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the yield of the Velvet Chaff and the Fulcaster being about the same. pounds of the seed of the Improved Rice sown yielded 90 pounds.


Vegetables.-Barr's Mammoth asparagus came up rapidly and made strong and vigorous plants. Lane's Improved sugar beet was very fine, the flavor being unsurpassed. Perry's Hybrid sweet corn had large ears and the grains were of good flavor.


Oats.-The White Bonanza yielded well and was of good quality.

Teosinte. This forage plant did well, and it will doubtless be largely planted next year.

Wheat.-The Velvet Chaff has proved to be one week earlier than other varieties, and makes a saving of 20 per cent of seed sown, the grain being somewhat small. but very plump and perfect, and weighing 61 pounds to the bushel. The Improved Rice gave perfect satisfaction. It grew strong and had an excellent berry, and its yield was 25 bushels to the acre, and it was pronounced by competent judges a superior wheat for milling. The Fulcaster was somewhat damaged by the cold weather of March, but yielded good, plump kernels.

Vegetables.-The Early Winningstadt cabbage, the Kidney Wax beans, the Long Green cucumbers, and the Yellow Danvers onions all germinated well, grew vigorously, and made satisfactory crops.


Corn.-The Minnesota King ripened early; the ears were well filled and sound: it is recommended to those wishing an early corn.

Tobacco.-The White Burley made a fine growth and formed good-sized leaves. Sorghum.-The Kansas Orange sorghum was planted in rows 3 feet apart one way and 1 foot the other; it averaged 11 feet in height, with large stalks, and made from it 97 gallons of light, clear molasses of excellent flavor and very thick.

Wheat.-The Velvet Chaff proved very productive, notwithstanding many discouraging circumstances; it stood the winter well and yielded more wheat and of better quality than any other winter wheat in this vicinity. Eight pounds of Hard Red Fyfe seed yielded at the rate of 15 bushels to the acre, the average yield of wheat in this section this year being only 11 to 12 bushels per acre. One quart of Martin's Amber was sown in 1887, which produced 76 pounds. It was sowed in 1888, and again in 1889, and it has done much better than any other variety tested, the miller pronouncing it a very superior milling wheat.

Vegetables.-The Alaska peas were hardy, made a good yield of excellent quality. The Red Crosby sweet corn produced abundantly and the ears were very sweet. The Improved Flageolet beans were an excellent variety and very prolific. The Pale Dun beans were very early, very prolific, and quite hardy. The Pee & Kay sweet corn was two weeks in advance of other varieties.


Corn.-The Leaming produced at the rate of 45 bushels to the acre. The Prairie Queen made an immense growth, and was by far the best of eight varieties planted under the same circumstances. It yielded at the rate of 60 bushels per acre, and is a valuable corn for this latitude. The Piasa grew rapidly, with large stalks, was medium early, and the yield from 16 square rods was 11 bushels of shelled corn. Oats.-The White Wonder proved to be an extra fine variety. One quart of seed yielded 14 bushels of grain. The White Bonanza made a strong growth of large straw, and in a favorable season would no doubt be very productive.

Clover.-The Alfalfa made a good stand, does not freeze out through the winter, and will be a very profitable crop to grow.

Sorgum.-The Early Amber thrived finely, grew tall, with a smooth stalk, and made good sirup. The Early Orange made a good yield of sirup of excellent quality.

Wheat.-The Velvet Chaff stood the winter well; the berry was plump, round, and of good quality; 4 quarts of seed yielded 68 pounds of wheat. The Fulcaster was very fine in quality, and was considered a success. The New Genesee also was a success in northern Kansas.

Vegetables.-The Chiswick Red tomatoes did well. The Golden Perfection watermelons were a success. The Black Seeded Satisfaction lettuce was unsurpassed. The Kidney Wax bean was prolific and well adapted to this soil and climate.


Wheat.-Currell's Prolific made a rapid growth, had long straw, and large grains 1 pound of seed yielded 31 pounds of wheat.

Vegetables.-The Chicago sweet corn was early, produced well, and was a very good variety. The Premium Flat Dutch cabbage was very early, made solid heads of fine flavor. The Red Top Strap Leaf turnips were large, crisp, and well flavored.


