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same conditions, as before the union of the Ionian Islands to Greece, until the conclusion of new formal Conventions, or of arrangements destined to regulate between the parties concerned, questions of commerce and navigation, as well as questions relating to the regular service of communication by post.

Such new Conventions shall be concluded in 15 years, or sooner if possible.

Article IV.

The union of the United States of the Ionian Islands to the Kingdom of Greece shall in nowise invalidate the principles established by the existing legislation of those islands with regard to freedom of worship and religious toleration; accordingly the rights and immunities established in matters of religion by Chapters I. and V. of the Constitutional Charter of the United States of the Ionian Islands, and specifically the recognition of the Orthodox Greek Church as the dominant religion in those islands; the entire liberty of worship granted to the Established Church of the Protecting Power; and the perfect toleration promised to other Christian communions, shall, after the union, be maintained in their full force and effect.

The special protection guaranteed to the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the advantages of which that Church is actually in possession, shall be equally maintained; and the subjects belonging to that communion shall enjoy in the Ionian Islands the same freedom of worship which is recognised in their favour by the Protocol of the 3rd of February 1830.

The principle of entire civil and political equality between subjects belonging to different creeds, established in Greece by the same Protocol, shall be likewise in force in the Ionian Islands.

Article V.

The Legislative Assembly of the United States of the Ionian Islands has decreed by a resolution passed on the 7th of October 1863, that the sum of ten thousand pounds sterling a year shall be appropriated, in monthly payments, to the augmentation of the Civil List of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes, so as to constitute the first charge upon the revenue of the Ionian Islands, unless provision be made for such payment, according to the constitutional forms, out of the revenues of the Kingdom of Greece.

In consequence, His Majesty the King of the Hellenes engages to carry that decree duly into execution.

Article VI.

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, His Majesty the Emperor of the French, and His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, agree to relinquish in favour of His Majesty King George I., each four thousand pounds sterling a year, out of the sums which the Greek Treasury has engaged to pay annually to each of them, in virtue of the arrangement concluded at Athens by the Greek Government, with the concurrence of the Greek Chambers, in the month of June 1860.

It is expressly understood that these three sums, forming a total of twelve thousand pounds sterling annually, shall be destined to constitute a personal dotation of His Majesty King George I., in addition to the Civil List fixed by the law of the State. The accession of His Majesty to the Hellenic Throne shall not otherwise involve any change in the financial engagements which Greece has contracted by Article XII. of the Convention of May 7, 1832, towards the Powers guarantees of the loan, nor in the execution of the engagement taken by the Hellenic Government in the month of June 1860, upon the representation of the three Courts.

Article VII.

His Majesty the King of the Hellenes engages to take upon himself all the engagements and contracts lawfully concluded by the Government of the United States of the Ionian Islands, or in their name by the Protecting Power of those islands, conformably to the Constitution of the Ionian Islands, whether with foreign Governments, with Companies and Associations, or with private individuals; and promises to fulfil the said engagements and contracts fully and 275.



completely, as if they had been concluded by His Majesty or by the Hellenic Government. Under this head are specially included: the public debt of the Ionian Islands; the privileges conceded to the Ionian Bank, to the Navigation Company known under the name of the Austrian Lloyd's, in conformity with the Postal Convention of the 1st of December 1853, and to the Malta and Mediterranean Gas Company.

Article VIII.

His Majesty the King of the Hellenes promises to take upon himself,

1. The pensions granted to British subjects by the Ionian Government, in conformity with the rules established in the Ionian Islands respecting pensions.

2. The compensation allowances due to certain individuals actually in the service of the Ionian Government, who will lose their employments in consequence of the union of the Islands to Greece.

3. The pensions which several Ionian subjects are in the enjoyment of, in remuneration of services rendered to the Ionian Government.

A special Convention to be concluded between Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes shall determine the amounts of these different heads, and shall regulate the mode of their payment.

Article IX.

The civil authorities and the military forces of Her Britannic Majesty shall be withdrawn from the territory of the United States of the Ionian Islands in three months, or sooner if possible, after the ratification of the present Treaty.

