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Counsellors of the Massachusetts, & of New Hampshire.

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Penhallow says: "For a further Ratification of this Treaty, several Gentlemen of both Governments went from Portsmouth to Casco, where a great Body of Indians were assembled, to know the Result of matters. It being a Custom among them on all such occasions, to have the whole of their Tribes present; having no other Record of conveying to posterity, but what they communicate from father to son, and so to the son's son. When the several Articles were read and explained by Interpreters, upon Oath, (the Delegates being present) they signified an unanimous consent and satisfaction, by loud Huzzas and Acclamations of joy: Many presents were then made them, which were thankfully received, and every Tribe had their proportion given out; but they were so disorderly, that Mauxis (altho' he was the chief Sagamore in all the Eastern parts) was robbed, by the morning, of all he had; upon which he made a miserable complaint unto the English next day, of the unruliness of his young men, who had stolen away all he had, therefore begged a new supply. But altho' their Government is so Anarchical, and their chiefs have so little respect and honour shewn them, yet in their Council they observe a very excellent decorum; not suffering any to speak but one at a time; which is deliver'd with such a remarkable pathos and surprizing gravity, that there is neither smile nor whisper to be observed, until he that speaks has finished his discourse, who then sits down, and after that another riseth up."

The Cause formerly depending between Mr. Dan" Rogers, of Ipswich, and the freehold Commoners, of Hampton, be continued till the next sessions of His Excellency the Govern" and Council.

Adja till to-morrow morning, tenn of the clock, ante merediem.

[P. 455.] Province of New Hampshire.

Att a Council and General Assembly
held at Portsmouth on Thursday, the
16th of July, Anno Domini 1713.

His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., Governour,

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Richard Waldron,

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Robert Elliot,

The following address to Her Majestie having been Read at this Board and agreed upon by the Council, was sent to the House of Representatives for their concurrence, who readily complyed therewith:

To the Queen's Most Excellent Majestie:

The Humble Address of Her Majestie' Council, and Representatives of Her Majestie's province of New Hampshire, convend in General Assembly,

Most Humbly Sheweth,

That whereas for many years past we have suffered to the Greatest Extremity by a Continual Warr and more particularly by the Barbarous usage and unheard of cruelties of our Rebellious neighbours the Indians, notwithstanding which with the expence of much of our Blood & Treasure wee have hitherto preserved and Defended this your Majestie's province against all opposers, being always confident that the Reiterated successes of your Majestie's Glorious Arms in Europe, would by your Majestie's wise Councils & steady conduct produce at last an Honourable & a lasting peace; and wee now with Grateful Hearts congratulate [P. 456.] your Majestie thereupon, for that this peace effects the Remotest parts of yo' Majestie's Dominions, and wee already Taste the good fruits and effects thereof, in that the Rebellious Indians are Reduced to their obedience; Your Majestie's Governour here by his good Conduct in this as in all other the affairs of the Goverment has brought them to an entire submission to your Majestie and agreement to Articles of pacification, which now gives us a fair prospect of sitting under our vines and figg Trees and none to make us afraid.

And since nothing cann add more to the Glories of your Majes

tie's Reign than this last instance of your great care and concern of the Repose (not only of your Majestie's subjects but that) of all christendom, in bringing about soe happy a peace through soe many insuperable Difficulties, it remains wee daily pray to almighty God that your Majestie's life and Reign may be long and prosperous in this world, and that your Majestie may, in the world to come, for ever enjoy the blessing to which peace makers are entitled.

Portsmo in New Hamp

in New England, the 16th

of July, 1713.

16th July, 1713. past by the Council and sent down to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

Signed in p'sence and by

order of the House of Repre


Richard Gerrish,


Cha. Story, Secretary.

Wee are your Majestie's Most Loyal and Dutiful subjects, the Council & Assembly of your Majtie's province of New Hampshire.

Signed in presence and by order of the Council.

Cha: Story, Secretary.

[P. 457.]