Corn.-The Angel of Midnight is of dwarf growth, with very few leaves, and puts its ear out very close to the ground, and every sucker makes an ear; it does not shade the ground, and for that reason is a good variety to plant amongst cotton. Cotton. Shine's Early Prolific was excellent, and will do all that is claimed for it. Truitt's Improved succeeded well; the fruit was of large size, and it bolls well, making a hardy variety of cotton.

Vegetables.-Finney's Early watermelon was of medium size, pink flesh, remarkably sweet and tender; is very early, quite prolific, and in every respect a desirable melon. The Piasa corn was exceedingly fine for both field and table use; it grew large ears with large, tender grains.


Oats.-The Bonanza made a tall growth, stood up well, and yielded 3 pecks from 1 quart of seed.

Vegetables.-The Refugee bean was a great success. The Acme tomato was A No. 1. Carter's Stratagem pea was very prolific, sweet, and tender.


Corn.-The Angel of Midnight ripened from ten to fourteen days earlier than other varieties and yielded well.

Tobacco.-The Connecticut Seed Leaf was very satisfactory in quantity and quality; superior to other varieties experimented with.

Wheat. Three quarts sown of New Genesee yielded 574 pounds of excellent wheat. The Fulcaster gave perfect satisfaction. The Improved Rice and Velvet Chaff produced well, and the grain was excellent in quality.


Corn.-The Early Minnesota King was wonderfully prolific, bearing from one to three ears on each stalk; it is a very desirable variety.

Oats.-Hargett's White yielded 73 pounds, of an excellent quality, from 2 quarts of seed. The White Wonder was unsurpassed in yield and weight; it is early and very productive; one half pound of seed harvested one half bushel of grain, weighing 37 pounds.

Sorghum.-The Planter's Pride made a good quality of sirup, and produced 140 gallons to the acre.

Wheat.-The Improved Rice was sown at the rate of one half bushel to the acre; the growth was healthy and strong, and 3 quarts of seed sown produced 14 bushels of good, amber-colored grain. The Velvet Chaff stood up well, and made a firstclass growth, and proved all that it was represented to be.

Vegetables.-The Early Cory sweet corn is a very choice variety. The White Tipped Scarlet radish did well. The Black Seeded Satisfaction lettuce headed like cabbage; the heads were large and compact, and almost white inside. Fottler's Brunswick cabbage was very fine; also the King of the Mammoths pumpkin was excellent. The Osage muskmelon and the Imperial beet took the first premium at the Benzie County Fair.


Buckwheat.-The Japanese was sown at the rate of one half bushel per acre, and produced 25 bushels. Clover.-The Alsike made excellent pasture, besides furnishing quite an amount of honey.

Wheat. The Hard Red Fyfe did well, and from 3 pounds of seed sown were

thrashed 24 pounds of good, plump wheat, superior in quality to other wheats tested.

Vegetables.-The Conical Head and Early Sugar Loaf cabbage are both excellent varieties. The Portland Hybrid sweet corn was very early and very satisfactory. The Alaska pea proved to be very desirable.


Corn-The Piasa King grew very rapidly, and bore from one to two ears on each stalk. It matured three weeks earlier than other varieties planted at the same time. It is an excellent variety for this section.

Cotton.-Farrell's Prolific, the Ellsworth, and the Truitt were very satisfactory. Vegetables.-The Tomhannock lettuce is a fine variety; the Kidney Wax beans were extra fine and very prolific. The Philadelphia Butter lettuce was delicious, sweet, and tender to the last. Boyden's Wonder eggplant was a success.


Buckwheat.-The Japanese made a fine crop.

Wheat. The Fulcaster yielded at the rate of 52 bushels to the acre of very fine plump grain. The Velvet Chaff made good heads and filled well. It stood the winter well, and will doubtless be a profitable variety for this section.

Vegetables.-Dewing's Improved Early turnip beet was of extra quality and very prolific. Crosby's sweet corn made a yield of 30 bushels per acre, and is a choice variety. The Orange carrot made a thrifty growth. The Black Seeded Satisfaction lettuce is a superior variety


Corn.-The White Giant Normandy grew 12 feet high and yielded at the rate of 80 bushels per acre, but the seasons are too short here to mature seed. Clover. The Alfalfa made a growth of 15 inches in the midst of a severe drought. It stands the dry weather better than anything else we have tried.

