Gambar halaman

deputies or clerks may be employed, and shall be souvenirs, and all similar articles, of whatever maof a form to be prescribed by the Secretary of the terial composed; carpets, carpeting, hearth-rugs, Treasury. bedsides, and other portions of carpeting, being


SCHEDULE A....(100 Per Cent.)

SEC. 11. And be it farther enacted, That no of- either of Aubusson, Brussels, ingrain, Saxony, ficer or other person connected with the navy of Turkey, Venetian, Wilton, or any other similar the United States, shall under any pretence, im- fabric; carriages and parts of carriages; cayenne) port in any ship or vessel of the United States any pepper; cheese; cinnamon; clocks and parts of goods, wares, or merchandise liable to the pay- clocks; clothing, ready made, and wearing apparment of any duty. el of every description, of whatever material comSEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That all acts posed, made up or manufactured wholly or in part and parts of acts repugnant to the provisions of by the tailor, sempstress, or manufacturer; coach this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. and harness furniture of all kinds; coal; coke and? culm of coal; combs of all kinds; compositions of glass or paste, when set; confectionary of all kinds, not otherwise provided for; coral, cut or manufacBrandy and other spirits distilled from grain, or tured; cotton, cords, gimps, and galloons; courtother materials; cordials, absynthe, arrack, cura- plaster; crayons of all kinds; cutlery of all kinds; coa, kirschenwasser, liqueurs, maraschino, ratafia, diamonds, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious and all other spirituous beverages of a similar char-stones, and imitations of precious stones, when set in gold, silver or other metal; dolls and toys of all kinds; epaulets, galloons, laces, knots, stars, tassels, tresses, and wings of gold, silver, or other Alabaster and spar ornaments; almonds; ancho-metal; fans, and fire screens of every description, vies, sardines, and all other fish preserved in oil; of whatever material composed; feathers and flowcamphor refined; cassia; cloves; composition ers, artificial or ornamental, and parts thereof, of tops for tables, or other articles of furniture; com- whatever material composed; frames and sticks fits, sweetmeats, or fruit preserved in sugar, bran- for umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades, finished or dy, or molasses; currants; dates; figs; ginger unfinished; furniture, cabinet and household; ginroot, dried or green; glass cut; mace; manufactu- ger, ground; grapes gum benzoin or benjamin; res of cedar wood, granadilla, ebony, mahogany, hair pencils; hat bodies of cotton; hemp, unmanrosewood, and satin wood; nutmegs; pimento; ufactured; honey; human hair, cleansed or preprepared vegetables, meats, poultry, and game pared for use; ink and ink powder; iron, in bars, sealed or enclosed in cases, or otherwise; prunes; blooms, bolts, loops, pigs, rods, slabs, or other raisins; scagliola tops for tables, or other articles form, not otherwise provided for; castings of iron of furniture; cigars, snuff, paper cigars, and all old or scrap iron, vessels of cast iron; japanned other manufactures of tobacco; wines, Burgundy, ware of all kinds, not otherwise provided for; champagne, claret, Madeira, port, sherry, and all jewelry, real or imitation; jet and manufactures) other wines and imitations of wines.

SCHEDULE I....(40 Per Cent.)

