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At a General Assembly, begun and holden at Columbia, on Monday the twenty-eighth day of November, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety-six, and from thence continued by divers adjournments, till the sixteenth day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninetyseven.

An ACT for establishing a Mutual Insurance
Company in Charleston.


HEREAS a great number of the inhabitants of Charleston have petitioned for legislature aid, in forming an insurance company against fire: And whereas it is deemed practicable to form a company that may answer the wishes of the petitioners:


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Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, in general assembly now met and sitting, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Henry William Desaussure, intendant, and Adam Gilchrist, and wardThomas Harrison M'Calla, Seth Lothrop, Willipointed am Allen Deas, William Robertson, Joseph Peace, commisJohn Ward, John Christian Martin, Robert How- sioners. ard, Thomas Rhett Smith, Simon M'Intosh, James Lowndes, John Casper Polker, wardens, of the city of Charleston, be commissioners to perform the duties required by this act, that is to say: They, or either of them, after ten days previous notice given, shall open books in Charleston on the sixteenth day of January, in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, to receive subscriptions of persons offering to be assured. As soon as may be convenient after the offerers for insurance shall amount to one hundred, the commissioners aforesaid shall, by public advertisement, call together the offerers, who, or a majority of whom, when convened, or a majority of such of them as may convene, shall have power and authority to conclude upon such rules and regulations as they, or a majority of those who may convenc,



shall think best, and to appoint a committee for these purposes, and to adjourn from time to time: Which rules and regulations, so concluded upon, shall be subscribed by such offerers as are present when the same shall be concluded upon, and by such of the offerers, or others, as may subscribe the same within ten days thereafter; the persons so subscribing shall be deemed the original members of the society, and the rules adopted by them, shail be binding on them, and all such as shall associate with them, and insure their property in the sail society, agreeably to the rules thereof, The society, thus constituted, shall proceed to' elect their own officers, and appoint their agents, and shall thenceforth be considered as a body politie, incorporated by this act.

And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said company shall be known by the name of the Charkston Mutual Insurance Company, and by the said name shall have a common scal, with power to change, alter, and make new the same, as often as the said corporation shall judge necessary, and to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any court of law or equity in this state, and to make such rules and by-laws, not repugnant to laws of the land, as for the order, rule, good government, and management thereof may be thought


And be it further enacted by the authority aforeProperty sail, That any real estate that may be pledged by pledgedto the members of the society aforesaid, to make

the com


ny, not good any losses that may happen by fire, agreebly subject to to the rules of the society, shall be protected for and judg that purpose, from all judgments and mortgages, ments sub- which shall be obtained or given subsequent to the sequeat. sid pledge: Provided the amount so protected.

shall not exceed ten per cent. of the estimated value of the property pledged as aforesaid; and provided furtlar, That, by the rules of the society, the,

hames of the persons pledging, and a description of the property pledged, be recorded in the secretary's office in Charleston, within the time limited by law for recording deeds and mortgates.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this act shall be deemed a public act, This act a and notice thereof shall be taken in all courts of public uct. justice, and elsewhere, in this state, and shall be given in evidence without special pleading.

In the Senate House, the sixteenth Day of December, in
the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
ninety-seven, and in the twenty-second Year of the In-
dependence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to authorize the Secretary of this State to deliver out grants of Lands, surveyed previous to the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two.


HEREAS sundry inhabitants of this state have petitioned the legislature, setting forth that they are entitled to certain lands, surveyed previous to the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, subject to the payment of a bounty; but for which the secretary of state does not conceive himself at liberty to deliver out grants, and praying relief:

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the secretary of this state shall, Secretary and he is hereby authorized and required, to deli. to deliver ver out to the persons, their heirs or assigns, for out certain whom surveys of lands were made, and duly re- and. turned, previous to the first day of January, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, for any number of acres, not exceeding six hundred and forty acres, grants of lands, so surveyed and returned as aforesaid, upon receiving from

grants of

C. Faust.

Such persons, their heirs or assigns, the legal bours ty and fees due for the same: Provided nevertheless, That this state shall, in no wise be held to warrant to such grantees the lands so granted, against the claims of others, or to refund any sum or sums of money, which may be paid upon receiving such grants: Provided nevertheless, That whenever any grant, not exceeding six hundred and forty acres, shall be applied for, previous to its being taken out, the person or persons who shall receive and take out the same, shall, before the delivery thereof, declare on oath, that the lands specified in the said grant or grants, are truly and in reality applied for by the person or persons in whose favor the same is to be granted; or that the said land had been in part cultivated for one year; and that no person's name had been borrowed for obtaining the said lands.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforeGrant to said, That the secretary of this state is hereby authorized to deliver to Christian Faust, a grant of six hundred and forty acres, being part of a grant to Thomas Cargill, for nine hundred and twenty acres, in Winton county, on payment of the bounty money and fees.

In the Senate House, the sixteenth Day of December, in
the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
ninety-seven, and in the twenty-second year of the In-
dependence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT concerning the Cavalry and Artillery of this state, and for other purposes therein mentioned.


E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the cavalry of this state shall be

the state

to be in


Arranged into squadrons and regiments, as fol-" lows: The several troops now raised, and here- Cavalry of after to be raised, in the brigade number one, (no. 1,) shall form one regiment; the several troops squadrons now raised, or hereafter to be raised, in the bri- and regigade number two, (no. 2,) shall form one regiment; the several troops now raised, and hereaf ter to be raised, in the brigade number thrce, (no. 3,) shall form one regiment; the several troops now raised, and hereafter to be raised, in the brigade number four, (no. 4,) shall form one regiment; the several troops now raised, and hereafter to be raised, in the brigade number five, (no. 5.) shall form one regiment; the several troops now raised, and hereafter to be raised, in the brigade number six, (no. 6,) shall form one regiment or squadron; the several troops now raised, and hercafter to be raised, in the brigade number seven, (no. 7,) shall form one regiment; the several troops now raised, and hereafter to be raised, in the brigade number eight, (no. 8,) shall form one regiment; the several troops now raised, and hereafter to be raised, in the brigade number nine, (no. 9,) shall form one regiment or squadron. Provided, That no regiment shall consist of more than six troops, nor less than four; nor each troop of more than sixty-four rank and file.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the brigadier-general of each of the Brigadiers aforesaid brigades, shall be, and he is hereby au- to fill up thorized and empowered, whenever the regiment of horse; regiments of horse in his brigade is not complete, to fill up and how. the same, if he shall see fit, by authorizing proper persons to raise the necessary number of troops; and also by empowering the captains of the respective troops in his regiment, to enrol men, who are not obliged to do militia duty, but who would be willing to enrol themselves in such troops, and to turn out with them, properly uniformed and accoutred, when called into actual service; and the


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