Province of the Massachusetts Bay. Anno

Regni Annæ Reginæ Dudecimo.*

Att a session of the Great and General
Court or Assembly begun and held at
Boston upon Wednesday, the 27th May,

June 3, 1713. The following order past in Council Agreed to by the House of Representatives, viz:

For quieting the present Disputes betwixt the Borderers upon the Bound Line of this province and the province of New Hampshire, and the demand of Taxes from them by the Goverments of the provinces aforesaid,

* In the twelfth year of the reign of Queen Anne.

Ordered, That John Appleton, John Higginson & Thomas Noyes, Esqs., be comms on the part of this Goverment with such as shall be appointed by the Goverment of New Hampshire, to goe upon the place & to agree upon such families and persons by name, who shall be considered as present Inhabitants and pay taxes within the said Respective Goverments, untill the Bound Line betwixt them be Orderly and Regularly stated and settled;

That Her Majestie's Subjects be not oppressed by paying of Double taxes.

Isaac Addington, Secretary.

Voted, That John Plaisted, Mark Hunking and John Wentworth be a committee for this province to joyne with a committee appointed by the Gen" Assembly of the Massachusetts as in the paper (above) annexed, to goe upon the Boarders of the provinces of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, between Hampton and Salisbury, and there view the families, persons and ratable estates and to agree to which Town each shall pay their publick Taxes until the Bound Line be Regularly stated and settled or further order taken therein.

16th July, 1713. Past by the Council.

Cha: Story, Secretary. [P. 485.] Concurred by the House of Representatives, with an addition that the same committee pass the Line alsoe between Kingstown and Amesbury and Haverel.

Sam" Keais, Clerk.

The following petition of the Inhabitants of Bloody point was read at this Board, in hæc verba sequen:

To His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., Capt" General and Govern' in Chief in and over Her Majestie's provinces of the Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, &c., and the House of Representatives now in General Assembly Convena.

The petition of the Inhabitants of Bloody point within the Limitts of the Townshipp of Dover, with some few of the out skirts of Portsmouth, most humbly sheweth,

That yo' petition" living soe remote from the publick worship and under great Inconveniences to attend the same, have of late erected a meeting House and obtained a tract of sixty Acres of Land for the accommodation of a minister among them with a firm resolution (by the Divine assistance) of giving him an Honorable maintenance to the utmost of their abilitie.

But the taxes demanded of us from whence wee doe belong doe Render us under soe insuperable a difficulty of doing as otherwise wee could wish.

Wherefore most humbly pray that your Excellency (who hitherto has distinguished your self from others in promoting the publick worship of God) would please soe to Order that wee your petitioners by maintaining the minister, school and poor among [P. 459.] our selves may be exempted from all other charges save only the province tax and tax of the Assembly.

All which wee humbly conceive to be most reasonable; and whereas nothing now is wanting to effect the same but your Excellency's concurrence, we most humbly crave that your Excellency will grant our request herein and yor petition" shall pray as in duty bound, &c.

Geo. Huntris,

Jno Dam,

Joseph Richards,

Joseph Rawlings,"
Rich Downing,
Jethro Bickford,
Thomas Bickford,
Sam" Huntris,

John Hogsden,

Henry Lanster,

John Downing,
Tho. Trickey,
Andrew Peters,

Jn° Warenfol,

Jn Rawlings,
Wm Whilam,
Clemet Misharyye,
Alex' Hogsden,

Wm Hoit,
Sam" Rawlins,
Sam" Tomson,
Wm Furber,

Clemet Misharvye,
John Fabyan,
Nathan Knight,

Jno Pickering, tertius,
Benj. Richards,
John Knight,
John Downing,
John Knight,
John Bickford,
Hate Evil Nutter,
James Rawlins,
Moses Damm,
Henry Nute,
Tho. Leighton,
Joshua Crocket,
John Nutter,

Wm Shackford,

Rich Pumery,

John Hueson,

Tho. Row,

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