Gambar halaman


Absence, leaves of, in competitive
class, 185-187; in non-competitive
class, 204.

Accounts, cases where certification
is not required, 264; regulation
concerning, 636.

Administrative regulations, 624.
Age limitations, 605, 629; change in
for architectural draughtsmen de-
nied, 250.

experiment station,
Geneva, positions in exempt class,
587; roster, 647-648.
Agriculture, department of, classifi-
cation amended, 227, 230; posi-
tions in exempt class, 586; stenog-
rapher transferred to, 254; roster,

Albany civil service, amendments to
rules approved, 439–440; summary

of report of commission, 486,
facing 528.

Albany normal college, roster, 724-5.
Albion, house of refuge for women,

see Western house of refuge,

Amendments, to civil service rules,
215-219; to classification, 220-231;
to regulations, 233-236; to rules
denied, 232.

Amsterdam civil service, summary
of report of commission, 486,
facing 528.

Appeals from ratings, during year,

43; regulation concerning, 632-

Applicants, names of, not to be pub-
lished, 247.

Applications to enter examinations,
604-605, 628-630.

Appointing officer, may require bond

of appointee, 607, reports of, 619-
620; term defined, 554, 578.
Appointing power, to suggest re-
garding examinations, 258.
Appointments, during year, in com-
petitive class, 106-123; in non-
competitive class, 204; in exempt
class, 76-105; in labor class, 205;
provisional, 124-125; without ex-
amination. 127, 128-162; statistics
of competitive, facing 62; under
rule VIII, § 10, 126; total since
organization of commission, com-
petitive class, 206-210; all classes,


rules concerning,
595, 601-604; law, rule and regu-
lation governing temporary, 565,
603, 640; recommendations for,
570; to be made by judicial dis-
tricts, 563, 634-635; to be made to
lowest grade, 575.
Appropriations for examination di-
vision, 44.

Architect, see State architect.


amended, 228; opinions of, 542-
549; positions in exempt class,
583; roster, 649.

Attorneys, accounts of, 256, 261.
Auburn civil service, amendments
to rules approved, 440-448;
amendments to rules disapproved,
473; inspection of, 28; summary
of report of commission, 487,
facing 528.

Auburn prison, superintendent. of
industries, 262; roster, 707-708.
Auburn prison for women, positions
in non-competitive class, 617; ros-
ter, 708-709.

Auditor, Erie county, classification
amended, 229.

Balcom, matter of, 29.

Banking department, classification
amended, 220, 226; positions in
exempt class, 584; positions in
non-competitive class, 615; roster,


Bannister r. City of New York, 539.
Barber examiners. State board of,
opinion of attorney-general con-
cerning, 542-545; exempt classifi-
cation established, 228; positions
in exempt class, 587; roster, 650.
Batavia, State school for blind, see
school for blind, Batavia.
Bath. Soldiers and sailors' home, see
Soldiers and sailors' home, Bath.
Bedford reformatory for women, see
Reformatory for women, Bedford.
Bennett v. City of New York, 541.
Berlinger . Wells, 534.
Binghamton civil service, amend-
ments to rules approved, 448-451;
amendments to rules disapproved,
473-474; summary of report of
commission, 488, facing 528.
Binghamton State hospital, request
for change in rule denied, 232;
roster, 696-697.

Board and lodgings, commutation City service, term defined, 554, 578.

for, 578, 637.

Boards of examiners, see Examiners.
Boards, State, see specific name of.
Boyle v. Greene, 541.
Brennan v. Sturgis, 541.

Brockport normal school, position
classed as laborer, 638.
Buffalo civil service, amendments to
rules approved, 451-454; inspec-
tion of. 28; summary of report of
commission, 489, facing 528.
Buffalo state hospital, roster, 697-

Burch, Weintz v., 532.

Callahan . Board of education, 541.
Canal affairs, bureau of, see Comp-

Cantor, Wiegand t., 536.
Carney v. Scannell, 541.
Certification for appointment, to be
made by judicial districts, 563,
634-635; rule concerning, 601;
ruling as to publication of, 243.
Certification for payment of serv-
ices, of attorneys, 256, 261; rule
concerning, 621–623; pending set-
tlement of litigation, 623; ruling
regarding accounts for temporary
and occasional services, 264, 265.
Chappel r. Lindenthal, 537.
Charitable institutions, positions in
exempt class, 586; positions in
non-competitive class, 617-618;
positions classed as laborers, 638-

Charities, board of, positions in
exempt class, 585; roster, 650–651.
Charities, fiscal supervisor of state,

see Fiscal supervisor of state

Chief examiner, annual report of,
37-46; duties of, 625-626.
Chief examiners, list of, 71.
Cities, civil service, amendments to
rules approved, 439-472; amend-
ments to rules disapproved, 473–
475; communication to municipal
commissions concerning annual
report, 483-485; cost of local ex-
aminations, 45; inspection of. 28;
law affecting, 559-561; law affect-
ing labor class in. 565; reports of
municipal commissions, 483-528;
rules, approved, 269-438; state-
ment concerning, 27-30; sug-
gestion regarding examinations,
30; suspension of competition ap-
proved, 476-479; disapproved, 480.
Citizenship and residence, 581, 604,


