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exportation, on board any ship or vessel, any beef or pork for a foreign market, duly packet, in pursuance of this act, as if the same had been packed in the city of Charleston, by packers there legally appointed; any law, usage or custom, to the contrary in any wise, notwithstanding.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any of the said persons, hereby empowered to appoint public packers as aforesaid, shall die, or depart the county for which he or they are respectively appointed, or shall refuse or neglect to act, it shall and may be lawful for the remainder of those appointed, or to be elected, in pursuance of this act, to elect one or more persons in their room; and the person or persons, so elected, shall be invested with, and he or they shall and may lawfully use, exercise and enjoy the same powers and authorities, in as full and ample manner, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as the persons hereby appointed respectively can, or lawfully may, or ought to do.

In the Senate House, the twelfth day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and in the twentieth Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to regulate the manner of keeping pub

lic accounts in this state.

E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and

B House of Representatives, now met in general

assembly, That from and after the first day of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, all accounts in the public offices of this state, and all accounts of the tax-collectors, shall be expressed in dollars or units, dismes or tenths, cents or hundredths, and mils or thousandths; a disme being the tenth part of a dollar, a cent the hundredth part of a dollar, and a mil the thousandth part of a dollar.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the verdict of the juries, on all contracts which shall be made after the first day of May next, shall be expressed conformably to this regulation. In the Senate House, the twelfth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and in the twentieth year of the Independence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to give further encouragement to the proprietors for opening the Navigation of the Catawba and Wateree rivers.


HEREAS the general assembly of the state of North-Carolina, by an act, passed at Fayetteville, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, did incorporate sundry persons, therein named, and such others, as should be associated with them, by the title of the company for opening the navigation of the Catawba rivers; and did grant to them the right of causing a navigation to be made, on the rivers aforesaid, by means of dams, canals and locks, or in such other manner as to them should scem most fit and convenient, from the South-Carolina line, as far up both branches of the Catawba river as may be found practicable, with certain other privileges therein mentioned: Provided, That the state of South-Carolina agrees that no restriction, duty or impost, shall be laid on any commodity which is the growth, produce or manufacture of the state of North-Carolina, brought through the said canals or rivers, for sale or exportation; and that the same may be exported without reinspection:

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, in general assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That no restrictions, duty or im,

post, shall be laid (by any law to be made by this state) on any commodity, which is the growth, produce or manufacture of the state of North-Carolina, brought through the said canals or rivers, for sale or exportation; and that the same may be exported, without any re-inspection to be required by any law of this state, unless the state of NorthCarolina shall hereafter agree that the said commodities shall be subject to the same regulations of inspection as the same commoditics of this state are liable to, coming from the Catawba river. And provided, That nothing in this act shall extend to prevent the companies of the Wateree and Catawba navigation, and the company of the Santee navigation, from imposing such tolls on the aforesaid commodities from North-Carolina, as they impose on the commodities of the growth, produce or manufacture of this state, going through their respective navigations.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That nothing contained in the said act of North-Carolina, shall be construed as a waver or relinquishment of the claims of the said state, to part of the territory of this state; but the said claim shall be and remain in the same plight as if this act had not been passed.

In the Senate House, the twelfth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and in the twentieth Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to authorize a lottery, the profits whereof shall be appropriated to the promotion of useful manufactures in this state.


HEREAS William M'Clure hath petitioned the legislature to assist him in establishing a cotton manufactory in this state; and it

would be very advantageous to this state to have useful manufactories established in the same:

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority Lottery to of the same, That a lottery shall be established and be drawn. drawn, and finally concluded and completed, the profits whereof, after deducting the necessary expenses attending the same, shall be applied towards the promotion of useful manufactures in this state; that a profit shall be raised by the said lottery, not exceeding the sum of eight hundred pounds; and that Thomas Lehre, William Turpin, Col. Thomas Taylor, John G. Guignard, Benjamin Waring, John Simpson and John Hunter, shall be, and they hereby are appointed commissioners to conduct and manage the same; and the said commissioners, or any three of them, shall adopt such scheme or schemes, for the purpose aforesaid, as they may judge most proper, and shall appoint such time and place for drawing the same, as they may think most adviseable.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said commissioners shall pay unto the M'Clure said William M'Clure four hundred pounds out of to receive the profits of the said lottery; two hundred to be paid


as soon as they shall receive a sufficient amount to enable them to pay the same with propriety; and the remainder to be paid when the said lottery shall be drawn and completely concluded: Provided, That the said commissioners shall, in trust for the state, previously take from the said William M'Clure, an obligation or obligations, under the penalty of twice the amount paid to him, with such security as they shall deem sufficient, with a condition, that he shall, within a certain time by them to be ascertained, erect and complete a manufactory of cotton, into what is commonly called and known by the name of Manchester wares; in which manufacture the said William M'Clure shall

constantly employ and instruct at least as many as seven white persons, for the term of seven years.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said commissioners shall hold the Balance; rest of the profits of the said lottery, and shall apply how to be them towards the promotion of such useful manufactory or manufactories as they may think descrving of their donation or support; taking care to require and take from every person to whom they may pay any part of the said profits, such bond or bonds as they are herein directed to take from the said William M'Clure: Provided, That no appropriation of the money remaining at the disposal of the commissioners, shall be made without the concurrence of five or more of the commissioners appointed by this act.

In the Senate House, the twelfth Day of December, in the
Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
ninety-five, and in the twentieth Year of the Independ-
ence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to authorize the commissioners therein appointed to clear out and remove the obstructions in the river Savannah, between Vienna and Campbelton and the town of Augusta, and to draw a lottery or lotteries for that purpose.


HEREAS it is represented that the opening of the navigation of the river Savannah, between Vienna and Campbelton in this state, and the town of Augusta in the state of Georgia, will be attended with great advantages:

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the river Savannah, between Vienna and Campbelton on the one side, and Augusta on the other, be cleared out, and the obC

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