Gambar halaman

Die antropologischen Sammlungen Deutschlands, en Verzeichniss des in Deutschland vorhandenen anthropologischen Materials nach Beschluss der deutschen 'anthropologischen Gesellschaft zusammengestellt unter Leitung des Vorsitzenden der zu diesem Zwecke ernannten Commission. H. Schaffhausen. I. Bonn. II. Göttingen. III. Freiberg i. Br. IV. Königsberg i. Pr. V. Berlin.

ARANA, DIEGO BARROS.-Notas para una bibiliografia de obras anonimas i seudonimas sobre la historia, la jeografia i la literatura de America. Santiago de Chile: Imprenta Nacional, 171 pp. 4to.

Archæological Institute of America. Boston: First Annual Report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

Third Annual Report of the Executive Committee. Cambridge. 8vo.

Publications. Classical series, No. 1. Boston. 8vo. [See Joseph Thacher Clarke, under Archæol.]

Astor Library. The Thirty-Fourth Annual Report shows the numbers of readers, alcove readers, and accessions by classes, as archæology, ethnology, mythology, etc. ATKINSON, W. H.-Three reports on nomenclature and terminology. Pp. 6, 12, 6. 5 cents each. Noticed in Pop. Sc. Month., Oct.

BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE.-History of the Pacific States of North America. Vol. I. Central America. Vol. I. 1501-1580. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft & Co., 704 pp. 8vo. [Bibliography, pp. xxv-lxxii, nearly 2,000 titles. This work is the fruit of great labor and cost.]

BAUMGARTEN, JHS.-Amerika: eine ethnographische Rundreise durch den Kontinent und die Antillen. Charakterbilder, Sittenschilderungen, Scenen aus dem Volksleben. Nach den besten und neuesten deutschen und ausländischen Quellen bearbeitet. Stuttgart: Rieger, viii, 456 pp. 8vo.

BERTILLON.-De la méthode statistique dans l'anthropologie. Ann. de démog. internat., Paris, vi, pp. 69-100.

Le Musée d'ethnographie du Trocadéro (La Nature), 10 juin et 2 sept. 1882. 2 pl.

Bibliotheca (Americana), 1883. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 6,589 titles. BOEHMER, GEORGE H.-History of the Smithsonian exchanges. From the Smithsonian Report for 1881. Smithson. Inst., 1882.

Bulletin trimestriel des antiquités africaines, publié par la Société de géographe et d'archéologie de la Province d'Oran. 1 fasc., July, 1882. Mayenne.

CAT, E.-Les grandes découvertes maritimes du 13. au 16. siècle. Paris: Degorce Cadot. 12mo.

Congrès international d'anthropologie et d'archéologie historique, session de Lisbonne. Notes archéologiques sur le Portugal. Bull. de l'acad. d'archéol. de Belgique, 3 sér., pt. 2, xxiii. Anvers, 1882,

CREVAUX.-Voyage dans l'Amérique du Sud. Rev. scientifique, xxx, p. 822.

DELAUNAY, G.-De la méthode en anthropologie. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop., Paris, 3 s., V, p. 55.

DEL LUPO, M.-Contribuzione agli studj di antropologia. Firenze. 8vo. [Riv. sc. industr. di Firenze.]

DRAPEYRON, L.-En France et en Italie.

Le Congres international de Venise. Paris:

Delagrave, br. in 8vo.; ext. Revue de Géog.

É'cole d'anthropologie. Paris.

Encéphale. A periodical in Paris. [Not seen.]

FLETCHER, R.-Paul Broca and the French school of anthropology. Saturday Lectures.

Washington, pp. 113–142.

The French Association in 1882. Rochelle:

Prunières, Dr. Trépanation préhistorique.

Carret, Jules. Le goîtrisme.

The French Association in 1882.

Manouvrier, Dr. Sur la force des muscles fléchisseurs des doits chez l'homme et chez la femme, et sur le poids de l'encéphale.

Delaunay, Dr. Gaeton. Sur la gaucherie.

Bourgès, M.

Essai de transformisme au point de vue spiritualiste.

Manouvrier. Grandeur comparé des diverses régions du crâne dans les deux sexes. Prunières, Dr. Bois rougés par les castors.

Blessure des os par des fléches en silex.

Buchon, Dr.

Présence prolongée d'instruments en fer dans les os.

Fuchs, Edward. Une station préhistorique au Cambodge.

Leguay, M. Gravure des os par le silex.

GAFFAREL, P.-Les Américanistes. Rev. pol. et littéraire, xxviii, p. 600, 1881. GALTON, FRANCIS.-The anthropometric laboratory. Fortnightly, March. Globus. Illustrirte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde, mit besonderer Berück sichtigung der Anthropologie und Ethnologie. Begründet von Karl Andree. In Verbindung mit Fachmännern herausgegeben von Dr. Richard Keipert. Erschiener ist: Erster biss einund vierzigster Band complet. Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig.

HARRISSE, HENRY.-Vie de Jean et Sébastian Cabot. Paris: E. Leroux, Bibliographs, pp. 370-375.

Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors and subjects. Vol. III. Cholecyanin-Dzondi. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882. 1020 pp., 4to. [See sub voces: Circumcision, Civilization, Climate, Color, Color-Blindness, Cosmetics, Craniology, Craniometry, Cranium, Cremation, Cretinism, Crime and Criminals, Curare, Darwin, Deaf-mutes, Deformities, Demonology, Development.]

Laboratoire d'anthropologie de l'École des hautes études, Paris. Lectures as follows: M. Topinard, upon anthropometry.

