Gambar halaman


United States Government-Continued

Maritime Administration-Continued

Maritime Manpower Report. Monthly.

New Ship Construction. Annual...

A Statistical Analysis of the World's Merchant Fleets. Biennial_

Sec. No


[blocks in formation]

Aerospace Industries Association of America, Washington, D.C.
Aerospace Facts and Figures. Annual.

Air Transport Association of America, Washington, D.C.
Facts and Figures About Air Transportation.
Quarterly Review.



American Bureau of Shipping, New York

Annual, until 1961.

[blocks in formation]

The Bulletin. Monthly..

American Railway Car Institute, New York

Railroad Car Facts; Statistics on Car Building and Car Repairing.

American Transit Association, Washington, D.C.

Association of American Railroads, Washington, D.C.



Cars of Revenue Freight Loaded. Weekly with annual summary..
Yearbook of Railroad Facts.


Automobile Manufacturers Association, Detroit

Automobile Facts and Figures. Annual....


Motor Truck Facts. Annual.

Automotive News Almanac. (Slocum Publishing Company, Detroit)

[blocks in formation]

Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London, England

Annual Summary of Merchant Ships Launched in the World.
Register Book, Statistical Tables. Annual__

Michigan, University, Survey Research Center, Ann Arbor
Survey of Consumer Finances. Annual..

National Association of Motor Bus Owners, Washington, D.C.
Bus Facts. Annual__

National Bureau of Economic Research, New York

Capital in Transportation, Communications, and Public Utilities: Its
Formation and Financing, by Melville J. Ulmer. 1959. (Studies
in Capital Formation and Financing 4.)

Transportation Economics. 1965. (Special Conference Series

Railway Age. (Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corp., New York)
Weekly. (Annual review and outlook issue.)

Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, D.C. (Johns Hopkins
Press, Baltimore)

Resources in America's Future: Patterns of Requirements and Avail-
abilities, 1960-2000, by Hans H. Landsberg and others. 1963.
Shipbuilders Council of America, Washington, D.C.

Annual report__-.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Unemployment Insurance-see Labor; and Social Insurance.

Utilities, Public-see Communications; Power; and Transportation.
Veterans-see National Defense.

Virgin Islands of the United States-see Outlying Areas.

Vital Statistics-see also Accidents; and Health

United States Government

Agricultural Research Service

Heights and Weights of Adults in the United States. 1960. (Home
Economics Research Report No. 10.)

Public Health Service

Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Provisional Statistics. Monthly,
with annual summary--


Scc. No.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Annual summary also.
Vital and Health Statistics.

2, 32 2


Series 20: Mortality Data. Irregular.

Series 21: Natality, Marriage, and Divorce Data. Irregular.
Series 22: Data from the Program of Sample Surveys Related to
Vital Records.


[blocks in formation]

National Bureau of Economic Research, New York

2, 5, 21, 32

The American Baby Boom in Historical Perspective, by Richard A.
Easterlin. 1962. (Occasional Paper 79.)

Social Science Research Council, New York (John Wiley and Sons)
The Fertility of American Women, by Wilson H. Grabill, Clyde V.
Kiser, Pascal K. Whelpton. (A volume in the Census Monograph
Series; prepared for Social Science Research Council in cooperation
with Bureau of the Census.) 1958.

United Nations, Statistical Office, New York

Demographic Yearbook..

Population and Vital Statistics Report. (Statistical Papers, Series A.)

World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Annual Epidemiological and Vital Statistics.

Epidemiological and Vital Statistics Report. Monthly.

Vocational Rehabilitation and Education

United States Government

Bureau of the Budget

[ocr errors]

The Budget of the United States Government. Annual. 9, 14, 15, 20, 28, 31 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

Annual Report.

Office of Education

Digest of Annual Reports of State Boards for Vocational Education.
Federal Funds for Education; Fields, Levels, Recipients, 1959 and
1960. 1962. (OE-10013.)

Vocational and Technical Education, Fiscal Year 1964.

Social Security Administration

Social Security Bulletin. Monthly, with annual statistical supple-

Veterans Administration



2, 10, 16

Annual Report of Administrator of Veterans Affairs....
Vocational Rehabilitation Administration


Caseload Statistics of State Vocational Agencies in Fiscal Year 1966.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Characteristics and Trends of Clients Rehabilitated in Fiscal Years


Wages and Wage Rates-see Labor; and Social Insurance.

Wealth-see National Income.

Weather-see Climate.

Welfare Services-see Health; and Social Insurance.