of jet, and imitations thereof; lead pencils; maccaroni, vermicelli, gelatine, jellies, and all similar) preparations; manufactures of the bark of the cork SCHEDULE B....(30 Per Cent.) tree, except corks; manufactures of bone, shell, Argentine, alabatta, or German silver, manufac- horn, pearl, ivory, or vegetable ivory; manufac tured or unmanufactured; ale, beer, and porter in tures, articles, vessels, and wares, not otherwise casks or bottles; articles embroidered with gold, provided for, of brass, copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, or other metal; articles worn by men, wo pewter, platína, silver, tin, or other metal, or of men, or children, of whatever material composed, which either of those metals or any other metal) made up, or made wholly or in part, by hand shall be the component material of chief value asses'skins; balsams, cosmetics, essences, extracts, manufactures of cotton, linen, silk, wool, or worstpastes, perfumes, and tinctures, used either for the ed, if embroidered or tamboured in the loom or toilet, or for medicinal purposes; baskets, and all otherwise, by machinery, or with the needle, or other articles composed of grass, osier, palm-leaf, other process; manufactures, articles, vessels, and straw, whalebone, or willow, not otherwise provi- wares of glass, or of which glass shall be a comded for; bay rum; beads, of amber, composition, ponent material, not otherwise provided for; col-) or wax, and all other beads; benzoates; Bologna ored, stained, or painted glass; glass crystals for sausages; bracelets, braids, chains, curls, or ring-watches; glasses or pebbles for spectacles; paintlets composed of hair, or of which hair is a compo-ings on glass, porcelain glass; manufactures and nent part; braces, suspenders, webbing, or other articles of leather, or of which leather shall be a fabrics, composed wholly or in part of India rub-component part, not otherwise provided for; manber, not otherwise provided for; brooms and brush-ufactures and articles of marble, marble paving es of all kinds; cameos, real and imitation, and tiles, and all other marble more advanced in manumosaics, real and imitation, when set in gold, silver, facture than in slabs or blocks in the rough; manuor other metal; canes and sticks for walking, fin- factures of paper, or of which paper is a compoished or unfinished; capers, pickles, and sauces of nent material, not otherwise provided for; mauuall kinds, not otherwise provided for; corks; earth- factures, articles, and wares of papier maché en, China, and stoneware, and all other wares com- manufactures of wood, or of which wood is a composed of earthy and mineral substances not other-ponent part, not otherwise provided for; manufacwise provided for; fire crackers; flats, braids, tures of wool, or of which wool shall be the complaits, sparteere, and willow squares, used for ma- ponent material of chief value, not otherwise proking hats or bonnets; glass tumblers, plain, mould-vided for; medicinal preparations, not otherwise) ed, or pressed, not cut or printed; hats and bon- provided for; metallic pens; mineral waters; monets for men, women, and children, composed of lasses; muskets, rifles, and other fire-arms; nuts, straw, satin straw, chip grass, palm-leaf. willow, not otherwise provided for; oilcloth of every de or any other vegetable substance, or of hair, whale- scription, of whatever material composed; ochres bone, or other material, not otherwise provided and ochry earths used in the composition of paintfor; caps, hats, muffs, and tippets of fur, and all er's colors, whether dry or ground in oil; oils, other manufactures of fur, or of which fur shall volatile, essential, or expressed, and not otherwise be a component material; caps, gloves, leggins, provided for; olive oil, in casks, other than salad) mits, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, oil; olive salad oil, and all other olive oil, not othand all similar articles made on frames, worn by erwise provided for; olives; paper, antiquarian, men, women, or children, and not otherwise pro- demy, drawing, elephant, foolscap, imperial, letter,( vided for; card cases, pocket books, shell boxes, and all other paper not otherwise provided for

paper boxes, and all other fancy boxes; paper en-[composed wholly of cotton, worn by men, women, (velops; parasols and sunshades; parchment; pep- and children; cassia buds; castor oil; castorum per; plated and gilt ware of all kinds; playing chocolate; chromate of lead; chromate, bichro cards; plums; potatoes; red chalk pencils; sad- mate, hydriodate, and prussiate of potash; cobalt dlery of all kinds, not otherwise provided for; sal- cocoa nuts; cocculus indicus; copperas or green mon, preserved; sewing silk, in the gum or prifi vitriol, or sulphate of iron; copper rods, bolts, nai's, Sed; shoes composed wholly of India rubber; seal- and spikes; copper bottoms; plaster of Paris) Sing wax; silk twist and twist composed of silk when ground; quicksilver; saffron and saffron (and mohair; side arms of every description; sil-cake; seppia; steel, all than otherwise provided ver-plated metal, in sheets or other form; soap, Cas- for; copper in sheets or plates, called braziers' tile, perfumed, Windsor, and all other kinds; su- copper, and other sheets of copper not otherwise gar of all kinds; tobacco, unmanufactured; syrup provided for; cubebs; dried pulp; emery; ether; Sof sugar; twines and pack thread, of whatever felspar; fig blue; fish, foreign, whether fresh, material composed; umbrellas; vellum; vinegar; smoked, salted, dried, or pickled, not otherwise wafers; water colors; fire wood, and wood un- provided for; fish glue or isinglass; fish skins manufactured, not otherwise provided for; wool, flour of sulphur; Frankfort black; French chalk unmanufactured.

