Gambar halaman

to all intents and purposes as he could have done by his for-. mer name if no change had been made therein.

JOHN TOD, Speaker

of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the twenty-fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve.


$60 to be paid to John



An ACT to compensate John Sbook, for services in the late
American revolution.

SECT. I. BE it enacted by the senate and bouse of representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania in general assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the state treasurer be, and he is hereby directed to pay to John Shook, of Northampton county, or his order, sixty dollars immediately after the passage of this act, as full compensation for pay due him for service rendered in the late war with Great Britain.

JOHN TOD, Speaker

of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED-the twenty-fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve.



An ACT authorizing the governor to purchase from Farrand,
Hopkins, Zantzinger, and company, five hundred copies of
Purdon's abridgment of the laws of Pennsylvania, and to
provide for the distribution thereof.

SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assembly Governor au- met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That thorized to the governor be, and he is hereby authorized and required to purchase 500 purchase from Farrand, Hopkins, Zantzinger, and Co. copies of Purdon's abridg. five hundred copies of "Purdon's abridgment of the laws of Pennsylvania," to be well bound and lettered: Provided, Conditions of the same be delivered at the secretary's office, in good condition at any price not exceeding four dollars and fifty cents per


And distribu



SECT. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said abridgment shall be disposed of by the secreta

rv of the commonwealth as soon as may be after receiving the same, as follows; to the governor and secretary of the commonwealth, attorney-general, state treasurer, auditor-general, secretary of the land-office, and surveyor-general, each one copy; to the clerk of the senate for the use of the senate, five copies; to the clerk of the house of representatives for the use of the house of representatives, fifteen copies; to the udges of the supreme court, the president, and assistant udges of the district court of the city and county of Philadelphia, and presidents and associate judges of the common pleas, mayor and recorder of the city of Philadelphia, each one copy; to each board of county commissioners, one copy; to he members of the senate, clerk, assistant clerk, sergeant-atrms and door-keeper of the senate, each one copy; to the nembers of the house of representatives, clerk, assistant lerk, sergeant-at-arms, and door-keeper of the house of representatives, each one copy; to the prothonotaries of the upreme court and courts of common pleas, clerks of the ourts of quarter sessions and orphans' courts, clerk of the mayor's court of Philadelphia, register of wills and recorder of deeds, one copy each, for the use of their respective ofices; to be distributed in the same manner, and under the ame regulations, as the laws in pamphlet form usually are : Provided, that no person shall be entitled to more than one No person to opy by reason of his holding two or more offices, and the re- have more. mainder on hand shall be retained in the office of the secretary f the commonwealth, subject to the future disposition of the egislature.

JOHN TOD, Speaker

of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the twenty-fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve.

than one co

py, &c.



In ACT authorizing the commissioners of the county of Philadelphia, to erect fire-proof offices in the city of Philadelphia, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

SECT. I. BE it enacted by the senate and house of representives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assembly et, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That

e commissioners of the county of Philadelphia, be, and Wings of the ey are hereby authorized to occupy the east and west wings state house f the state house, in the city of Philadelphia, for the ac- may be used ommodation of the public offices of the said city and county;


as offices.

[ocr errors]

ed by the



And made



and in order that the same may be better adapted to the uses May be alter- aforesaid, the said commissioners are hereby empowered to alter and improve the said wings in such manner as they with the approbation of the governor may think proper, and convert the same into fire proof buildings, or if found most convenient to rebuild the fire proof, or same upon a more extended plan; Provided, that no building shall be extended further southward than the present wall of the main building of the said state house, nor nearer to the city and county court-house than the buildings now are, and shall not injure or incommode the same; and also that a fire proof, and one other suitable portion of the said buildings, shall be approan office for priated exclusively to the safe-keeping of the records of the the Prothono- office of the prothonotary of the supreme court for the eastern tary of Sudistrict, and for the use of the said prothonotary; and provided preme Court. also, that the title in fee simple to the lot on which said offices pecting the may stand, be reserved to the commonwealth.

Part of, to be

Proviso res


SECT. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid Plans, drafts, That the secretary of this commonwealth, the surveyor general &c. relating and the secretary of the land-office, or a majority of them be and county to and they are hereby authorized and required to deliver to the be delivered commissioners of the county of Philadelphia, on the application

to the city


Said plans, &c. to be

considered as

of record.

of such person as may be by them appointed for that purpose, al plans, drafts, and other documents now deposited in the land office, and other public offices of this state, which in their opinion do not properly belong to the said land-office or other public offices, but to the city and county of Philadelphia.

SECT. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Tha the said plans, drafts, or other documents, shall be considered a matter of record, wherever the same shall henceforth be deposited Exemplifica. by the authority of the commissioners in the same manner as if the tions from, to same had remained in the said offices; and all exemplification be evidence. made therefrom, shall have the same force and effect in court of justice or elsewhere, as if the originals had not been removed

JOHN TOD, Speaker

of the House of Representatives

P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate

APPROVED the twenty-fourth day of March, one thousand eigh

hundred and twelve.



An ACT to incorporate the township of Moyamensing, in Philade

phia county.