Wholesale and Retail Trade-see also Commodity Prices; Economic Indexes; and Service Establishments

Sec. N:

[blocks in formation]


County Business Patterns. Annually, 1946 to 1951; 1953; 1956;
1959; 1962; 1964; 1965_.

Measures of Value Produced in and by Merchant Wholesalers in


Monthly Retail Trade Report..

Monthly Wholesale Trade Report. Sales and Inventories.

Retail Sales. Annual Report.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Monthly Labor Review.

Federal Trade Commission


8, 11, 12, 25, 33

Economic Inquiry into Food Marketing; Staff Report. Part I-
Concentration and Integration in Retailing. 1960.

[blocks in formation]

Chain Store Age. (Lebhar-Friedman Publications, New York) Monthly.
Chain Store Publishing Corp., New York

Chain Stores in America, 1859-1962, by Godfrey M. Lebhar. 3d ed.

Merchandising Week. (McGraw-Hill Inc., New York)....
National Bureau of Economic Research, New York

Information, Expectations, and Inventory Fluctuation: A Study of
Materials Stock on Hand and on Order, by Ruth P. Mack, 1967.
(Studies in Business Cycles 15.)

Wholesale Prices-see Commodity Prices.

Work Relief-see Social Insurance.

Work Stoppages-see Labor.

Publications of Recent Censuses


In most cases separate

Listed below are major reports of the most recent censuses. reports are available for each State, subject, industry, etc. Preliminary reports which have been issued are not included in the list.

Complete information on publications of all the censuses appears in the Bureau of the Census Catalog, which is published quarterly and cumulated to the annual issue. A list of data files (computer tapes and punchcards) and unpublished materials is also included, beginning with the 1964 issues. A sample copy of the Catalog is available from the Bureau of the Census on request. The annual subscription price is $1.75 for 4 quarterly issues and 12 monthly supplements (75¢ additional for foreign mailing'


Vol. I. Counties. 53 reports; 1 for each State, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Virgin Islands Data by counties and the State for farms; land in farms classified by use; value of farms; irrigated farms; irrigated acreage; farms and acreage by size of farm and by tenure of farm operator; statistics for commercial farms, number of farms by economic class and type; characteristics of persons in farm operator households; farm equipment and facilities; use of fertilizer and lime; acreage treated with agricultural chemicals; expenditures for feed, livestock, poultry, seeds, gasoline and other petroleum products, contract and custom work, and hired labor; number of livestock and poultry on farms, and quantity and value of livestock, poultry, and livestock and poultry products sold; acreage, quantity harvested, and quantity sold for each important crop; acreage and quantity of


crops harvested from irrigated land; and nursery, greenhouse, and forest products produced and sold.

Vol. II. U.S. Summary. Presents summary of data given in Volume I for the U.S. and by region (available early in 1968).

Vol. III. Special report (available early in 1968) presents data obtained in special sample surveys for the year 1965 for persons working on farms and hours of work, by age and sex of worker, by type of farm; income of farm operators by source; farm expenditures for automobiles, motor trucks, tractors, farm machinery, insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides; quantity of gasoline, diesel fuel and other petroleum products purchased by farmers; number and characteristics of new buildings constructed on farms, 1963-1965, and debts of farm operators and owners of farm land, by source and type of loan.

Retail Trade


Vol. I. Summary Statistics. Data by kind of business on sales and employment size of establishment, single units and multiunits, legal form of organization, and merchandise line sales for the United States, States, and, except in the report on legal form of organization, standard metropolitan statistical areas. The merchandise line report includes data for geographic divisions.

Vol. II. Area Statistics. For each State, the District of Columbia, the United States, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. Data for the State, standard metropolitan statistical areas, counties, and cities, by kind of business.

Vol. III. Major Retail Centers. Data for each of 116 standard metropolitan statistical areas and a U.S. summary. Data also shown for central business districts in cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more and for other major retail centers in SMSA's.

Wholesale Trade

Vol. IV. Summary Statistics. Data by kind of business on sales and employment size of establishment, single units and multiunits, receivables and bad debt losses, sales by class of customer, warehouse and storage space, petroleum bulk stations and terminals, and commodity line sales for the United States and, frequently, geographic divisions, States, and standard metropolitan statistical areas. Also includes chapters on legal form of organization, public warehousing, miscellaneous material, and a U.S. summary.

Vol. V. Area Statistics. For each State, the District of Columbia, the United States, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. Data for the State, standard metropolitan statistical areas, counties, and cities, by kind of business.

Selected Services

Vol. VI. Summary Statistics. Data by kind of business on receipts and employment size of establishment, single units and multiunits, legal form of organization, hotels, motor hotels and motels, laundries, cleaning plants and related services, and motion pictures for the United States and, in most cases, States and standard metropolitan statistical areas. Also includes miscellaneous data and a U.S. summary chapter.

