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No. 661.


[See also Historical Statistics, Colonial Times to 1957, series X 330-347]

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1 For 1950, average yield on taxable bonds due or callable after 15 years; thereafter, on those due or callable in 10 years or more. Data from Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System.

2 1940 and 1950, estimated yields prevailing on highest grade issues in first quarter of year; thereafter, in February only. Data for 1940 to 1955, from National Bureau of Economic Research; thereafter, Scudder, Stevens and Clark.

3 More than usually liable to error. 4 February 1967 data.

Number of issues beginning September 1966; number varies for earlier years.

Yields based on number of stocks and determined from average of median yields as follows: 1940, 15 stocks, 9 yields; 1950 to 1965 (July), 14 stocks, 8 yields; beginning August 1965, 10 stocks, 8 yields. Issues converted to a price equivalent to $100 par and a 7 percent annual dividend before averaging.

7 Yields are obtained by dividing the average per-share dividend by the average per-share price in each group. Includes also stocks for fire insurance companies and N. Y. banks, and 1 additional public utility (see footnote 9, table 660).

Source: Dept. of Commerce, Office of Business Economics (except as noted). Monthly data in Survey of Current Business. For original sources, see table stub.

No. 662. SECURITIES-Net Change in Corporate SecURITIES OUTSTANDING: 1940 TO 1966

[In millions of dollars. Covers estimated cash transactions only. New issues exclude foreign and investment companies, and include sales of securities held by affiliated companies, special offerings to employees, and also new stock issues and cash proceeds connected with conversions of bonds into stocks. Retirements include the same types of issues, and also securities retired with internal funds or with proceeds of issues for that purpose. See Historical Statistics, Colonial Times to 1957, series X 363-365, for related but not comparable data]

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Source: Securities and Exchange Commission. Quarterly in Statistical Bulletin.

No. 663. SECURITIES-NEW SECURITIES OFFERED FOR SALE: 1940 To 1966 [In millions of dollars. Estimated gross proceeds are derived by multiplying principal amounts or number of units by offering prices, except for municipal issues where principal amount is used. Covers substantially all new issues of securities offered for cash sale in United States in amounts over $100,000 and with terms of maturity of more than 1 year. Includes privately placed and publicly offered issues, unregistered issues, and those registered under Securities Act of 1933. See also Historical Statistics, Colonial Times to 1957, series X 355, X 359-362 and X 372]

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- Represents zero.

X Not applicable.

"Extractive" and "Commercial and other" included with "Manufacturing"; and "Communication" and "Other transportation" included with "Electric, gas, and water." and other."

2 "Extractive" included with "Commercial

Source: Securities and Exchange Commission; Annual Report. Monthly data in Statistical Bulletin.

No. 664. STOCK OWNERSHIP-CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAREOWNERS: 1956 To 1965 [In thousands. Includes outlying areas, most members of the Armed Forces, citizens living abroad, and minor children. Represents all publicly owned issues of common and preferred stocks. Based on national probability samples; see source for detailed explanation]

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Adults only; excludes minors and persons living outside conterminous U.S. not classified by sex.
2 Excludes small number not classified.

Shareowners whose stock holdings are registered in accordance with the Gifts to Minors Statutes.
Source: New York Stock Exchange, New York, N.Y.; Census of Shareowners, 1956, 1959, 1962, and 1965.


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Source: New York Stock Exchange, New York, N.Y.; 1965 Census of Shareowners-Shareownership U.S.A.

No. 666. LIFE INSURANCE IN FORCE AND PERSONAL INCOME: 1930 TO 1966 [Prior to 1960, excludes Alaska and Hawaii. Covers life insurance with life insurance companies only. "Families" includes families, subfamilies, and unrelated individuals; see definitions, p. 3]

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Source: Institute of Life Insurance, New York, N.Y. (Based on data from The Spectator, Insurance Yearbook; Institute of Life Insurance, Life Insurance Fact Book; and Dept. of Commerce, Office of Business Economics.)

No. 667. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES-SUMMARY: 1940 to 1966 [Money figures in millions of dollars. Prior to 1960, excludes Alaska and Hawaii. Covers domestic and foreign business of U.S. companies. See also Historical Statistics, Colonial Times to 1957, series X 435 and X 441-468]

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NA Not available. 1 Includes $1,928 million group life insurance for Federal employees. ? Includes servicemen's group life insurance of $28 billion.

The rate is the ratio of the number of policies lapsed or surrendered (for cash, extended term, or reduced paidup insurance), less reinstatements, to the mean number of policies in force.

Beginning 1950, total income and payments to policyholders include data on operations of accident and health departments of life insurance companies; since these data not shown separately, components do not add to totals. Beginning 1955, accidental death benefits included with death payments.

For all years, business of accident and health departments of U.S. life insurance companies included in "Liabilities" and "Capital and surplus"; beginning 1950, also included in "Policy dividends" and "Policy reserves." 7 Includes cash, policy loans, collateral loans, due and deferred premiums, due and accrued investment income, and all other assets.

Rates are calculated before deducting any Federal income taxes.

Source: Institute of Life Insurance, New York, N.Y. Based on data from Life Insurance Fact Book and from the Spectator, Philadelphia, Pa., Insurance Yearbook.

No. 668. LIFE INSURANCE IN FORCE: 1900 To 1966

[In millions of dollars. As of December 31. Prior to 1960, excludes Alaska and Hawaii. Represents all life insurance in force on the lives of residents of U.S. whether issued by U.S. or foreign companies. See also, Historical Statistics, Colonial Times to 1957, series X 436-440]

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Source: Institute of Life Insurance, New York, N.Y. Based on data from Life Insurance Fact Book and from the Spectator, Philadelphia, Pa., Insurance Yearbook.

No. 669.


[Number in thousands; value in millions of dollars. See headnote, table 6681

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1 Includes group credit certificates.

? Insures borrower to cover loans in case of death.

Source: Institute of Life Insurance, New York, N.Y.; Life Insurance Fact Book.

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