SCHEDULE C....(25 Per Cent.)

fruit, green or ripe, not otherwise provided for; fulminates, or fulminating powders; furs dressed on the skin; gamboge; glue; gunpowder; hair, curled, moss, sea-weed, and all other vegetable Buttons and button moulds, of all kinds; borax substances used for beds or mattresses; hams; hats or tinctal; Burgundy pitch; calomel, and all other of wool; hat bodies, made of wool, or of which mercurial preparations; camphor, crude; feather wool shall be a component material of chief value;) beds, feathers for beds, and downs of all kinds; hatters' plush, composed of silk and cotton, but of floss silks; grass cloth; hair cloth, hair seating, which cotton is the component material of chief and all other manufactures of hair not otherwise value; hempseed or linseed, and rapeseed oil, and provided for; jute, Sisal grass, coir, and other veg- all other oils used in painting; Indian corn and (etable substances unmanufactured, not otherwise corn meal; ipecacuanha; iridium; iris or orris (provided for; baizes, bockings, flannels, and floor- root; ivory or bone black'; jalap; juniper berries; cloths, of whatever material composed, not other-lac sulphur, lamp black; lard; leather, tanned, wise provided for; cables and cordage, tarred or bend, or sole; leather, upper of all kinds; lead, in untarred; cotton laces, cotton insertings, cotton pigs, bars, or sheets; leaden pipes; leaden shot;) trimming laces, cotton laces and braids; manufac- leeches; linens of all kinds; liquorice paste, juice, tures composed wholly of cotton, not otherwise or root; litharge; malt; manganese; manufac provided for; manufactures of goat's hair or mo- tures of flax not otherwise provided for; manu(hair, or of which goat's hair or mohair shall be a factures of hemp, not otherwise provided for; macomponent material, not otherwise provided for; rine coral, unmanufactured; medicinal drugs, roots, matting, Chinese, and other floor matting and mats and leaves, in a crude state, not otherwise provimade of flags, jute, or grass; manufactures of silk, ded for; metals, unmanufactured, not otherwise) or of which silk shall be a component material, not provided for; mineral and bituminous substances, Sotherwise provided for; manufactures of worsted, in a crude state, not otherwise provided for; muor of which worsted shall be a component materi- sical instruments of all kinds, and strings for mual, not otherwise provided for; roofing slates, sical instruments of whipgut or catgut, and all othslates, other than roofing slates; woolen and worst- er strings of the same material; nitrate of lead: ed yarn.

oats and oatmeal; oils, neatsfoot and other animal) oil, spermaceti, whale, and other fish oil, the proSCHEDULE D....(20 Per Cent.) duce of foreign fisheries; opium; oranges, lemons, and limes; orange and lemon peel; patent Acids, acetic, acetous, benzoic, boracic, chromic, mordant; paints, dry or ground in oil, not other(citric, muriatic, white and yellow, nitric, pyrolig-wise provided for; paper hangings and paper for neous and tartaric, and all other acids of every screens and fireboards; pearl or hulled barley; pedescription, used for chemical or medicinal purpo- riodicals and other works in the course of printing ses, or for manufacturing, or in the fine arts, not and republication in the United States; pine ap-) otherwise provided for; aloes; Angora, Thibet, ples; pitch; plantains; plumbago; pork; potasSand other goat's hair or mohair unmanufactured; ce- sium; Prussian blue; pumpkins; putty; quills; dar wood, ebony, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, red chalk; rhubarb; rice or paddy; roll brimstone; and satin wood, unmanufactured; cream of tartar; Roman cement; rye and rye flour; saddlery, comextract of indigo; extracts and decoctions of log-mon, tinned, or japanned; sago; sal soda, and all wood and other dye-woods not otherwise provi- carbonates of soda, by whatever name designated, ded for; extracts of madder; flax seed; green not otherwise provided for; salts, Epsom, glauber, turtle; gunny cloth; alum; amber; ambergris; Rochelle, and all other salts and preparations of aniseed; animal carbon; antimony, crude and salts, not otherwise provided for; sarsaparilla regulus of; arrow root; articles, not in a crude shaddocks; sheathing paper; skins, tanned and (state, used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise pro- dressed, of all kinds; skins of all kinds, not othervided for; asafetida; bacon; bananas; barley; wise provided for; slate pencils; smalts; spermabeef; beeswax; berries, vegetables, flowers and ceti candles and tapers; spirits of turpentine; barks, not otherwise provided for; bismuth; bitter sponges; spunk; squills; starch; stearine candles) apples; blankets of all kinds; blank books, bound and tapers; stereotype plates; still bottoms; sulor unbound; blue or Roman vitriol, or sulphate of phate of barytes, crude or refined; sulphate of qui-S copper; boards, planks, staves, lath, scantling, nine; tallow candles; tapioca; tar; thread laces spars, hewn and sawed timber, and timber to be and insertings; type metal; types, new or old; used in building wharves; bronze liquor; iron vanilla beans; verdigris; velvet, in the piece, comliquor; lac spirits; manna; marble in the rough posed wholly of cotton; velvet, in the piece, comslab or block, unmanufactured; Dutch and bronze posed of cotton and silk, but of which cotton is the metal in leaf; needles of all kinds for sewing, darn- component material of chief value; vermillion; ing or knitting; osier or willow prepared for bas-wax candles and tapers; whalebone the produce ket-makers' use; paving stones; paving and roof-of foreign fisheries; wheat and wheat flour; white Sing tiles and bricks; boucho leaves; breccia; and red lead; whiting, or Paris white; white vit(bronze powder; butter; cadmium; calamine; can- riol, or sulphate of zinc; window glass, broad, tharides; caps, gloves, leggins, mits, socks, stock-crown, or cylinder; woolen listings; yams. ings, wove shirts and drawers, made on frames,