Article X.

The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London in six weeks, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done at London, the twenty-ninth of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.

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Additional Article to the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Her Majesty and the Republic of Honduras; signed at London, 27th August 1856.

En virtud de haberse ajustado un contrato entre el Gobierno de Honduras, y una Compañia intitulada "Compañia del Camino de Hierro Interoceánico de Honduras," con el objeto de construir un camino de hierro del Oceáno Atlántico al del Pacifico á traves del territorio de Honduras, cuyo contrato fué ratificado por los poderes.constitucionales del Estado, y proclamado como ley del Estado en 28 de Abril de 1854; y en atencion à que, segun los términos del Articulo V, seccion 6, "el Gobierno de Honduras, con el objeto de asegurar la ruta indicada de toda interrupcion ó disturbio por cualquiera causa ó circunstancia, se obliga por su parte à abrir negociaciones con los varios Gobiernos con quienes conserve


relaciones, para su espreso renonocimiento de la perpetua neutralidad y para la proteccion de la referida ruta; para llenar por su parte esta obligacion :


1. El Gobierno de la República de Honduras ofrece que el derecho de pasar 6 transitar por la indicada rutu ó camino, ó por cualquiera otra que se establezca á traves de su territorio, de mar á mar, será en todos tiempos abierta y libre al Gobierno y súbditos de la Gran Bretaña para todo objeto legal. No se impondrá el Gobierno de Honduras ningun impuesto de peaje, derecho, ó carga, por el transito á toda propiedad que pertenezca al Gobierna Británica, ó à las postas públicas enviadas por alguna autoridad del mismo, ni á los súbditos de la Corona Británica. Todo producto legal, manufacturas, mercancias, ó cualquiera propiedad perteneciente á súbditos de la Gran Bretaña, que pase de un mar á otro en una ú otra direccion, no estará sujeta á ningun derecho de importacion ó esportacion, ni á ningun gravamen diferencial por el trasporte ó transito en la indicada ruta ó camino, y será segura y protegida de toda interrupcion ó detencion de parte del Estado. La República de Honduras ofrece ademas que cualquiera otro privilegio ó ventaja comercial ó de otra clase que es, ó pueda ser, concedida á subditos ó ciudadanos de otro pais, con respeto á dicha ruta ó camino, será tambien y al mismo tiempo estensivo á los súbditos Británicos; y finalmente, como una prueba evidente de su disposicion á conceder al trafico y comercio del mundo todas las ventajas que resulten de su posicion, respeto á los dos grandes oceanos, la República de Honduras, de su propia voluntad, se obliga establecer los puertos en las estremidades de la contemplada ruta, puertos libres para todos los objetos del comercio ó de trafico.

2. En consideracion á estas concesiones, y para asegurar la construccion y permanencia de la ruta ó camino espresada, así como para asegurar en beneficio del genero humano la no interrupción de las ventajas de tal comunicacion de mar á mar, Su Magestad Británica reconoce los derechos de soberania y propiedad de Honduras sobre toda la linea de dicha ruta, y por la misma razon garantiza positiva y eficazmente la entera neutralidad de ella, en tanto que la Gran Bretaña goce de los privilegios concedidos en la precedente seccion de este Articulo. Y cuando la proyectada ruta haya sido concluida, Su Magestad Británica se obliga igualmente, en union de la República de Honduras, á protegerla de toda interrupcion, captura, ó confiscacion injusta, de cualquiera parte que proceda.

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Sin embargo, la proteccion que Su Magestad Británica concede á dicha ruta 6 camino, garantizando su neutralidad y seguridad cuando sea completa, debe siempre entenderse que su proteccion y garantia son condicionalmente, y que retirará si advirtiese que las personas o compañia que la dirige adopta ó establece regulaciones relativas al trafico contrarias al espiritu é intencion de este Articulo, sea haciendo injustas distinciones en favor del comercio de una nacion 6 naciones, sobre él de otra nacion ó naciones, ó imponiendo exacciones opresivas é irracionales impuestos de peaje sobre los pasageros, buques, efectos, mercadarias, ú otros articulos. No ostante, la susodicha proteccion y garantia no será retirada por Su Magestad Británica, sin notificarlo seis meses antes à la República de Honduras.

