Gambar halaman

the Second, or in and by this present act: and a fum not exceeding feven thoufand five hundred pounds, other part of the faid fum of one hundred and fifty fix thousand pounds, thall be if fued and applied for or towards defraying the expence of embanking fo much of the north fide of the faid river, within the limits aforefaid, as fhall by the faid mayor, aldermen, and commons, in common council affembled, be embanked by virtue of this prefent act; the refidue of the faid fum of feven thoufand five hundred pounds, if any, after defraying fuch expences, to be iffued and applied in manner herein after mentioned and directed, as part of a fund for lighting, watching, cleansing, and repairing, the faid intended bridge when built and a fum not exceeding thirty thousand pounds, other part of the faid fum of one hundred and fifty fix thousand pounds, fhall be iffued and applied, in the first place, for or towards redeeming and purchafing the faid tolls, payable for the paffage over London Bridge, and the leafe thereof; and the refiduc fhall be placed out at intereft, upon fuch government or real fecurities, or be laid out in the purchase of the freehold and inheritance of such lands, tenements, and hereditaments, as to the faid mayor, aldermen, and commons, in common council affembled, fhall feem meet, in truft, for or towards the uses, intents, and purposes, to which the faid tolls, or the rents and fines payable in refpect thereof, are now applicable: and a fum not exceeding fifty thousand pounds, other part of the faid fum of one hundred and fifty fix thousand pounds, fhall be iffued and applied for or towards the pulling down the faid gaol of Newgate, and building a new gaol inftead thereof; and for or towards purchafing fuch houses and lands as fhall by the faid mayor, aldermen, and commons, in common council affembled, be judged neceffary for the purpose of rendering such new gaol more airy, extenfive, and commodious, or for making, widening, enlarging, or improving, any of the streets, ways, or paffages, adjoining or leading to the said intended new gaol and feffions houfe: and a fum not exceeding ten thoufand pounds, refidue of the faid fum of one hundred and fifty fix thousand pounds, fhall be iffued and applied for or towards the immediate and fubftantial repairs of the faid houfe of And to be ap- building, called The Royal Exchange: and no part of any of the plicable to no faid feveral fums fhall be applicable or applied to or for any other ufe, intent, or purpose whatfoever, than to or for, or towards, the feveral purposes to which the fame are fo refpectively appropriated by this act; and if any furplus fhall remain of any of the faid fums, over and above what fhall be applied to the feveral and refpective ufes and purposes aforefaid, all and every fuch furplus furplus, to be fhall be applied and appropriated for or towards the increafe of applied to increase the the fund by the faid act of the fifth and fixth years of King # fund. liam and Queen Mary established, and by the faid act of the twenty first year of King George the Second and this present act in part continued and augmented as aforefaid, to and for the several ufes and purposes thereof, by the faid acts, or any of them, refpectively declared or appointed.

other use ;

and if any


800l. towards

XLVI. And be it further enacted, That the faid mayor and City to pay an commonalty, and citizens, shall, and they are hereby required, annuity of yearly and every year, to pay, or caufe to be paid, to the treasurer, the Weftminfor the time being, of the commiffioners appointed by an act of fter pavement, parliament made in the fecond year of his prefent Majefty's reign, or to be appointed by any future act of parliament, for paving the city and liberty of Westminster, the parishes of Saint Giles in the Fields, Saint George the Martyr, Saint George Bloomsbury, that 5. part of the parish of Saint Andrew Holborn which lies in the county of Middlefex, the feveral liberties of the Rolls and Savoy, and that part of the dutchy of Lancaster which lies in the county of Middlefex, or his affigns, one or more annuity or annuities, or yearly fum or fums of money, not exceeding the yearly fum of eight hundred pounds in the whole, by equal half-yearly payments; that is to fay, on the twenty fifth day of March, and twenty ninth day of September, in every year; the first payment thereof to begin and be made upon the twenty fifth day of March, which will be in the year one thousand seven hundred hand fixty eight: and that the faid mayor and commonalty, and of 4801, tocitizens, fhall, and they are hereby required, yearly and every wards the boyear, to pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the treasurer, for the rough pavetime being, of the commiffioners appointed by an act of the fixth year of his faid prefent Majefty's reign, or to be appointed by any future act of parliament for paving the town and borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent, or his affigns, one or more annuity or annuities, or yearly fum or fums of money, not exceed ing the yearly fum of four hundred and eighty pounds in the whole, by like equal half-yearly payments; that is to fay, on the twenty fifth day of March, and twenty ninth day of September, in every year, the first payment thereof to begin and be made on the said twenty fifth day of March, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and fixty eight aforefaid: two third parts of which annuity or annuities hall be applied to the ufe of the western divifion, and the other third part to the use of the eastern division, described in the faid act.


mon feal.