Mangel Wurzel.-Far surpassed all expectations as regards size and quality. Oats.-The White American Improved were pronounced to be the best for this climate and yielded 114 bushels to the acre; while the home oats in the same field only yielded 50 or 60 bushels to the acre.

Wheat.-One quart of Hard Red Fyfe yielded one half bushel and stood the drought well.

Vegetables.-The White Forcing radish was crisp, early, and of good quality. The Berkshire Beauty cabbage was the best of five varieties sown. The Horsford Market Garden pea was of first rate quality and yielded well. The Pee & Kay sweet corn, Dunlap's Prolific squash, and the Early Simpson lettuce, all did well, and were suited to this soil and climate.


Oats.-The White Bonanza grew to the height of 4 feet and had very fine heads. Wheat.-Three fourths of a pound of New Genesee was sown on a plot 16 feet by 50, and it stooled out, and although partially destroyed by rabbits, yielded 50 pounds of nice grain.

Vegetables.-The Kentucky Field pumpkin yielded abundantly; the Golden Wax bean was very early; the Westerfield pickling cucumber was excellent in quality and very productive. Stowell's Evergreen sweet corn holds its rank as the larges and is of good quality.


Corn.-The Pride of the North was very prolific and excellent in quality. Oats, The White Wonder oats were strong growers, and yielded more abundantly than other varieties tested; they have a large grain and are well adapted to this climate.

Millet. The German will do well with fair tillage and is a valuable plant. It is excellent to sow as a supplementary plant to make up deficiencies in the hay crop, and is nutritious, and is to be recommended for general culture.

Wheat. The Velvet Chaff did not winter-kill, and produced well; it is a hardy variety.


Vegetables.-The St. Louis Market lettuce is spoken of very highly. The Prize Head lettuce proved to be a good variety. The Acme tomato, Philadelphia Butter lettuce, and the Early Cory corn all grew well and matured fine crops of excellent quality. The King of the Garden Lima bean was excellent.


Cotton.-Three fourths of an acre planted in the Ellsworth yielded 1,400 pounds of seed cotton, which ginned over one third. This is considered a good yield, and good judges pronounced it a very superior bolled cotton.

Clover.-The Japan came up very quickly and made an excellent grass.
Grasses.-The Timothy did well.

Sorghum.-The Red Liberian did well and yielded upward of 50 gallons of molasses, pronounced by judges to be a first-class article. Had a good mill been used doubtless the yield would have been 200 gallons.

Wheat.-Currell's Prolific was early and made a good yield. The New Genesee stood the winter well and yielded as fine wheat as any grown here.

Vegetables.-The Early Green Cluster cucumber germinated quickly and grew well. The New Jersey tomato is a rapid grower, very early, and produces fine fruit. The Eclipse beet is very prolific.


Oats.-Hargett's White germinated well and were not injured by several days of frost; the straw being very strong and stiff it stools wonderfully, producing as many as seven stalks from one kernel of seed.

Wheat.-The Red Fyfe yielded well, and produced first-class wheat in quality, hardiness, and color. It was very satisfactory.

Vegetables.-The Early Winningstadt cabbage was very superior, making large solid heads. The Philadelphia Butter lettuce and the Premium Flat Dutch cabbage both did well.


Corn. The Pride of the North proved to be vigorous in growth, early, and productive.

Clover.-The Alfalfa and Japan clover were both very satisfactory and were not injured by the wet weather.

Forage.-The Vetch (Vicia Villosa) did not do well at first, and when other grasses were cut the last of June they were just beginning to blossom; but after that time they made a wonderful growth, and branched out near the ground, and the vines spread in every direction, until the whole was a complete mat of tangled vines; owing to the wet weather, the pods under the vines rotted, and did not ripen seeds. From its rank growth, it promises to be unequaled as a soiling plant.

Grasses.-The Johnson made a wonderful growth, and there is no doubt but that three crops could be cut in a season. The Orchard makes the finest appearance of all our grasses. It has a compact sod, and the blades are of a bright, green color, about 20 inches long; it held its own without assistance against weeds and wild grasses. The same is true of the Meadow Fescue and the Rye grass. Wheat.-The New Genesee was sown at the rate of 6 pecks per acre. The habit of growth was superior to three other varieties in the same field, and it sent out more healthy and stronger shoots, and had covered the ground in advance of the others. The Rudy (bearded) yielded 68 pounds from one twenty seventh of an acre; the grain was very large and plump. Four quarts of Velvet Chaff produced 70 quarts of fair quality of wheat, and it weighed 60 pounds to the bushel.

