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Austria Continued.
Refugees, status of (1933), final act:
sig., 52: 17
Renunciation of war (1928): adh.,
6: 5; 7: 3; 21: 7; 29: 7
Reparation Commission, 11: 12
Reparations, between creditor pow-
ers and (1930): rat., 11: 12
Saint-Germain (1919): judicial deci-
sion, 21: 8; 24: 12

Sanitary aviation (1933): rat., 69: 13
Spitsbergen, sovereignty of Norway
over (1920): adh., 7: 5; 30: 9
Statistics, economic (1928):
rat., 19: 18; 20: 11

res. by Netherlands, 43: 24 Submarine cables (1884): party, 64: 19

Tariff truce (1933): adh., 46: 11; 47: 12

Telecommunication (1932) and an


sig., 40: 31, 32; 43: 26
app., 55: 18

rat., 57: 20; 66: 14

Telecommunications, radiotelegraph

(1927): rat., 1: 27

Versailles treaty, amendment to art. 393: rat., 58: 23

Visa fees (U. S.): 28: 23

Wheat agreement (1933): sig., 49: 8
Wheat Conference (1933), 47: 10
Women and children, traffic in (1921):
party, 27: 5; 68: 9

Women of full age, traffic in (1933):
sig., 50: 8

Austro-German Customs Union, judicial decision, 21: 8; 24: 12



traffic (Pan American,

Signature, 13: 18

Text, 13: 20


Dominican Republic, 36: 11; 59: 17

Honduras, 59: 17

Mexico, 28: 22; 29: 18; 59: 17 Aviation, aerial carriers, unification of rules re liability of, 43: 18

Aviation, Aerial Legal Experts. International Technical Committee of (C. I. T. E. J. A.):

Advisory Committee to American section, 61: 12

American members of, 34: 12; 52: 18; 61: 12

Commissions, 34: 13; 36: 6; 62: 10;
66: 7

Organization of, 34: 12
Sessions of:

fifth, 1930, 19: 11

sixth, 1931, 40: 18

seventh, 1932, 34: 14; 36: 6; 47:


ninth, 1934, 62: 9; 66: 7 tenth, 1935, 62: 10; 66: 7

[blocks in formation]

protocol of June 15, 1929:


Czechoslovakia, 4: 9

Japan, 10: 10

Netherlands, 1: 17

Poland, 3: 5

Rumania, 4: 9
Siam, 9: 10
Sweden, 3: 5

Union of South Africa, 1: 17
Yugoslavia, 4: 9

list of, 10: 10; 15: 14; 46: 8 Ratifications:

Belgium, 7: 8
Bulgaria, 23: 12
Chile, 41: 11

Czechoslovakia, 26: 8
Denmark, 2: 7; 3: 5
France, 3: 5

Greece, 17: 10; 23: 12
Irish Free State, 9: 10
Japan, 31: 10
Netherlands, 25: 12
Poland, 25: 12
Portugal, 7: 8
Rumania, 16: 9

Saar Basin Territory, 3: 5
Sweden, 13: 10
Uruguay, 46: 7
Yugoslavia, 23: 12

list of, 10: 10; 15: 14; 46: 8 Effective, 46: 7

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Aviation, aerial transportation (1929):

procès-verbal of deposit, 40: 19
Czechoslovakia, 63: 18; 65: 9
Germany, 52: 18

Great Britain, 42: 12; 44: 13
Italy, 42: 12

Netherlands, 48: 10

Sweden, 58: 13; 59: 8
Switzerland, 59: 8

U. S. S. R., 61: 13

Parties to, 42: 12; 68: 13

British dependencies, 44: 13; 65: 9
Danzig, 68: 13

French Colonies, including French
Indochina, 50: 11

India, 63: 18

Liechtenstein, 58: 13

Mexico, 44: 13; 54: 9

Southern Rhodesia, 65: 10

U. S., 57: 12; 59: 7

Text, 54: 17

Aviation, aircraft,

salvage of:


1934 draft, 66: 7; text, 66: 21


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Aviation, insurance, 66: 7

Aviation, law, private air, interna-

tional conferences on:

First, 19: 11; 43: 18

Second, 43: 18

Third, 19: 11; 43: 17; 47: 11
Fourth, 62: 10; 66: 7

Aviation, mortgages, other real securi-
ties, and aerial privileges:

1931 draft, 40: 18; text, 40: 33
Aviation. See also Sanitary aviation.

