Gambar halaman
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Case, contemptuously for skin, Clinquant, glittering, shining.
outside garb.
Case, to strip naked.
Casques, helmets.

Cassock, a horseman's great


Cast, to empty, as a pond, to
dismiss or reject.
Cast, cast up, reckoned.
Castilian, an opprobrious term.
Castiliano vulgo, a cant term
of contempt..
Catalan, some kind of sharper.
Catling, a small lute-string
made of catgut.
Cavaleroes, airy, gay fellows.
Caviare, a delicacy made of
the roe of sturgeon.
Cautelous, insidious, cautious.
Cease, decease, die, to stop.
Censure, judgment, opinion.
Censure, to judge.
Censured, sentenced, esti-

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Chopin, a high shoe or clog. Chough, a bird of the daw kind. Christom, the white cloth put on a new baptized child. Chrystals, eves. Chuck, chicken, a term of endearment.

Chuff, rich, avaricious. Cicatrice, the scar of a wound. Circumstance, detail of an argument, a circumlocution. Cital, recital.

Cite, to incite, to shew, to prove.

Civil, grave or solemn.
Civil, human creature, any
thing human.
Clack-dish, a beggar's-dish.
Claw to fatter.
Clear, pure, blameless, inno-

Clip, to embrace, to infold. Closely, secretly, privately. Clout, the white mark at which archers take aim.

Clown, a licensed jester in families.

Clubs, a popular cry on a
Clutched, grasped.
Coach-fellow, one who draws
with a confederate.
Coasting, conciliatory, invit-

Cobloaf, a crusty, uneven loaf.
Cock, cock-boat.
Cockle, a weed.
Cockled, inshelled like a

Cock-shut-time, twilight. Codling, anciently an immature apple.

Coffin, the cavity of a raised pie.

Cog, to falsify, to lie, defraud.
Cognizance, badge or token.
Coigne, corner,
Coil, bustle, stir.
Cold, naked.
Collect, to assemble by obser-

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Consent, to agree.
Consent, conspiracy, will, as-
sent, united voice.
Consigned, sealed.
Consist, to stand upon.
Consort, company.
Consort, to keep company with.
Constancy, consistency, stabi-

Constant, firm, determined. Constantly, certainly, without fluctuation.

Contemptible, contemptuous.
Continent, the thing which
Continents, banks of rivers.
Continuate, uninterrupted.
Contraction, marriage con-


Contrarious, different. Contrive, to spend and wear


Control, to confute.
Convent, to serve or agree.
Convented, cited, summoned.
Conversation, familiar inter-

course, conduct, behaviour. Converse, interchange. Conversion, change of condi


Convertite, convert. Convey, to perform slight of hand, to manage artfully. Conveyance, theft, fraud. Convince, to overpower, subdue, convict. Convicted, overpowered, baffled.

Convive, to feast.

Cope, to encounter, to engage. Cope, covering.

Copped, rising to a cop, or head.

Copy, theme.

Coragio, an exclamation of en-

Corinthian, a wencher.
Corky, dry, withered, husky.
Corners, by-places.
Corollary, surplus.
Coronet, a crown.
Corrigible, corrected.
Costard, the head.
Coster-monger, meanly, mer-

Cote, to overtake.
begin-Coted, quoted, observed, or

Commended, committed.
Commission, authority, power.
Commodity, interest, profit.
Commonty, a comedy.
Compact, made up of.
Companion, fellow.
Company, companion.

Cotsale, Cotswood in tershire.

Covered, hollow.

Crosses, money stamped with a


Crow, to exult over.
Crow-keeper, a scare-grow.
Crown, to conclude.
Crowned, dignified, adorned.
Crownet, last purpose.
Cry, a troop or pack.
Cue, in stage cant, the last
words of the preceding

Cuisses, armour for the thighs.
Cullion, a despicable fellow.
Cunning, sagacity, knowledge.
Curb, to bend or truckle.
Curiosity, finical delicacy,
scrupulousness or captious-


Curious, scrupulous.
Curled, ostentatiously dressed.
Currents, occurrences.
Cursed, under the influence of
a malediction.

Curst, petulant, crabbed, shrewdish, or mischievous, severe, harsh, vehemently


Curstness, ill-humour.
Curtail, a cur of little value.
Curtal, a docked horse.
Curtle-ax, or cutlace, a broad-
Custard-coffin, the crust of a
custard or pie.
Customer, a common woman.
Cut, a horse.

Cyprus, a transparent stuff.

Daff or doff, to do off, to put

Dally, to play or trifle.
Damn, condemn.

Danger, reach or control.
Dank, wet, rotten.

Danskers, natives of Denmark.
Dare, to challenge or incite..
Dark-house, a house mode
gloomy by discontent.
Darkling, in the dark.
Darraign, to arrange, put in

Daub, to disguise.
Daubery, falsehood and impo-

Day bed, a couch.
Day-light, broad-day.
Day-woman, dairy maid.
Dear, best, important, dire.
Glouces-Dearn, lonely solitary.

