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a matter of queftion, whether there may be another Wilkes.

There is a new print just published of you very like. I have wrote under it the four following lines from Pope, who is happy in them.

A foul fupreme, in each bard inftance tryed,

Above all pain, all paffion, and all pride, The rage of power, the blast of public breath,

The luft of lucre, and the dread of death.

oa. 11. 1794.

I am, ever your's,

C. Churchill,



My dear Wilkes,

AM again your petitioner in behalf,


of that great chum of literature'. Samuel Johnfon. His black fervant, whofe name is Francis Barber, has been preffed on board the Stag Frigate, Captain Angel, and our lexicographer is in great diftrefs. He fays the boy is a fickly lad of a delicate frame, and particular by fubject to a malady in his throat, which renders him very unfit for his majesty's fervice. You know what matter of animofity the faid Johnfon has against you, and I dare fay you defire no other opportunity of refenting it than that of laying him under an obligation. He was humble enough to defire my affiftance on this occafion,


though he and I were never caterCoufins; and I gave him to understand that I would make application to my friend Mr. Wilkes, who perhaps by his intereft with Dr. Hay, and Mr. Elliot might be able to procure the difharge of his lacquey. It would be uperfluous to fay more on the fubject, which I leave to your own coufideration, but I cannot let flip this opportuniity of declaring that I am with the moft inviolable efteem and attachment, I am, dear fir,

Your faithful and obliged

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My dear Wilkes,


CCE iterum Crifpinus- your generofity with respect to Johnfon shall be the theme of our applause and thanksgiving. I shall be very proud to find myself comprehended in your league offenfive and defenfive, nay, I confider my felf already as a contracting party, and have recourfe to the affiftance of my allies. It is not, I believe unknown to you that Admiral Knowles has taken exception at a paragraph in the critical review of laft May, and commenced a profecution against the printer. Now whatever termination the trial may have, we fhall infallibly be expofed to a confiderable expence : and therefore I wish to fee the profecution quashed. Some gentlemen who are my friends, have undertaken to find


out and talk to thofe who are fuppofed to have influence with the faid Admiral may I beg the fame favour of you and your friends? The trial will come on in the beginning of May, and if the affair cannot be compromifed, we intend to kick up a duft and die hard. In a word, if that foolish Admiral has any regard to his own character, he will be quiet rather than provokethe refentment of,

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