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April 7.-The claim for outrages committed on British boats off Patos Island dissallowed. The Commissioners had a long conference in regard to various examined claims.

April 10.-The Commissioners attended at the office. The claim of Enrique Bresto for 597 pesos was admitted for 226 pesos 75 cents.

April 13.-The Commissioners attended at the office. The claim of Miguel O'Callaghan was dissallowed.

April 15.-The claim of Caroline Perouze was submitted to the Commission, and the documents in reference thereto read by the Clerk. Allowed as compensation 50 pesos.

April 20.-Additional documents were presented to the Commission in regard to the claim of C. D. Dunlop, and read by the Clerk. It was resolved by the Commission to return the papers to the claimant with the following resolution:


"Mixed Commission of Claims, Caracas,


April 20, 1869.

"In consideration of the statement made by the Administrator of Posts of Cua, as authorized Representative of the National Government before the Court of that municipality on the 2nd of this month, to the effect that he abstained from making any observations during the examination of the witnesses in this case, as the chiefs mentioned in the petition presented were adherents of the late Government, the Commission resolves that the documents be returned to the interested party in order that he may require the said Administrator to make use of his right to cross-examine the witnesses, and dilucidate the points on which this claim rests, returning the documents without loss of time to this Commission. To which effect the present resolution is hereto annexed." "LEWIS JOEL, British Commissioner.


"JUAN DE D. MEMDEZ, Venezuelan Commissioner."

April 24.-The Commission met for the despatch of business, and had a long conference on various claims under consideration.

April 26 and 28.-During these dates the Commissioners were occupied in hearing the reading of the documents in support of the claim of Señora Maria Francisca Peñalver. April 30.-The claim of Maria Francisca Peñalver was not admitted by the Commission, her right to have her claim adjudicated upon by the Commission not having been proved.

May 3 to 6.-The following letter was received from Mr. Louis Fagan, clerk to the Commission, requesting three months, leave of absence, which was conceded to him.


"Caracas, May 3, 1869.

"My lamented father's death obliges me to accompany my mother and sisters to Europe. I therefore beg that you will grant me three months' leave of absence, and I submit for your approval the name of Mr. James A. Hill as my locum tenens. The sad bereavement which my family and I have suffered leads me to hope that, sympathizing with me, as I am sure you do, you will kindly grant me this request.

"I have, &c.


"LOUIS FAGAN, Clerk of the Commission. "To the Commissioners of the Mixed Commission for the

Settlement of British Claims."

During these dates the Commissioners were occupied in hearing the reading of the papers presented in support of the claim of Arthur Taylor.

May 8.-The Commission met for the despatch of business, and had a conference in regard to the claim of Arthur Taylor.

May 10 and 11.-The Commissioners occupied in hearing the reading by the Clerk of the documents submitted in support of the claims of Messrs. Gerold and Urich.

May 13.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business, and held a conference in reference to the claim of Messrs. Gerold and Urich. The claim allowed for 3,000 dollars.

May 15 to June 2.-During these dates the Commissioners were occupied in hearing the reading, by the Clerk, of the voluminous manuscript documents and printed pamphlets presented in support of the claim of Carolina L. Liborius.

June 3.-The award dated June 2 of the Umpire in the case of F. V. Bonttur was received. The Umpire awards 13,000 dollars.

June 4.-Additional documents were presented in support of the claim of H. G. Schimmel, and read by the Clerk. The claim admitted for 13,600 dollars.

June 8.-Additional documents were presented in support of the claim of C. D. Dunlop, and read by the Clerk.

June 10.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The claim of C. D. Dunlop admitted for 640 dollars.

June 12.-A claim of Felipe Desuse, marked No. 1, was submitted to the Commission, and the documents in support of the claim read by the Clerk.

June 14.-A claim of Felipe Desuse, marked No. 2, was submitted to the Commission and the papers in reference thereto read by the Clerk.

June 15.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business, and had a conference in reference to the claims of Felipe Desuse.

June 17.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business, and held a conference in regard to the claim of J. T. de Castillo.

June 19.-The claim of Josefa M. de N. Anna Gregor MacGregor was presented to the Commission, and the papers in reference thereto read by the Clerk. It was resolved that the Commissioners should address a note to the Venezuelan Government in reference thereto.