Count, to make account, to reckon upon.

Count Confect, a specious nobleman.

Comparative, a dealer in com- Countenance, false appearance,


Compare, comparison. Compassed, round. Compassionate, plaintive. Competitors, confederates or associates.

Complements, accomplish


Complexion, humour.
Comply, to compliment.
Compose, to come to a compo-


Composition, contract or bargain, consistency, concordancy.

Composture, composition,compost. Comptible, submissive. Con, to know. Conceit, fanciful conception, thought. Concent, connected harmony in general. Conclusion, determination, resolution. Conclusions, experiments. Concupy, concupiscence. Condition, temper, character, qualities, vocations or incli

nations. Condolensent, sorrow. Conduct, conductor. Coney-catched, deceived, cheated.

Coney-catcher, a cheat, or
Confession, profession.
Conject, conjecture.
Conjecture, suspicion.
Confound, to destroy, to ex-
pend, to consume.
Confounded, worn or wasted


Counterfeit, a likeness, a portrait.

Counterpoints, counterpanes.
County, count, earl.
Cower, to sink by bending the

Cowl-staff, a staff for carrying
a large tub.
Coy, to soothe or stroke.
Coyed, condescended unwil

Coystril, a coward cock, a
mean or drunken fellow.
Cozier, a tailor or botcher.
Crab, a wild apple.
Crack, dissolution.

Death tokens, spots appearing on those infected by the plague.

Deboshed, debanched.
Decay, misfortunes.
Deceivable, deceptious.
Deck, to cover, a pack.
Decline, to run through from
first to last.
Declined, the fallen.
Deem, opinion, surmise.
Defeat, destruction.
Defeatures, features, change of
features for the worse.
Defence, art of fencing.
Defend, to forbid.
Defensible, furnishing the
means of defence.
Defiance, refusal.
Deformed, deforming.
Deftly, dexterously, with

Defy, to refuse, to disdain.
Degrees, steps..

Demerits, merits.

Crack, a boy or child, a boy- Delay, to let slip. child. Cranks, windings. Crants, chants. Crare, a small trading vessel. Craven, a degenerate, dispirited cock.

Craven, mean, cowardly, to make cowardly.

Create, compounded, or made

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Demise, to grant.
Demurely, solemnly.
Denay, denial.
Denied, disbelieved, or con-

Denier, the twelfth part of a
French sou.
Denotements, indications or
Deny, to refuse.
Depart, to part.
Departing, separation.
Depend, to be in service.
Deprive, to disinherit
Deracinate, to force up by the


Derogate, degraded, blasted. Descant, a term in music. curl-Deseft, merit.

Cressive, increasing.
Crest, the top, the height.
Cre-tless, those who have no
right to arms.
Crisp, curling, winding,
ed, bent, hollow.
Critic, cynic.

Critical, censorious.
Crone, an old worn out woman.

Deserved, deserving.
Design, to mark out.
Despatched, bereft.

Desperate, bold, adventurous,

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Degression, trangression.
Dint, impression.
Direction, judgment, skill.
Disable, to undervalue.
Disappointed, unprepared.
Disclose, to hatch.

Discontenting, discontented.
Discontents, malcontents.
Discourse, reason.
Disdained, disdainful.
Disease,uneasiness, discontent.

Diseases, sayings.
Disgrace, hardship, injury.
Dislimas, unpaints, obliterates.
Dispark, to destroy a park.
Disponge, to discharge as a

Dispose, to make terms, to set-
the matters.

Dasposition, frame.
Disputable, disputatious.
Dipate, to talk over.
Dissemble, to gloss over.
Dissembling, patting dissimi-
lar things together.
Distaste, to corrupt, to change

to a worse state.

Distemper, intoxication. Distemperature, perturbation. Distempered, ruffled, out of hu

Distractions, detachments, separate bodies. Distraught, distracted.

Diverted, turned out of the course of nature.

Dividable, divided.

Eminence, high honours. Empery, dominion, sovereign command.

Emulation, rivalry, envy, factious contention. Emulous, jealous of higher authority.

Encave, to hide.

Enfeoff, to invest with posses

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Esperance, the motto of the
Percy family.
Espials, spies.

Essential, existent, real-
Estimate, price.
Estimation, conjecture.
Eterne, eternal.
Even, calm, equable, tempe-
rate, equal, fellow.
Even, to act up to.

Division, the panses or parts of Examined,questioned, doubted.

musical composition.

Divulged, spoken of.

Doctrine, skiH.

Def, see Daff.

Dole, lot, allowance.

Dolphin, the Dauphin of France.

Den, to do on, to put on.

Done, expended, consumed.

Dot, dotard.

Double, full of duplicity.
Dot, to fear.

Don, to do out, extinguish.
Devle, a feather.

Down-gyved, hanging down
like what confines the fetters
round the ancles.
Drab, whoring.
Druzhi, the jakes
Dras, embowelled, exente-

Dread, epithet applied to kings.
Daw, assembled.
Debling, a term of contempt.
Inve, to fly with impetuosity.
Urolery, a show performed by

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Dear drudges

Excrement, the beard. Excrements, the hair, nails, feathers of birds, &c. Execute, to employ, put to use. Execution, employment or exercise.

