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Yet at my parting sweetly did she smile, In scorn or friendship, nill I construe whether; 'Tmay be, she joy'd to jest at my exile, 'Tmay be, again to make me wander thither: "Wander," a word for shadows like myself, As take the pain, but cannot pluck the pelf.


Ard, how mine eyes throw gazes to the east!
My heart doth charge the watch; the morning rise
Doth cite each moving sense from idle rest.
Not daring trust the office of mine eyes,

While Philomela sits and sings, I sit and mark,
And wish her lays were tuned like the lark;
For she doth welcome daylight with her ditty,
And drives away dark dismal-dreaming night:
The night so pack'd, I post unto my pretty;
Heart hath his hope, and eyes their wished sight;
Sorrow changed to solace, solace mix'd with sorrow;
For why she sigh'd, and bade me come to-morrow.
Were I with her, the night would post too soon;
But now are minutes added to the hours;
To spite me now, each minute seems a moon ;
Yet not for me, shine sun to succour flowers!

Pack night, peep day; good day, of night now borrow: Short, night, to-night, and length thyself to-morrow.

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Whenas thine eye hath chose the dame,
And stall'd the deer that thou shouldst strike,
Let reason rule things worthy blame,
As well as fancy, partial like:

Take counsel of some wiser head,
Neither too young, nor yet unwed.
And when thou com'st thy tale to tell,
Smooth not thy tongue with filèd talk,
Lest she some subtle practice smell;
(A cripple soon can find a halt:)

But plainly say thou lov'st her well,
And set thy person forth to sell.
And to her will frame all thy ways;
Spare not to spend,-and chiefly there
Where thy desert may merit praise,
By ringing in thy lady's ear:

The strongest castle, tower, and town,
The golden bullet beats it down.
Serve always with assured trust,
And in thy suit be humble, true;
Unless thy lady prove unjust,
Seek never thou to choose anew:

When time shall serve, be thou not slack
To proffer, though she put thee back.
What though her frowning brows be bent,
Her cloudy looks will clear ere night;
And then too late she will repent,
That she dissembled her delight;

And twice desire, ere it be day, That which with scorn she put away. What though she strive to try her strength, And ban and brawl, and say thee nay, Her feeble force will yield at length, When craft hath taught her thus to say,"Had women been so strong as men, In faith, you had not had it then." The wiles and guiles that women work, Dissembled with an outward show, The tricks and toys that in them lurk, The cock that treads them shall not know. Have you not heard it said full oft, A woman's nay doth stand for naught? Think women love to match with men, And not to live so like a saint: Here is no heaven; they holy then Begin, when age doth them attaint. Were kisses all the joys in bed, One woman would another wed. But, soft enough,-too much I fear; For if my mistress hear my song, She will not stick to ring mine ear, To teach my tongue to be so long: Yet will she blush, here be it said, To hear her secrets so bewray'd.


As it fell upon a day,
In the merry month of May,
Sitting in a pleasant shade

Which a grove of myrtles made,'

Beasts did leap, and birds did sing,

Trees did grow, and plants did spring;

Everything did banish moan,

Save the nightingale alone:

She, poor bird, as all forlorn,

Lean'd her breast up-till a thorn,

And there sung the dolefull'st ditty,
That to hear it was great pity:
"Fie, fie, fie," now would she cry;
"Tereu, Tereu!" by and by;

That to hear her so complain,
Scarce I could from tears refrain;
For her griefs, so lively shewn,
Made me think upon mine own.
Ah, thought I, thou mouru'st in vain!
None takes pity on thy pain:

Senseless trees, they cannot hear thee;
Ruthless bears, they will not cheer thee:
King Pandion, he is dead;

All thy friends are lapp'd in lead;
All thy fellow-birds do sing,
Careless of thy sorrowing.
Even so, poor bird, like thee,
None alive will pity me.

Whilst as fickle Fortune smiled,
Thou and I were both beguiled.
Every one that flatters thee
Is no friend in misery.

Words are easy, like the wind;

Faithful friends are hard to find:

Every man will be thy friend,

Whilst thou hast wherewith to spend;

But if store of crowns be scant,
No man will supply thy want.
If that one be prodigal,
Bountiful they will him call,
And with such-like flattering,
"Pity but he were a king."
If he be addict to vice,
Quickly him they will entice;
If to women he be bent,

They have him at commandèment:
But if fortune once do frown,
Then farewell his great renown;
They that fawn'd on him before,
Use his company no more.
He that is thy friend indeed,
He will help thee in thy need:
If thou sorrow, he will weep;
If thou wake, he cannot sleep;
Thus, of every grief in heart,
He with thee does bear a part.
These are certain signs to know
Faithful friend from flattering foe.


(From the additional poems to CHESTER'S Love's Martyr, or Rosalin's Complaint, 1601.)

LET the bird of loudest lay,
On the sole Arabian tree,
Herald sad and trumpet be,

To whose sound chaste wings obey.

But thou, shrieking harbinger,
Foul pre-currer of the fiend,
Augur of the fever's end,

To this troop come thou not near.