Vegetables. The Roman Carmine turnip radish was very early, crisp, and neither wormy nor pithy, and retained its flavor much longer than other varieties. The Perpetual lettuce proved to be excellent. The Volunteer tomatoes were very early and productive, and of excellent quality.


Buckwheat.-The Japanese made a large yield, of a very fine quality of flour, and it is well adapted to this locality.

Oats.-The White Bonanza gave good results, the straw being heavy and stiff, and the heads were large and well filled, with large, plump kernels.

Wheat. Three and one half pounds of Fulcaster were sown broadcast on one six

teenth of an acre, and yielded 90 pounds of good wheat. The Improved Rice came up well, stood the winter, and 14 quarts of seed yielded 14 pounds of very pretty plump grain.

Vegetables.-The Peach tomato produced handsome fruit, but of inferior quality. Moore's Concord sweet corn grew finely and was pronounced excellent in quality. The Flat Purple Top turnip is acknowledged by all as superior to other varieties.


Cotton.-Shine's Early Prolific was a success and is considered a fine variety. Forage.-The Unknown pea was very prolific.

Grasses.-The Texas Blue flourished well.

Vegetables.-The Bridgeport Late cabbage was early and made fine, solid heads. The Large Red Wethersfield onions did well. The Yellow Crook Neck squash bore abundantly.


Oats. One half bushel of White Wonder, sowed on three eighths of an acre, yielded 12 bushels of oats.

Wheat. The Red Fyfe made a much better yield than other varieties tested. Two and a half pounds of seed yielded one half bushel of very good plump wheat. Vegetables.-The Chicago Market sweet corn is very early, of good quality, and suitable for a northern climate. Dewing's Early Improved turnip beet is small, but very early and tender. The Everbearing pea did extremely well.


Corn.-The Piasa King did remarkably well and was pronounced superior to other kinds.

Oats.-The White Wonder grew about 3 feet high and matured very fine, plump grain, and made a much larger yield than other varieties sown under the same circumstances.

Wheat. The Fulcaster has proved beyond question to be the wheat for this section of Tennessee. It harvested 380 per cent increase on the amount sown, and the straw was extraordinarily bright and strong.

Vegetables.-Henderson's Early Summer cabbage was a perfect success, as every seed germinated and made large compact heads. The Paris pickling onion was small, but exceedingly nice for pickling. The Fulton Market tomato was the best of twenty varieties.


Corn.-The Piasa King did well, and yielded at the rate of 35 bushels to the acre. It is considered a superior variety.

Cotton. The Jones's Improved is a very superior kind, and it yielded more to the acre and stood the vicissitudes of the weather better than other varieties. It has a fine staple, and large bolls. Truitt's Improved was very prolific, and excellent in yield and quality; it was early and very hardy.

Sorghum.-The Red Liberian proved a success in every variety of soil, in the mountain, valley, and river bottom districts, the joints being short, sweet, and the yield exceedingly good.

Vegetables.-The Cardinal tomato withstood an excess of rain, not cracking or rotting as other varieties. The Vandergrau cabbage was very early and excellent. The Rosy Gem radish was early and tender.


The Fulcaster was very

Oats.-The White Wonder was very satisfactory. Wheat.-The Improved Rice yielded 5 quarts to 1 sown. healthy and vigorous, yielding 15 quarts to each 1 sown, of perfect, beautiful grain. It is a valuable wheat for this climate. The Velvet Chaff stooled well, made a very stiff straw, and the yield was 9 bushels per acre; the quality of the grain very good. The Rudy (bearded) is a fine variety, and, planted at the right time, will make an extraordinary yield.

Vegetables.-Vick's Early watermelon proved to be very fine; they were early and very prolific, some weighing from 15 to 20 pounds. The Alaska peas were early, prolific, and very satisfactory. The Champion of England peas were very productive and had large, well-filled pods. The Maud S peas are a superior variety.

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