Executors, executioners.
Exempt, excluded.
Exercise, exhortation, lecture,
or confession.

Exhale, hale or lug out.
Exhibition, allowance.
Exigent, end.

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power of love.
Fang, to seize or gripe.
Fanged, possessed of fangs.
Fans, ancient.

Fantastical, creatures of fancy.
Fap, drunk.

Far, extensively.
Farced, stuffed.

Fashions, farcens or farcy.
Fast, determined, fixed.
Fat, dull.

Fate, an action predetermined by fate.

Favour, countenance, features, indulgence, pardon, appear


Fear, the object of fear, danger.
Fear, to intimidate.
Feared, frightened.
Fearful, timorous, formidable.
Feat, ready, dexterous.
Feat, an exploit.

Feated, formed, made neat.
Feature, beauty in general,
cast and make of the face.
Federary, a confederate.
Fee-grief, a peculiar sorrow.
Feeder, an eater, a servant.
Feere, or Pheere, a companion,
a husband.
Feet, footing.
Fell, skin.
Fell-feats, savage practices.
Fellow, companion.
Fence, the art of, or skill in

Feodary, an accomplice, a confederate.

Fester, to corrupt.
Festinately, hastily.
Festival terms, splendid phra-

Fet, fetched.

Few, in short, in few words.
Fico, a fig.

Fielded, in the field of battle.
Fierce, proud, hasty, vehe-
ment, rapid.
Fig, to insult.

Fights, clothes hung round a
ship to conceal the men from
the enemy.
File, a list.
Filed, defiled.

Exorcist, a person who can
raise spirits.
Expect, expectation.
Expedient, expeditious.
Filed, gone an equal pace with.
Expiate, fully completed.
Fills, the shafts.
Expostulate, inquire or discuss. Filths, common sewers.
Exposture, exposure.
Fine, the conclusion.
Express, to reveal.
Fine, full of finesse, artful.
Expulsed, expelled.
Fine, to make showy, specious.
Exsufficate,contemptible, abo- Fineless, boundless, endless.
Firago for Virago-
Fire-drake, will o'-the-wisp, or
a fire-work.

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Drable, to act lazily and stu- Extirped, rooted out. pidly.

By thirsty.

cdame, due ad me, bring

An to me.

Dereon, the handle of a dag

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De, to endue, deck, grace.
Da melancholy gentle,sooth
Dell, to render callous, insen-

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ant, a person stupidly un

Pa mournful elegy.
Dy to do up, to lift up.

La sour, sharp, harsh.
Egs, lambs just dropt.

Night, inconsiderable. en eke out. isy, alienation of mind,

fens affects, or affections, cos, deeds effected. Le deftest. readiest. Fry & erpay.

ad time, or persons.

Extracting, that which draws
away from every thing but
its own object.
Extravagant. wandering.
Extremes.extravagance of con-
duct, extremities.
Eyases, young nestlings.

Eyas musket, infant lilliputian.
Eye, a small shade of colour.
Eyliads, glances, looks. See
Eyne, eyes.

Face, to carry a foolish appear

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Fire new, bren-new, new from
the forge.
Firk, to chastise.
First, noblest, most eminent.
Fit, a division of a song.
Fitchew, a polecat.
Fitly, exactly.
Fives, a distemper in horses.
Flap-dragon, a small inflamma-
ble substance, which topers
swallow in a glass of wine.
Flapjacks, pan-cakes..
Flask, a soldier's powder-horn.
Flatness, lowness, depth.
Flaw, a sudden violent gust of
Flayed, stripped.
Flecked, spotted, dappled,
Fleet, to float.
Fleeting, inconstant.
Fleshment, first act of military

Flewed, having the flews or
chaps of a hound.
Flickering, flattering like the
motion of a flame.
Flight, a sort of shooting.
Flourish, ornament.
Flote, wave.
Flush, mature, ripe.

Forbid, under interdiction.
Force, power.

Force, to enforce, to urge.
Force, to stuff.
Forced, false.
Fordid, destroyed.
Fordo, to undo, to destroy.
Foredone, overcome.
Forfended, prohibited, forbid

Foreign, employed in foreign embassies.

Forepast, already had. Fore-slow, to be dilatory, to loiter. Forestall, to prevent by antici pation. Forgetive, inventive, imagina


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Friend, friendship. Frippery, a shop where old clothes were sold. Frize, a cloth made in Wales. From, in opposition to. Fronted, opposed. Frontier, forehead. Frontlet, a forehead cloth. Frush, to break or bruise. Frustrate, frustrated. Fulfilling, filling till there be no room for more. Full, complete. Fullams, loaded dice. Fullest, most complete and perfect. Fumiter, fumitory, Furnished, dressed.

