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40 dollars to be paid to J.


like amount to

his trustee.

his leg broke by a fall from a waggon, when loading the same, is now become old, and his lameness adds to the infirmity of age: Therefore,

SECT. I. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the sum of forty dollars, be, and the same is hereby granted to John M'Guire, to be paid immediately after the passing of this act, to him or his order, out of any money in the treasury and annuity of not otherwise appropriated; and that an annuity of forty dolbe paid to W. lars be granted, for the use of John M'Guire, for life, to be Mitchell, as paid to William Mitchell, of Bucks county, his executor or executors, his or their lawful attorney, to commence the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twelve; and to be paid half yearly, to the said William Mitchell, his executor or executors, administrator or administrators, his or their lawful attorney, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated; which annuity shall be expended by the said William Mitchell, his executor or executors, his or their lawful attorney, in providing clothing and diet for the said John M'Guire, and it shall be, and is hereby made the duty of William Mitchell, his executor or executors, administrator or administrators, his or their lawful attorney, to make an annual return to the orphans' court of Bucks county, on to the orphans' oath or affirmation, how, and in what manner, he or they have executed the trust in him or them confided by this act ; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of said court, to file said account without fee or reward.

How to be expended.

Accounts to be rendered

court, &c.

APPROVED the third day
hundred and twelve.

JOHN TOD, Speaker

of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate. of February, one thousand eight


Offices to be

removed in

April, 1812.


A SUPPLEMENT to the act, entitled "An act establishing the seat of government of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburgh, in the county of Dauphin.

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SECT. I. BE it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all the offices attached to the seat of government of this state, shall be removed within the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, to the borough of Harrisburgh, in the county of Dauphin; and that it shall be the duty of the


principal of each department, to order, direct and superintend The princithe removal of the books, papers, records and other docu- pal of each to ments of his respective office, and whatever furniture attachsuperintend, ed to the same, may be thought fit to be removed; and the Shall sell use. costs and expenses attending the said removal, shall be paid less furniture. for and defrayed, as other contingent expenses of the govern- Costs of re


moval, how


SECT. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, The clerks of That it shall be the duty of the clerk of each house of the each house shall remove, legislature, to remove or cause to be removed, to Harrisburgh &c. on or beaforesaid, on or before the first day of June next, all the papers, fore the first records, books and documents, belonging to each house, as of June, next. aforesaid, together with whatever furniture may be thought fit for removal; and when so removed, to place them in a suitable manner for the reception of the legislature, at their next session; and all the costs and expenses attending said Costs of re removal, shall be paid for, and defrayed out of the money al- moval, how ready appropriated for that purpose; and the commissioners paid. appointed by virtue of the act, entitled "An act establishing Powers of the seat of government of the commonwealth of Pennsylva- sioners annia at Harrisburgh, in the county of Dauphin," to superin- nulled. tend, and direct with the officers, the removal aforesaid, are hereby superseded, and their office, and duties revoked and abolished; and it shall be the duty of the state-treasurer, to de- Monies drawn mand, receive, and enforce the repayment of all monies drawn by them to be and received by the said commissioners, to defray the expenrepaid. ses of removal aforesaid, and the same to pay out, as he shall be drawn on by the said clerks respectively, to discharge and defray the expenses of the s d removal, in pursuance of the directions of this act.

the commis

SECT. III. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- Superfluous said, That the principal of each office or department, shall furniture to be sold, cause all and every kind of furniture attached to his office, which he shall deem unfit to be removed, to be sold at public and proceeds vendue, and pay the amount arising from such sale, into the of, paid into state treasury; and the clerks of each house shall cause to be the treasury. sold, in the same manner, the furniture of each house of the legislature, respectively attached to the said houses, which shall be adjudged by a committee of each house, unfit to be removed, a schedule of which shall be delivered to each clerk respectively; and pay the money arising from the said sales, into the state treasury.

SECT. IV. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- Money to be said, That the state-treasurer be, and he is hereby authorized, deposited in after the removal aforesaid, to deposit in the name of this the branch commonwealth, such part of the public money as may and bank at Harshall be paid into the treasury office, and deemed unsafe to be risburgh. there kept, in the office of discount and deposit of the Philadelphia bank, at Harrisburgh, for the purpose of meeting and




paying the demands and money due by the state, and payable by the said treasurer: Provided, the sum so deposited in the branch bank aforesaid, shall not at any one time exceed the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars.

SECT. V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so much of any law, as is hereby altered and supplied, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

JOHN TOD, Speaker

of the House of Representatives.

P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and twelve.