[ocr errors]

SCHEDULE E....(15 Per Cent.). boots, bootees, or buttons exclusively; horns, hornArsenic; bark Peruvian; bark Quilla; Brazil tips, bones, bone-tips, and teeth, unmanufactured paste, brimstone, crude in bulk; cork tree bark, kermes; lac dye; lac spirits; madder, ground) unmanufactured; codilla, or tow of hemp or flax; nickel; pewter, when old, and fit only to be re diamonds, glaziers', set or not set; dragon's blood; manufactured; rags, of whatever material; raw hides and skins of all kinds, whether dried, salted, (flax, unmanufactured; gold and silver leaf: mineral kermes; silk, raw, not more advanced in man- or pickled, not otherwise provided for; safflower: ufacture than singles; tram and thrown or organ- seed lac; shellac; sumac; tin in pigs, bars or saltpetre, or nitrate of soda, or potash, when crude; zine; terne tin plates tin foil; tin in plates or sheets; blocks; tortoise and other shells unmanufactured; tin plates galvanized, not otherwise provided for; steel in bars; cast, shear, or German; zinc, spelter, tumeric; waste, or shoddy; weld; zinc, spelter, or teutenegue, unmanufactured, not otherwise pro-) or tutenegue, in sheets. vided for.



SCHEDULE F....(10 Per Cent.) Ammonia; annatto, rancon or Orleans; barilla ; Animals imported for breed; bullion, gold and books printed, magazines, pamphlets, periodicals silver; cabinets of coins, medals, and other collecand illustrated newspapers, bound or unbound, not tions of antiquities; coffee and tea when imported otherwise provided for; bleaching powders or direct from the place of their growth or production, chloride of lime; building stones; burr stones, in American vessels, or in foreign vessels entitled wrought or unwrought; cameos and mosaics, and by reciprocal treaties to be exempt from discrimiimitations thereof, not set; chronometers, box nating duties, tonnage, and other charges; coffee, or ship, and parts thereof; cocoa; cochineal; co- the growth or production of the possessions of the coa shells, compositions of glass or paste, not set; Netherlands, imported from the Netherlands in the Scudbear; diamonds, gems, pearls, rubies, and oth- same manner; coins, gold, silver, and copper; copSer precious stones, and imitations thereof, when per ore; copper when imported for the United (not set; engravings or plates, bound or unbound: States Mint; cotton; felt, adhesive, for sheathing; hempseed, linseed and rapeseed, fullers' earth; garden seeds, and all other seeds not otherwise furs, hatters', dressed or undressed, not on the skin; provided for; goods, wares, and merchandise, the furs, undressed when on the skin; goldbeaters' growth, produce or manufacture of the United) skins; gum Arabic; gum Senegal gum Traga- States exported to a foreign country, and brought canth; gum Barbary; gum East India; gum Jed-back to the United States in the same condition as (da: gum substitute or burnt starch; indigo; kelp; when exported, upon which no drawback or boun(natron; terra japonica or catechu; hair of all kinds, ty has been allowed: Provided, that all the regulauncleaned and unmanufactured; India rubber, in tions to ascertain the identity thereof, prescribed bottles, slabs or sheets, unmanufactured; lemon by existing laws, or which may be prescribed by and lime juice; lime; maps and charts; music and the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be complied music paper, with lines, bound or unbound; nux with; guano; household effects, old and in use, of Svomica; oils, palm and cocoanut; orpiment; palm persons or families from foreign countries, if used