Gabardine, a loose felt cleak.
Gad, a pointed instrument.
Gain-giving, misgiving.
Gainsay, to unsay, deny, cor

Gait, way or steps.
Galliard, an ancient dance.
Galliasses, a species of galleys.
Gallowglasses, heavy arn.ed
Gallow, to scare or frighten.
Gallymawfry, a medley.
Game, sport, jest.
Gamester, a frolicsome per

son, a wanton.

Gaping, shouting or roaring.
Garboils, commotion, stir.
Garish, gaudy, shoy.
Garner, to treasure up.
Gasted, frightened.
Gandy, a festival day.
Gawds, baubles, toys.
Gaze, attention.

Gear, a general word for thig

or matters.
Geck, a fool.
General, generality.
General, compendious.
Generation, children.
Generosity, high birtn.
Generous, most noble.

Gentility, urbanity.

Gentle, nob.e, high-minded, be- | Haught. haughty.

longing to gentry.

Gentry, complaisance.

German, akin.

Germins, seeds begun to sprout.
Gest, a stage or journey.
Gib, a cat.

Gifts, endowments.
Giglot, a wanton wench.

Gilder, a coin valued at 1s. 6d.

or 2s.

Gilt, gilding, golden money.
Gimmal, a ring or engine.
Ging, a gang.

Gird, a sarcasm or gibe, emo-


Haughty, high, elevated.
Haunt, company.

Hay, a term in the fencing-

Head, the source, the fountain.
Head, body of forces.
Hear, the most valuable or
Heat, heated.
precious part.

Heat, violence of resentment.
Heavy, slow.
Hebenon, henbane.
Hefted, heaved.
Hefts, heavings.

Gleek, to joke or scoff, to be-
Glimmering, faintly illuminat-Hence, henceforth.
Helmed, steered through.
ed by the stars.

Hell, an obscure dungeon in a

Glaze, to expound, to comment


Glut, to englut or swallow up.
Gnarled, knotted.
Good-deed, indeed, in very

Good-den, good evening.
Good-life, of a moral or jovial


Hent, seized, or taken posses-
Henchman, a page of honour.
sion of.

Hereby, as it may happen.
Hermits, beadsmen.
Hest, behest, command.
High-fantastical, fantastical to
High-repented, repented to the
the height.


Hilding, a paltry cowardly fel-

Good-jer, gougere, morbus gal-Hight, called.
Gorbellied, fat and corpulent.
Gossips, tattling women who
attend lyings-in.
Gossomer, the white cobweb-
like exhalations that fly about
in hot sunny weather.
Government, evenness of tem-
per, decency of manners.
Gourds, a species of dice.
Gouts, drops.

Grace, acceptableness, favour.
Grace, to bless, to make happy.
Gracious, graceful, lovely.
Grained, furrowed, like the
grain of wood, dyed in grain
or indented.

Gramercy, grand mercy, great
Grange, the farm-house of a
monastery; a lone house.
Gratillity, gratuity.
Gratulate, gratifying, accept-

Grave, to entomb.

Hiren, a harlot.
His, often used for its.
Hit, to agree.
Hoist, hoisted.
Hold, to esteem.
Holla, a term of the manege.
Holy, faithful.
Home, completely, in full ex-


Honest, chaste.
Honesty, liberality.
Honey stalks, clover flowers.
Honour, acquired reputation.
Hope, to expect.
loop, a measure.
Horologe, clock.
Hox, to ham-string.
Hull, to drive to and fro upon
the water, without sails or

Humorous, chargeable, hu-
mid, moist.

Graves, or greaves, armour for Hungry, steril, unprolific.

the legs.

Greasily, grossly.

Greek, a bawd, or pander.
Green, unripe,not fully formed.
Greenly, awkwardly, unskil-

Greets, pleases.

Grief, pain, grievances.
Griefs, grievances, wrongs.
Grievances, sorrows, sorrowful

Grieve, to lament for.
Grise, a step.
Grossly, palpably.
Groundlings, the frequenters

of the pit in the playhouse.
Growing, accruing.
Guard, defence.

Guard, to fringe or lace.
Guarded, ornamented.

Guards, badges of dignity.

Guerdoned, rewarded.

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Hunt-counter, base tyke,worth-
less dog.

Hunts-up, the name of a tune,
Hurly, noise.
a morning song.
Hurtling, merry with impetuo-


Husbandry, thrift, frugality.
Huswife, a jilt.

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Insconce, to fortify.
Inseparate, inseparable.
Insculped, engraven.
Instance, example, proof.
Instances, motives.
Insuit, solicitation.
Intend, to pretend.
Intending, regarding.
Intendment, intention or dis-

Intenible, incapable of retain-

Intention, eagerness of desire.
Intentively, with full attention.
Interessed, interested.
Intergatories, interrogatories.
Intermission, pause, interven-
ing time.

Intrenchant, that which cannot
Intrinse, intrinsicate.
be cut.
Invention, imagination.
Inwardness, intimacy, confi-

Iron, clad in armour.
Issues, consequences, conclu-
Irregulous, lawless, licentious.

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Ice-brook, a brook of icy quali- Jar, the noise made by the pen

ties in Spain.