M. Chudzinski, upon comparative anatomy.

M. Manouvrier, upon craniometry.

M. Hervé, application of the microscope to anthropology.

LETOURNEAU, CH.-Dictionnaire des sciences anthropologiques.

Paris, 5o livraison.

LITTLEFIELD, GEORGE E.-Catalogue of books and pamphlets relating to the American Indians, etc.


LUBBOCK, Sir JOHN.-Origin of civilization. New edition. Published by D. Appleton & Co., N. Y.

MASON, OTIS T.-A scheme of anthropology. A. A. A. S., Montreal.

What is anthropology? Saturday Lectures. Washington: Judd & Detweiler. MELLO, MORAES.-Revista da exposição anthropologica braziliera. Rio de Janeiro: Poriheiro, 4 fasc., 1-16 ill.


arqueológica del Museo nacional de México. entreg. 7.

Catálogo de las Colecciones historica y

Anales d. Mus. nac. de Méx., tom. ii,

MIKLUKHO-MACLAY.-Results of his ethnographic researches published in J. Straits Branch, R. As. Soc., 1878 and 1879. [Nature, Dec. 7 and 12.]

MOLTETT, J. N.-Dictionary of words used in art and archæology. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 417 pp., 750 ill. 4to.

MURRAY, JOHN O'KANÉ.-Catholic pioneers of America. New York: P. J. Kennedy, 300 pp. 16mo.

NORDENSKJOLD, Baron A. E.-The voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. London: Macmillan & Co. [Important for the tribes of northeastern Asia.] Neuva Reuvista de Buenos Aires. Dirijida por Vicento G. Quesada.

Peabody Museum. XVth annual report. Cambridge, vol. iii, No. 2. [See Putnam, under Archæology.]

PITT-RIVERS, Maj. Gen. A.-Anniversary address to the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. J. Anthrop. Inst., xi, No. 4.

Revue d'anthropologie.-11th year. Edited by Topinard, Paris.

Revue d'ethnographie.-Under the direction of Dr. Hamy. The first volume appeared in bi-monthly parts in 1882.

POWELL, J. W.-Contributions to North American Ethnology. Vol. V. Washington: Government Printing Office. Containing papers by Rau, Fletcher, and Thomas. SHEA, J. G.—Early Franciscan missions in this country. Am. Catholic Quart. Rev., Jan.

Société Américane de France. Paris, au bureau de l'Institution ethnographique. The society has published Actes, Vols. I, II, and III, and Archives, series I and II. The first president, Aubin, was elected in 1857.

Société d'ethnographie Actes de la.-Compte rendue des séances: Notices scientifiques discours, rapports et instructions; publiées par les secrétaires. VI, 3o partie. Paris. 8vo.

STIEDA, Dr. LUDWIG.-Die anthropologische Ausstellung in Moskau, 1879. Archiv f. Anthrop., xiv, pp. 258-325. [Excellent and exhaustive.]

Der V. (russische) archäologische Congress in Tiflis, 1881. Id., pp. 326–334. TOPINARD, Paul.-L'équerre céphalométrique. Rev. d'anthrop., v, pp. 260–265. Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington, years 1, 2, and 3. Feb. 10, 1879-Jan. 17, 1882. Washington: Judd & Detweiler, 142 pp. 8vo. TRÜBNER'S catalogue of dictionaries and grammars of the principal languages and dialects of the world. 2d ed. London: Trübner's, viii, 170 pp. 8vo.

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VIRCHOW, RUDOLF.-The Archeological Congress in Tiflis, 1881. (Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berlin, 1882, pp. 74–111.)

WHITTLESEY, CHARLES.-List of the Whittlesey papers, a collection of all the publications of Col. Charles Whittlesey. Published by the Western Reserve Hist. Soc.. Cleveland, Ohio.

H. Mis. 26- -43




My expedition to the country of the Guatuso Indians resulted happily. We succeeded in penetrating to the very palenques (habitations) of the Indians, who fled to the forest on our approach, having abandoned all their instruments, arms, provisions, and utensils. By following the tracks of the Indians we managed to visit several of their palenques, but it was not possible for us to surprise one of them. Notwithstanding the ferocity and courage with which the Guatusos have been credited, they made no attempt to resist or do us any harm, doubtless because of our numbers, and that they took us at first for huleros (rubber men), who are for them the creatures most abhorred, on account of the depredations which have been committed, children seized and taken to Nicaragua to be sold as slaves, men murdered, women violated, and other cruelties committed which are hardly credible in this age.

After many excursions, during which we scoured the borders of the rivers Pataste and La Muerte, the principal affluents of the Rio Frio, both navigable, we encountered a party of Nicaragua huleros, who, practiced in the business, had surprised an Indian and had him tied up to a tree like a beast. After some information was obtained from them, through respect for Señor D. B. A. Shiel, bishop of Costa Rica, who was at the head of the expedition, they offered the Indian for use as a guide in our excursions.

Another party of our expedition succeeded, the same day that we met the huleros, in surprising another Indian who was secured after much difficulty and resistance.

The two Indians were brought together in our camp, where we treated them in the best manner possible. Giving them clothing and various presents, we made them understand, through the means of the interpreter who accompanied us, that we were not huleros (chiuti) but brothers (tzaca), that we were going to do them all good and deliver them from the attacks of the huleros, and concluded by asking them to take us to the palenques (upola) where their families were, that we might give them the various objects which we showed, especially the knives and

* Translation of a portion of a letter written by Don Leon Fernandez, on November 24, 1882, to Dr. J. F. Bransford.

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