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Treasurers not to

duty of the treasurers respectively, to enforce all legal means against defaulting collectors; in failure whereof they shall be held to make good respectively, any loss which the state may sustain thereby, and be morcover liable to be deemed guilty of a violation of their official duty.

And whereas, it has been customary with the treasurers to keep accounts current between their offices, for which at present there is no necessity, and from which embarrassments have arisen: current be- Therefore,

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Offices to to be kept

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Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in future it shall not be lawful for them to keep any such account, but each shall be separately liable and accountable for the transactions in his office only.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the comptroller and treasurers, respectively, shall keep open and attend in their offices, from nine o'clock in the morning until two in the afternoon, on every day, (Sundays, the fourth of July, Christmas and the two next succeeding days excepted.)

And be it further enacted by the authority afore Copies of said, That an exact copy of any entry from the book of either of the treasurers, certified by the treasury comptroller, shall be received and admitted as evibooks to be dence in any action or suit already instituted or to evidence be hereafter instituted in any court of law or equity

in courts.

within this state, in as ample a manner as if the original books of the treasurers were produced.

Whereas, in consequence of the purchase of stock to cover the debts due to Struyckhuysen and Luxemburgh, an interest has already arisen, and previous to the said demands being called for, will hereafter accrue on the said stock:

Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforeComptrol- said, That it shall be the duty of the comptroller ler to pur- to invest the said interest money now lying in the ded debt. treasury, and what may hereafter arise on the said stock, in the purchase of the funded debt of this state,

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or of the United States, on the best terms in his power, to procure the same, subject to the provision of the law in relation to the principal of said debt.

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And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That whenever the public exigency shall, in Comptrol the opinion of the comptroller, &c. require that any rized tore. sum or sums of money, which may be in the trea- move mosury in Charleston, shall be removed to the trea- ney from sury in Columbia, or that any sum or sums of mo- ry to the ney which may be in the treasury in Columbia, other. should be removed to the treasury in Charleston, that then, and in such case, the comptroller of the revenue and finances of the state shall be, and he is hereby authorized and required to cause a transfer or transportation and removal of such sum or sums of money, to and from one treasury-office to the other, in such manner as he shall deem most proper and convenient, and shall have power and authority to call upon his excellency the governor of the state for an order, and upon application, the governor is required to grant an order for an escort or guard sufficient for the safe keeping and protecting, during the transporting, such sum or sums, to and from one office of the treasury to the other. In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and in the twenty-sixth Yar of the Independence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate.
the House of Representatives.

An ACT to prevent sheriffs from being proceeded against by attachment or rule of court after a certain time.


E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That no sheriff shall hereafter be liable to be served with any rule to shew cause, or attachment, at any time after two years from the expiration of

his office; and all former sheriffs, after two years from the passing of this act.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and in the twenty-sixth Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate. THEODORE GAILLARD, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

An ACT to exonerate Clement C. Brown from the payment of interest on a certain bond therein mentioned.


E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That Clement C. Brown be, and he is hereby entirely exonerated from the payment of the interest on a certain bond executed by the said Clement C. Brown, to the treasurers of this state, for the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds. In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and in the twenty-sixth Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate. THEODORE GAILLARD, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

An ACT to grant further time for registering liquidated demands against the state.


HEREAS in and by an act of the legislature, entitled, "An act to establish the office of comptroller of the revenue and finances of the state, and for other purposes therein mentioned," it is, amongst other things, enacted, "That all persons having any legal demands against the state, who shall neglect or refuse to deliver in and register the same, on or before the first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, shall, from and after that day, be for ever barred and excluded as creditors of the

state." And whereas, it is manifested by sundry petitions presented to the legislature at the present session, that a rigid adherence to the terms of the above mentioned act, would be highly injurious to many of the bona fide creditors of this state, who, from various causes, have omitted to register their claims, within the time prescribed as aforesaid:


Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the treasurers of Charleston and Columbia, under the direction of the comptroller, shall cause to be again opened in their respective offices, the books formerly kept open by them for the registry of all legal debts due by the state; which said books shall be kept open for the sole purpose of enabling the holders of all evidences of the liquidated debt of this state, (not heretofore provided for, funded or registered,) to register the Provided, That such registry be made on or before the first day of October next; and that from and after that day, all persons interested, who shall have neglected or refused to avail themselves of the advantages of this act, shall be, from thence forth, for ever barred and excluded as creditors of the state; and that all claims so to be registered, shall be paid or provided for in like way and manner as the legislature shall or may enact in relation to the present registered debt of the state; and that so much and such parts of the act first recited, passed the twenty-first day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, as is repugnant to this law, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and in the twenty-sixth Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate. THEODORE GAILLARD, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

An ACT to authorize William Soranzo Quince to change his present name to that of William Soranzo Husell.


HEREAS, William Soranzo Quince has petitioned the legislature to change his present name to that of William Soranzo Hasell: Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the said William Soranzo Quince, be, and he is hereby authorized to change his present name to that of William Soranzo Haseli; and that he shall hereafter be known and distinguished in law, and in all transactions in law, wherein he may be bound or obliged, or wherein any person or persons may be bound or obliged to him, by no other name than that of William Soranzo Hasell.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and in the twenty-sixth Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

JOHN WARD, President of the Senate. THEODORE GAILLARD, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

An ACT to incorporate the Antipado Baptist church in the town of Georgetown.


HEREAS Edmund Botsford, John Bos

surd, William Cuttino, senior, Savage Smith, Cornelius Dupre, William Grant, William Cuttino, junior, John Waldo, John Davis, John Evans, Jeremiah Cuttino, James Mackray, William H. Lyde, William Murray, Samuel Blackwell, James Lane, Michael Blackwell, John P. Dunnam, William Dunnam, William B. Johnson and William Waiker, have petitioned the legislature to be made a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name of "The Antipado Baptist church of the town of Georgetown." And whereas it would greatly forward their religious views, should they be incorporated as such:

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