I' fecks, in faith.
Ill-inhabited, ill-lodged.
Ignomy, ignominy.
Ill-nurtured, ill-educated.
Images, children, representa-

Imaginary, produced by the
power of imagination.
Imbare, to lay open or display

to view.

Immanity, barbarity, savage


Immediacy, close connexion.
Imp, progeny.
Imp, to supply.
Impair, unsuitable.
Impartial, sometimes used for
Impawned,wagered and staked.
Impeach, to bring into question.
Impeachment, reproach or im-
Imperious, imperial.
putation, hindrance.
Imperseverant, perseverant.
Impeticos, to impetticoat or
Importance, importunacy.
Importance,thething imported.
Importing, implying, denoting.
Impose, injunction, command.
Impositions, commands.
Impossible, incredible, or in-

Impress, to compel to serve.
Impress, a device or motto.
Impugn, oppose, controvert.
Incapable, unintelligent,
Incarnardine, to stain of a red

Incensed, incited, suggested.

dulum of a clock.
Jauncing, jaunting.

Jesses, straps of leather by
which the hawk is held on the
Jest, to play a part in a mask.
Jet, to strut.
Jovial, belonging to Jove.
Jump, to agree with, to put
Journal, daily.
Jump, hazard, to venture at.
into agitation.
Jump, just.

Justicer, justice, judge.
Jut, to encroach.
Jutty, to project.
Juvenal, a young man.

Keech, a solid lump or mass.
Kam, awry, crooked.
Keel, to cool.
Keep, to restrain, to dwell, to

Keisar, Cæsar.
Kernes, light-armed Irish foot.
Key, the key for tuning, a tun-
ing hammer.
Kiln-hole, a place into which
Kicksy-wicksy, a wife.
coals are put under a stove.

Kind, nature, species.
Kindless, unnatural.
Kindly, naturally.
Kindly, kindred.
Kinged, ruled by,
Kinsman, near relative.
Kirtle, part of a woman's dress.
Knife, a sword or dagger.
Knave, servant.
Knots, figures planted in box.
Know, to acknowledge.

Know of, to consider.

Labras, lips.

Laced mutton, a woman of the

Lackeying, moving like a
lackey or page.
Lag, the meanest persons.
Lances, lance-men.
Land-damn, to destroy in some


Lands, landing-places.
Lapsed, time suffered to slip.
Lass-lorn, forsaken of his mis-
Large, licentious.


Latch, to lay hold of.
Latched or letched, licked over.
Late, lately.

Lated, belated, benighted.
Latten, thin as a lath.
Lavoltas, a kind of dances.
Laund, lawn.
Lay, a wager.
Leasing, lying.
Leaguer, the camp.

Leather-coats, a species of
Leave, to part with, to give


Leech, a physician.

Leer, feature, complexion.
Leet, court-leet, or court of the


Legerity lightness,nimbleness.
Leges, alleges.
Leiger, resident.
Lenten, short and spare.
Leman, lover, mistress.
L'envoy, moral, or conclusion
of a poem.
Let, to hinder.
Let be, to desist.
Lethe, death.
Lewdly, wickedly.
Lewd, ignorant, idle, wicked.
Libbard, or lubbar, a leopard.
Liberal, licentious or gross in

Liberty, libertinism.
License, an appearance oflicen

Lie, to reside, to be imprisoned.
Liefest, dearest.
Lieger, an ambassador at a fo-
reign court.
Lifter, a thief.
Light o' love, a dance tune.
Lightly, commonly, in ordi-

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Limbeck, a vessel used in disLiking, condition of body. tilling.

Limbo, a place supposed to be
Lime, bird-lime.
in the neighbourhood of hell.
Lime, to cement.
Limed, entangled or caught, as
with bird-lime.
Limit, appointed time.
Limited, appointed, regular,

Limits,estimates, calculations.
Line, genealogy.
Lined, delineated.

Link, a torch of pitch.

Linstock, the staff to which the
match is fixed when ordi-
nance is fired.

List, the bound or limit.
Lither, flexible, yielding.
Little, miniature.
Livelihood, appearance of life.
Livery, a law phrase belonging
to the feudal tenures.
Living, speaking, manifest. ac-
Living, estate, property.

Lockram, some kind of cheap
Loach, a small fish.
Lob, looby, a term of contempt.

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Mall. Mrs. alias Mary Frith, or
Noll Cutpurse.
Malecho, mischief.
Man mering, hesitating.
Man mets, puppets.
Masmock, to cut in pieces.
Max. to tame a hawk.
Macacle, a handcuff.
Manage, conduct, administra-

Mandrake, a root supposed to

have the shape of a man. Mankind, masculine. Marches, the borders, limits, or confines.

Marchpane, a species of sweet


Martal hand.acareless scrawl.
Martlemas, the latter spring.
Mach, an appointment, a com-


Mate, to confound.

Mated, amared, dismayed.
Meacock, dastardly creature.
Mealed, sprinkled or mingled.
Jea, the tenor in music.
Xe, the middle.
Mens, interest, pains.
Mestre, the reach.
Measure, stately solemn dance.