leaf, unmanufactured; polishing stones; pumice abroad by them, and not intended for any other (and pumice stone; rattans and reeds, unmanufac-person or persons, or for sale; junk, old; models tured; rotten stone; sal ammonia; saltpetre (or of inventions and other improvements in the arts: nitrate of soda, or potash,) refined or partially re- Provided, That no article or articles shall be deemfined; soda ash, sulphuric acid, or oil of vitriol; ed a model or improvement which can be fitted for) tallow, marrow, and all other grease and soap use; oakum; oil, spermaciti, whale and other fish, stocks and soap stuffs not otherwise provided for; of American fisheries, and all other articles the watches and parts of watches watch materials of produce of such fisheries; paintings and statuary, all kinds, not otherwise provided for; woad or the production of American artists residing abroad, pastel.

and all other paintings and statuary: Provided, The same be imported in good faith as objects of SCHEDULE G....(5 Per Cent.) taste, and not of merchandise; personal household Alcornoque, argol, or crude tartar; bells when effects (not merchandise) of citizens of the United old, or bell metal, fit only to be remanufactured; States dying abroad; plaster of Paris, unground; brass in pigs or bars; Brazil wood, and all other platina, unmanufactured; sheathing copper, but no dye-woods in sticks; brass, when old, and fit only copper to be considered such, and admitted free, to be remanufactured; bristles; chalk, not other- except in sheets forty-eight inches long and fourwise provided for; clay, unwrought; copper in teen inches wide, and weighing from fourteen to pigs or bars; copper, when old and fit only to be thirty-four ounces the square foot; sheathing metal; remanufactured; flints; grindstones, wrought or specimens of natural history, mineralogy, or botunwrought; berries, nuts, and vegetables used ex-any; trees, shrubs, bulbs, plants, and roots, not) clusively in dyeing, or in composing dyes, but no otherwise provided for; wearing apparel in actual article shall be classed as such that has undergone use, and other personal effects, not merchandise, any manufacture; ivory, unmanufactured; ivory professional books, instruments, implements, and nuts, or vegetable ivory; madder root; nutgalls, tools of trade, occupation, or employment, of perpearl, mother of; lastings, suitable for shoes, sons arriving in the United States: Provided, That boots, bootees, or buttons, exclusively; manufac- this exemption shall not be construed to include tures of mohair cloth, silk twist, or other manufac- machinery or other articles imported for use in any tures of cloth, suitable for manufacture of shoes, manufacturing establishment or for sale.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Meats, Nutmegs,

Ornaments, spar,



Preserves, in sugar, mo

lasses or brandy.

Prunes, Raisins,


Scagliola Tops, or other furniture of, Segars, tobacco, paper, &c.

Flowers, artificial, Fur, and all manufactures of, Furniture, cabinet and coach, Gelatine,

German silver, crude or wrought,

Gilt and plated ware,
Gimps and galloons,
Ginger, ground,

Glass tumblers not cut,
Do crystals for watches,
Do cut,

Snuff, tobacco, all manufactures of, do Sweetmeats, Vegetables, prepared, Wines of all kinds, and Do pebbles for spectacles imitations of wines, Do painted or stained, Wines, Burgundy, cham-Do paintings on, paigne, claret, Madeira, Do porcelain port, sherry, and all oth- Gold and silver wings, er wines and imitations Grass, manufactures of, of wines, Hair pencils,