Bacteriological methods of warfare. See


Arbitral awards, foreign (1927): adh.,
22: 20; 31: 13

Arbitration clauses in commercial
matters (1923): party, 31: 13
Aviation, aerial transportation
(1929): adh., 65: 10

Aviation, operation of civil aircraft
(U.S., Great Britain, 1935): to
apply to, 67: 21

Aviation, pilot licenses (U.S., Great
Britain, 1935): to apply to, 67:

Aviation. See also Sanitary Avia-

Copyright, revision of convention of

Berne (1928): rat., 25: 14; 50: 14
Navigation, bills of lading (1924):
rat., 19: 13

Postal, money orders (U.S., 1922),

26: 11

Postal, universal (1929): rat., 20: 9
Sanitary aviation (1933): adh.,



Telecommunications, radiotelegraph

(1927): adh., 13: 17 Women and children, traffic in (1921): party, 27: 6


Aviation, aerial transportation (1929): adh., 65: 10

Aviation, operation of civil aircraft (U.S., Great Britain, 1935): to apply to, 67: 21

Aviation, pilot licenses (U.S., Great Britain, 1935): to apply to, 67: 21

Aviation. See also Sanitary aviation.

Copyright, revision of convention of Berne (1928): rat., 25: 14; 50: 14

Navigation, bills of lading (1924): adh., 19: 13

Postal, money orders (U.S., 1922), 26: 11

Postal, universal (1929) and subagreements: rat., 20: 9; 20: 10 Sanitary aviation: adh., 67: 12 Telecommunications, radiotelegraph (1927): adh., 13: 17

Women and children, traffic in (1921), 27: 6 Basutoland:

Copyright, revision of convention of
Berne (1928): rat.,

50: 14

25: 15;

[blocks in formation]


Arbitration (Great Britain): Special

agreement for arbitration in the case of Oscar Chinn, 56: 1; 67:48 Arbitration (U.S., 1929), 17: 2; rat., 10: 1; 11: 2

Aviation, aerial navigation (1919) protocol, June 15, 1929: rat., 7: 8; 10: 10; 15: 14; 46: 8 Aviation, aerial navigation (1919) protocol Dec. 11, 1929: sig, and rat., 15: 15; 41: 10; 46: 9 Aviation, aircraft, precautionary attachment of (1933): sig., 53: 21 Aviation, certificates of airworthiness (U.S., 1932), 28: 20; 38: 12; denounced, 54: 8; 55: 8 Aviation, damages caused by aircraft to third parties on the surface (1933): sig., 53: 21 Aviation, International Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Experts, 9th Session, 62: 10 Aviation. See also Sanitary aviation.

Berlin, revision of act of 1885 (1919): rat., 20: 3

res. by U.S., 24: 12

Bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques, conference for the unification of laws on (1931): final act sig., 21: 15

Bills of exchange and promissory notes, conflicts of laws (1930): sig., 10: 16

[blocks in formation]


Commerce, reciprocal trade (BelgoLuxemburg Economic UnionU.S., 1935):

intention, 60: 10

sig., 65: 14; 66: 8

proclaimed, 67: 21; 69: 19
duties, 67: 28; 68: 14

Conciliation (U.S., 1929), 17:2; 35:1 rat., 10: 1; 11: 2

commission, 25: 1; 26: 1; 37: 1 Copyright, convention of Berne

(1886): party, 11: 9

Copyright, protocol (1914): rat., 11: 11

Copyright, revision of convention of
Berne (1908): rat., 11: 10
Counterfeiting currency (1929):
rat., 34: 15

res. by Poland, 61: 15

Customs formalities, simplification of (1923), 1: 25

Disputes, pacific settlement of

(1928): adh., 11: 1; 18: 1; 64: 3 Economic barriers, lowering of (1932): sig., 37: 7

Extradition, supplementary (U.S., 1935), 69: 12

Films, educational (1933): sig., 50: 5; 56: 14 Financial

assistance (1930): sig.,

15: 9 Flora and fauna, preservation of in their natural state, (1933): sig., 52: 31

German reparations, Lausanne agreement, July 9, 1932, 34: 15; text, 34: 22

Hides and skins, exportation of (1928): party, 23: 13 Hospital ships (1904): party, 35: 6 Industrial property, conference for revision of convention of 1925 (1934): 57: 15

Industrial property, protection of (1925): party, 18: 12

Labor, children, employment in industry (1919): 39: 13 Labor, children, in nonindustrial employment (1932): 58: 21 Labor, weight of packages transported by vessels (1929): rat., 58: 21 Labor, women, employment at night (1919): 39: 12

Labor, workmen's compensation for occupational diseases (1925): 39: 13

Labor, workmen's compensation in agriculture (1921): 39: 12 Labor, young persons, night work in industry (1919): 39: 13

Labor Organization, International, member, 59: 13

Lausanne Agreement, July 9, 1932, 34: 15, 22

League of Nations, member, 60: 3

Memorials (U.S., 1929):

rat., 4: 13; 7: 13
registered, 11: 18

Monetary and Economic Conference, 43: 21

Narcotic drugs (1931):

sig., 22: 9; 22: 11; 28: 17 rat., 43: 13

res. by Japan, 61: 9

Narcotic drugs, illicit traffic (U.S.): 24: 16

Nationality, conflicts of laws on (1930): sig., 19: 6

Nationality, military obligations in cases of double nationality (1930): sig., 19: 6 Nationality, statelessness, protocol re case of (1930): sig., 19: 6 Nationality, statelessness, special protocol re (1930): sig., 16: 3; 19: 6