June 21. The claim of John George Every was presented to the Commission, and the papers relating thereto read by the Clerk. It was resolved that a copy of the proceedings in the confiscation of the sloop "Elizabeth," initiated 18th December, 1868, should be applied for.

June 23.-The claim of James Campbell was presented to the Commission, and the papers in reference thereto read by the Clerk.

June 25.-The Commissioners held a conference in regard to the claim of James Campbell, and it was resolved that the original documents on file in the British Consulate at Ciudad Bolivar should be applied for.

June 26.-The Commissioners met, and had a conference in regard to the claim of Arthur Taylor. The claim was disallowed.

June 28. The claim of Frederick P. Derbishire was presented to the Commission, and the papers in reference thereto read by the Clerk.

June 29.-The Commissioners met, and held a conference in regard to the claim of Frederick P. Derbishire. The claim disallowed.

July 1.-The claim of Peter Murdock was presented to the Commission, and the documents in proof read by the Clerk.

July 6.-The Commissioners met, and had a conference in regard to the claim of Peter Murdock. The claim allowed for 380 dollars.

July 8.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business, and had a long conference in reference to the claim of Caroline L. Liborius.

July 10.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business, and had a further conference in regard to the claim of Caroline Litchfield Liborius.

July 12 to 14.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The claim of Thomas Antigua was submitted to the Commission, and the documents in support thereof read by the Clerk.

July 16.-The Commissioners met and had a long conference in regard to the claim of Thomas Antigua. The Venezuelan Commissioner insisting that the Fiscal cited to attend the examination of the witnesses, and who did so attend, and signed the depositions as Fiscal, was not the Fiscal proper. The British Commissioner refused to admit this plea.

July 17 to 19.-The claim of Paul Award was submitted to the Commission, and the documents in support of the claim read by the Clerk.

July 20.-The Commissioners met for despatch of business, and had a conference in reference to the claim of Paul Award. The claim objected to by the Venezuelan Commissioner as the declarations had not been ratified before the Fiscal in conformance with the Law of the 16th June, 1865. The British Commissioner refused to admit the objection.

July 21.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. Additional documents in support of the claim of A. J. Cipriani were presented to the Commission, and read by the Clerk.

July 23.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business, and had a long conference in regard to the claim of Joseph Jellert, and being unable to agree, it was agreed to submit it to the Arbitrator. The name of Mr. William Stürup was drawn as Arbitrator of this claim.

July 26.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The claim of

Mrs. Sarah Campbell was submitted, and her memorial and various correspondence reference thereto read by the Clerk.

July 27.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business, and held a conference in regard to the claim of Mrs. Carolina L. Liborius. The claim disallowed.

Mr. Joel addressed the following letter to Dr. Méndez, Venezuelan Commissioner:


"Sir, Caracas, July 27, 1869. "I beg to call your attention to the many claims pending before the Commission. Those referring to losses inflicted during the war of the Federation, because you alleged that the Law of Public Credit of 1865 had a retroactive effect, which made it obligatory that the declarations taken in support of these claims should have been taken or ratified before the Fiscal, which point gave rise to long conferences and correspondence between us in the months of October and November last; and others of a similar nature to that of Messrs. Schloss and Co. and Michelson, arising out of debts due by the Republic of Colombia, upon which the Republics of New Granada and Ecuador have liquidated their respective portions.

"As many months have elapsed since you informed me that you had consulted the Venezuelan Government on both subjects, I trust that in your view of the speedy termination of the labours of the Commission, you will obtain as soon as possible some resolution in reference to these claims to enable me to decide on the course I necessary to take in regard to them.

may deem

"I have, &c.

[blocks in formation]

July 28.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business, and had a conference in regard to the claim of G. P. C. Richardson, and being unable to agree it was decided to submit it for decision by the Arbitrator.

The name of Mr. Stürup was drawn as Arbitrator of this claim.

August 2.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The claim of William Ackers Cage was submitted.

August 3.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The claims of Arthur Halle, Henry Court, and J. A. S. Cipriani were submitted and discussed.

August 5.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The claims of Mrs. Sarah Campbell and William Ackers Cage under discussion.

August 6.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The claims of Arthur Halle, Henry Court, and J. A. S. Cipriani were argued.

August 7.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The three claims argued yesterday were again discussed. The Commissioners unable to agree.