XLVII. And be it further enacted, That for fecuring the and for that payment of the faid refpective annuities to the refpective com- purpose to ifmiffioners aforefaid, in manner above-mentioned, the faid mayor fue bonds unand commonalty, and citizens, hall make and execute, under der their com the common feal of the faid city, and deliver unto the treasurer for the time being of the faid commiffioners for paving the streets within the city and liberty of Westminster, and parishes adjacent, one or more bond or bonds (the number thereof to be at the option of the faid commiffioners) and that the faid mayor and commonalty, and citizens, fhall be therein bound to the treasurer for the time being to the faid commiffioners, in fome penal fum or fums, not exceeding in the whole the fum of twenty thousand pounds, to be paid to the said treasurer, or his affigns, with condition, that fuch bond or bonds fhall be void on payment of the said annuity or annuities of eight hundred pounds



Bonds (if more than one) to be numbered.

and affignable by endorsement.

Annuities to

on notice.

per annum as aforefaid, or on redemption of fuch annuity or annuities on the terms and in manner herein after expreffed; and that the faid mayor and commonalty, and citizens, fhall, in like manner, make and execute, under the common feal of the faid city, and deliver unto the treasurer for the time being of the faid commiffioners for paving the streets within the faid town and borough of Southwark, one or more bond or bonds (the number thereof to be at the option of the faid commiffioners) and that the said mayor and commonalty, and citizens, fhall be therein bound to the said treasurer for the time being to the faid laft named commiffioners, in fome penal fum or fums, not exceeding in the whole the fum of twelve thousand pounds, to be paid to the faid treasurer, or his affigns, with condition, that fuch bond or bonds fhall be void on payment of the faid annuity or annuities of four hundred and eighty pounds per annum as aforefaid, or on the redemption of fuch annuity or annuities on the terms and in manner herein after expressed.

XLVIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That the faid bonds (if more than one) so to be executed and delivered to the treasurer of the faid commiffioners for paving the ftreets within the faid city and liberty of Westminster, and parishes adjacent, shall be numbered in arithmetical progreffion, beginning at number one; and the said bonds (if more than one) fo to be executed and delivered to the treasurer of the faid commiffioners for paving the streets within the said town and borough of Southwark, fhall be numbered in like manner; and all the faid bonds fhall be refpectively affignable by proper words to be written or endorfed thereon, and fhall or may be fold, or difpofed of, by the faid commiffioners refpectively; and the monies arifing by fuch fale, and in the mean time the annuities to arife from fuch bonds, thall refpectively be appropriated and ap. plied towards the execution of the feveral trufts which the faid commiffioners are or fhall, by any fuch act or acts, respectively be authorized or required to execute, or caufe to be executed, and to or for no other ufe or purpose whatsoever.

XLIX. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That the be redeemable faid annuities fhall, from time to time (until the whole fhall be by the city, redeemed) be redeemable by the faid mayor and commonalty, and citizens, either wholly, or in part, according to their numerical order, without preference or partiality, upon fix calendar months notice for that purpose, to be firft published in the London Gazette; at the expiration of which time, the proprietors of fuch annuity or annuities fhall, upon delivering up to the chamberlain of the faid city of London, for the time being, at his office in the guildhall of the fame city, the faid bond or bonds fo given for the fame, be intitled to receive from the faid mayor and commonalty, and citizens, the fum of one hundred pounds, for and in full fatisfaction and redemption of every four pounds of fuch annuity or annuities; which annuity or annuities shall, from and after the end of the faid fix months, ceafe, and be no longer paid or payable; any thing to be in fuch bond or


bonds contained to the contrary thereof, in any ways notwith


L. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Tolls of Lonall and every the tolls which are or fhall be payable, by virtue don Bridge of any act of parliament or prefcription, for the paffage over and Black London Bridge, and for the paffage over the faid intended bridge to cease on the Fryars Bridge at Black Fryars, thall have continuance, and be paid and payable city's being to the faid mayor and commonalty, and citizens, until they thall, reimbursed by and out of the nett produce thereof to arise or accrue from and faid annuities, after the twenty ninth day of September, one thoufand feven hun- &c. dred and feventy (after deducting the charges of the collection thereof, and the charges which will attend the making and executing the bonds by this act directed to be given, and the obtainring and paffing of this prefent act, which they are hereby authorized to retain) receive and be reimburfed, all fuch fum and fums of money as they fhall have advanced in payment of the faid annuities, or for the redemption thereof, together with interest for the money so advanced at and after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum; but from and immediately after fuch reimbursement fhall have been made and completed, the faid tolls fhall ceafe and determine, and be no longer paid or payable; any law, ftatute, or prescription, to the contrary thereof, in any ways notwithstanding.

in the laid


LI. And be it further enacted, That the ground and foil of Ground emthe faid river fo to be inclosed and embanked, in the front of banked to veft every fuch respective wharf or ground (and which shall be bounded on the east and weft fides thereof by ftraight lines running, at right angles, to and upon the faid intended front line) thall vett, and the fame is hereby vested in the owner or owners, proprietor or proprietors, of fuch adjoining wharf or ground, according to his, her, or their respective eftates, trufts, or interests therein, free from all taxes and affeffiments whatsoever.

