Claire; Winnebago ... 364 rown; The Knappmes Three Generae; Sioux War of 466 Pryor; More Light Lobertson; General uscripts... General Porter on of Wisconsin's 249 4... 372 478 of the Ringlings; ..113, 255, 376, 481 ...128, 498 .135, 272, 385, 503 WILLIAM F. WHYTE-Observations of a Contract Surgeon.... M. M. QUAIFE-An Experiment of the Fathers in State Socialism.. 277 WILLIAM BROWNING-The Early History of Jonathan Carver..... 291 RASMUS B. ANDERSON-Another View of the Kensington Rune Stone 413 General Grant and Early Galena; Early Advertising Policy of the Racine Advocate; Constitutional Convention Letters... A Woman "Y" Worker's Experiences; The Panic at Wash- EDITORIAL: A Critic and a Certificate of Character... Negro Suffrage and Woman's Rights in the Convention of 1846; Winnebago Battle Near Wyocena; Wisconsin and Nullifi- cation; Indian Folklore of Wisconsin; Indian Names for a Farm; Wisconsin as a Playground; The Sioux War of 1862; Early Missions on the Menominee River; Early 94 271642 Origin of the Name "Wisconsin"; Historical Associations of The History of Florence County; Beriah Brown; The Knapp- COMMUNICATIONS: Some Corrections; Early Racine and Judge Pryor; More Light ... The Kensington Rune Stone; Birthplace of the Ringlings; SURVEY OF HISTORICAL ACTIVITIES: The Society and the State.... Some Wisconsin Public Documents. The Wider Field..... 364 466 249 372 478 .113, 255, 376, 481 .128, 498 135, 272, 385, 503 |