Myriad-minded Shakespeare, 477.
Myriads of daisies, 452.

of rivulets, 583.
Myrtles, grove of, 150.
Myself, such a thing as I, 88.
Mysterious cement, 326.
Mystery, burden of the, 442.
heart of my, 120.
of mysteries, 494-
Mystic fabric sprung, 504.
Mystical lore, 483.

Nae luck about the house, 404.
Naiad of the strand, 491.

or a grace, 491.

Nail, care adds a, 408.
fasten him as a, 629.
to the mast, 589.
Nailed by the ears, 229.
Nails fastened by the masters, 627.
Naked, every day he clad the, 376.
human heart, 279.

in December snow, 58.
new-born babe, 98.
new-born child, 411.
to mine enemies, 80.
villany, clothe my, 75.
Nam et ipsa scientia, 143.
Name, age without a, 494.
and memory, 146.
behind them, 632.
be George, if his, 55.
deed without a, 103.
fascination of a, 395.
filches from me my good, 133.
good, better than precious
ointment, 625.

good, better than riches, 622.
Greek or Roman, 240.
her, is never heard, 552.
his former, 197.

holla your, 52.

in man and woman, 132.

is great in mouths, 131.

is Legion, 637-

lights without a, 166.

local habitation and a, 38.

magic of a, 481.

mark the marble with his, 295.

no blot on his, 483.

no one can speak, 463.

no parties, 671.

of action, lose the, 117.

of Crispian, 71.

of the slough, 245.

Name, pleasant to see in print, 511.
rose by any other, 84.
the world grew pale at, 337.
to every fixed star, 34-
unmusical, 81.
well spelt, 535.
whate'er thy, 290.
what's in a, 84.

whistling of a, 178, 291.
Named thee but to praise, 546.
Nameless unremembered acts,441.
Names, commodity of good, 61.
few immortal, 546.
forget men's, 55.
good, to be bought, 61.
he loved to hear, 589.
of all the gods, 89.
things by right, 431.
twenty more such, 50.

which never were, 50.
Naps, old John, of Greece, 50.
Narcissa's last words, 293.
Narrow compass, 179.

human wit, 296.
Narrowed his mind, 374-
Nation, ballads of a, 251.

corner-stone of a, 576.
courts of the, 228.
language of the, 433.
laws of a, 251.
ne'er would thrive, 257.
noble and puissant, 220.
of gallant men, 382.
of shop-keepers, 659.
preserves us a, 565.
righteousness exalteth a, 620.
small one a strong, 630.
Nation's eyes, history in a, 359.
Nations, but two, 231.

cheap defence of, 389.
drop of a bucket, 629.
fierce, contending, 267.
foreign, 146.
gayety of, 341.
hope of many, 520.
make enemies of, 390.
Niobe of, 519.

Native and to the manner born,


charm, one, 373.

heath, my foot is on my, 493.
hue of resolution, 117.

land good night, 513.
shore, adieu my, 513.
to the heart, 107.
wood-notes wild, 214.
Nativity chance or death, 26.
Natural, do it more, 52.

in him to please, 234.
on the stage, 375.

Natural sorrow loss or pain, 447.
Naturalists observe a flea, 260.
Nature, accuse not, 200.

affrighted. recoils, 384.
an apprentice, 423.
ancestors of, 190.
and nature's laws, 306.
appalled, 326.

be your teacher, 453.

book of, short of leaves, 554-
broke the die, 527.
cannot miss, 238.
clever man by, 431.
commonplace of, 439.
compunctious visitings of, 96.
could no further go, 239.
course of, 282.

debt to, 163.

diseased, 63.
dissembling, 75-

done in my days of, 112.
extremes in, 294.
fast in fate, 311.
first made man, 242.
fool of, stood, 237-
fools of, 111.

force of, 239.

formed but one such, 527.
framed strange fellows, 39.
from her seat, 201.
his, is too noble, 81.
hold the mirror up to, 118.
holds communion, 556.
I do fear thy, 96.

in her corages, 1.

in spite of, 226.

is but art unknown, 287.

is the art of God, 181.

is too noble, 81.

is subdu'd to what it works in,

[blocks in formation]

Nature, one touch of, 81.
prodigality of, 75.

rich with the spoils of, 181.
sink in years, 266.
solid ground of, 446.

state of war by, 260.

sullenness against, 219.

swears the lovely dears, 423.
the vicar of the Lord, 5.
'tis their, too, 270.

to advantage dressed, 297.
to write and read comes by, 31.
tone of languid, 390.
under tribute, 431.
unjust to, 278.

up to nature's God, 291.
voice of, cries, 359-

war was the state of, 260.
wears one universal grin, 333-
who can paint like, 327.
whose body, is, 287.
womb of, 190.
workes of, 11.

