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This work, or treatise more properly speaking, is published with the hope that it may be of service in determining some of the many questions arising in the interpretation of treaties of commerce and navigation. With "most favored nation treatment” in one form or another as the basis of nearly all international commercial engagements, it follows naturally that misunderstandings as to the scope and meaning of this term are of frequent occurrence. The author's experience in the practical working of international law has led him to realize the need of some work on this subject, and while he by no means entertains the hope that his own may be accepted as authoritative, he believes that the citations, given at length, will save the time and labor of the investigator.

The decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, universally conceded to be of the highest authority, are a mine of the principles of international law governing commerce and the commercial relations of states. This is the result, not only of the high standing of that tribunal, but of the conditions attendant upon the union of sovereign states, now forty-five in number, which have ceded to the federal government the power to regulate commerce among them and with foreign countries. These decisions containing the clearest definitions of commerce, navigation, imports, exports, etc., have been freely quoted.

The author begs to acknowledge his indebtedness to the officials of the Department of State of the United States by whose courtesy he was allowed access to the archives of the Department. He also avails himself of this occasion to express his thanks to the members of the Executive Committee of the Association of the Bar of New York City for the privilege of using the Association's excellent library.

PARIS, July 3, 1901.


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Ho. Ex. Doc., - Con., -Sess. House of Representatives, Ex

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Sen. Ex. Doc., Con.,-Sess. Senate Executive Document,

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