Civil service, term defined, 554, 577.
Civil service commission, appoint-

ment of commissioners, 554; ap-
pointees to take oath, 256; appro-
priations for examination divi-
sion, 44; changes in, 5; communi-
cation to municipal commissions,
483-485; general regulations of,
625-641; list of commissioners,
chief examiners and secretaries.
71; officers and employees of.
555; powers and duties of, 556;
president of, 625; procedure be-
fore, 23, 254; register of de-
partment, 65; reports of commis-
sioners, 240, 252-254, 258, 265;
resolutions of May 18, 1899 re-
scinded, 257-258; rooms for, 555-
556; roster, 651; special actions
and rulings of, 237-265.

Civil service laws, see Laws, civil

Claims, see Court of claims.
Class, term defined, 578.
Classification, action of commission
in establishing quasi-judicial, 531;
amendments to, 220-231; applica-
tions for rehearings on denied.
Kings county service, 249; as af-
fected by court decisions, 13-16;
exempt class, 16-20; non-competi-
tive class, 20-22; law affecting,
561: positions held to be confiden-
tial, Kings county, 531; requests
for changes in denied, 232; rule
concerning state service, 580-581;
table showing number of posi-
tions, 72-74.

Classified service, defined, 558; rule
concerning appointments in, 581;
rules for cities, 559; rules for
state, 558.

Clinton prison, positions in non-
competitive class, 617; roster, 709–


Cohoes civil service, inspection of
28; summary of report of commis-
sion, 490, facing 528.
Coler, Gilon v., 534.
Collier, Letts v., 531-532.
Collier, Sims v., 531.
Commission, term defined, 554, 577.
Commissions, State, see specific
name of.

Commutation, for board and lodg-
ings, 578, 637.

Compensation of laborers, 578;
right of justice of peace to re-
ceive for services as local exam-
iner, 251-252; term defined, 578.
Competitive class, appointments,
106-123, 206-210, 211; appoint-

ments under rule VIII, § 10, 126;
appointments without examina-
tion, 127, 128-162; deaths, 202-
203; law affecting, 562-564; leaves
of absence, 185–187; positions in,
595-596; positions arranged in
groups, 596-599; promotions,
163-178; provisional appoint-
ments, 124-125; reinstatements,
182-184; removals, 200-201; resig-
nations, 188-189; rule concerning
appointments to, 601-604.
Competitive examinations, see Ex-

Competitors, identification of, 630-
631; statistics of, 58-60.
Comptroller, classification amended,

221, 229; positions in exempt
class, 583; in non-competitive
class, 615; roster, 651-654; special
accountant, 244.

Constitutional provision, 576.
Corning civil service, administra-

tion of law, 240; inspection of, 28;
amendments to rules approved,
454-456; summary of report of
commission, 491, facing 528.
Cortland civil service, summary of
report of commission, 492, facing
County service, positions in exempt
class, 589-595; positions classed
as laborers, 639-640; roster.
732-759, see name of county.
County offices and departments,
see name of county.

Court of appeals, decision Kings
county cases, 6-12 positions in
exempt class, 584; roster, 654.
Court attendants, transfers of, 238,
240, 245, 262, 263.

Court of claims, roster, 655.
Courts, decisions of, 531-541; posi-
tions in exempt class, 588-589; po-
sitions in non-competitive class,
616; roster of supreme court, 682-

Craig colony, Sonyea, positions in
non-competitive class, 618; roster,

Croker v. Sturgis, 541.
Custodial asylum, Newark, posi-

tions in non-competitive class,
617; roster, 711.

Custodial asylum, Rome, matter of
appointment of superintendent,
263-264; positions in non-competi-
tive class, 618; roster, 712.

Dannemora state hospital, transfer
to, 238; roster, 698.
Deaths, competitive and exempt
classes, 202-203; non-competitive
class, 204; labor class, 205.

Decisions of supreme court and

court of appeals, 531-541.
Deevy . Ogden, 533-534.
Definitions of terms, 554, 577-578.
DeForest, Schlesinger v., 533.
Departments, see specific name of.
De Vries v. Hamilton, 536.
Disbursing officers, law affecting,

District attorney, New York county,
classification amended, 225, 226;
change in title of position de-
nied, 246.

District attorney, Queens county,
classification amended, 226; con-
tinuous employment not allowable
under rule VIII, § 9, 246.
Driscoll r. City of New York, 540.
Dunkirk civil service, inspection of,
28; summary of report of com-
mission, 493, facing 528.