LII. And, in order to provide a fund for defraying the expences of lighting, watching, cleanfing, and repairing, the faid intended bridge when built, be it further enacted, That the ground and foil of the The ground faid river, which by virtue of this act (hall be fo inclosed and em- to be embanked, thall, from and after the twenty ninth day of September, owners, fubbanked by the one thoufand feven hundred and fixty feven, be for ever fubject ject to a quitto, and the fame is hereby charged with, the following yearly quit- rent of 1 q. rents; that is to say, as to fo much thereof as thall be fo inclosed per foot; and embanked by or at the expence of the refpective owners or proprietors of the adjoining wharfs or grounds, to and with a yearly quit-rent of one farthing fterling per foot, fuperficial meafure, for every fuperficial foot thereof; and as to fo much of the and if by the faid ground and foil as fhall be fo inclofed and embanked by or- city, to a der and at the expence of the faid mayor, aldermen, and com- quit-rent of mons, in common council affembled, as aforefaid, to and with a id. per foot. yearly quit-rent of one penny sterling per foot, fuperficial meafure, for every fuperficial foot thereof; which faid yearly quitrents shall be, and the fame are hereby vested in and payable to the faid mayor and commonalty, and citizens, for ever, to and for


Tenants by

faid quit


the uses, intents, and purposes, herein after mentioned, of and concerning the fame; and shall be yearly paid and payable into the receipt of the chamber of the faid city of London, upon the twenty fifth day of March, and twenty ninth day of September, in every year, by even and equal portions; the firft of such payments to begin and be made upon fuch of the said days as thall first and next happen after fuch respective embankments shall have been finished and completed.

LIII. And be it further enacted, That the faid quit-rents, fo leafe to pay charged upon, and payable in refpect of, the ground and foil of the faid river, lying oppofite and contiguous to any wharfs or grounds, which, at the time of fuch respective embankments, fhall be held by any tenant or tenants, by virtue of or under any leafe or leafes thereof, or any agreement or agreements in writ ing, fhall, during the continuance of the term or intereft of fuch tenant or tenants therein respectively, be paid and payable by fuch tenant or tenants, over and above the rents referved and made payable by fuch leafe er leafes, agreement or agreements, refpec. tively.

and in cafe of LIV. Provided always, That where the faid ground and foil embankment of the river, oppofite and contiguous to any of the faid wharfs or by the land grounds, thall be inclofed or embanked, by or at the charge of Jord, to pay the landlord or landlords of fuch wharf or ground refpectively, the tenant or tenants thereof, holding under fuch leafe or leafes, agreement or agreements, thall, during the continuance of his, her, or their term or intereft therein, pay unto his, her, or their respective landlord or landlords, over and above the faid quitrent, and the rent or rents referved and made payable by fuch lease or leafes, agreement or agreements, an additional yearly rent of three farthings per foot, fuperficial measure, for every fuperficial foot contained in the ground and foil fo inclofed and embanked for him, her, or them refpectively; which additional rent or rents shall commence and take place at the fame time as the quit-rents hereby reserved and made payable to the mayor and commonalty, and citizens, of the faid city, are directed to take place, and shall be paid and payable, and shall and may be recovered, in fuch and the like manner as the faid original rent or rents is or are referved and recoverable by or under such lease or leases, agreement or agreements; any thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any ways notwithstanding.

an additional rent of 39. per foot.

Tenants in

ments to the city,

LV. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That in all demnified for cafes not herein before mentioned and provided for, the tenant their payor tenants of any of the faid wharfs or grounds fhall and may pay into the receipt of the chamber of the faid city, the quitrent hereby made payable in refpect of the ground and foil oppofite and contiguous to his, her, or their refpective wharfs or grounds, and deduct the fame out of the rent or rents which he, fhe, or they, fhall be liable to pay to his, her, or their respective landlord or landlords; and, upon payment of fuch quit-rents, fhall be acquitted and discharged of fo much money as the fame shall amount unto, as if the fame had actually been paid to fuch landlord

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