Yeastre, means.
Mezzels lepers.
Natale, to mix with.
Kecice, a she-physician.
Kred, reward.
Merdzert, desert,excellence.

Meet, match.
Many people, domestics.
Xenes, memorials, remem-

Memorized, made memorable.
Xemory, memorial.
Mistophils, the name of a

tor familiar.
Meratante, a merchant.
Mere, exact, entire, absolute.

Nerd mere.
Yamid siren.
Meses degrees about court.

Meal, temper.

Mascal, supernatural.
Gerard, measuring yard.

Lered, crefned.

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ly pretty.

Modesty, moderation.
Module, model, pattern.

ber, a truant, lurking thief. , playing truant, skulk

Me Bout.


Moe or mowe, to make mouths.
Moiety, a portion.
Mollification, pacification,

Mome, a dull stupid blockhead.
Momentany, momentary.
Month's mind, a popish

E to walk with affected

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ace, reminding.

a mine.

*res, office of minstrel,


Mood, anger, resentment, man


[blocks in formation]

anni-Oeiliad, a cast or glance of the
eye. See Eyliads.
O'erdied, died too much.
O'erlooked, slighted.
O'er-parted, having too
derable a part.
O'er-raught, over-reached.
O'er-wrested, wrested beyond
the truth.
Of, through.
Offering, the assailant.
Office, service.
Offices, culinary or servants'

Moody, melancholy.
Moon-calf, an inanimate shape-
less mass.
Moonish, variable.
Mope, to appear stupid.
Moral, secret meaning.
Morisco, Moor or Moorish, or


Morris-pike, Moorish pike.
Mortal, murderous, fatal.
Mortal staring, that which
stares fatally.
Mortified, ascetic, religious.
Most, greatest.
Motion, a kind of puppet-show.
Motion, divinitory agitation.
Motion, desires.
Motions, indignation.
Motive, assistant or mover,
that which contributes to
Mould, earth.

Old, frequent, more than

Old age, ages past.
Once, sometime.
Oneyers, accountants, bankers.
Opal, a precious stone of al-
most all colours.
Open, publicly.
Operant, active.
Opinion, obstinacy, conceit,

Opposite, adverse, hostile, ad

[blocks in formation]

Pastry, the room where pastry
was made.

Patch, a term of reproach.
Patched, in a part-coloured


Path, to walk.

Pathetical, deeply affecting.
Patient, to make patient, to

Patine, a dish used with the
chalice, in the administration
of the Eucharist.
Pattern, instance, example.
Pavin, a dance.
l'aucas, few.
Pay, to beat, to hit.
Peat, a word of endearment.
Pedascule, a pedant.
Peer, to come out, to appear.
Peevish, toolish.

Peize, to balance, to keep in
Suspense, to weigh down.
Pelting, paltry, petty, inconsi-

Orbs, circles made by fairies Pennons, small flags.
on the ground.
Orchard, a garden.
Order, measures.
Ordinance, rank.
Orgulous, proud, disdainful.
Osprey, a kind of eagle.
Ostent, show, ostentation.
Ostentation, show, appearance.
Overblow, to drive away, to
keep off.

Penthesilia, Amazon.

Perch, a measure of five yards and a half.

Mouse, to mammock, to tear to
Mouse, a term of endearment.
Mouse-hunt, a weasel.
Mowe. See Moe.
Moy, a piece of money or a
measure of corn.
Much, an expression of disdain.
Much, strange, wonderful.
Muck-water, drain of a dung
Muffler, a kind of dress for the
lower part of the face.
Muliters, muleteers.
Mulled,softened and dispirited.
Multiplied, multitudinous.
Multiplying, multiplied.
Multitudinous, full of multi-Ouph, fairy, goblin,

Overture, opening, discovery.
Ounce, a small tiger, or tiger-

[blocks in formation]

Nephew, a grandson or any
Deal descendant.
Nether-stocks, stockings.
Newness, innovation.
Newt, the eft.
Next, nearest.
Nice, silly, trifling.
Nick, reckoning or count.
Nick, to set a mark of folly en.
Nighted, made dark as night.

, a small river fish, a Night-rule, frolic of the night.
of contempt.
Nine men's morris, a game.
Nobility,distinction, eminence.
Nobless, nobleness.
Noddy, fool, game at cards.
Noise, music.

Acceived, misconceivers. create, ill-be otten, illegi

Pale, to empaie, encircle with a

[blocks in formation]

Perdurable, lasting.
Perdy, par Dieu, a French
Perfect, certain, well informed.
Perfections, liver, brain, and

Perjure, a perjured person.
Periapts, charms sewed up and
worn about the neck.
Perspectives, certain optical

Pervert, to avert.
Pew-fellow, a companion.
Pheere. See Feere.

Pheece, to teaze or beat, to
comb or curry.

Pia mater, the membrane covering the substance of the brain.

Pick, to pitch.

