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of the violation, and all the circumstances accom-[per annum; the Treasurer of the Mint at Philadelpanying the same, and within the knowledge of phia shall, in addition to his present salary, receive Sthe said Secretary, to the end that such officer or five hundred dollars annually, for the performance agent may be promptly removed from office, or of the duties imposed by this act; the Treasurer of restored to his trust and the performance of his the Branch Mint at New-Orleans shall also receive duties, as to the President may seem just and pro- five hundred dollars annually, for the additional ( per-Provided, however, that those disbursing offi- duties created by this act; and these salaries, recers having, at present, credits in the banks, shall, spectively, shall be in full for the services of the? until the first day of January next, be allowed to respective officers, nor shall either of them be perScheck on the same, allowing the public creditors to mitted to charge or receive any commission, pay receive their pay from the banks either in specie or perquisite, for any official service of any charac or bank notes. ter or description whatsoever; and the making of 22. And be it farther enacted, That it shall be the any such charge, or the receipt of any such comduty of the Secretary of the Treasury to issue and pensation, is here declared to be a misdemeanor, publish regulations to enforce the speedy presen- for which the officer convicted thereof, before any tation of all Government drafts for payment at the Court of the United States, of competent jurisdicplace where payable, and to prescribe the time, tion, shall be subject to punishment by fine or imSaccording to the different distances of the deposi- prisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Court Stories from the Seat of Government, within which before which the offence shall be tried.

all drafts upon them, respectively, shall be pre- 824. And be it farther enacted, That there shall be, sented for payment; and, in default of such pre- and is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any sentation, to direct any other mode and place of money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropripayment which he may deem proper; but in all ated. the sum of twelve thousand dollars, to be exsuch regulations and directions it shall be the duty pended under the direction of the Secretary of the Sof the Secretary of the Treasury to guard, as far as Treasury in such repairs or additions as may be, may be, against those drafts being used or thrown necessary to put in good condition for use, with as into circulation as a paper currency or medium of little delay as may be consistent with the public exchange. interests, the offices, rooms, vaults and safes herein 323. And be it farther enacted, That the Assistant mentioned, and in the purchase of any necessary Treasurers directed by this act to be appointed additional furniture and fixtures, in the purchase shall receive, respectively, the following salaries of necessary books and stationery, and in defraying per annum, to be paid quarter-yearly at the Treas- any other incidental expenses necessary to carry Sury of the United States, to wit: the Assistant- this act into effect.

Treasurer at New-York shall be paid a salary of 25. And be it farther enacted, That all acts, or four thousand dollars per annum; the Assistant-parts of acts, that come in conflict with the proTreasurer at Boston shall be paid a salary of two visions of this act be, and the same are hereby rethousand five hundred dollars per annum; the As- pealed.

sistant-Treasurer at Charleston shall be paid a sal- [The bill also provides for a quarterly publicaary of two thousand five hundred dollars per an- tion of the state of the Sub-Treasuries and the num; the Assistant-Treasurer at St. Louis shall be Treasury, the specie on hand, drafts out, &c. &c.] Spaid a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars


The River and Harbor bill, which passed both Houses of Congress at the late Session, but was vetoed by the President, made appropriations as follows:

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Current Expenses. Paid Principal & Int. of Pub. Debt.

1789 (Mar. 4, to Dec. 30, 1791) $1,921,589 52..

[blocks in formation]

Total Disburs't.

$7,207,539 02

..9,141,569 67

-$16,349,108 69

-$5,285,949 50..
-.7,263,655 99.


$12,549,605 49.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



Washington's First..

.$3,799,503 20.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Other Occupations, by the Census of 1840.

Number of Persons employed in Mining in the United States,

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Navigation of the Ocean,.


Internal Navigation,..


Learned Professions, including Engineers, ..





675,000 Chiapas..........140,000) 660,000 Sonora..


580,000 Queretozo .......120,0000 510,000 Nuevo Leon......100,000 500,000 Tamaulipas ......100,000 500,000 Coahuila ......... 75,000) 320,000 Aguas Calientis. 70,000) 275,000 Tobasco... 60,000

ACCORDING to the best authorities we have[Mexico...... Jalisco..... been able to consult, the population of MexPuebla... ico in 1842 was 7,200,000, of whom 4,000,000 Yucatan were estimated as Indians; 1,000,000 whites; Guanaxuato $6,000 blacks; and 2,000,000 of various castes, Oajaca.... Michoacan.. such as Tambos, Mulattoes, &c., &c. San Luis Potosi. In the City of Mexico there are several Zacatecas... Collegiate Institutions of respectable grade Vera Cruz and standing, and within the last few Schools have rapidly multiplied throughout (the entire Republic. About Fifty News- The Exports from the Republic of Mexico) papers are published in the Cities and vari- amount to about $20,000,000 annually. Not ous Provinces. less than $12,000,000 of silver are coined in The population of the Republic is made the various Mints, of which there are some up in round numbers, as follows: six or eight in the Republic.



250,000 Nuevo Mexico ... 60,000 160,000 California .... 150,000l



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