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Resolution to remove Indians, etc.

remain trespassers upon the soil of Nebraska, notwith-
standing their participation in the recent treaties between
the United States and the various tribes of the Sioux,
that the lands which they now occupy in the county of
Knox, in our state, were never owned or claimed by
them, or by the Sioux nation, but were seized and ap-
propriated by the Interior Department for the use of
the Santee Sioux Indians contrary to law, after being
settled upon and cultivated by citizens of Knox, form-
erly L'Eau-qui-Court county, and that certain islands
in the Niobrara river within the
within the boundaries of
Knox county and state of Nebraska, withdrawn from
market for the use of the Ponca Indians, have not yet
been restored to such market, notwithstanding said
Ponca Indians have been removed to the Indian terri-
tory south; and

WHEREAS, That portion of the now unoccupied lands known as the old Ponca reservation, incorporated in the great Sioux reservation and recently vacated by the Spotted Tail band, is most desirably situated, and equal in all respects to the lands now held by the said Santees in our state; and

WHEREAS, The aforesaid old Ponca reserve is not more than six miles distant from the said lands held by the Santees as aforesaid, in the county of Knox, and no hardship but lasting benefits would result from their permanent location upon their own lands, namely, the said former Ponca reservation; and whereas, the speedy removal of these Sioux Indians is of vital importance to the county of Knox and northern Nebraska; therefore,

Be it resolved, That our senators and representatives in congress are hereby requested to use all honorable. means to secure such action of congress as may be requisite for the removal of said Indians, and for the restoration of their former condition, as public lands of

the United States, all the lands within the said county of Knox, including the above mentioned islands in Niobrara river.

tary of state.

Resolved, That the secretary of state be and is hereby Duty of secreinstructed to transmit a certified copy of this memorial and joint resolution, together with a copy of the report of the committee thereon, to our senators and representatives in congress.

Approved, February 20, A.D. 1879.


Relative to Indian depredations, and for the establishment of military posts.

WHEREAS, information has been received that the set- Preamble. tlers east of Fort Robinson, on the Niobrara river, have recently suffered from invasions by hostile Indians; and WHEREAS, Said incursions have resulted in the loss of several lives and much damage to property; and

WHEREAS, Snch incursions tend to discourage immigration and settlement in such portions of the state; therefore,

Be it resolved by the legislature of the state of Nebraska:

afford protec

Indians on the

That our senators and representatives in congress Resolution to be requested to urge upon the war department the tion against establishment of a camp, at the earliest practical mo- Niobrara. ment, that will afford protection to the settlers in that portion of the state, and that they also be requested to use all proper means for securing an appropriation for the establishment of a military post in said locality;

Duty of secretary of state.

That a copy of this resolution be forwarded by the secretary of state to our senators and representatives in congress, to the secretary of war, and to the commander of the department of the Platte.

Approved, February 24, A.D. 1879.


Congress urged

to repeal certain acts.

Duty of secretary of state.


Relative to the transfer of causes in certain cases to United States courts.

WHEREAS, Section 640, of the revised statutes of the United States, of 1873-4, chapter 7, title 13, has been so construed by the courts as to allow certain railroad corporations operating within this state, to remove all suits between said corporations and citizens of this state, from the state courts to the United States courts; and

WHEREAS, the removal of suits as aforesaid, results in great hardship to litigant residents of this state by compelling them, with their witnesses, to travel in many cases hundreds of miles to attend the United States courts, at great expense and delay; therefore

Be it resolved by the Senate and Ilouse of Representatives of the state of Nebraska:

That we hereby earnestly urge congress to grant relief by repealing all that portion of said section authorizing such removal of suits, at as early a date as possible; and be it further.

Resolved, That a copy of this memorial and joint resolution be forwarded to our senators and representatives in congress, by the secretary of state.

Approved, February 25, A.D. 1879.


Resolved, by the Senate of the state of Nebraska, the
House of Representatives concurring therein:

cerning south

That our members of congress from this state be and Resolution conare hereby instructed to favor such legislation as will ern war claims. forever prohibit the payment of southern war claims.

tary of state.

Resolved, That the secretary of state be instructed to Duty of secrefurnish them each a copy of this resolution.

Approved, February 26, A.D. 1879.


Be it resolved by the legislature of the state of Nebraska:

ral directed to edness of per

fund and re

state port.

That the attorney general of the state be and is here- Attorney-geneby directed to proceed, either by suit or otherwise, to collect indebtcollect all the amounts that are in his hands due from manent school any and all persons who may be indebted to the for moneys loaned out of the permanent school fund during the years 1870 and 1871, and that he report at the next session of the legislature of this state the amounts collected, and the particular condition of each


Approved, February 26, A.D. 1879.

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