From this session interdict
Every fowl of tyrant wing,
Save the eagle, feather'd king;
Keep the obsequy so strict.

Let the priest in surplice white,
That defunctive music can,
Be the death-divining swan,
Lest the requiem lack his right.
And thou, treble-dated crow,
That thy sable gender mak'st
With the breath thou giv'st and tak'st,
'Mongst our mourners shalt thou go.
Here the anthem doth commence:-
Love and constancy is dead:
Phoenix and the turtle fled
In a mutual flame from hence.
So they loved, as love in twain
Had the essence but in one;
Two distincts, division none:
Number there in love was slain.
Hearts remote, yet not asunder;
Distance, and no space was seen
'Twixt the turtle and his queen:
But in them it were a wonder.
So between them love did shine,
That the turtle saw his right
Flaming in the phoenix's sight;
Either was the other's mine.

Property was thus appall'd,

That the self was not the same;
Single nature's double name
Neither two nor one was call'd.
Reason, in itself confounded,
Saw division grow together,
To themselves yet either-neither.
Simple were so well compounded;
That it cried, How true a twain
Seemeth this concordant one!
Love hath reason, reason none,
If what parts can so remain.
Whereupon it made this threne
To the phoenix and the dove,
Co-supremes and stars of love,
As chorus to their tragic scene.


Beauty, truth, and rarity,
Grace in all simplicity,
Here enclosed in cinders lie.
Death is now the phoenix's nest;
And the turtle's loyal breast
To eternity doth rest,
Leaving no posterity:-
'Twas not their infirmity,
It was married chastity.

Truth may seem, but cannot be ;
Beauty brag, but 'tis not she;
Truth and beauty buried be.

To this urn let those repair
That are either true or fair;

For these dead birds sigh a prayer.


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Approved, seen, experienced, worthy.

Aqua vite, whisky.
Arabian bird, phoenix.
Arbitrement, decision.
Arch, boundary, chief.

Argosies, ships laden with rich cargoes.

Argentine, silvery.

Argier, Algiers.

Argument, subject, conversation, proof.

Aroynt, avaunt.

Arras, tapestry.
Art, theory.

Articulated, shewn in articles.
Artificial, ingenious.
Aspect, countenance.
Aspersion, sprinkling.
Assinego, ass.

Assurance, a deed.

Assured, affianced.

Astonished, stunned.

Astringer, falconer.

Ate, the goddess of discord.
Atone, reconcile.
Attach, arrest.
Attask, reprehend.
Attorney, deputation.
Aunts, loose women.
Aves, salutations.
Awful, lawful, reverend
Awkward, adverse.
Aye, ever.


Baccare, stand back.

Baffled, overreached. Bale, ruin.

Balk, to pile.

Balm, oil of consecration.

Bedlam, a madman.
Beguile, cheat.

Beg us, to beg the wardship of us.
Behave, govern.

Beholden, indebted.

Belongings, endowments
Bemoiled, bemired.
Bend, incline."
Benison, blessing.
Bent, arch, exertion.
Ben venuto, welcome.
Bermoothes, Bermudas.
Beshrew, ill betide.

Besmirch, discolour, stain.
Bested, plight.

Bestowed, deposited.

Bestraight, distracted.

Beteem, bestow, suffer.

Bevel, crooked.

Bewray, discover.

Bezonian, shabby fellow.

Bid, invited.

Biggin, a cap.

Bilberry, whortleberry.

Bilbo, from Bilboa, renowned for its swords.

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Blood, impulse, disposition, passion.

Banbury cheese, nothing but paring Bloodless, inactive."

Bund, bond.

Bandy, drive smartly.

Bane, poison.

Bans, curses.

Barbason, the name of a fiend. Barful, full of obstacles.

Barm, yeast.

Barne, a child.

Base, a challenge, a rustic game called prison-base, dishonoured. Bases, armour for the legs.

Basilico, a character in an old drama.
Basilisks, heavy artillery.
Basta, 'tis enough.
Bat, club.

Bate, flutter, contention.
Ballet, a clothes-beater.
Batten, to feed fat.

Battle, army.
Bavin, brushwood.
Bawcock, jolly fellow.
Bay-windows, bow-windows.
Bearing, demeanour, manner.
Bearing-cloth, the mantle in which
a child is carried to be baptized.
Bear in hand, to delude.

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Bed of Ware, a bed which held forty Bravery, finery.

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Carl, peasant.

Carlot, churl, peasant.
Carpet, a table-cloth.

Carracks, ships of great burden.
Carry, manage.

Carry coals, submit to any indignity.
Case, exterior, outside, to strip.
Cast, dismiss.

Castigation, penance. Castilian, cant term for Spaniard. Cataian, a lying sharper, romancer. Cat the adage, "the cat would eat fish, and would not wet her feet.” Catlings, lute strings. Cautelous, cautious, insidious. Caviare, a Russian delicacy made of the roe of sturgeons, and limited in its use to the nobility, therefore too good for the common people. Cease, perish.

Censure, judgment, opinion, sen


Centre, the world.

Century, a company of a hundred



Cliff, key.

