The Iron Ores of Great Britain and Ireland: Their Mode of Occurrence, Age, and Origin, and the Methods of Searching for and Working Them, with a Notice of Some of the Iron Ores of Spain

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C. Lockwood and son, 1893 - 430 halaman

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Halaman 17 - THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF CARPENTRY : a Treatise on the Pressure and Equilibrium of Timber Framing, the Resistance of Timber, and the Construction of Floors, Arches, Bridges, Roofs, Uniting Iron and Stone with Timber, &c. To which is added an Essay on the Nature and Properties of Timber...
Halaman 6 - Handsomely lithographed and printed. It will find favour with many who desire to preserve In a permanent form copies of the plans and specifications prepared for the guidance of the contractors for many important engineering works.
Halaman 28 - IRON-PLATE WEIGHT TABLES. For Iron Shipbuilders, Engineers, and Iron Merchants. Containing the Calculated Weights of upwards of 150,000 different sizes of Iron Plates from i foot by 6 in. by J in. to 10 feet by 5 feet by i in. Worked out on the Basis of 40 Ibs. to the square foot of Iron of i inch in thickness. By H. BURLINSON and WH SIMPSON.
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Halaman 18 - Timber Merchant. THE PRACTICAL TIMBER MERCHANT. Being a Guide for the use of Building Contractors, Surveyors, Builders, &c., comprising useful Tables for all purposes connected with the Timber Trade, Marks of Wood Essay on the Strength of Timber, Remarks on the Growth of Timber, &c. By W. RICHARDSON. Fcap. 8vo, 35. 6d. cloth. "This handy manual contains much valuable information for the use of timber merchants* builders, foresters, and all others connected with the growth, sale, and manufacture of...
Halaman 9 - Practical Mathematics. MATHEMATICS for PRACTICAL MEN ; being a Commonplace Book of Pure and Mixed Mathematics. Designed chiefly for the Use of Civil Engineers, Architects, and Surveyors. Part I. PURE MATHEMATICS — comprising Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Conic Sections, Properties of Curves. Part II. MIXED MATHEMATICS — comprising Mechanics in general, Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics, Pneumatics, Mechanical Agents, Strength of Materials...
Halaman 16 - There is comprised in it every possible shape into which the letters of the alphabet and numerals can be formed, and the talent which has been expended in the conception of the various plain and ornamental letters is wonderful.
Halaman 1 - Driving. LOCOMOTIVE-ENGINE DRIVING ; a Practical Manual for Engineers in charge of Locomotive Engines. By MICHAEL REYNOLDS, MSE, formerly Locomotive Inspector LB and SCR Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged.
Halaman 35 - Weekly Labour Account and Diary, and showing the Income and Expenditure under each Department of Crops, Live Stock, Dairy, &c., &c. With Valuation, Profit and Loss Account, and Balance Sheet at the End of the Year. By JOHNSON M. WOODMAN, Chartered Accountant Second Edition. Folio, half-bound Net 7/6 " Contains every requisite form for keeping farm accounts readily and accurately.

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