Navigation, bills of lading (1924): rat., 17: 19; 18: 15 Navigation, collisions at sea (1910): sig. and rat., 18: 16 Navigation, immunities of govern

ment vessels (1926): sig., 18: 16 Navigation, liabilities of shipowners (1924): rat., 17: 20; 18: 14 Navigation, load line (1930): sig.,

11: 13

Navigation, (1930): rat., 30: 15 sig., 22: 25

[blocks in formation]

Navigation, maritime liens and mortgages (1926): rat., 17: 19; 18: 15

Navigation, maritime ports (1923): party, 23: 16; 36: 10

Navigation, maritime signals (1930): rat., 30: 15 sig., 22: 25

Navigation. See also Safety of life at sea.

Oslo convention. See Commerce, economic agreement.

Permanent Court of International Justice, art. 36 (optional clause), 6: 3

Permanent Court of International Justice, protocol of accession of the United States (1929): rat., 26: 2

Permanent Court of International Justice, protocol of revision (1929):

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Prisoners of war (1929): rat., 32: 8
Radiotelegraph. See Telecommuni-

Refugees, status of (1933): sig., 52:
17; 56: 16

Relief union (1927): 31: 9
Renunciation of war (1928): rat.,
6: 5; 7: 3; 21: 6; 29: 6
Safety of life at sea (1929): helm
orders, 22: 11

Sanitary aviation (1933):
sig., 54: 9

res. by U.S., 54: 10
Spitsbergen, sovereignty of Norway
over (1920): adh., 30: 9
Submarine cables (1884): party,
64: 19

Tariff truce (1933), 44: 15; 47: 12;
denounced, 50: 12

Telecommunication (1932) and an-


sig., 40: 31; 43: 26

rat., 52: 29; 54: 16; 66: 14
Telecommunications, radiotelegraph
(1927): rat., 1: 27

Versailles, amendment to art. 393
(1922): rat., 58: 23

Visa fees (U.S.), 28: 23

Wheat agreement (1933): sig., 49: 8
Wheat Conference (1933): 47: 10
Women and children, traffic in
(1921): party, 27: 5; 68: 9
Women of full age, traffic in (1933):
sig., 50: 8

Wounded and sick, amelioration of
the condition of, in time of
war (1929):

authorized societies, 47: 5
rat., 32: 8

Belgo-Luxemburg Economic Union:
Commerce, agreement to refrain from

invoking most favored - nation
clause (1934): sig., 66: 11; 68: 19
Commerce, economic agreement
(Oslo convention, 1930): sig.,
15: 17

Commerce, reciprocal trade (U.S.,

intention, 60: 10

sig., 65: 14; 66: 8

proc., 67: 21; 69: 19

duties, 67: 28; 68: 14

Berlin, revision of Act of 1885 (1919):


[blocks in formation]

Berlin, revision of Act of 1885--Con.
Reservation by U.S., 24: 12; 60: 4
Judicial decision, 56: 2; 67: 48

Aviation, aerial transportation (1929):
adh., 65: 10

Aviation, civil aircraft (U.S., Great
Britain): to apply to, 67: 21
Aviation, pilot licenses (U.S., Great
Britain): to apply to, 67: 21
Aviation. See also Sanitary avia-

Copyright, revision of convention of
Berne (1928): rat., 25: 14;

50: 14

Navigation, bills of lading (1924):
adh., 19: 13

Postal, money orders (U.S., 1907):
26: 11

Postal, universal (1929) and sub-
agreements: rat., 20: 9
Sanitary aviation (1933): adh.,
67: 12

Telecommunications, radiotelegraph
(1927): adh., 13: 17

Bills of exchange, promissory notes and
cheques, conference on (1930),
10: 14; conventions adopted,

10: 15

Bills of exchange, promissory notes
and cheques, conference on (1931),
16: 9

Conventions adopted, 21: 15
Final act, 24: 62

Bills of exchange and promissory notes,
conflicts of laws (1930):
Signatories, 10: 16; 12: 13

Austria, 37: 10
Belgium, 37: 10
Denmark, 36: 8
Finland, 37: 10
Germany, 49: 13
Greece, 24: 21
Italy, 37: 10
Japan, 37: 10
Netherlands, 36: 8
Norway, 36: 8
Portugal, 58: 19
Sweden, 36: 8

Switzerland, 37: 10
Effective, 49: 14; 50: 15
Adherence, Monaco, 54: 13

Bills of exchange and promissory notes,
stamp laws (1930):

Signatories, 10: 16; 12: 13

Austria, 37: 10

Belgium, 37: 10

Denmark, 36: 8

Finland, 37: 10

Germany, 49: 13

Italy, 37: 10

Japan, 37: 10

Netherlands, 36: 8

Norway, 36: 8

Portugal, 58: 19

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