Picked, nicely dressed, foppish.
Pickers, the hands.
Picking,piddling, insignificant.
Pickt-hatch, a place noted for

Piece, a word of contempt for a


Piel'd, shaven.
Pight, pitched, fixed.
Pilcher, a pilche, the scabbard.
Pilled, pillaged.

Pin and web, disorders of the


Pinuace, small ship of burthen.
Pix, a small chest in which the
consecrated host was kept.
Placket, a petticoat.
Plague, to punish.

Plain song, the chant, in plano


plainly, openly.

complicated, involved. Planched, made of brands. Plant, the foot. Platforms, plans, schemes. Plausive, gracious, pleasing, popular.

Pleached, folded together.

[blocks in formation]


Point, a metal hook fastened to Property, due performance.

the hose or breeches.
Point, the utmost height.
Point-de-vice, with the utmost
possible exactness
Points, tags to the laces.
Poize, weight or moment.
Polled, bared, cleared.
Pomander, a ball made of per-

Pomewater, a species of apple.
Poor-john, hake dried, salted.
Popinjay, a parrot.
Popularity, plebeian inter-


Port, external pomp, figure.
Port, a gate.

Portable, bearable. Portance, carriage, behaviour. Possess, to inform, to make to understand. Possessed, acquainted with, fully informed. Possessed, afflicted with mad


Potch, to push violently. Potents, potentates.

Property, a thing quite at dis-
Propose, to image, to imagine.
Proposing, conversing.
Propriety, regular and proper


Provand, provender.
Prorogue, lengthen or prolong.
Provencial, Provençal, from

Provincial, belonging to one's


Provost, sheriff or gaoler.
Prune, to plume.
Puck, or hobgoblin in fairy
Pun, to pound.
Pugging, thievish.
Purchase, stolen goods.
Purchased, acquired by unjust


Pursuivants, heralds.
Purlieu, border, enclosure.

Put to know, compelled to ac-

Putter-on, one who instigates.

Pouncet-box, a small box for Putter-out, one who places out


Power, forces, an army. Practice, unlawful or insidious stratagem.

Practise, to employ unwarrantable arts. Practisants, confederates in stratagems. Prank, to adorn, to dress ostentatiously, to plume. Precedent, original draft. Precept, a justice's warrant. Precisian, a great pretender to sanctity.

Prefer, to recommend, to ad


Pregnancy, readiness.
Pregnant, ready, plain, evi-
dent, apposite.
Pregnant enemy, the enemy of

Premised, sent before the time.
Prenominate, already named.
Pre-ordinance, ordinance al-
ready established.
Presence, the presence-cham-
ber, a public room.
Presence,dignity of mien, form,
Prest, ready.
Pretence, design, intention.
Pretend, to intend, design.
Pretended, purposed, intended.
Prevent, to anticipate.

Prick, the point on the dial.
Pricks, prickles, skewers.
Pride, haughty power.
Prig, to filch.

money at interest. Puttock, a degenerate species Putting-on, spur, incitement. of hawk.

Quaint, fantastical, graceful.
Quail, to faint, languish.
Quaint-mazes, a game running
the figure of eight.
Quaked, thrown into trepida-

tion. Quality, confederates. Qualify, to lessen, moderate. Quality, Profession, condition of life.

Quarrel, a quarreller, the cause Quarry, game after it is killed. of a quarrel. Quart d'ecu, fourth part of a French crown. Quarter, the allotted posts, station.

Queasy, squeamish, delicate, Quat, a pimple. Quell, to murder, to destroy. unsettled. Quern, a hand-mill. Quench, to grow cool. Quest, inquest or jury, search, expedition.

Question, conversation.

[blocks in formation]

Receiving,ready apprehension. Receipt, receptacle. Recheate, a sound by which the Reck, to care for, to mind, to dogs are called back. attend to.

Reckless, careless, heedless. Recollected, studied or often Record, to sing. repeated. Recorder, a kind of flute or flageolet.

Recure, to recover.

[blocks in formation]

Rule, a method of life.
Ruth, pity, compassion.

Sacrificial, worshipping.
Sacred, accursed.
Sadly, seriously.
Sad, grave or serious.
Safe, to render safe.
Sadness, seriousness.
Sagg or swagg, to sink down.
Sanded, of a sandy colour.
Salt, tears.
Satisfy, rest with satisfaction.
Savage, silvan, uncultivated,
Savageness, wildness.
Saucy, lascivious.

Red-lattice, the sign of an ale- Saw, anciently, not a proverb,


Reduce, to bring back. Reechy, discoloured by smoke,

smoky, greasy. Refell, to refute. Refer, to reserve to. Regard, look.

Regiment government, authority

Regreet, exchange of saluta


Reguerdon, recompense, re


Relative, nearly related, or connected. Remembrance, admonition. Remembered, remembering. Remorse, pity, tenderness of heart.

Remotion, removal or remote


Removed, remote, sequestered.
Render, a confession, an ac-
Render, to describe.