August 9 to 16.-During these dates the Venezuelan Commissioner was unable to

attend at the Office of the Commission in consequence of ill-health.

August 17.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. Additional documents in support of the claim of Gilbert Kerr and Co. were submitted and read by the Clerk.

August 18.--The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The claims of L. Agostini, W. A. Andral, H. O'Callaghan, M. A. Elizondo, Robert Lyers, and B. Daly, were submitted and considered.

August 20.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. The six claims submitted on the 18th instant were again discussed.

August 21.-The British Commissioner received the following letter from the Venezuelan Commissioner :

(Translation.) 66 Sir,

"Caracas, August 20, 1869.

I have to inform you that my Government has approved of the opposition I have made against any resolution by the Commission in respect of the claims for damages occasioned during the war of the Federation, the proofs whereof have not been ratified in conformity with the law of the 16th June, 1865, and the decrees and executive resolutions in reference thereto, as also as regards any claims posterior to the 21st September of last year, under which date the Commission for the settlement of the then pending claims was constituted. The claim of Mrs. Sarah Campbell is submitted to the Senate of the Republic, and that of Mr. W. Ackers Cage is before the Minister of Public Credit

"This is my reply to the note you did me the honour to address me on the 27th of July last, and I remain with all consideration and respect, &c.

"To Lewis Joel, Esq., British Commissioner."


"JUAN DE D. Mendez,

"Venezuelan Commissioner.

August 23.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business, and held a conference in regard to the claims of Mrs. Sarah Campbell, and William Ackers Cage. The Commissioners being unable to agree, it was decided to submit them to arbitration.

The name of Mr. Stürup was drawn as arbitrator of both the above claims.

August 26.—The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business, and again discussed the claims of Arthur Halle, Henry Court, and J. A. S. Cipriani, and being unable to agree it was decided to submit them to the Arbitrator.

The name of Mr. Yribarren Mora was drawn as Arbitrator in the case of Arthur Halle and J. A. S. Cipriani, and that of Mr. Stürup in the case of Henry Court.

August 30.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business. The claims of L. Agostini, W. A. Andral, H. O'Callaghan, M. A. Elizondo, Robert Syers, and B. Daly were again discussed.

September 1.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business. The six claims argued yesterday were again discussed, and the Commissioners being unable to agree it was decided to submit them to the Arbitrator.

The name of Mr. Yribarren Mora was drawn as Arbitrator in the whole of these claims.

September 2.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business. The claim of Gilbert Kerr and Co., marked No. 1, was submitted, and the documents in support thereof read by the Clerk. The claim was then considered.

In the claim of Mr. John Giuseppi the Umpire awarded the sum of 24,375 dollars. September 3.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business. The claims of Philip Williams and Tomas Antiga were again discussed.

September 4.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business, and were engaged in the revision of the books and papers of the Commission.

September 6.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business. The claims of Messrs. Gilbert, Kerr, and Co., Nos. 2 and 3, were again under consideration, and it was decided that the Commission could not take cognizance of the claims arising under the contract entered into by José Maria Larrazabal, in which he was associated with Peter Clark and Arthur Clark, inasmuch as the 17th Article of the said contract provides that "any disputes that may arise in the execution of this contract shall be decided by the tribunals of the Republic, and shall in no case nor for any reason become a matter for international reclamation."

September 8.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business. The claim of Messrs. Gilbert, Kerr, and Co., marked No. 1, arising under the charter of the steamship"Regas Ferreos," by the Venezuelan Government for a voyage to Ciudad Bolivar, was considered.


The Commissioners awarded the sum of 7,525 dollars, with interest at the rate of per cent. per annum, from the 13th December, 1864, on condition that Messrs. Gilbert, Kerr, and Co., shall deliver a more formal assignment to them by Peter Clark and Arthur Clark, their heirs, executors, or assigns, and by José Maria Larrazabal, his heirs, executors, or assigns, of any interest they may have had in the charter of the steamer "Regas Ferreos" to the Venezuelan Government for a voyage to Ciudad Bolivar, October 31, 1864, than now exists amongst the papers forming this claim.

September 9 and 10.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business. The claim of Felix Dalaby was submitted, and the documents in support of the claim read by the Clerk.

September 11.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business. The claim of the International Financial Society (limited) was submitted, and the documents in support of the claim read by the Clerk.