Mineral waters,
Mohair, and silk twist,

Mosaics of all kinds when set,

Muffs, Nuts,


Ochre and ochry earths,
dry or ground in oil
Oil cloth of all kinds
Oil volatile

Do essential

Do Olive in cask
Do do salad

Painters' colors, dry, or ground in oil,


Palm leaf, manufactures of, Paper, and tures of, Paper boxes, Do envelops,

Wood, manufactures of Harness, coach,
cedar, granadilla, eho- Hat bodies of cotton,
ny, rosewood, 'satin- Hats, men's and child-Papier maché, manufac-

wood and mahogany,

SCHEDULE B....(30 Per Cent.)

ren's composed of straw satin, chip, grass, palm leaf, hair, whalebone, willow, or other vege

Alabatta,crude, wrought, | Carriages, and parts of table substances,

Ale in casks or bottles, Apparel, made in whole or in part,of all materials (Argentine,

Arms, fire and side arms, Articles worn by men,women, or children, made by hand, Asses' skins, Balsams, Baskets, (Beads of all kinds, Beer in cask or bottles, Benzoates, Benzoin, gum of Bologna sausages, Bone, manufactures of Bonnets, of all sizes, whether of straw, satin, chip, grass, palm-leaf, or other vegetable sub

Books, pocket,
Boxes of paper,
Boxes, shell,




Brass, manufactures of,

Brooms, Brushes,

Brussels carpets,

Cabinet work,

Cameos of all kinds,

Caps, of fur, or of which fur is a component part Card cases,

Cards, playing,

Carpets, Turkey,

Do Brussels,

Do Saxony,

Do Venetian,

all kinds,

do, Cayenne pepper, Chains, curls, or ringlets of hair, whole or in part, China ware, Cinnamon, Cheese, Clocks, or parts of do, Clothing, ready made in whole or in parts, of whatever material, Cloth, oil, of all kinds, Coach harness and furniture,

Coal and culm of do,
Colors, water,
Composition paste, or
glass when set,
Copper, manufactures of
Coral, cut or manufac-

Cork, manufactures of,
except corks,

[blocks in formation]

Crockery ware,
Cutlery, Diamonds,
Drawers, wove, and all
frame stocking work,

Embroideries of gold,
silver, or other metals,
Essences, Epaulettes,
Extracts, Fans,
Fire crackers,

Do Wilton, &c. and Fire screens,

Fire wood,

Fire arms,


Hats of fur, or of which
fur is a component part,
Hearth rugs,
Hemp unmanufactured,

Horn, manufactures of
Household furniture,
Human hair, ready for
India rubber shoes, in
whole or in part,
Ink, Ink powders,
Iron in bars,

Do blooms,
Do bolts,
Do castings,
Do hoops,

Do old or scrap,
Do pigs, rods, slabs,
Do vessels cast,
Ivory, manufactures of,
Japanned ware and
tations of,

tures of, Paper of all kinds, Parasols, finished or unfinished, Parchment, Paste composition Pearl, manufactures of Pencils, hair Do lead, Do red chalk, Pens, metallic, Pepper, cayenne Pepper,

Perfumes, Pewter, manufactures of Pickles, Pimento, Plaster, composition, Plated and gilt ware Plated silver, in sheets

or otherwise,

Platina, manufactures of,
Playing cards,



Porter in cask or bottles,
Potatoes, Poultry,

imi-Precious stones,

Jet, manufactures of,
Do imitations of
Jewelry and imitations

Knots, lace, &c.
Lead pencils,
Lead, manufactures of,
Leather, manufactures of
Linen, manufactures of,
Marble paving tiles and
all manufactures of do
finished or unfinished
Medicinal preparations,
Metallic pens,
Metallic vessels,

Imitation do, or set in gold or silver, Preparations, medicinal, Prunes,

Red chalk pencils,

Ringlets of hair,
Rubies, set,
Rugs, hearth,
Rum, bay,

Saddlery of all kinds,
Salmon, preserved,
Satin hats and bonnets,
Sauces of all kinds,
Sausages, Bologna,
Saxony carpets,
Sealing wax,
Sewing silk, in the gum,
or purified,
Shell boxes,

[blocks in formation]


nings, &c. Stone ware,

[blocks in formation]