Repair, to renovate.
Renege, to renounce.
Repeal, to recall.
Reports, reporters.
Reproof, confutation.
Reputing, boasting of.
Repugn, to resist.
Requiem, a mass for the soul
of a person deceased.

Questrist, one who goes in Resolve, to be firmly persuad

search of another.

Quests, reports.

ed, satisfied. Resolve, to dissolve.

Quick, lively, sprightly, living. Respect, consideration, cau

Quicken, to animate.

Quiddits, subtilties.

Quillets, law chicane.

Prime, youth, the vigour of Quintain, a post set up for va


Prime, prompt.

Primer, more urgent, more important. Primero, a game at cards. Principality, the first or princicipal of women. Principals, rafters of a building. Princox, a coxcomb, or spoiled child. Probal, probable. Process, summons Procure, to bring. Prodigious, portentous, omi


Proface, much good may it do


Profane, love of talk, gross of language. Profession, end and purpose of coming. Progress, a royal journey of


Project, to shape or form. Prompture, suggestion, temp


Prone, sometimes humble.
Prone, forward.
Proof, confirmed state of man-
Propagate, to advance or im-


Propagation, getting.
Proper, well-looking, hand-


Proper-false, proper or fair, and false or deceitful. Propertied, taken possession of. Properties, incidental necessa

rious exercises.
Quips, reproaches and scoffs.
Quire, to play in concert.
Quit, quitted,

Quittance, return of obliga-
Quit, to requite or answer.

Quiver, nimble, active.
Quote, to observe.

Rabato, an ornament for the

Rabbit-sucker, a sucking rab-
Race, original disposition, in-
born qualities, a smack or

Rack, to exaggerate.
Rack, wreck.
Rack, the fleeting away of the
Rack, to harass by exactions.
Racking, in rapid motion.
Rag, an opprobrious epithet.
Rake, to cover.
Ragged, rugged.

Rank, rate or pace.
Rank, grown up to a great
Rapt, rapturously affected.
height and strength.
Rarely, curiously, happily.
Rapture, a fit.
Rascally, applied to lean deer.
Rash, heady, thoughtless,

quick, violent.
Rash remonstrance, premature
Ravin, to devour eagerly.
Rated, chided.
Ravin, ravenous.


Respective, respectable, re-
spectful, formal.
Respective, cool, considerate.
Respectively, respectfully.
Retailed, handed down.
Retire, to draw back.
Rib, to enclose.
Reverb, to reverberate.
Revolts, revolters.
Rid, to destroy.
Rift, split.

Riggish, wanton.
Right, just, even.

[blocks in formation]

Say, a sample, a taste or relish. Scaffoldage, the gallery part of the theatre.

Scald, a word of contempt,
poor, filthy.

Scaled, over-reached.
Scale, disperse, put to flight.
Scall, an old word of reproach.
Scaling, weighing.
Scan, to examine nicely.
Scamble, to scramble.
Scant, to be deficient in, to con-

Scapes of wit, sallies, irregu
Scantling, measure, proportion.

Scared, frightened.
Scath, destruction, harm.
Scarfed, decorated with flags.
Scathful, mischievous,destruc-
Scath, to do an injury.

Scone, a petty fortification.
Sconce, the head.
Scotched, cut slightly.
Scrimens, fencers.

Scrip, a writing, a list.
Scroyles, scabby fellows.
Sculls, great numbers of fishes
Seal, to strengthen or
swimming together.
Scutched, whipt, carted.
Seam, lard.

[blocks in formation]

Seel, to close up.

Seeling, blinding.

Right-drawn, drawn in a right Seeming, seemly.

Seeming, specious, hypocritical.


Rigol, a circle.

Ripe, come to the height.
Ringed, environed, encircled.
Rivage, the bank or shore.
Rivality, equal rank.
Rivals, partners.
Rive, to burst, to fire.

Seen, versed, practised. Seld, seldom.

Self-bounty, inherent generosity.

Semblably, in resemblance, alike.

Seniory, seniority.

Sennet, a flourish or sounding.

Road, the haven where ships Sense, reason,natural affection.

ride at anchor.

Rogues, vagrants.

Romage, rummage.

Ronvon, a scurvy woman.
Rood, the cross.
Rook, to squat down.
Rope-tricks, abusive language.
Ropery, roguery.
Round, a diadem.
Round, rough, unceremonious.
Rounded, whispered.
Rounding, whispering.
Roundel, a country dance.
Roundure, circle.
Rouse, a draught of jollity.
Royal, due to a king.
Royalize, to make royal.
Royalty, nobleness, supreme

Roynish, mangy or scabby.

feeling, sensual passion.
Sensible, having sensation.
Septentrion, the north.
Sequestration, separacion.
Sere or sear, dry.

Serpigo, a kind of tetter.
Serjeant, a bailiff or sheriff's
Serve, to accompany.
Serve, to fulfil.
Set, seated.

Setebos, a species of devil.
Several, separated, appro-

Sewer, an officer who placed the dishes on the table.

Shame, modesty.

Shame, to disgrace.

Shard-borne, born by shards or scaly wings.

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