September 13.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business, and had a long conference in regard to the objection raised by the Venezuelan Commissioner to the consideration by the Commission, of the claims of Tomas Antiga and Philip Williams, and it was at length agreed to submit the point at issue for decision by the Umpire. The name of Mr. Yribarren Mora was drawn as Umpire.

September 14.-The Commissioners met for the dispatch of business, and held a long conference in regard to the claim of the International Financial Society (limited). The claim disallowed.



September 15.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business. In the claim of Joseph Jelleret the Umpire awarded the sum of 61,651 dollars 69 cents, with such interest from date as may hereafter be established.

The claim of George Treviranus was disallowed by the Umpire.

In the claims of Tomas Antiga and Philip Williams the Umpire decided that the Commission can, "in reason of equity, courtesy, and of other obvious considerations, examine and adjudicate on these claims on their merits."

The claim of Colin Campbell was disallowed by the Commission.

September 16.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business, and had a long conference in regard to the objection raised by the Venezuelan Commissioner to the consideration of the claims of C. Dumaine, J. C. Blondel, J. R. Hartman, D. Pampelloni, W. L. Syers, E. Brandt, P. Award, and F. Labaday; and it was agreed to refer the question for decision by the Umpire upon the correspondence which had passed between the Commissioners in reference to these claims.

The name of Mr. Yribarren Mora was drawn as Umpire.

September 17.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business.

The claim of Tomas Antiga was considered, and the Commissioners being unable to agree it was decided to submit the claim for decision by the Umpire.

The name of Mr. William Stürrup was drawn as Umpire in this case.

The claim of Philip Williams was then discussed, and the Commissioners, being unable to agree, it was resolved to submit the claim for decision by the Umpire. The name of Mr. William Stürrup was drawn as Umpire.

September 18.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business.

The Commissioners had a long conference in regard to the claims of Oliver Romberg, No. 1, Edward Brandt,* No. 3, J. P. R. Stevenson, Nos. 1 and 2, and Felipe Desuse, Nos. 1 and 2.

The Venezuelan Commissioner insisted on sustaining the objection he had made previously in reference to the adjudication of these claims by the Commission, in consequence of the proofs ("expedientes ") having been formalized posterior to the date of the Convention under which the Commission was established, for the purpose of "fixing the amount of all pending claims," that these claims were not then pending. consequently the Commission cannot take cognizance of them. It was agreed that these claims should be withdrawn from the Commission without prejudice to the claimants, to whom are reserved all rights which may appertain to them.

September 20.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business.

The claim of Antonio Julius Cipriani was discussed.

The claim of Ramon Infante was disallowed by the Commission.

In regard to the claims of Mrs. Laura Stopford, Mr. W. R. Smily, executor of the late General D'Evereux, and Miss Gregor Mac Gregor, the Commissioners addressed a joint note to the Venezuelan Government, through the medium of the Minister of Foreign Relations, recommending the payment of these claims.

September 22.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business.

The Umpire decided that the Commission ought to consider the claims of C. Dumaine, J. C. Blondel, J. R. Hartman, D. Pampelloni, W. H. L. Syers, E. Brandt, P. Award, and F. Labady.

The claim of J. C. Blondel was then considered, and disallowed by the Commission.
September 23.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business.

The claim of Antonio Julius Cipriani was considered, and the Commission awarded the sum of 4,000 dollars.

The claim of Mr. John Giuseppi for 512,413 dollars upon certificates of liquidation of the Bank of Venezuela was presented, and objected to by the Venezuelan Commissioner, it not having been presented to the British Legation in Carácas or to the Venezuelan Government anterior to the date of the Convention for the adjustment of pending claims.

September 24.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business.

The claim of Felix Labady was considered. The claim allowed for 6,555 dollars.
The claim of C. Dumaine was disallowed by the Commission.

September 25.-The Commissioners met for the despatch of business.

The claim of Paul Award was considered, and the Venezuelan Commissioner having raised the same objection to this claim as to those of Oliver Romberg No. 1, Edward Brandt No. 3, and others, the claim was withdrawn under the resolution agreed to on the 18th instant, all rights having been reserved to the claimant.

The claim of Dr. H. Segur was considered, and the sum of 107. sterling allowed for

* Afterwards allowed.

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