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road may be

varied. Provided it

and terminate in a direction towards the


A SUPPLEMENT to an act, entitled "An act to enable the governor of this commonwealth, to incorporate a company for making an artificial road, by the best and nearest route, from Berwick, on the northeast branch of the Susquehanna; or from the mouth of the lower Wopebawley, to that point on the north line of this state, which is nearest to Newton, on the river Tioga, in the state of New-York."

SECT. I. BE it enacted by the senate and house of represen tatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Route of the the president, managers and company of the Susquehanna and Tioga turnpike road, be, and they hereby are, authorized and empowered, to carry the said road, upon such route, as they commence on may think proper: Provided, that the commencement thereof the Susque shall be on the river Susquehanna, at some convenient place, hanna, &c. at or between the town of Berwick, and the mouth of Shikshinny creek, and that the termination thereof shall be at some place, at or between a point on the state line, in a direction to the Cayuga lake, north of the village of Tioga point, and the place of termination designated by the act, to which this is a supplement: Provided, that any person who has heretofore subscribed, shall have liberty to withdraw his subscription, at any time within three months after the passing of this act: And provided also, that the alteration made in the route of said road or any other alteration made by this act, shall not by any means be so construed as to defeat or annul the grant made for improving the aforesaid road, nor prevent the governor from drawing his warrant, in favour of the president, managers and company thereof, agreeably to the pro

Cayuga lake,



may be withdrawn.

This act not

to defeat a

former appropriation.

visions of an act, entitled "An act for the improvement of the state;" passed March the twenty-first, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

JOHN TOD, Speaker

of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the seventh day of February, one thousand eight

hundred and twelve.



issued on the

An act more particularly directing the issuing of patents. SECT. I. BE it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Patents to be in all cases where warrants have issued under the laws, evidence on requiring settlements within the purchase of one thousand sev- which the en hundred and sixty-eight, and previous purchases, and warrants whereon surveys have been, or hereafter shall be made and were granted, filed in the surveyor general's office, it shall be the duty of the land-officers, to issue patents therefor, without further evidence of settlement and improvement, than that upon which the warrant was granted, except other claims are set up for the same land, which cases, the board of property shall be competent to decide on, in the usual manner.

JOHN TOD Speaker

of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE Speaker of the Senate.

= APPROVED the seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and twelve.




An ACT granting an annuity to Jacob Plumb, a wounded

militia man.

WHEREAS it satisfactorily appears to the legislature, that Jacob Plumb served in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, with the militia, against the Indians, and was wounded on the right shoulder by a ball, and tomahawked across his nose, which wounds, add to the infirmity of age: Therefore,

SECT. I. Be it enacted by the senate and bouse of represen tatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assem

bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, 40 dollars to the sum of forty dollars, be, and the same is hereby granted be paid to J. to Jacob Plumb, to be paid immediately after the passing of


this act, to him, or his order, out of any money in the treasury and an annui- not otherwise appropriated; and that an annuity of forty dol

ty of like


to be paid to A. Lepley as


lars be granted for the use of Jacob Plumb, for life, to be paid to Adam Lepley, of Somerset county, his executor or executors, his or their lawful attorney, to commence the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and to be paid half yearly, to the said Adam Lepley, or his executor or executors, administrator or administrators, or his or their lawful attorney, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated; which annuity shall be expended by the said Adam Lepley, his executor or executors, his or their lawful attorney, in providing clothing and diet for the said Jacob Plumb, and it shall be the duty of the said Adam Lepley his executor or executors, administrator or administrators, his or Who shall ac- their lawful attorney, to make an annual return to the orphans' court, of Somerset county, on oath or affirmation, how and in what manner he or they have executed the trust in him or them confided by this act; and the clerk of said court is hereby enjoined, and required to perform all the duties enjoined by the act, without fee or reward.

count to the


court of Som

erset county

JOHN TOD, Speaker

of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the seventh day of February, one thousand eight

hundred and twelve.


Meetings of the trustees

of Mercer

academy, re



4 SUPPLEMENT to an act, entitled “ An act establishing an academy in the town of Mercer, in the county of Mercer, and to grant a sum of money thereto.

SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the first meeting of the trustees, mentioned in the act to which this is a supplement, shall be at the town of Mercer, on the first Monday in April next, and if by any cause whatever, the said trustees, or a majority of them, do not meet on the said day, they may lawfully meet at any other time, and proceed to perform the duties enjoined on them, as fully and effectually, as if they had met on the said first Monday in April.

JOHN TOD, Speaker

of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the seventh day of February, one thousand eight

hundred and twelve,


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