Eastern N. Y. reformatory, Napa-
noch, positions in non-competitive

class, 617; roster, 712-713. See
also State prisons.
Eckerson . City of New York, 535.
Elections, superintendent of, posi-
tions in exempt class, 588; roster,

Eligible list, conclusive as to fit-
ness, 532; construction of rule
VIII concerning, 251; for medical
interne, how established, 244;
practicability of filling place
from, 243; regulations concerning,
633-636; rule concerning, 607-
608; ruling as to appropriate, 239;
ruling relative to clerks and
copyists, 254.

Eligibility, for promotion examina-
tion, 248; term of, 633.
Elmira civil service, amendments
to rules approved, 456-457; in-
spection of, 28; summary of re-
port of commission, 493, facing

Elmira reformatory, positions in ex-
empt class, 587; positions in non-
competitive class, 617; promotion
examination ordered, 247; roster,

Embalming examiners, State board
of, roster, 655.

Employee, not to receive compensa-
tion beyond fixed salary, 575;
public, term defined, 571–572.
Employments without examination,
128-162, 211.

Engineer and surveyor, see State
engineer and surveyor.

Erie county civil service, amend-
ments to classification, 221, 229;
positions in exempt class, 590-

591; positions classed as laborers,
639-640; roster. 732-739; rules
extended to, 624.
Examinations, appeals from ratings
in, 43, 632-633; appointing power
to suggest standards for, 258; ap-
plication to enter, 628-630; com-
mittee on exceptions from, 262;
cost of local, 45; exceptions from,
564; fraud in, 570; general sum-
mary of, 57, 62; grading of papers
in, 631-633; for promotion, 52; list
of competitive, 49-51; new com-
petitive held during year, 39–40;
non-competitive, 42, 53-56, 61;
non-residents admitted to, 41, 52;
provisional, 53; regulations con-
cerning, 630-631; repeated, 42;
rule concerning, 605-607; statis-
tics of competitors, 58-60; statis-
tics of, 37-38, facing 62; under
rule VIII, § 10, 53.

Examiners, boards of, 65-70; ex-
pense for special and expert, 37;
in state institutions, 68-70; justice
of peace as local, 251; local, 66-
68; local medical, 65-66; regula-
tions concerning, 627-628; special
and expert, 68. See also Chief ex-

of horseshoers, State

board of, roster, 666.
Excise, department of, bookkeeper
transferred to, 244; classification
amended, 222, 224, 227; positions
in exempt class, 585; transfer de-
nied, 248; roster, 658-661.
Executive department, positions in
exempt class, 582; roster, 661.
Exempt class, applications for
classification in, 254; appoint-
ments in, 76-105, 211; deaths.
202-203; employment. persons

holding positions in, 265; law af-
fecting, 561-562; positions in,
state service, 582-589; county
service, 589-595; removals, 200-
201; resignations, 188-189.

Fallon . Wright, 539.
Farmers' institutes, bureau of, ros-
ter, 647.

Fay r. Partridge, 541.
Finn r. Greene, 541.

Firemen, court decisions concern-
ing, 536, 537, 541; law concerning
removal of volunteer, 569; prefer-
ence accorded exempt volunteer,
614-615; provisions of New York
charter construed, 541.
Fiscal supervisor of state charities,
positions in exempt class, 586;
roster, 661-662.

Flood r. Gardiner, 14.
Forest, fish and game commission,
classification amended, 223; posi-
tions in exempt class, 586; posi-
tions in non-competitive class,
616; roster, 662-663.

Fowler, Charles S., chief examiner,
report of, 37-46.

Fulton civil service, summary of re-
port of commission, 494, facing

Gas meters, inspector of, positions
in exempt class, 587; roster, 664.
Geneva civil service, summary of
report of commission, 494-496,
facing 528; suspension of com-
petition approved, 476.

Gilon . Coler, 534.
Gloversville civil service, summary
of report of commission, 496,
facing 528.

Gowanda state hospital, roster, 698.
Grades, based on rate of compen-

sation, 600-601; for clerks, etc.,
established, 575; term defined, 578.
Greene, Boyle r., 541.
Greene, Finn v., 541.
Greene r. Knox, 533.
Group, term defined, 578.
Groups, based on character of du-
ties, 596-599.

Guden, matter of, 12.



Board of education,

Hamilton, De Vries .. 536.
Hamilton r. Stratton, 532.
Health, department of, consulting
engineer, 249; positions in exempt
class, 586; positions classed as
laborers, 639; request for change
in classification denied, 232; ros-
ter, 664-665.

Health officer, port of New York,
positions in exempt class, 587;
roster, 665.

Health officers, local, positions in
exempt class, 589; in state serv-
ice, 246; payrolls of, to be certi-
fied, 246.

Historian, see State historian.
Hornellsville civil service, inspec-
tion of. 28; summary of report of
commission, 496, facing 528.
Hospital for crippled and deformed
children, Tarrytown, see New
York state hospital for crippled
and deformed children.
Hospitals, see State hospitals.
house of refuge for women, Albion,
see Western house of refuge, Al-

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