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the payment of the like debts and demands, incurred and due after their appointment.


Whereas, the managers of the election for members of the legislature, for the election district of Edgefield, have omitted to hold an election for commissioners of the poor, as by law directed:

Be it therefore enacted, That the said managers be empowered and required to hold an election for five commissioners of the poor for Edgefield county, on the first Monday in February next. In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, and in the twenty-first Year of the Independence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to cede to the United States, the jurisdiction of a proper place on North-Island, whereon a Light-house may be erected.


HEREAS the Congress of the United States, on the twenty-first of February, in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, passed an act to provide for the erection of a light-house for the harbour of Georgetown in this state; and a situation on North-island having been deemed the most eligible for that purpose: And whereas Paul Trapier, esquire, the proprietor of the said island, hath made a gratuitous conveyance, in fee simple, to the use of the United States for the above purpose, of seven acres of land, situated on the said island, butting and bounding to the eastward on the sea, to the west and north by lands belonging to Mr. Trapier, and on the south by Winyaw bay: But whereas it is necessary that, in addition to the said conveyance, there should be a cession by the legislature, of the jurisdiction to the said land:

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and

sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the said lands, conveyed by the said Paul Trapier as aforesaid, together with the jurisdiction of the same, as far as the same shall be incident and essential for the erection of a light. house, forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings; and the appointment of officers, and the general regulations of the said light house, forts, magazines, arsenals and dock. yards, from and after the passing of this act, shall be, and is hereby ceded to, vested in and assigned unto the United States absolutely and for ever: Provided nevertheless, That the said United States shall build, and sufficiently support, maintain and keep in good repair, and rebuild when necessary, the said light-house, from time to time, and at all times hereafter; and shall also erect or cause to be erected, proper leading marks to and for, or as appending to the said light-house; and cause necessary buoys to be stationed in fit places, for the further and better securing the navigation of the same.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, and in the twenty-first Year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America.


DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate. ·
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to authorize the City Council of Charleston to increase the tax on licences for retailing spirituous liquors, and to exempt certain officers of the city of Charleston from serving on Juries. E it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That from and immediately after the passing of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the city council of Charleston, and they are hereby authorized to increase the tax on licences for retailing spirituous liquors, according to their discretion.

Mode of appoint

ing inspector.

Oath to be

taken by commissioners.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the following officers of the city of Charleston, that is to say: the intendant, wardens, city treasurer, city sheriff, marshal and city recorder, be, and they are hereby exempted and excused from serving on juries.

In the Senate House, the nineteenth Day of December, in
the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
ninety-six, and in the twenty-first Year of the Inde-
pendence of the United States of America.

DAVID RAMSAY, President of the Senate.
ROBERT BARNWELL, Speaker of the
House of Representatives.

An ACT to prevent the exportation of Bread and Flour, not merchantable, and for other purposes therein mentioned.


HEREAS it is necessary for the advancement of commerce, that regulations should be established for the inspection of flour and bread, intended for exportation:


Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the persons herein after to be pointed to carry into effect this act, or a majority of them, shall meet in the city-hall of the city of Charleston, on the second Monday of January next, and on the second Monday in January in every year thereafter, during the continuance of this act; and then and there nominate and appoint a person of good repute, and skilfull in the goodness and quality of flour and bread, to be inspector of flour and bread within the said city, for the year ensuing.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every commissioner who shall vote for the said officer, shall take the following oath before he shall proceed to the nomination and appointment of the officer aforementioned: "I, A. B. do swear that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially

nominate and appoint such person to be inspector of flour and bread within the said city of Charleston, as I think, in my judgment and conscience, is fit and capable of executing the said office.


And be it further enacted by the authority_aforesaid, That in case of the death of such officer so Mode of appointed, or his refusal or neglect to act, the said filling up commissioners, or a major part of them, shall, as soon as conveniently may be thereafter, meet together, and appoint one other such person as aforesaid, in the stead of the person so dead, or refusing or neglecting to act, for the residue of the year; and if the said commissioners shall neglect and omit to nominate and appoint the said officer, then the governor may appoint such officer, who shall be qualified agreeably to the directions of this act, and have the like power and authority, as if he had been by the said commissioners nominated and appointed.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all bolted wheat flour, and every cask Flour to be thercof, brought to the said city for exportation, made merfrom and after the first day of August next, shall, by the bolters thereof be made merchantable, and of due fineness, without any mixture of coarser or other flour.

tion of the


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the first day of August Construcnext, all flour casks brought to Charleston for ex- tion portation, shall be made of good seasoned materi- casks. als, well made and tightened with ten hoops, sufficiently nailed with four nails in each chine hoop, and three nails in each upper bilge hoop, and of the following dimensions, viz. The staves to be of the length of twenty-seven inches, and the casks to be of the diameter of eighteen inches at the head. That every miller, and bolter of flour, and baker of Casks to bread, for transportation out of the state, shall pro- be brandvide and have a distinguishable brand mark, with which he shall brand each and every cask of flour


or bread, before the same shall be removed from the place where the same was bolted or baked. And every miller or bolter shall also brand every cask of flour according to the quality thereof, with the numbers one, two or three, and with the weight respectively, under the penalty of one dollar for every barrei of flour not hooped and nailed Penalty for as aforesaid; and for every cask of flour or bread neglect. so removed and not branded as aforesaid, to be recovered from such miller or bolter who shall neglect to comply with the directions of this act, or from the person who brings such flour or bread to Charleston aforesaid, for sale. And in case a recovery shall be had against such person bringing the said bread or flour for sale as aforesaid, for the said penalty, such person shall and may have recovery of the same, with costs, against the miller or bolter from whom such bread or flour was purchased or received, upon making it appear that he gave notice to such miller or bolter, that he intended to carry the same to the city aforesaid, for sale for exportation, and that he requested such miller or bolter to secure and mark the said barrels as aforesaid.

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Neat weight of casks.


for short weight.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said millers and bolters shail put into the casks numbered one, the full quantity or weight of one hundred and ninety-six pounds of flour; in the casks numbered two, the full quantity or weight of one hundred and ninety-six pounds; and in the casks numbered thrce, the full quantity or weight of one hundred and sixty-eight pounds of flour. And that if any Miller or bolter shall pack any cask with a less quantity of flour than is directed by this act to be contained in the casks of the different sizes and dimensions above mentioned, he shall forfeit, if the deficiency be one pound, twenty-five cents; if two pounds, fifty cents; and fifty cents per pound for every pound deficient above two.

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