El presente Articulo Adicional tendrá la misma fuerza y validez como si fuera inserto, palabra por palabra, en el Tratado de Amistad, Comercio, y Navegacion firmado en este dia. Será ratificado, y sus ratificaciones cangeadas al mismo tiempo; y sus estipulaciones, sujetas á la condicion que establece el paragrafo precedente del Articulo, de parte de Su Magestad Británica, serán permanentes entre las Partes Contratantes.

(English Version.)

INASMUCH as a contract was entered into by the Government of Honduras and a Company, entitled "The Honduras Interoceanic Railway Company," for the construction of a railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans through the territories of Honduras, which contract was ratified by the constitutional powers of the State, and proclaimed as a law on the 28th day of April, 1854; and inasmuch as by the terms of Article V., section 6, of the said contract, "the Government of Honduras, with a view to secure the route herein contemplated from all inter275. ruption

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ruption and disturbance, from any cause or under any circumstances, engages to open negotiations with the various Governments with which it may have relations, for their separate recognition of the perpetual neutrality and for the protection of the aforesaid route; therefore, in order to carry out the obligation thus incurred :

1. The Government of Honduras agrees that the right of way or transit over such route or road, or any other that may be constructed through its territories, from sea to sea, shall be at all times open and free to the Government and subjects of Great Britain, for all lawful purposes whatever. No tolls, duties, or charges of any kind shall be imposed by the Government of Honduras, on the transit of property belonging to the Government of Great Britain, or on the public mails sent under the authority of the same, nor on the subjects of the British Crown. All lawful produce, manufactures, merchandise, or other property belonging to subjects of Great Britain, passing from one ocean to the other, in either direction, shall be subject to no import or export duties whatever, nor to any discriminating tolls or charges for conveyance or transit on any such route or road as aforesaid, and shall be secure and protected from all interruption and detention on the part of the State. The Republic of Honduras further agrees that any other privilege or advantage, commercial or other, which is or may be granted to the subjects or citizens of any other country in regard to any such route or road as aforesaid, shall be also and at the same time extended to British subjects; and, finally, as an evidence of its disposition to accord to the travel and commerce of the world all the advantages resulting from its position in regard to the two great oceans, the Republic of Honduras, of her own good will, engages to establish the ports at the extremities of the contemplated road as free ports for all the purposes of commerce and trade.

2. In consideration of these concessions, and in order to secure the construction and permanence of the route or road herein contemplated, and also to secure, for the benefit of mankind, the uninterrupted advantages of such communication from sea to sea, Her Britannic Majesty recognises the rights of sovereignty and property of Honduras in and over the line of the said road, and for the same reason guarantees, positively and efficaciously, the entire neutrality of the same so long as Great Britain shall enjoy the privileges conceded to it in the preceding section of this Article; and when the proposed road shall have been completed Her Britannic Majesty equally engages, in conjunction with the Republic of Honduras, to protect the same from interruption, seizure, or unjust confiscation, from whatsoever quarter the attempt may proceed.

Nevertheless Her Britannic Majesty, in according her protection to the said route or road, and guaranteeing its neutrality and security when completed, always understands that this protection and guarantee are granted conditionally, and may be withdrawn by her if she should deem that the persons or company undertaking or managing the same adopt or establish such regulations concerning the traffic thereupon as are contrary to the spirit and intention of this Article, either by making unfair discriminations in favour of the commerce of any nation or nations over the commerce of any other nation or nations, or by imposing oppressive exactions or unreasonable tolls upon passengers, vessels, goods, wares, merchandise, or other articles. The aforesaid protection and guarantee shall not, however, be withdrawn by Her Britannic Majesty without first giving six months' notice to the Republic of Honduras.

The present Additional Article shall have the same force and validity as if it were inserted, word for word, in the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation signed this day. It shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at the same time, and its stipulations shall, subject to the condition of notice on the part of Her Britannic Majesty, provided for in the preceding paragraph of this Article, be permanent between the Contracting Parties.