Clerkly, scholarly.

Cling, shrivel, wither.
Clip, embrace.

Clothier's yard, an arrow a cloth yard long.

Clout, the white mark at which archers shoot.

Coach-fellow, accomplice.

Coasting welcome, conciliatory ad

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Combine, bind.

Comforting, encouraging. Comiaa, connexion. Commended, committed. Commission, authority. Commodity, interest.

Commonly, comedy.

Compact, composed of.

Compact of credit, composed of cre dulity.

Companies, companions.

Companion, fellow.

Comparative, opponent.

Compare, comparison.

Comparisons, circumstances.

Compass'd, arched.

Compassed window, bow-window, Compassionate, complaining Competitor, confederate.

Complement, union.

Complements, accomplishments.

Complexion, humour.

Comply, compliment.

Compose, agree.

Composition, consistency.

Composture, manure.

Compt, account.

Comptible, accountable.

Conceit, wit, idea.

Conceited, ingenious.

Concent, harmony.

Conception, understanding.

Conclusion, riddle, experiment.

Concupy, concupiscence.

Condition, vocation, character, qual

ity, temper.

Condolement, mourning.

Conduct, guide, conductor.
Coney-calching, thieving.

Confession, profession.

Confound, expend, consume.
Comes, rabbits.

Conjects, conjectures.
Consent, conspiracy.
Consist, insist.

Consorted, accompanied.

Constant, firm, stable-minded.

Contemptible, contemptuous.

Content, to acquiesce.

Continent, temperate.

Continents, contents, confines.

Continuate, continual.

Contraction, marriage contract.

Contringed, compressed."

Contrive, spend, wear away.

Control, confute.

Convent, to serve.

Convented, summoned.

Convey, manage, theft.

Conveyance, artifice.

Convicted, overpowered.

Convince, convict, attain, overpower. Convive, to feast.

Copatain, high crowned.

Cope, encounter, the heavens. Copy, lease, subject, theme. Corky, deceitful, withered. Corollary, a surplus number. Corrigible, corrected, humble. Costard, a head.

Coted, overtook.

Cotsale, Cotswold, Gloucestershire. Couch, to cower.

Council, the Star Chamber.

Count-confect, a nobleman made out of sugar.

Counter, a hunting phrase.
Counter-caster, expresive of con-
tempt, as a mere clerk.

Counterfeit, likeness, portra ̧
Countergate, prison.

Counterpoints, counterpanes.

Counts, scars, marks.

County, count.

Courage, ardour.

Courser's hair, it was imagined that a horse hair placed in stagnant water became an animal.

Court-cupboard, side-board.
Courtesies, ceremony.

Court holy-water, fair words.

Covetousness, eagerness.

Cowl-staff, a staff for carrying a basket.

Coy, to stroke, to caress,

Coystril, keystril, a bastard hawk, a contemptible rascal.

Coziers, cobblers.

Crab, wild apple.

Crack, a stripling, lively.
Cranking, bending.

Crants, garlands.

Crare, a slow-sailing vessel.

Craren, a coward.

Credent, unquestionable.

Crescent, growing.

Crescive, increasing.

Cressets, lights.

Crest, perfection.
Crisp, bent.

Critical, censorious.
Critics, cynics.

Cross, a coin once current.

Crossed, thwarted.

Crow-keeper, scare-crow.
Crowned, dignified.
Crownct, coronet.
Cruel, crewell, worsted.
Crush, drink.

Cry, company, a pack.
Cry aim, to encourage.
Crystal, the eyes.
Cub-drawn, sucked dry.

Cubiculo, chamber.

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Cue, the last few words of a preced- Disrouched, contradicted.

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Entertain, recommend.
Entitled, ennobled.

Entreatments, favours entreated.
Envy, malice, hatred, spite.
Ephesians, dissolute persons.
Equipage, stolen property.
Erinnys, the spirit of discord.
Errant, twisted, wandering.
Erring, wandering.

Escape, escapade, exploit.
Escoted, paid.

Esil, Weisel, the river Vistula.

Esperance, hope, the motto of the

Percy family.
Espials, spies.
Essential, real.
Estate, high rank.
Estimate, price.

Estimation, conjecture.
Estridge, hawk.
Eterne, eternal.

Et tu, Brute, And thou, Brutus!
Even, remember, the fellow.
Ever parted, endowed.
Evitate, avoid.

Excrement, beard.

Executors, executioners.

Exempt, excluded, acquit.

Exequies, obsequies.

Exhibition, an allowance, mainten


Exigent, end.

Expect, expectation.

Expedience, expedition.

Expedient, expeditious.

Expense, waste.

Expiate, expired.

Expostulate, discuss.

Express, reveal.

Exsufficate, swollen, contemptible.

Extend, praise.

Extent, violence, seizure.

Extirped, extirpated.

Extravagant, wandering.

Extreme, extravagant.
Eyases, nestlings.

Eyas-musket, a young hawk.
Eye, presence.

Eye of green, shade of, tinge of green.
Eyne, eyes.

Eysell, vinegar.

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