Wares ofbrass,iron, copper, pewter, silver, tin, and all other metals, Water colors,

[blocks in formation]

Antimony, crude and Dutch metal or bronze,

Animal Carbon,


regulus, Arrow root,

Articles for dyeing or tanning not in a crude state,


Asafetida, Bacon,
Bananas, Barks,
Barley, pure or hulled,
Barytes, sulphate
crude or refined,
Beef, Beeswax,
Benzoic acid,

Berries, juniper
Bichromate of potash,
Bitter apples,

Stars silver or gold li- Wearing apparel of all Bituminous substances, kinds and materials, not otherwise enumerafinished and unfinished. ted, Webbing of India-rub- Blank Books, bound and ber, in part or whole, unbound, Whalebone, manufac- Blankets of all kinds, Blue, fig, black, bone or

Straw hats, caps, and bonnets,

Straw, manufactures of, Sugar of all kinds, Sunshades, finished or unfinished,


Syrup of sugar, Table tops, Tassels,

tures of

Willow hats or bonnets, ivory,
Willow, manufactures of Blue or Roman Vitriol,
Willow squares,
Blue, Prussian
Wood, manufactures of, Boards,
or of which wood is a Boucho Leaves,

[blocks in formation]

SCHEDULE C........(25 Per Cent.)

Tin, manufactures of


Tippets of fur,






[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Boracic, do

[blocks in formation]

Bricks,paving or roofing,
Brimstone, roll,
Bronze liquor,
Bronze metal, in leaf,
Bronze Powder,

Butter, Cadmium, Calamine, Candles, spermaceti, stearine, tallow, wax, or tapers,



Carbonate soda,

Grass, Sisal and grass Cassia buds,



Hair, goat's, manufactures of

Hair seating,

Jute and jute mats,

Castor oil,


Cedar wood,

Cement, Roman Chalk, French

Chalk, red

Mats, or matting, Chi-Chocolate,

nese, of flags, jute, or Chromate lead,

66 potash,

Colonade flags, jute, or Mercurial preparations Chromic acid,


Cloth, hair

Cloth, mohair

Cordage, tarred and un-
Cotton, manufactures
composed wholly of,
not otherwise provided

Cotton insertings,
Cotton laces.
Cotton laces and braids,
Cotton trimming laces,
Down beds,

Feather beds, Flag mats,


of all kinds,

Citric do

Mohair, manufactures of, Cloth, gunny or of which goat's hair Cobalt, or mohair is a component part,

Silk, manufactures of or of which silk shall form a component part, Siks, Sisal grass, Slates, roofing,

Do other than roofing, Woolen and worsted yarns,

Cocculus indicus,
Cocoa nuts,

Copperas, or green vit


Copper rops, bolts, nails spikes, bottoms, in sheets or plates, "called braziers' copper, Copper, sulphate of

Worsted, manufactures Coral marine, unmanuof, or of which worsted factured, forms a component part Corn, Indian 66 meal, Cream of tartar,

SCHEDULE D....(20 Per Cent.)

Acids, Acetic, Acetous, Nitric, Benzoic, Boracic, Chromic, Citric, Muriatic, white or yellow,

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Curled hair,

Pyroligneous, Tartar-Cubebs, ic, and all other kinds, Aloes, Alum, Amber, Ambergris,


Gunpowder, Hair curled, Hats, of wool, Hat bodies of wool, or) composed in part of) wool,

Hatters' plush (silk or cotton,)

Hemp, manufactures
Hempseed oil,
Hydriodate of potash,
Indian corn and meal,
Indicus cocculus.
Indigo, extract of,

Iris, or orris root,
Iron liquor,
Iron, sulphate of

Ivory, or bone black,

Juniper berries,
Lac spirits,
Lac sulphur,
Lamp black,
Lard, Laths,
Lead in pigs, bars, sheets,
pipes, shot, nitrate of,
red, white do,
Leather, tanned, bend or
sole leather, and upper
of all kinds,
Leaves, medicinal, not)
otherwise provided for,)
Leeches, Leggins,
Lemon peels,
Lemons, Limes,
Linens of all kinds,
Linseed oil,
Liquor bronze,
Do iron,

Drawers, wove or made Liquorice paste, juice or

on frames of cotton,


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