BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT EXHIBIT No. 77 - (Concluded) ... ......... $5,300 69 ....... ... ... $366,133 38 $195,078 32 • .. $9,518,707 02 481,039 37 217,279 88 13,438,067 79 9,151 07 552,298 76 279,023 03 22,138,635 78 10,527 37 10,527 37 10.,527 37 10,527 37 634,337 55 ,414,352 07 $617,161 49 31,369,456 69 10,527 37 . 538,807 03 2,221,996 30 1,359,423 71 41,906,165 78 1918.. YEAR Coney Island and Coney Island and Brooklyn and Brooklyn Railroad Coney Island American South Brooklyn Canarsie Terminal Railway Traffic Railroad Railroad Company Company Company Company Total 2,637,000 00 118,298 46 $807,582 42 469,375 14 2,394,070 59 37,761,191 58 2,637,000 00 118,298 46 2,394,070 59 36,484,234 02 2,637,000 00 118,298 46 2,394,070 59 ...... ..... .......... (Company), December 31, 1918. (Receiver), June 30, 1919 (Receiver), December 31, 1919.. .... * The Brooklyn Union Elevated Railroad, Sea Beach Railway Company, and Canarsie Railroad Company, were merged with the New York Consolidated Railroad BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT EXHIBIT No. 78 (In evidence May 19, 1920) EXHIBIT “D” BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY STATEMENT SHOWING DIVIDENDS PAID DURING THE PERIOD 1909 TO 1918, INCLUSIVE, WITH PERCENTAGE OF EACH AND DATE SAME WAS DECLARED Totals.... .... $29,022,334 50 48% ... BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY CONDENSED STATEMENT SHOWING NET CORPORATE INCOME, LESS DIVIDENDS WITH SUBSEQUENT ADJUSTMENTS TO PROFIT AND LOSS; AND THE SURPLUS FOR THE PERIOD Year ending June 30, 1898 Year ending June 30, 1899 Year ending June 30, 1900 Year ending June 30, 1901 Year ending June 30, 1902 PERIOD 5,617 87 5,617 87 ... ... ... 1,156,696 39 1,102,479 38 194,873 93 1,455,168 39 1,650,042 32 263,136 55 1,372,847 61 1,109,711 06 Year ending June 30, 1903 Year ending June 30, 1904 Year ending June 30, 1905 Year ending June 30, 1906 Year ending June 30, 1907 Year ending June 30, 1908 5,617 87 Year ending June 30, 1909 1,299,219 21 Year ending June 30, 1910 1,907,082 09 Year ending June 30, 1911 1,945,955 67 Year ending June 30, 1912 2,031,590 07 Year ending June 30, 1913 3,479,729 41 Year ending June 30, 1914 3,451,118 06 Vear ending June 30, 1915 4,562,228 85 Year ending June 30, 1916 4,854,366 35 Year ending June 30, 1917 4,741,322 55 Year ending June 30, 1918. 4,378,216 43 Year ending June 30, 1919 1,167,209 53 .... (Receiver) Six months ending June 30, 1919. 3,490,716 52 (Company) Six months ending December 31, 1919 (Receiver) Six months ending December 31, 1919. 2,572,924 01 2,572,924 01 192,857 63 2,765,781 64 3,389,711 30 3,389,711 30 $37,805,020 79 $29,022,334 50 $8,782,686 29 $3,592,186 94 *$12,374,873 23 NOTE:- Profit and loss December 31, 1919 (as per company's ledger) STATEMENT OF OPERATING RESULTS, JULY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1919, BROOKLYN RAPID TRANSIT SURFACE LINES Earnings, per cent .... ...... ......... ... .. ....... 6,500,000 00 4,536,865 00 ......... (Common) 2.9 4.5 1.4 ... .............. ........... ......... Nassau Electric Railroad. ........ Earnings, per cent... ................ South Brooklyn Railway Company. Earnings, per cent. ............ ...... ....... 8,500,000 00 14,750,000 00 34,536,792 00 201,884 00 14,013,092 00 9,016,748 00 4,847,215 00 Stone & Webster, property .. ..... Adjutant-General, report Doc. No. .. • report and investigation of joint committee of Legislature. employers, message from Governor on... requests for, message from Governor transmitting statement Arsenal, State, in New York city, message from Governor on ... ... • Assembly, bills, supplemental index 33 committees, list 20 .... members, list 2 memorial of Bar Association on qualifications of certain members to Automobile registration, fees, fines and penalties, statement of treasurer. 120 Bailey, Dr., report on adequate appropriations for State Hospitals.. 32 Banks, Superintendent of, report on banks of deposit and discount. on Savings and loan associations, Land banks, etc. .. .... ... 4 5 .. on Savings banks, Trust companies, etc. 6 .. .. Bar Association of the City of New York, memorial on qualifications of certain members of Assembly to retain their seats. 30 Barges, see Freight carrying barges. Batavia, New York State School for the Blind, report...... Bath, New York State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, report.. 41 62 .. Bedford Hills, New York State Reformatory for Women, report. Boards, commissions and departments, see specific names of. Briggs, Dr., report on adequate appropriations for State Hospitals Budget committee, report on requests for appropriations.. Buffalo, Charity Organization Society, report....... Canals, report of Comptroller relating to expenditures on.. report relative to operation by U. S. Government of freight carrying Charities, Fiscal Supervisor, report. Charity Organization Society of the City of Buffalo, report.. Children, New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to, report. 32 .. .... 11 • 43 86 ..... 76 115 .... 38 • • |