Nature's bastards, 210.

chief masterpiece, 250.
cockloft is empty, 222.
copy is not eterne, 101.
daily food, 440.

end of language, 283.
evening comment, 450.
God, up to, 291.

heart beats strong, 566.
heart in tune, 558.
journeymen, 118.
kindly law, 289.

laws lay hid in night, 306.
noble of, 330.

own sweet cunning hand, 52.
prentice hand, 423.

second course, 100.
sternest painter, 512.
soft nurse, 68.

sweet restorer, 277.
teachings, list to, 556.
walks, eye, 285.

Natures, same with common, 276.
Naught a trifle, think, 283.

but grief and pain, 420.
falling into, 266.

in this life sweet, 155.
is everything, 480.

nay doth stand for, 139.
venture naught have, 8.
Naughty night to swim in, 126.

world, good deed in a, 44.
Nautilus, learn of the little, 289.
Navies are stranded, 492.
Navigators, ablest, 388.
Nay doth stand for naught, 139.
shall have, 602.

Nazareth, good thing out of, 638.
Neæra's hair, tangles of, 211.
Near, he comes too, 321.
Nearer my God to thee, 597.
Neat not gaudy, 469.
still to be, 151.
Neat-handed Phillis, 213.
Neat's leather, shoe of, 228.
Necessary harmless cat, 42.
Necessite, maken vertue of, 3.
Necessity, beautiful, 597.

is the argument of tyrants, 416.
the mother of invention, 274.
the tyrant's plea, 194.
to make virtue of, 679.
turns to glorious gain, 455.
Nectar on a lip, 415.
Nectarean juice, 551.

Nectared sweets, 209.

Need, deserted at his utmost, 233.

in times of, 237.

of a remoter charm, 442.
of blessing, 99.

Needful, one thing is, 637.

Needle and thread, 554-

eye of a, 635.

true as the, 284.
true, like the, 364.

Needle's eye, postern of a, 60.
Needless Álexandrine, 298.

Needs go that the Devil drives, 51.
Needy hollow-eyed, 30.
Neglect, such sweet, 151.

wise and salutary, 381.

Neglecting worldly ends, 22.
Neighbour, hate your, 560.
Neighbour's corn, acre of, 437.
shame, publishing our, 232.
Neighe as ever he can, 3.
Neither here nor there, 135.
kith nor kin, 602.

rich nor rare, 302.

Nelly, none so fine as, 259.
Nemean lion's nerve, 111.
Nemo repente, 157.

Neptune, would not flatter, 81.
Nerve, the visual, 202.
Nerves and finer fibres, 330.

shall never tremble, 102.
Nest, birds in last year's, 575.
Nest-eggs to make clients, 231.
Nestor swear, though, 39.
Nests, birds of the air have, 634.

in order ranged, 206.

Net, all is fish cometh to, 8.
Nether millstone, hard as, 613.
Nets, in making, 262.
Nettle danger, out of this, 62.
tenderhanded stroke a, 276..
Neutrality, cold, 384.

Never alone, 19.

believe me, 473.

better late than, 7.

comes to pass, 426.
dejected, 291.
elated, 291.

ending still beginning, 234.
less alone, 389.
loved sae kindly, 423.
mention her, 552.

met or never parted, 423.
morning wore, 584.

never never, 347.
stand to doubt, 169.
to hope again, 79.

Never-ending flight of days, 187.
Never-failing friends, 464.
vice of fools, 296.

Nevermore be officer of mine, 131.

quoth the raven, 567.

New is not valuable, 563.

laws, new lords and, 159.
look amaist as weel's the, 424.
terrors of death, 543.

world into existence, 434.
Zealand, traveller from. 561.

New-born babe, sinews of the, 120.
New-fledged offspring, 372.
New-made honour, 55.
New-spangled ore, 212.
Newest kind of ways, 69.

News, bringer of unwelcome, 67.

evil, rides post, 206.
from a far country, 623.
good, baits, 206.

what, on the Rialto, 40.

Newt, eye of, 102.

Next doth ride abroad, 398.

Nicanor dead in his harness, 632.

Nice of no vile hold, 55.

sharp quillets of the law, 72.
too, for a statesman, 374.

Nicely sanded floor, 373-
Nick, our old, 230.

Night, an atheist half believes a

God by, 280.

and storm and darkness, 517.
another such a, 75-

attention still as, 187.
azure robe of, 541.

bed by, 373.

black it stood as, 189.
borrower of the, 100.
candles of the, 44.
chaos and old, 184.
cheek of, 83.
cometh, 638.

danger's troubled, 484.
darkens the streets, 184.
day brought back my, 218.

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