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and alfo from all penalties which may or might be incurred by
reafon or means of their neglecting to pave, cleanfe, light, or
watch the fame refpectively; any law, ftatute, or ufage, to the
contrary notwithstanding.

LXVI. And whereas provifion may have been formerly made by Former rates acts of parliament, either for paving, cleanfing, lighting, watching, to cease. or keeping in repair, the faid ftreets and other places, or fome part or parts thereof intended to be paved, cleanfed, lighted, watched, and kept in repair, by this aft; be it therefore enacted by the authority aforefaid, That as foon as any rate or affeffient shall be made, laid, or affeffed, by virtue of this act, on the owners or occupiers of any lands, houfes, fhops, warehouses, cellars, vaults, or other tenements; or on any church or chapel wardens, for and on account of any ground belonging to any church, church yard, or chapel; fuch owner or occupiers, and fuch church or chapel wardens refpectively, fhall be no longer liable to be charged to any rate or affeffment for and on account of fuch lands, houses, fhops, warehouses, cellars, vaults, or other tenements; or for or on account of fuch church, church yard, or chapel, by virtue or in purfuance of fuch former acts, or any of them.

LXVII. And, for the more effectually putting this act in execution, be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That upon and after the first Sunday after the first general meeting of the faid commiffioners, there fhall be paid to the receiver or receivers, collector or collectors, to be nominated and appointed by the faid commiffioners, or any feven or more of them, at a general meeting affembled, before any cattle or carriage shall be permitted to pass on a Sunday through any or either of the turnpikes here under-mentioned, or through any turnpike to be erected, by virtue of this or any other act or acts of parliament, near the fame; videlicet, The turnpike at Symond's Corner, in the parish of Lambeth; or at any gate or gates, turnpike or turn- Tolls on Sun. pikes, to be erected between the faid place and the ftones end days. in Blackman Street; the turnpike at Newington Butts; any gate or gates, turnpike or turnpikes, to be erected between the road called The New Road, at the end of Kent Street, and Saint George's church; any gate or gates, turnpike or turnpikes, to be erected at or near Star Corner, in the parish of Bermondsey; any gate or gates, turnpike or turnpikes, to be erected between a place called Dock Head and Folly Bridge; the following tolls; videlicet,

For every coach, chariot, berlin, chaife, chair, calash, or other carriage, drawn by fix or more horfes, the sum of ten pence.

For every coach, chariot, berlin, chaife, chair, calash, or other carriage, drawn by four horfes, the fum of eight pence.

For every coach, chariot, berlin, chaife, chair, calash, or other carriage, drawn by three or two horfes, the sum of fix pence.

And for every chaife, chair,calafh, or other carriage, drawn by one horse, the sum of threep ence.

Tolls may be levied by diftrefs, &c.

Diftrefs may be fold after 4 days.


ers may erect turnpikes and

toll houtes.

Turnpikes already erected, may be ufed for the purpoles of this


For every horfe, mule, or afs, not drawing, the sum of one penny.

Which faid refpective fums of money fhall and may be demanded and taken in the name of and for a street toll, over and above, and exclufive of, all other tolls which are or shall be authorized to be taken and collected upon or on account of the faid roads, or any of them: and the faid commiffioners, or any five or more of them, are hereby impowered by themselves, or by any perfon or perfons by them, or any five or more of them, thereto authorized at a general meeting, to levy the toll, hereby required to be paid, upon any perfon or perfons who fhall, after demand thereof made, neglect or refuse to pay the fame as aforefaid, or to deny or hinder any paffage through the faid turnpikes refpectively, until payment thereof; which faid toll fhall and may be levied by diftrefs of any horfe or horfes, or other cattle, upon which the toll is by this act impofed, or upon any of the goods and chattles of fuch perfon or perfons who ought to pay the fame; and all fuch horfes, cattle, or goods, may be detained until fuch toll, with the reasonable charges of fuch distress shall be paid and it fhall be lawful for the perfon or perfons fo distraining, after the space of four days after fuch distress made or taken, to fell the horfe or horfes, cattle, goods, or chattles, fo diftrained, rendering to the owner or owners thereof the overplus upon demand, after fatisfaction of the faid toll, and the reafonable charges in and about making fuch distress, keeping, and fale, fhall be fully paid and fatisfied.

LXVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it fhall be lawful for the faid commiffioners, or any five or more of them, at a general meeting, if they fhall think proper, at any time or times, to caufe to be erected any turnpike or turnpikes, at or near the refpective places afore-mentioned, for the purpose of colle&ting the feveral and refpective tolls hereby made payable; and alfo to be erected or provided a toll-houfe at or near each turnpike; and, from time to time, to remove or alter the fame, as they the faid commiffioners, or any five or more of them, fhall think expedient.

LXIX. Provided always, and be it further enacted and declared by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the feveral and respective receivers and collectors, and other perfons, to be appointed by virtue of this act, to receive and collect the feveral tolls hereby made payable; and they are hereby authorized and impowered, for the purposes of this act, without the lett, hindrance, or moleftation, of any perfon or perfons whatsoever, to make ufe of all or any the gates or turnpikes, and toll-houfes, already erected, or hereafter to be erected or continued by virtue of any act or acts of parliament, at or near the refpective places whereat any toll is hereby authorized to be taken; fo as fuch refpective receivers, collectors, or other perfons, do in no wife hinder or interrupt the tranf

acting of any bufinefs or purpofe, for which fuch turnpikes and toll-houses were refpectively erected or provided.

LXX. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted by the au- Street tolls thority aforesaid, That no perfon or perfons fhall be liable to to be paid but pay the said street toll more than once for paffing or repalling, once a day. at any time or times, on the fame Sunday as aforefaid, with the fame cattle and carriage; but that all and every perfon and perfons, after having paid fuch toll once as aforesaid, fhall, during the remainder of fuch day, pafs toll-free, with refpect to the said street toll, with the fame cattle and carriage, through the gate or turnpike at which any fuch toll was paid, upon producing a note or ticket denoting the payment of fuch toll; which notes or tickets the collectors of the faid tolls are hereby required to give gratis on receipt of fuch tolls.



LXXI. And whereas an act was paffed in the last feffion of par- Perfons hav liament, intituled, An act for impowering the commiffioners for ing paid the putting in execution the feveral acts paffed for paving, cleaning, Sunday toll, and lighting, the fquares, ftreets, and lanes, within the city and exempted liberty of Westminster, and parts adjacent, to collect certain from the tolls on Sundays, upon the feveral roads therein mentioned, Southwark, and apply the fame for the purposes of the faid acts: and whereas a fireet toll is directed by the faid act to be taken at the turnpike nearest to Westminster Bridge, in the county of Surrey; be it therefore further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That all perfons having paid the toll granted by the faid act, at the faid turnpike nearest to Westminster Bridge, and producing a ticket denoting the payment thereof, fhall be permitted, in the fame day, to pass and repass with the fame cattle and carriage through the gate or turnpike whereat any toll fhall be taken by virtue of this act, at or near Symond's Corner, or between the faid place and the ftones end in Blackman Street, without paying any toll authorized by this act to be collected; and all perfons having paid the toll by this act granted, at any gate at or near Symond's Corner aforefaid, or between that place and the ftones end in Blackman Street aforefaid, and producing a ticket denoting the payment thereof, fhall be permitted to pafs and repass on the fame day, through any gate or turnpike near Westminster Bridge, without paying any toll by the faid above mentioned act of laft feffion authorized to be collected; which tickets the refpective collectors are hereby required to deliver, on receipt of the toll.

LXXII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted and de- No toll to be clared, That nothing in this act contained, fhall extend, or be taken for goconftrued to extend, to give the commiffioners for putting this acting to or from Black Fryars in execution, any power to collect any toll or tolls upon any car- Bridge. riage or cattle paffing to or from the bridge now erecting across the river Thames, from Black Fryars, in the city of London, over or through any of the roads made, or which fhall be made, leading thereto; unlefs fuch carriages or cattle fhall actually come into any of the streets aforefaid, within the powers of this act. LXXIII. And


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the tolls.

LXXIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforeers may leafe faid, That the faid commiffioners, or any five or more of them, at a general meeting, may, and are hereby impowered, upon ten days notice being given in the London Gazette, to lease or farm, by the year, the tolls by this act granted, or any part or parts thereof, to any perfon or perfons, at or for the largest yearly fums that can be got for the fame; provided that fuch lettings or agreements be made in writing, and figned by the perfon or perfons taking or farming any fuch tolls, and by the commiffioners that lett the fame, and be not made for more than three years at a time; and that the money that shall be fo agreed to be paid for the faid tolls, fhall be made payable, and fhall be paid, to the faid commiffioners by quarterly payments; and that the person or perfons to whom the same shall be folett, fhall always pay down one quarter's pay in advance; and if any letting or agreement for letting the faid tolls, or any part or parts thereof, fhall be made, or any default thall be made in paying the money agreed to be paid, contrary to the true meaning of this act, then every fuch letting and agreement shall be void, and the perfon or perfons to whom the faid tolls fhall be lett, fhall be liable to account for the fame, and to have the fame levied and recovered upon and of him and them, in the fame manner as is by this act directed for the accounting for other monies by the collectors or receivers thereof, and for the levying and recovering the fame upon and of them.