Treaty between Her Majesty, the Emperor of Austria, the King of the Belgians, the Emperor of the French, the King of Italy, the King of the Netherlands, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of Russia, relative to the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg; signed at London, 11 May 1867.

[Ratifications exchanged at London, 31 May 1867.]

Au nom de la très Sainte et Indivisible Trinité.

SA Majesté le Roi des pays Bas, Grand Duc de Luxembourg, prenant en consideration le changement apporté à la situation du Grand Duché par suite de la dissolution des liens qui l'attachaient à l'ancienne Confédération Germanique, a invité Leurs Majestés la Reine du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, l'Empereur d'Autriche, le Roi des Belges, l'Empereur des Français, le Roi de Prusse, et l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, à réunir leurs Représentants en Conférence à Londres, afin de s'entendre, avec les Plénipotentiaires de Sa Majesté le Roi Grand Duc, sur les nouveaux arrangements à prendre dans l'intérêt général de la paix.

Et Leurs dites Majestés, après avoir accepté cette invitation, ont résolu d'un commun accord de répondre au désir que Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie a manifes1é de prendre part à une délibération destinée à offrir un nouveau gage de sûreté au maintien du repos général.

En conséquence, Leurs Majestés, de concert avec Sa Majesté le Roi de'Italie, voulant conclure dans ce but un Traité, ont nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir:

Sa Majesté la Reine du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, le Très Honorable Edward Stanley, Lord Stanley, Conseiller de Sa Majesté Britannique en Son Conseil Privé, Membre du Parlement, Son Principal Secrétaire d'Etat pour les Affaires Etrangères ;

Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Autriche, Roi de Hongrie et de Bohême, le Sieur Rodolphe Compte Apponyi, Chambellan, Conseiller Intime de Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale Apostolique, Son Ambassadeur Extraordinaire près Sa Majesté Britannique, Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or, Grand-Croix de l'Ordre Impérial de Léopold;

Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, le Sieur Sylvain Van de Weyer, Ministre d'Etat, Son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire près Sa Majesté Britannique; Grand Cordon de Son Ordre de Léopold, décoré de la Croix de Fer, Grand-Croix de l'Ordre des Saints Maurice et Lazare d'Italie, Grand Cordon de l'Ordre de Charles III. d'Espagne, Grand-Croix de l'Ordre de la Tour et de l'Epée de Portugal, Grand-Croix de l'Ordre de la Branche Ernestine de la Maison de Saxe, Commandeur de l'Ordre de la Légion d'Honneur de France;

Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français, le Sieur Godefroy Bernard Henri Alphonse, Prince de la Tour d'Auvergne Lauraguais, Son Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire près sa Majesté Britannique, Grand Officier de son Ordre Impérial de la Légion d'Honneur, Grand-Croix de l'Ordre de Saxe-Coburg et Gotha, Grand-Croix de l'Ordre de l'Aigle Rouge de Prusse, &c. &c.;

Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie, le Sieur Emmanuel Taparelli de Lagnasco, Marquis d'Azeglio, Son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire près Sa Majesté Britannique, Grand-Croix de l'Ordre des Saints Maurice et Lazare ;

Sa Majesté le Roi des Pays Bas, Grand Duc de Luxembourg, le Sieur Adolphe Baron Bentinck, Son Chambellan et Ministre d'Etat, Son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire près sa Majesté Britannique, Commandeur de Son Ordre du Lion Néerlandais, Chevalier Grand-Croix de l'Ordre de la Couronne de Chêne; le Baron Victor de Tornaco, Ministre d'Etat, President du Gouvernement du Grand Duché, Son Chambellan Honoraire, Grand-Croix de son Ordre de la Couronne de Chêne, Grand Cordon de l'Ordre de Léopold de Belgique, Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne de Prusse de première classe, Commandeur de l'Ordre Impérial de la Légion d'Honneur, Chevalier de l'Ordre du Lion Néerlandais, &c.; et le Sieur Emanuel Servais, Vice-President du Conseil d'Etat et de


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