SECT. I. BE it enacted by the senate and bouse of repre sentatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania in general a sembly met, and it is bereby enacted by the authority of the sam

ted a body

Certain real

estate not to

That the inhabitants of the township of Moyamensing, in the coun- Inhabitants of ty of Philadelphia, be and they and their successors forever, are Moyamenhereby constituted a corporation and body politic, in fact and in sing constitulaw, by the name and style of "The commissioners and inhabitants politic. of the township of Moyamensing," with all the powers, rights, and Style of. capacities, incident to such a corporation, as fully and effectually Powers and as if every thing were herein at length set forth; and they shall privileges. be able and capable in law, to sue and be sued, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all suits, actions, pleas, or causes whatsoever, and to do all and singular what to them as at body politic and corporate in law shall appertain; Provided, that be sold by. no sale of real estate now vested in, or for the use of the people Nor to be of said township, shall be made by the said corporation; And also mortgaged beyond a certhat no part of the real estate of the same shall be mortgaged or tain amount. encumbered for any sum exceeding the amount of three years No money, taxes, and that no sale nor purchase, nor mortgage of any real &c. to be estate be made or given by the said corporation, or money bor- without the rowed by the same without the concurrence of six of the said concurrence commissioners, but for all other purposes a majority of said cor- of six comporation shall be a quorum; Provided further, that the said commissioners shall have and use one common seal, and the same at to have a seal. Corporation heir will and pleasure, change and alter; and that no pecuniary CommissionCompensation shall be received by said commissioners for their ers to receive services in said township of Moyamensing.



no compensa.



SECT. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Of elections. That the citizens qualified to vote for members of the general assembly, shall at the first election to be held in pursuance of this When and act, meet at the house now occupied by William Daily, in south where to be Sixth street, in said township, and afterwards at such other place is shall be appointed from time to time by the commissioners; that he acting constable shall cause written or printed notices to be put up in at least ten of the most public places in said township, t least ten days previous to the third Friday in March, one thouand eight hundred and thirteen, and every year forever therefter shall give at least ten days previous notice as aforesaid, before

Notice to be


he third Friday in each and every year; and at each and every Officers to be ime to mention where, and the time when, the said election is elected. o be held, the number of persons to be elected for commissioners, one town clerk, and four persons for constables; which said elecion shall be opened between the hours of ten and twelve o'clock n the forenoon on the third Friday aforesaid, and to be kept pen until nine o'clock P. M. of the same day, and then and here in the forenoon, choose two respectable citizens of said ownship to be judges of said election, who shall choose two perons as clerks, and who together shall be sworn or affirmed beore a justice of the peace to conduct the said election according the election laws of this commonwealth; and the said clerks hall record the names of the voters, and cast up the number of corded.

Names of voters to be re

Certain offi

ces may
be held

by the same
person for any
length of
When two

are equal in

vote, &c.

Of commis


votes given for each and every person, and when each election is held and closed, and the number of votes ascertained for the nine commissioners elect, town clerk and constables; Provided, that no person shall be excluded from the choice of the people on account of his having before filled the said office of commissioner, town clerk and constable, any law to the contrary notwithstanding, and that in all cases wherein the number of votes shall be equal, for two or more candidates, the preference shall be decided by lot, to be drawn by the said judges of election, and they shall return the three persons who have the first greatest number of votes to be commissioners for three years then next following, and the three persons having the second greatest number of votes shall be commissioners for two years, and the three persons having the third and last greatest number of votes, shall be commissioners one year then next tollowing; and on the third Friday of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, and so on the third Friday in March, annually, forever, three shall be chosen commissioners for three years; and the said persons election to be judges shall prepare under their hands and seals, a return of the commissioners elect, within four days after the election, in writing, and at or after each succeeding election, to the commissioners in office, and shall also deliver into the office of the clerk of the court of quarter sessions, within ten days after each elecbe delivered tion, a certificate of the person elected for town clerk, to serve one year ensuing, and four persons elected for constables, two of which are to be appointed by the said court, and sworn or affirmed at the usual time provided by law; Provided, that the said judges shall cause the said town clerk and persons for constables elect, to have notice given them of their being elected for the said township; and provided also, that the election in one thousand eight hundred and twelve, be held on the first Friday in April, in the same place, in the same manner, subject to the same regulations and notifications as are above.

Returns of


Certificate of elections to

to the clerk of the sessions.

Persons elected to have notice.

When the first election in 1812 to be held.

When the

ers shall meet.

SECT. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Commission. That the nine persons who shall at the next election, to be held in pursuance of this act, have the highest number of votes for the office of commissioners, shall meet together at the house where the regulators of the northern district of the said township now meet, between the hours of two and four of the clock in the afternoon of the first Monday in April, next following the said election, and that the three persons who shall at every subsequent election have the highest number of votes for the said office of commissioners, together with the six commissioners whose time shall not have expired, shall meet together at such place as shall be legally appointed, between the hours of two and four in the afternoon, on the first Monday of April next following each and every election, to be held in pursuance of this act; and shall then and there receive the said returns of commissioners

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