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LXXIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if any perfon or perfons fhall forcibly or wilfully go or pafs with any horfe, beaft, or carriage, through any turnpike whereat any toll is, by virtue of this act, to be paid, without paying fuch toll, or producing a note or ticket as aforefaid at iuch turnpike, or fhall forge, counterfeit, or alter, or shall deliver to, or receive from, any other perfon or perfons, any note or ticket, with an intent to avoid the payment of any or either of the faid tolls, or any part thereof; every perfon fo offending fhall, for every fuch offence, forfeit and pay the fum of forty fhillings, over and befides fuch damages and punishments as they and every of them refpectively fhall be liable to by law; and it fhall and may be lawful.for the faid receivers or collectors, and for every of them, and all other perfons by them required to affift in that refpect to feize any horfe or horfes, cattle or goods, belonging to, or in the poffeffion, or under the care of, any perfon or perfons fo offending in the premiffes; and the fame to take before any juftice of the peace of the county or place where fuch offence or offences fhall be committed, and before him to make complaint of fuch offence or offences; and fuch juftice may, and is hereby required to enquire into the fame, as well by examination of the party or parties, as by the teftimony of any credible witnefs or witneffes upon oath (which oath fuch juftice is hereby impowered to adminifter without fee or reward) and if the faid justice fhall fee caufe, to convict the party or parties complained of in the penalty aforefaid; and


for nonpayment thereof, and of the tolls that shall be due (though the fame fhall not be demanded) by warrant under his hand and feal, to cause the said horfe or horfes, cattle, or goods, to be fold for payment of the faid tolls and penalties, and the charges of feizing, and keeping the fame, and of fuch fale, rendering the overplus (if any there fhall be) to the owner or owners of the said horfe or horses, cattle or goods, or to the perfon or perfons under whofe care, or in whofe poffeffion, they refpectively was or were when fo feized as aforefaid; and if no fuch feizure as aforefaid can or fhall be made, then the aforefaid penalty and tolls fhall be levied and recovered by fuch means, and applied in fuch manner, as is herein after made and provided for the levying and recovering, and application of penalties and forfeitures.

the tolls,

LXXV. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- Commiffionfaid, That the faid commiffioners, or any nine or more of them, ers may bor. at a general meeting, may, and are hereby impowered to bor- row money row and take up at intereft, any fum or fums of money upon on credit of the credit of the tolls, payable by virtue of this act; and to affign over the fame, or any part or parts thereof, by any writing or writings under their hands and feals, the charges of such affignments and conveyances to be paid out of fuch tolls refpectively, to any perfon or perfons that fhall advance or lend their monies thereon, as a fecurity or fecurities for the feveral sums that fhall be borrowed, and the interest thereof, as aforefaid; and copies of all fuch affignments and conveyances fhall be entered in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, by the clerk or treasurer to the faid commiffioners; and all and every perfon and perfons, to whom any fuch affignment fhall be made as aforefaid, is and are hereby impowered from time to time, by affignment under his, her, or their hand or hands, to be indoried on the back of his, her, or their fecurity, or by any other writing or writings under his, her, or their hand and feal, or hands and feals, which fhall be executed in the presence of two or more credible witneffes, to affign over or transfer his, her, or their right, to the principal and intereft-money thereby fecured, to any perfon or perfons whomfoever; all which affign- Securities may ments or transfers fhall be produced and notified to the faid be transferred. clerk or treasurer, within thirty days after the date thereof, who fhall cause an entry to be made of fuch affignments, containing the date, names of the parties, and fums of money therein mentioned to be affigned and transferred, in the said book or books to be kept for entering the faid òriginal affignments; and which faid book or books fhall and may, at all feasonable times, be perused and inspected without any fee or reward; and after fuch entry made, fuch affignment or transfer fhall intitle fuch affignee, his, her, or their executors, administrators, and affigns, to the benefit thereof and payment thereon; and fuch affignee may in like manner affign and transfer again, and fo toties quoties; and it shall not be in the power of any person who fhall have made fuch affignment or transfer, to make void, release or difcharge the fame, or any monies thereon due. LXXVI. And

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