Vol. VII. Area Statistics. For each State, the District of Columbia, the United States, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. Data for the State, standard metropolitan statistical areas, counties, and cities, by kind of business.

Outlying Areas

BC63-PR(Rev.). Puerto Rico. 1 report. Wholesale, retail, and selected services data by kind of business, for the island, standard metropolitan statistical areas, regions, municipios, cities, towns, and villages. Data by receipts size, employment size, and legal form of organization are shown for the island and the San Juan SMSA. Data are also published for 7 major retail centers and 9 business districts.

EC63-1. Virgin Islands of the United States. I report. Mining, manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and selected services data by kind of business, for the islands, and for Charlotte Amalie, Christiansted, and Frederiksted. Retail, wholesale, and selected services data also shown in vols. II, V, and VII, respectively. EC63-2. Guam. 1 report. Manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and selected services data by kind of business, for the island and for cities and villages having 1,000 or more inhabitants. Retail, wholesale, and selected services data also shown in vols. II, V, and VII, respectively.

247 079 O-67-64


FC63-1. Census of Commercial Fisheries. Number of fishing vessels and operators: employment and gross receipts; fishing regions, primary catch, and fishing gear, and size of vessel, cost, and year purchased or built.


Vol. I. Summary and Subject Statistics. Detailed final statistics for individual subjects such as size of establishments, legal form of organization, inventories, capital expenditures, gross book value of fixed assets and rental payments, fuels and electric energy and power equipment. Also includes historical summary, concentration ratios, and special reports on manufacturing activity in government establishments, shipments of defense-oriented industries, and origin of exports of manufactured products.

Vol. II. Industry Statistics. Final data for each of the 430 manufacturing industries on quantity and value of products shipped and materials consumed, cost of fuels and electric energy, capital expenditures, inventories, employment, payrolls. man-hours, value added by manufacture, horsepower of equipment, number of establishments and number of companies. Comparable figures for earlier years are included. Also includes a summary chapter and special reports on manufacturing activity in government establishments.

Vol. III. Area Statistics. For each State and the District of Columbia. Final statistics for the State, standard metropolitan statistical areas, counties, and cities with 10,000 or more inhabitants. Also includes a summary chapter and a special report on manufacturing activity in government establishments.

MC63-PR. Statistics for Puerto Rico. Final figures for number of establishments, employment, payrolls, value of shipments, value added, inventories, capital expenditures, products, and employment of production workers by quarters, distributed by industry, geographic area, and tax status of establishments. ducted jointly with the Puerto Rico Planning Board.



MIC63(1)-1 to 7. Subject Reports. Each report contains detailed final statistics for an individual subject, as size of establishment; employment and related statistics; type of operations; fuels, electric energy, and supplies; and horsepower. MIC63(1)-10A to 14F. Industry Reports. Final figures for each of 50 mineral industries and 13 subindustries on quantity and value of products shipped and supplies used, quantity and cost of fuels and electric energy purchased and the quantities produced and consumed, capital expenditures, employment, payrolls, man-hours, cost of contract work, cost of purchased machinery, value added in mining, horsepower of equipment, number of establishments, and number of companies. Comparable figures for earlier years are included.

MIC63(2)-1 to 49. Area Statistics. For each State and geographic division, data on number of establishments, value of shipments and receipts, number of employees, man-hours, wages and salaries, cost of supplies, and capital expenditures, by counties and industries.


Vol. I. Passenger Transportation Survey. Part 1-National Travel. Travel characteristics, including means of transportation, purpose, distance, and duration of trip, family income and other characteristics of travelers, type of lodging, etc., and cross-classifications of these data. Part 2-Home-to-Work Travel. Characteristics of work commuters, by distance to work, means of transportation, distance to nearest public transportation, one-way fare, etc. Vol. II.

Truck Inventory and Use Survey. Truck statistics for the U.S., the 9 Geographic Divisions, the 50 States, and the District of Columbia. Data are presented for motor trucks by year model, size class, load length or capacity, body and vehicle type, major use, driver man-hours, type of fuel, truck fleets, area of operation, etc.

Vol. III. Commodity Transportation Survey. Book 1 contains data for commodity groups with emphasis on traffic patterns of specific commodities; Book 2 presents commodity flow data on separate shipper groups which are general classes of industrial establishments_engaged primarily in manufacturing products shipped outside the local area. Data on tons and ton-miles of shipments are shown by distance, weight, commodity description, origin and destination of shipment.

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